Hazy Morning Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Hazy Morning Kennels

Locked11|0, 4E, lala, Int/Spd (intspd spdspd - 3xSpd), Male, Piebald CarrierPembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked11|1, 3E, Lla, stmstm spdagi (2xStm), MalePembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked11|3, 2E, Lla, Spd/Spd (2xSpd), FemalePetit Basset Griffon Vendeen16
LockedJPnT HMK 12|2, 2E, Lla, strstm strspd (2xStr), Female, Chocolate, Dilution CarrierBasset Hound718
Locked12|3, 2E, Lla, Cha/Cha (chaspd chaint - 2xCha), FemalePetit Basset Griffon Vendeen16
Locked13|1, 3E, Lla, Int/Stm, intagi agistm (2xAgi), Male, Piebald CarrierPembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked14|0, 4E, lala, agiint agiagi (Agi/Agi - 3xAgi), Male, Piebald CarrierPembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked14|0, 4E, Lla, intint stragi (Agi/Int - 2xInt), FemalePembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked14|0, 4E, Lla, spdint intagi (Int/Int - 2xInt), FemalePembroke Welsh Corgi16
LockedJPnT HMK 14|0, 4E, Lla, strstm strspd (2xStr), Male, Chocolate and Dilution CarrierBasset Hound617
Locked15|0, 4E, Ll, stmspd spdstm (2xStm, 2xSpd), Female, Piebald CarrierPembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked15|1, 3E, lala, intint intagi (Agi/Int - 3xInt), MalePembroke Welsh Corgi16
LockedJPnT HMK 16|0, 4E, lala, chastr stragi (2xStr), Female, Dilution CarrierBasset Hound617
Locked16|1, 3E, lala, intint agiagi (Agi/Int - 2xAgi, 2xInt), Female, Piebald CarrierPembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked17|0, 4E, lala, intint agiagi (Agi/Int - 2xAgi, 2xInt), FemalePembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked17|0, 4E, Lla, intint intagi (Agi/Int - 3xInt), Female, Piebald CarrierPembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked17|1, 3E, lala, agiint agiagi (Agi/Int - 3xAgi), Female, Piebald CarrierPembroke Welsh Corgi16
Locked9|1, 3E, LL, Int/Spd, spdcha intstr, FemalePetit Basset Griffon Vendeen16
LockedJPnH HMK 9|2 - Female - lla - Int/Stm - BrindleCardigan Welsh Corgi512
Locked9|2, 2E, LL, Cha/Str, FemalePetit Basset Griffon Vendeen16
LockedNFr HMK 9|4, 2E, Ll, Agi/Cha, Female, Yellow/CreamLabrador Retriever111
LockedHMK Deathly HallowsPembroke Welsh Corgi16
LockedNH HMK Draft of Living Death (M*)Pembroke Welsh Corgi16
LockedNA HMK Felix Felicis (M*)Pembroke Welsh Corgi16
LockedWCO HMK Helaina StNorwich Terrier64110
LockedUCH HMK Nairobi [12|2]Swedish Vallhund93101
LockedWCH HMK Namibia [11|2]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedUCH HMK Nantucket [9|4]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedUCH HMK Nashville [8|3]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedUCH HMK Nazareth [16|1]Swedish Vallhund93101
LockedUCH HMK Nebraska [16|4]Swedish Vallhund94101
LockedUCH HMK Nepal [15|2]Swedish Vallhund93101
LockedWCH HMK Nevada [11|3]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedUCH HMK Newark [13|5]Swedish Vallhund93101
LockedUCH HMK Niagara [11|1]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedWCH HMK Nicaragua [11|4]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedWCH HMK Nicosia [8|2]Swedish Vallhund91101
LockedUCH HMK Nigeria [12|4]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedUCH HMK Nirvana [12|2]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedWCH HMK Nome [6|2]Swedish Vallhund91101
LockedWCH HMK Norway [11|1]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedUCH HMK Nubia [7|0]Swedish Vallhund92101
LockedWCH HMK Nunavut [8|5]Swedish Vallhund90101
LockedWCH HMK Nuremberg [11|4]Swedish Vallhund91101
LockedUCH HMK Nyala [11|2]Swedish Vallhund91101
LockedHMK Order of the PhoenixPembroke Welsh Corgi16
LockedUCHu HMK Phoenix [18|1]Miniature Dachshund96102
LockedChHu HMK Pippa // 24HH // lala // EEEEMiniature Dachshund4266
LockedICHu HMK Saber [16|1]Miniature Dachshund103102
LockedFor StudWCA PiiB Shortie 1.548xDachshund75101
LockedUCHu HMK Tank [15|1]Miniature Dachshund99102
LockedUCHu HMK Wharf [19|2]Miniature Dachshund100101
10|1, 3E, LL, Agi/Stm, FemaleCardigan Welsh Corgi11523
10|2, 2E, LL, agiagi stmagi (3xAgi), MaleRussell Terrier11587
10|3, 2E, LL, intagi stragi (2xAgi), FemaleRussell Terrier11587
11|0, 4E, Lla, Stm/Str, FemaleMiniature Dachshund11523
12|0, 4E, Lla, Agi/Agi (2xAgi, 2xSpd), Female, BrindleCardigan Welsh Corgi11523
12|0, 4E, Lla, Spd/Spd (2xSpd), FemaleSwedish Vallhund11523
12|1, 3E, Lla, agiint intspd (2xInt), FemaleCardigan Welsh Corgi11523
12|1, 3E, Lla, spdspd intstm (2xSpd), MaleCardigan Welsh Corgi11523
13|0, 4E, Lla, agistm intagi (Agi/Agi - 2xAgi), MaleCardigan Welsh Corgi11523
13|1, 3E, Lla, spdspd spdagi (Spd/Spd - 3xSpd), Female, MerleCardigan Welsh Corgi11523
13|2, 3E, LL, Cha/Str (agicha chastr - 2xCha), FemaleMiniature Dachshund11523
14|2, 3E, lala, intspd intstm (Int/Int - 2xInt), MaleCardigan Welsh Corgi11523
15|0, 4E, lala, agiagi intspd (Agi/Spd - 2xAgi), MaleCardigan Welsh Corgi11348
15|0, 4E, lala, Spd/Spd (3xSpd), MaleSwedish Vallhund11348
HMK 15|1, 3E, lala, Agi/Cha (agicha agistm), Female, BrindleCardigan Welsh Corgi11348
15|1, 3E, lala, spdagi chaspd (Agi/Spd - 2xSpd), FemaleCardigan Welsh Corgi11348
15|1, 3E, LL, stmint spdint (Int/Int - 2xInt), Male, Dilution CarrierSwedish Vallhund11348
15|1, 3E, Lla, intint intcha (Int/Int - 3xInt), Male, Cream, Dilution CarrierSwedish Vallhund11348
15|1, 3E, Lla, spdspd intspd (3xSpd), Female, MerleCardigan Welsh Corgi11348
16|0, 4E, LL, Agi/Stm (2xAgi, 2xStm), Male, w/ White, Cream CarrierSwedish Vallhund11348
16|2, 3E, LL, intagi agistr (2xAgi), Agi/Agi, MaleCardigan Welsh Corgi11348
HMK 18|3, 2E, lala, Agi/Cha (2xAgi), Female, Fawn and WhiteCardigan Welsh Corgi11348
7|1, 3E, lala, chastm strstr (2xStr), FemaleMiniature Dachshund11523
7|2, 2E, LL, Spd/Str, Male, Brindle Chocolate w/ Cream PtsDachshund11348
8|3, 2E, LL, agiagi strstm (2xAgi), MaleRussell Terrier11587
9|2, 2E, LL, Cha/Cha (2xCha), FemaleMiniature Dachshund11523
MA HMK A Thousand Honors[sisp]Cardigan Welsh Corgi333409
ICHu HMK Acorn [14|2]Basset Hound99868
UCHu HMK Ahi [7|4]Basset Hound94868
UCHu HMK Aioli [10|0]Basset Hound97868
UCHu HMK Akee [7|4]Basset Hound94868
ICHu HMK Alfalfa [14|1]Basset Hound99868
UCHu HMK Almond [9|1]Basset Hound97868
UCHu HMK Amaretto [8|1]Basset Hound96868
ICHu HMK Ambrosia [16|1]Basset Hound99868
WCH WCM HMK AmortentiaPembroke Welsh Corgi781803
UCHu HMK Anchovy [11|4]Basset Hound95868
WCT HMK And Now His Watch Is EndedCardigan Welsh Corgi891582
ICHu HMK Anise [17|1]Basset Hound99868
UCT HMK Anjou [10|2]Basset Hound94868
UCT HMK Antipasto [6|4]Basset Hound94868
