Wings_of Cancer_Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Wings_of Cancer_Kennels

LockedNM WoCKS 'Atta Girl WinryChihuahua18
LockedNR WoCKS Big 'Ol BennyAfricanis17
LockedFor StudASc WoCKS Big Bad WolfGerman Shepherd Dog1642
LockedNO WoCKS Big Comet NovaGerman Shepherd Dog112
LockedNH WoCKS Bright Blue JayBorder Collie17
LockedPnD WoCKS Bright Shining RubyBorder Collie828
LockedJPnSh BriocheDalmatian719
LockedFor StudJAHu WoCKS Cup of ChocolateBorder Collie1340
LockedANFl WoCKS Dance Like WhitneyBorder Collie519
LockedPnRO WoCKS Early Light DawnPapillon1030
LockedPnT WoCKS Elegant Little PrincessAmerican Cocker Spaniel1133
LockedNP WoCKS Fancy Lady AllaireEnglish Cocker Spaniel112
LockedPnFr WoCKS Fast Fire EmberMudi1134
LockedNR WoCKS Fast Like LightningGreyhound19
LockedFor StudJPnM WoCKS Fat Boy SamsonChihuahua521
LockedPnSh WoCKS Feisty Little TacoChihuahua1133
LockedFor StudANRO WoCKS Genius Mage GenusPapillon418
LockedJASh WoCKS Ghosts Go BooChihuahua1545
LockedFor StudNSh WoCKS Good Boy TexBorder Collie114
LockedNFl WoCKS Good Investigator VelmaCardigan Welsh Corgi316
LockedFor StudAH WoCKS Good Old BlueMudi1647
LockedNT WoCKS Gotta Love LucyGerman Shepherd Dog113
LockedANFl WoCKS Great Growing BlossomBorder Collie519
LockedFor StudANSc WoCKS Hard Hitter HowieGerman Shepherd Dog518
LockedAFl WoCKS Hear That CowbellAustralian Koolie1849
LockedNA WoCKS Hot Chocolate MintBorder Collie316
LockedJAH WoCKS Jazzy Girl TrixieCardigan Welsh Corgi1440
LockedFor StudANHu WoCKS Jumped Up PabloPapillon518
LockedJPnA WoCKS Knight of ZaphiasGreyhound622
LockedNFl WoCKS Lightning Fast NyxGreyhound18
LockedNH WoCKS Little Red OpalBorder Collie17
LockedFor StudARO WoCKS Long Running ChampBorder Collie1952
LockedND WoCKS Lovely Lady IsabellaDalmatian113
LockedFor StudJASh WoCKS Minion of TremblesPapillon1442
LockedFor StudJAO WoCKS Mischievous God LokiDalmatian1338
LockedFor StudIPnP WoCKS Mountain of ZeusAustralian Koolie725
LockedANFl WoCKS Nature's Own FaunaAfricanis419
LockedFor StudJPnFT WoCKS Nifty Boy RexBrittany622
LockedFor StudASc WoCKS Night Shadows SmokeGerman Shepherd Dog2054
LockedFor StudJPnW WoCKS Ocean God PoseidonGerman Shepherd Dog418
LockedFor StudPnM WoCKS Old Potato SpudCardigan Welsh Corgi1028
LockedFor StudJPnT WoCKS One Shot ArcherChihuahua621
LockedFor StudPnSc WoCKS Playful Little JesterGerman Shepherd Dog1030
LockedJPnA WoCKS Pop Up DaisyDalmatian725
LockedNH WoCKS Puppy 1Mudi17
LockedPuppy 1Cardigan Welsh Corgi114
LockedPuppy 1Australian Koolie113
LockedPuppy 1German Shepherd Dog113
LockedPuppy 2Border Collie115
LockedPuppy 2Border Collie114
LockedPuppy 3Dalmatian112
LockedPuppy 4English Cocker Spaniel114
LockedPuppy 5Border Collie115
LockedPuppy 6Carpathian Shepherd112
LockedFor StudASh WoCKS Ray of Light SalixPapillon1954
LockedNRO WoCKS Red Faced RobinAmerican Cocker Spaniel19
LockedNH WoCKS Red Furred GingerBorder Collie17
LockedFor StudPnFr WoCKS Roaring Like SimbaAfricanis1132
LockedNA WoCKS Rock Hard SteelChihuahua18
LockedNSh WoCKS Shooting Star GinAfricanis17
LockedNSh WoCKS Sleek Furred OtterAfricanis17
LockedFor StudJPnSh WoCKS Small Little PepeChihuahua621
LockedFor StudPnHT WoCKS Smart Boy GenesisEnglish Cocker Spaniel1133
LockedNFr WoCKS Soft Little BunnyAmerican Cocker Spaniel18
LockedJASh WoCKS Spicy Little PepperPapillon1542
LockedFor StudANFl WoCKS Spotty Boy DotsGerman Shepherd Dog518
LockedAPnH WoCKS Strength of AthenaAustralian Koolie1337
LockedFor StudJAR WoCKS Striking Little WispGreyhound1646
LockedFor StudPnH WoCKS Super Mad MaxBorder Collie1232
LockedJPnM WoCKS Sweet Girl CassieAmerican Cocker Spaniel621
LockedPnM WoCKS Sweet Little BellaPapillon1130
LockedJPnFl WoCKS Sweet Little FaunaMudi522
LockedFor StudJPnRO WoCKS Sweet Old OliverBrittany622
LockedIPnH WoCKS Sweet Princess PeachGerman Shepherd Dog1030
LockedNW WoCKS Swift Little MinnowBrittany19
LockedNSh WoCKS Taking Flight KrestelChihuahua19
LockedNP WoCKS The Great KingBrittany19
LockedJPnSh WoCKS The Ice QueenAmerican Cocker Spaniel521
LockedFor StudJAR WoCKS The King JuliusAfricanis1544
LockedJAO WoCKS The Little DoeGerman Shepherd Dog1442
LockedFor StudAPnHT WoCKS The Navigator PrinceBrittany1134
LockedFor StudAPnA WoCKS Tough Guy BusterGreyhound1234
LockedIPnSc WoCKS Ultra Ray VioletGerman Shepherd Dog825
LockedANH WoCKS Warrior Canine OkamiBorder Collie520
LockedNSh WoCKS Wild Growing FernAmerican Cocker Spaniel18
LockedAH WoCKS Wild Little FillyCardigan Welsh Corgi1953
LockedChH | EEEE | agiagi spdagi | 11 HH | 1.033Mudi4386
JAP Jake 1Border Collie14707
JAP Lee 1German Shepherd Dog15707
JAP Liam 1German Shepherd Dog15707
JAH Lyla 1German Shepherd Dog15707
APnH Morgan 1German Shepherd Dog15707
Puppy 1Carpathian Shepherd1756
Puppy 1Dalmatian1753
WoCKS Puppy 12Carpathian Shepherd1771
MM ChD SoCoK Silver Spotted TrickDalmatian41472

Game Time

01:43pm on Mar 5

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