UCHu HMK Apple Orchard [12|2]Miniature Dachshund921121
UCT HMK Applejack [16|2]Basset Hound96868
UCT HMK Apricot [14|3]Basset Hound96868
WCFl HMK Arctis TorSwedish Vallhund861599
UCT HMK Artichoke [4|2]Basset Hound94868
UCT HMK Arugula [11|3]Basset Hound94868
UCT HMK Asiago [10|5]Basset Hound93868
UCT HMK Asparagus [8|3]Basset Hound93868
UCT HMK Aspic [10|5]Basset Hound95868
UCT HMK Avocado [13|1]Basset Hound96868
HMK BabylonSwedish Vallhund11335
HMK BackpackMiniature Dachshund11511
UCHu HMK Bacon [9|3]Basset Hound95764
HMK BaffleMiniature Dachshund11511
HMK BagpipesMiniature Dachshund11511
UCHu HMK Baguette [14|3]Basset Hound96764
HMK BahamasSwedish Vallhund11335
HMK BahrainSwedish Vallhund1882
HMK BairikiSwedish Vallhund11335
UCHu HMK Baklava [11|3]Basset Hound95764
HMK BakuSwedish Vallhund1882
HMK BalaclavaMiniature Dachshund11511
HMK BaldricMiniature Dachshund11511
HMK BaliSwedish Vallhund1882
HMK BalkanSwedish Vallhund1882
HMK BallistaMiniature Dachshund11511
HMK BalloonMiniature Dachshund11511
HMK BalsamMiniature Dachshund11511
NHu HMK BananaBasset Hound11587
HMK BandanaMiniature Dachshund11511
HMK BandolierMiniature Dachshund11510
HMK BanjoMiniature Dachshund11510
UCHu HMK Bannock [11|3]Basset Hound96764
HMK BarbadosSwedish Vallhund11335
HMK BarbicanMiniature Dachshund11510
HMK BarcelonaSwedish Vallhund1882
HMK BarrowMiniature Dachshund11510
UCHu HMK Basil [15|4]Basset Hound95764
HMK BasketMiniature Dachshund11510
HMK BasraSwedish Vallhund11335
WCH HMK Battle GroundSwedish Vallhund911398
HMK BaubleMiniature Dachshund11510
HMK BavariaSwedish Vallhund1882
HMK BayouMiniature Dachshund11510
HMK BazaarMiniature Dachshund11510
HMK BeachMiniature Dachshund11509
HMK BeaconMiniature Dachshund11509
HMK BeakerMiniature Dachshund11509
UCHu HMK Bean [15|2]Basset Hound98764
HMK BeanieMiniature Dachshund11509
HMK BeaumontSwedish Vallhund11335
UCHu HMK Beignet [7|1]Basset Hound95764
HMK BeiraSwedish Vallhund11335
HMK BelfryMiniature Dachshund11509
HMK BellowsMiniature Dachshund11505
HMK BeretMiniature Dachshund11505
HMK BerkleySwedish Vallhund11335
HMK BermudaSwedish Vallhund11335
UCHu HMK Berry [9|2]Basset Hound95764
HMK BethlehemSwedish Vallhund1882
WCFl JPnT HMK Beyond the WallCardigan Welsh Corgi801759
HMK BharatSwedish Vallhund1882
HMK BiloxiSwedish Vallhund1882
HMK BirminghamSwedish Vallhund11335
NT NFl HMK BiscuitBasset Hound11708
UCHu HMK Biscuit [12|0]Basset Hound96764
UCHu HMK Bisque [10|2]Basset Hound95764
HMK BivouacSwedish Vallhund1882
WCH HMK Black CourtSwedish Vallhund811712
UCFl HMK Blackwater BayCardigan Welsh Corgi881381
UCFl HMK Blood of My BloodCardigan Welsh Corgi931381
WCH HMK Blood RitesSwedish Vallhund891398
WCT HMK Blue BeetleSwedish Vallhund811705
NRO HMK BlueberryBasset Hound11707
UCT HMK Bock [14|2]Basset Hound96764
WCT HMK Bologna [8|3]Basset Hound92764
UCA HMK BoneaSwedish Vallhund881498
UCT HMK Book of the StrangerCardigan Welsh Corgi871481
UCT HMK Bordeaux [15|4]Basset Hound94764
UCT HMK Bourbon [9|2]Basset Hound93764
UCT HMK Bran [14|3]Basset Hound95764
NHu HMK BreadBasset Hound11707
UCH HMK Breaker of ChainsCardigan Welsh Corgi851582
WCT HMK Brie [16|4]Basset Hound93764
WCT HMK Brioche [7|2]Basset Hound93764
UCT HMK Brisket [7|2]Basset Hound92764
NHu HMK BroccoliBasset Hound11706
WCFl HMK Broken ThingsCardigan Welsh Corgi811726
UCHu HMK Bun in the Oven [7|2]Miniature Dachshund881121
UCT HMK Burrito [9|1]Basset Hound95764
NSh HMK ButterBasset Hound11707
WCT HMK Butternut [7|2]Basset Hound93764
WCFl HMK C2Cardigan Welsh Corgi643109
HMK CabanaMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CabooseMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CaddyMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CafeMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CairoSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK CalabriaSwedish Vallhund1864
HMK CalcuttaSwedish Vallhund1854
HMK CalderaMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CaliforniaSwedish Vallhund1864
HMK CaliperMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CalvarySwedish Vallhund1863
HMK CambriaSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK CamelotSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK CameoMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CanadaSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK CanberraSwedish Vallhund1864
HMK CancunSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK CandelabraMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CannonMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CanoeMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CanteenMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CanterburySwedish Vallhund1863
UCFl HMK CapiorcorpusSwedish Vallhund871498
HMK CaracasSwedish Vallhund1864
HMK CarafeMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CarolinaSwedish Vallhund1864
HMK CarouselMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CasablancaSwedish Vallhund1864
HMK CascadeMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CasketMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CassockMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CastileSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK CastleMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CatamaranMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CatapultMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CauldronMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CellophaneMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CentrifugeMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CeramicMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK ChablisSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK ChadSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK ChaffMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK ChaletMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK ChaliceMiniature Dachshund11496
WCFl HMK Chamber of the Painted TableCardigan Welsh Corgi891381
HMK ChampagneSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK ChandelierMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK ChariotMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK CharlestonSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK CharlotteSwedish Vallhund1854
HMK ChasmMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK ChateauMiniature Dachshund11496
HMK ChattanoogaSwedish Vallhund1863
WCH HMK ChaunzaggorothSwedish Vallhund891498
HMK CheckersMiniature Dachshund11493
HMK ChemiseMiniature Dachshund11493
HMK ChesterSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK CheyenneSwedish Vallhund1863
HMK ChicagoSwedish Vallhund1864
WCP HMK Chichen ItzaSwedish Vallhund801712
HMK ChiffonMiniature Dachshund11493
HMK ChipMiniature Dachshund11493
NCRO HMK Chocolate ChipsBasset Hound511586
WCFl HMK Clegane's KeepCardigan Welsh Corgi881381
WCH HMK Cold DaysSwedish Vallhund881398
HMK ColimaSwedish Vallhund1864
HMK ColombiaSwedish Vallhund1863
UCHu HMK Corner Niche [15|6]Miniature Dachshund871222
UCHu HMK Cumulonimbus [11|3]Miniature Dachshund881222
HMK DaggerMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DahnaSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DairenSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DakotaSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DallasSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DamascusSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DamaskMiniature Dachshund11477
WCHT PiiB Dance 1.470xFinnish Spitz76674
HMK DanderMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DanzigSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DartMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DarwinSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DawsonSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DaytonSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DaytonaSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DeadboltMiniature Dachshund11477
WCH HMK Death MasksSwedish Vallhund821599
UCA HMK Death MasksSwedish Vallhund881398
HMK DecanterMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DeclivityMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DecorMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DecoyMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DellMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DelphiSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DeltaMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DemeraraSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DemijohnMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DemitasseMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DenMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DenaliSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DenimMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DenmarkSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DenverSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DepotMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DerbyMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DerringerMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DesktopMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DetonatorMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DetourMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DeviceMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DevonSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DiademMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DiagramMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DialMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DiamondMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DiaphragmMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DiaryMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DieselMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DijonSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DimeMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DinghyMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DiodeMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DioramaMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DipperMiniature Dachshund11477
HMK DixieSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DobrichSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DodgeSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DodomaSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DohaSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DominicaSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DonetskSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DorisSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DortmundSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DoualaSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DoverSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DresdenSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DubaiSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DublinSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DubrovnikSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DuchySwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DuluthSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DurangoSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DurhamSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK DusseldorfSwedish Vallhund1837
HMK EarldomSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EarmuffMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EarplugMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EarringMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EarthMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EaselMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EastSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK Eau ClaireSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EavesMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EchelonMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EchogramMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EcuadorSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EdenSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EdificeMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EdinburghSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EdirneSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EdmontonSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EdoSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EelamSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EffigyMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EgadiSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EgisMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EgyptSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EhadhamenSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EindhovinSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EireSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EjectorMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK El PasoSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK ElasticMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK ElbowMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK ElectricMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK ElectronMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK ElementMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK ElevatorMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK ElisabethvilleSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EllisSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EmbankmentMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EmbassyMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EmberMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EmblemMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EmbroideryMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EmirateSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EmpireSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EmporiumMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EnamelMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EngineMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EnglandSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EnidSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EnsembleMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EnsignMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EnvelopeMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EpauletteMiniature Dachshund11459
HMK EphesusSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EpirusSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK ErieSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK ErinSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EritreaSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK ErivanSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EsfahanSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EspanaSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EssexSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EstoniaSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EthiopiaSwedish Vallhund1783
UCFl HMK EthniuSwedish Vallhund861498
HMK EtruriaSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EugeneSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EurekaSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EuropaSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EverestSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EvergladesSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK EyrieSwedish Vallhund1783
HMK FabricMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FacadeMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FaeroeSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FaisalabadSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FalchionMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FalklandSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FanMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FargoSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FarmMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FarmingtonSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FaubourgSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FaucetMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FavorMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FayettevilleSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FebrifugeMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FederationSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FedoraMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FeifdomSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FeltMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FenMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FenceMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FenderMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FengtienSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FerraraSwedish Vallhund1766
UCA HMK FerrovaxSwedish Vallhund891498
HMK FerruleMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FezMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FezSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FiberMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FiddleMiniature Dachshund11446
HMK FiddlestickMiniature Dachshund11446
NT NA HMK Field of Fire (F*)Cardigan Welsh Corgi11523
HMK FifeMiniature Dachshund11446
UCHu HMK Figments and Oddments [13|6]Miniature Dachshund911121
HMK FijiSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FilamentMiniature Dachshund11445
HMK FiligreeMiniature Dachshund11445
UCHu HMK Finding Neverland [12|2]Miniature Dachshund901222
HMK FineryMiniature Dachshund11445
HMK FinlandSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FireMiniature Dachshund11444
UCHu HMK Fire Opal [7|7]Miniature Dachshund891121
HMK FirecrackerMiniature Dachshund11443
HMK FirenzeSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FirkinMiniature Dachshund11442
HMK FirmamentSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FirthMiniature Dachshund11441
HMK FishSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FishnetMiniature Dachshund11441
UCFl HMK Fist of the First MenCardigan Welsh Corgi901381
HMK FlagstaffSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FlandersSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FlintSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FloddenSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FlorenceSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FloridaSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FocusSwedish Vallhund1766
WCFl HMK Fool MoonSwedish Vallhund831705
HMK FormosaSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK Fort LauderdaleSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK Fort MeadSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK Fort MyersSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK Fort SmithSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK Fort WayneSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK Fort WorthSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FountainheadSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FranceSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FrankfurtSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FrederickSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK French PolynesiaSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FresnoSwedish Vallhund1766
UCT HMK Freydis GardSwedish Vallhund871498
HMK FrieslandSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FrisiaSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FrontierSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FrunzeSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FujiSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK FujiyamaSwedish Vallhund1766
HMK GableMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GadgetMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GaffMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GageMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GainesvilleSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GalapagosSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GalatiaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GalileeSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GalleonMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GalleyMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GallowaySwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GallowsMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GalvestonSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GambiaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GangplankMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GardenMiniature Dachshund11431
WCFl HMK Garden of BonesCardigan Welsh Corgi881381
HMK GargoyleMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GarlandMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GarlandSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GarroteMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GarterMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GarySwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GasketMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GaulSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GauntletMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GauzeMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GazaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GazeboMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GearMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GemMiniature Dachshund11431
HMK GeminiSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GenevaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GenoaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GeodeMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GeorgetownSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GeorgiaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GermanySwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GettysburgSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GeyserMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GhanaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GhentSwedish Vallhund1750
UCA HMK Ghost StorySwedish Vallhund881398
HMK GibbetMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GibraltarSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GigMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GilaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GilbertSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GiltMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GimbalMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GimmickMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GinghamMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GirderMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GirdleMiniature Dachshund11430
HMK GizmoMiniature Dachshund11429
HMK GladeSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GlasgowSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GlassMiniature Dachshund11429
HMK GlenMiniature Dachshund11429
HMK GloucesterSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GlyphMiniature Dachshund11429
HMK GoaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GobiSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GobletMiniature Dachshund11429
HMK GogglesMiniature Dachshund11429
UCHu HMK Gold Nugget [15|1]Miniature Dachshund891222
WCH HMK Golden CrownCardigan Welsh Corgi821726
HMK GoldsboroSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GolgothaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GomaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GomorrahSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GorkiSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GranadaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK Grand RapidsSwedish Vallhund1750
ICA HMK Grave PerilSwedish Vallhund931398
HMK GrazSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK Great BritainSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GreeceSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GreenlandSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GreenwichSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GrenobleSwedish Vallhund1750
WCH HMK Grey GhostSwedish Vallhund901498
HMK GroznySwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GuadalajaraSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GuamSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK GuatemalaSwedish Vallhund1750
HMK HabitMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HacksawMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HaftMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HaifaSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HaitiSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HalberdMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HalifaxSwedish Vallhund1736
WCA HMK Hall of FacesCardigan Welsh Corgi891381
HMK HalleSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HamburgSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HamiltonSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HamletSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HammerMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HammockMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HampshireSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HandbagMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HandkerchiefMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HankMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HannibalSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HanoiSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HarborMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HarlemSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HarmonicaMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HarpoonMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HarpsichordMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HarrowMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HaspMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HatchMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HatchetMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HattiesburgSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HauberkMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HavanaSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HavenSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HaversackMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HawaiiSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HazardMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HeaddressMiniature Dachshund11417
CCH GCA HMK Hear Me RoarCardigan Welsh Corgi623735
HMK HeartMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HearthstoneMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HeathSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HedgerowMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HelenaSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HelicopterMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HelixMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HelmetMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HelsinkiSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HemMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HeraldMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HersheySwedish Vallhund1736
UCHu HMK Hidden Oasis [7|5]Miniature Dachshund881121
WCH HMK High SparrowCardigan Welsh Corgi821582
HMK HillockMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HiloSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HiltMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HingeMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HiroshimaSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HispaniolaSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HitchMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HobMiniature Dachshund11417
HMK HobartSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HodeidaSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HoganMiniature Dachshund11416
HMK HogsheadMiniature Dachshund11416
WCA HMK Holidays with HagsPembroke Welsh Corgi791698
HMK HollandSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HollowMiniature Dachshund11416
HMK HollywoodSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HolsterMiniature Dachshund11415
UCHu HMK Holy Obelisk [13|2]Miniature Dachshund931121
HMK HomespunMiniature Dachshund11415
HMK HondurasSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HonoluluSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HonshuSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HosepipeMiniature Dachshund11414
HMK HoustonSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HullSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HungarySwedish Vallhund1736
HMK HuntingtonSwedish Vallhund1736
HMK IbadanSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IberiaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IcacoBasset Hound11560
HMK IceBasset Hound11560
HMK IceMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK Ice CreamBasset Hound11560
HMK Ice Cream CakeBasset Hound11560
HMK Ice Cream FloatBasset Hound11560
HMK Ice Cream SandwichBasset Hound11558
HMK Ice MilkBasset Hound11560
HMK Ice PopBasset Hound11560
HMK Ice WineBasset Hound11560
HMK Iceberg LettuceBasset Hound11560
HMK Iced CocoaBasset Hound11558
HMK Iced CoffeeBasset Hound11560
HMK Iced LatteBasset Hound11560
HMK Iced TeaBasset Hound11559
HMK IceeBasset Hound11560
HMK IcelandSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IcingBasset Hound11560
HMK Icing SugarBasset Hound11560
HMK IconMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IdahoSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK Idaho PotatoBasset Hound11560
HMK IdiyappamBasset Hound11560
HMK IdliBasset Hound11560
HMK IdolMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IglooMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IgnitionMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IlamaBasset Hound11560
HMK IliumSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IllinoisSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IlluminationMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IllustrationMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IllyriaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK ImageMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ImitationMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ImmunityMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ImpasseMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ImpedimentMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ImperialMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ImperiumSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK ImportMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ImpressionMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ImprintMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ImprovisationMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK Inca BerryBasset Hound11560
HMK IncendiaryMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK InchonSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IncineratorMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IndependenceSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IndiaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK Indian MustardBasset Hound11560
HMK Indian SquashBasset Hound11560
HMK IndianaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IndianapolisSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IndonesiaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK InductorMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IndusMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK InebriantBasset Hound11560
HMK InfernoSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK InfieldMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK InfirmaryMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IngotMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK InkwellMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK InlayMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK InnMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK InputMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK InsbruckSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK InsetMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK Instant NoodlesBasset Hound11560
HMK Instant OatmealBasset Hound11560
HMK InstrumentMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IntaglioMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IntercomMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IntergalacticSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK InterlakenSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK InternetMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK InterstateMiniature Dachshund11384
UCHu HMK Into the Oubliette [9|5]Miniature Dachshund911121
HMK InventionMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IodineMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK Iodized SaltBasset Hound11560
HMK IonMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IoniaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IonosphereSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IowaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IpecacMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IpodMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IranSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IraqSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IrelandSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IrisMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK Irish CoffeeBasset Hound11560
HMK Irish CreamBasset Hound11560
HMK Irish Soda BreadBasset Hound11560
HMK IronMiniature Dachshund11384
UCA HMK Iron IslandsCardigan Welsh Corgi901381
HMK IroncladMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IrredentaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IschiaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IsfahanSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IslamabadSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IslandMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IslaySwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IsleMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IsobarSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IsraelSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IssueMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK IstanbulSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IsthmusMiniature Dachshund11384
HMK ItaliaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK Italian BreadBasset Hound11560
HMK Italian DressingBasset Hound11559
HMK Italian IceBasset Hound11560
HMK Italian SausageBasset Hound11559
HMK ItalySwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IthakiSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK IthicaSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK Ivory CoastSwedish Vallhund1720
HMK Iwo JimaSwedish Vallhund1720
PnH HMK JabalpurSwedish Vallhund10700
HMK JaboticabaBasset Hound11546
IPnHu HMK JacketMiniature Dachshund101364
HMK Jacket PotatoBasset Hound11546
HMK JackfruitBasset Hound11546
PnH HMK JacksonSwedish Vallhund10700
PnH HMK JaffaSwedish Vallhund10700
HMK JakBasset Hound11546
PnH HMK JakardaSwedish Vallhund10700
IPnH HMK JalalabadSwedish Vallhund10700
HMK JalapenoBasset Hound11546
IPnHu HMK JalopyMiniature Dachshund101363
HMK JamBasset Hound11546
PnH HMK JamaicaSwedish Vallhund10699
IPnHu HMK JambMiniature Dachshund101364
HMK JambalayaBasset Hound11546
HMK JambonBasset Hound11546
PnH HMK JamestownSwedish Vallhund10699
PnHu HMK JammiesMiniature Dachshund111364
PnH HMK JapanSwedish Vallhund10700
HMK Japanese PlumBasset Hound11546
PnHu HMK JarMiniature Dachshund101364
HMK JavaBasset Hound11546
IPnH HMK JavaSwedish Vallhund10700
PnHu HMK JavelinMiniature Dachshund101364
HMK JawbreakerBasset Hound11546
IPnHu HMK JeanMiniature Dachshund101364
IPnH HMK JeddahSwedish Vallhund10700
IPnHu HMK JeepMiniature Dachshund101364
PnH HMK JeffersonSwedish Vallhund10700
HMK JelloBasset Hound11546
HMK Jello PuddingBasset Hound11546
HMK JellyBasset Hound11546
HMK Jelly BeanBasset Hound11546
HMK Jelly DonutBasset Hound11546
HMK JellyrollBasset Hound11546
IPnH HMK JerevanSwedish Vallhund10700
PnH HMK JerezSwedish Vallhund11700
PnH HMK JerichoSwedish Vallhund10699
HMK Jerk ChickenBasset Hound11546
PnHu HMK JerkinMiniature Dachshund101364
HMK JerkyBasset Hound11546
PnHu HMK JerseyMiniature Dachshund101363
IPnH HMK JerseySwedish Vallhund10700
PnH HMK JerusalemSwedish Vallhund10700
HMK Jerusalem ArtichokeBasset Hound11546
IPnHu HMK JetMiniature Dachshund101364
IPnHu HMK JettyMiniature Dachshund101363
PnHu HMK JewelMiniature Dachshund101364
PnH HMK JiddaSwedish Vallhund10700
PnHu HMK JigMiniature Dachshund101363
PnHu HMK JigsawMiniature Dachshund101363
IPnHu HMK JimdandyMiniature Dachshund101364
IPnH HMK JinjaSwedish Vallhund10700
IPnHu HMK JobMiniature Dachshund101363
PnHu HMK JoggleMiniature Dachshund101363
IPnH HMK JohannesburgSwedish Vallhund10700
HMK JohnnycakeBasset Hound11546
IPnH HMK JohnsonSwedish Vallhund10700
PnH HMK JohorSwedish Vallhund11700
IPnHu HMK JoistMiniature Dachshund101363
PnHu HMK JokerMiniature Dachshund101364
PnHu HMK JollyMiniature Dachshund101363
HMK Jolly RancherBasset Hound11545
PnH HMK JonesboroSwedish Vallhund10700
HMK JookBasset Hound11546
PnHu HMK JookMiniature Dachshund101364
IPnH HMK JoppaSwedish Vallhund10700
IPnH HMK JordanSwedish Vallhund10700
HMK Jordan AlmondBasset Hound11546
IPnHu HMK JossMiniature Dachshund101364
IPnHu HMK JournalMiniature Dachshund101364
PnH HMK JuarezSwedish Vallhund10700
PnH HMK JubbulpareSwedish Vallhund11700
IPnH HMK JudaSwedish Vallhund10700
PnHu HMK JudasMiniature Dachshund101363
IPnHu HMK JugMiniature Dachshund101364
HMK JuiceBasset Hound11546
IPnHu HMK JujuMiniature Dachshund101364
HMK JujubeBasset Hound11546
HMK JulepBasset Hound11546
HMK JulienneBasset Hound11546
HMK JumbalBasset Hound11546
HMK Jumbo ShrimpBasset Hound11545
HMK JuneberryBasset Hound11546
PnH HMK Jungle [1|0]Swedish Vallhund10700
HMK JunketBasset Hound11546
PnH HMK JunoSwedish Vallhund10699
PnH HMK JyllandSwedish Vallhund10699
HMK KabobBasset Hound11533
AH HMK KabulSwedish Vallhund21570
HMK KahluaBasset Hound11533
AH HMK KalahariSwedish Vallhund21570
AH HMK KalamazooSwedish Vallhund21570
AHu HMK KalashnikovMiniature Dachshund201346
HMK KaleBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK Kaleidoscope*Miniature Dachshund201346
AH HMK Kampala [0|1]Swedish Vallhund21570
AH HMK KanaraSwedish Vallhund20570
AH HMK KansasSwedish Vallhund21570
AHu HMK Karabiner+Miniature Dachshund201346
AH HMK Karachi [1|0]Swedish Vallhund21570
AH HMK Karbala [2|0]Swedish Vallhund22570
AH HMK Karelia [2|0]Swedish Vallhund22570
AH HMK Kasbah [2|0]Swedish Vallhund22570
HMK KashaBasset Hound11533
AH HMK KashmirSwedish Vallhund21570
HMK KavaBasset Hound11533
HMK KavakavaBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK Kayak+Miniature Dachshund201346
AHu HMK Kazoo+++Miniature Dachshund211346
HMK KebabBasset Hound11533
HMK KedgereeBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK Keel++Miniature Dachshund201345
AHu HMK KeepsakeMiniature Dachshund201346
AHu HMK Keg*++Miniature Dachshund211347
AH HMK Kennedy [1|1]Swedish Vallhund21570
AH HMK Kent [1|0]Swedish Vallhund22570
AH HMK Kentucky [1|1]Swedish Vallhund21570
AH HMK KenyaSwedish Vallhund21570
AHu HMK Kerchief+Miniature Dachshund201345
HMK KetchupBasset Hound11533
HMK KetembillaBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK Kettle*Miniature Dachshund201346
AHu HMK KeyMiniature Dachshund201346
AHu HMK KhakiMiniature Dachshund201347
AHu HMK KhanMiniature Dachshund201346
HMK KibbleBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK Kibble+Miniature Dachshund201346
HMK KickshawBasset Hound11533
HMK Kidney BeanBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK Kilt*Miniature Dachshund201346
AH HMK KimberlySwedish Vallhund21570
AHu HMK Kimono+Miniature Dachshund201346
WCH WCT HMK King's LandingCardigan Welsh Corgi741787
AHu HMK King+Miniature Dachshund201346
HMK KingsroadCardigan Welsh Corgi11523
AHu HMK Kiosk+Miniature Dachshund201346
HMK KipperBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK KirkMiniature Dachshund201347
HMK KirschBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK Kirtle+Miniature Dachshund201345
HMK KishkeBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK KitMiniature Dachshund201346
HMK KitambillaBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK Kite++Miniature Dachshund201346
AHu HMK Kitsch+Miniature Dachshund201345
AHu HMK Kivu+Miniature Dachshund201346
HMK KiwiBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK KlaxonMiniature Dachshund201347
AH HMK Klondike [1|0]Swedish Vallhund21570
HMK KnackwurstBasset Hound11533
AHu HMK Knickerbockers*Miniature Dachshund201346
HMK KohlrabiBasset Hound11532
AHu HMK Koop+Miniature Dachshund201347
AH HMK KoreaSwedish Vallhund21570
AH HMK KosovoSwedish Vallhund20570
AH HMK KovnaSwedish Vallhund21570
HMK KumquatBasset Hound11532
MHu HMK LabyrinthMiniature Dachshund281315
MHu HMK Lace+Miniature Dachshund291315
MHu HMK Lacquer++Miniature Dachshund291315
UCA NT HMK Lady MormontCardigan Welsh Corgi831726
PnHu HMK LadyfingerBasset Hound111514
WCH HMK Lafayette [8|4]Swedish Vallhund71654
PnT HMK LagerBasset Hound111514
MHu HMK Lager+*Miniature Dachshund281315
WCH HMK Lagos [13|1]Swedish Vallhund72654
MHu HMK Laguna+++Miniature Dachshund291315
PnHu HMK LambchopBasset Hound101514
WCH HMK Lanai [12|7]Swedish Vallhund71654
WCH HMK Lancashire [9|2]Swedish Vallhund71654
MHu HMK Lance+++Miniature Dachshund291315
MHu HMK Lantern+Miniature Dachshund291315
MHu HMK Lariat+*Miniature Dachshund281315
PnHu HMK LasagnaBasset Hound101514
WCA HMK LascielSwedish Vallhund851498
MHu HMK LassoMiniature Dachshund281315
PnT HMK LatteBasset Hound101514
MHu HMK Lattice++**Miniature Dachshund291315
WCH HMK Latvia [8|5]Swedish Vallhund70654
MHu HMK Launchpad++Miniature Dachshund281315
MHu HMK Laurel+Miniature Dachshund291315
WCH HMK Lausanne [6|2]Swedish Vallhund70654
WCH HMK Lawton [9|3]Swedish Vallhund70654
MHu HMK Leaf++Miniature Dachshund291315
WCH HMK Lebanon [9|2]Swedish Vallhund72654
MHu HMK Lederhosen+++Miniature Dachshund291315
WCH HMK Leicester [9|3]Swedish Vallhund71654
MHu HMK Lem+Miniature Dachshund291315
IPnT HMK LemonBasset Hound101514
MHu HMK Lena++Miniature Dachshund291315
WCH HMK Leon [14|2]Swedish Vallhund72654
MHu HMK Levee++Miniature Dachshund281315
WCH HMK Lhasa [6|4]Swedish Vallhund70654
WCH HMK Liberia [10|2]Swedish Vallhund72654
WCH HMK Libra [6|2]Swedish Vallhund70654
WCH HMK Libya [6|1]Swedish Vallhund72654
IPnT HMK LicoriceBasset Hound101514
UCHu HMK Light the Nacelles [10|4]Miniature Dachshund881222
MHu HMK Lightning++Miniature Dachshund301315
WCH HMK Lima [8|3]Swedish Vallhund70654
IPnT HMK LimeBasset Hound101514
WCH HMK Limerick [12|3]Swedish Vallhund72654
MHu HMK Limo++Miniature Dachshund281315
MHu HMK Linen+++**Miniature Dachshund291315
PnT HMK LinguineBasset Hound111514
MHu HMK LintelMiniature Dachshund281315
PnHu HMK LiquorBasset Hound101514
WCH HMK Lithuania [10|3]Swedish Vallhund71654
WCH HMK Livonia [5|6]Swedish Vallhund70654
WCHu HMK Loch Ness [7|1]Miniature Dachshund861222
MHu HMK LocketMiniature Dachshund301315
IPnHu HMK LoganberryBasset Hound101514
IPnHu HMK LollipopBasset Hound101514
WCH HMK Lombardia [5|2]Swedish Vallhund71654
UCHu HMK Look at Miss Ohio [13|3]Miniature Dachshund911121
MHu HMK Loom++Miniature Dachshund291315
WCFl NFl WCT HMK Lord of LightCardigan Welsh Corgi721798
WCH HMK Lord SnowCardigan Welsh Corgi811715
WCH HMK Lorraine [11|0]Swedish Vallhund72654
MHu HMK Lozenge+Miniature Dachshund291315
WCH WCP HMK LumosPembroke Welsh Corgi741891
WCHu HMK Mac [7|2]Miniature Dachshund751324
AHu HMK MacadamiaBasset Hound211490
AHu HMK MacaroniBasset Hound221490
UCH HMK Macedonia [6|1]Swedish Vallhund88526
UCH HMK Madagascar [6|0]Swedish Vallhund90526
WCH HMK Madison [5|1]Swedish Vallhund86526
UCH HMK Madrid [6|1]Swedish Vallhund90526
WCHu HMK Magdalena [3|3]Miniature Dachshund721324
UCH HMK Malaysia [6|1]Swedish Vallhund89526
UCH HMK Mali [4|1]Swedish Vallhund89526
AHu HMK MaltBasset Hound221490
UCH HMK Manchester [6|0]Swedish Vallhund89526
WCHu HMK Mandolin [3|0]Miniature Dachshund741324
AHu HMK MangoBasset Hound201490
UCH HMK Manhattan [5|3]Swedish Vallhund88526
WCH HMK Manitoba [3|3]Swedish Vallhund85526
WCHu HMK Mannequin [6|0]Miniature Dachshund751324
WCHu HMK Mantle [5|0]Miniature Dachshund751324
WCHu HMK Maraca [4|3]Miniature Dachshund721324
UCHu HMK Marble [9|1]Miniature Dachshund771324
UCH HMK Mariana [6|1]Swedish Vallhund89526
WCHu HMK Marina [4|0]Miniature Dachshund751324
WCHu HMK Marionette [8|1]Miniature Dachshund771324
AHu HMK MarmaladeBasset Hound211490
WCHu HMK Maroon [6|1]Miniature Dachshund751324
WCHu HMK Marquee [4|1]Miniature Dachshund751324
WCHu HMK Marsh [6|1]Miniature Dachshund761324
AT HMK MarshmallowBasset Hound211490
AHu HMK MarzipanBasset Hound211490
WCHu HMK Mascara [7|0]Miniature Dachshund751324
WCHu HMK Masquerade [8|2]Miniature Dachshund751324
WCHu HMK Matchbox [7|2]Miniature Dachshund751324
WCH HMK Maui [3|2]Swedish Vallhund87526
WCHu HMK Maul [7|2]Miniature Dachshund751324
WCHu HMK Mayflower [6|1]Miniature Dachshund761324
AT HMK MeatballBasset Hound211490
UCH HMK Medina [5|1]Swedish Vallhund89526
WCHu HMK Meerschaum [4|1]Miniature Dachshund751324
UCH HMK Melbourne [6|2]Swedish Vallhund87526
AT HMK MelonBasset Hound211490
UCH HMK Memphis [5|0]Swedish Vallhund90526
WCHu HMK Menagerie [7|1]Miniature Dachshund771324
AT HMK MeringueBasset Hound201490
WCHu HMK Mesa [5|2]Miniature Dachshund751324
UCH HMK Mesa [7|1]Swedish Vallhund90526
WCH HMK Miami [6|2]Swedish Vallhund87526
UCH HMK Michigan [4|2]Swedish Vallhund88526
WCH HMK Milan [3|4]Swedish Vallhund84526
AT HMK MilkshakeBasset Hound211490
UCH HMK Milwaukee [5|2]Swedish Vallhund88526
AT HMK MimosaBasset Hound211490
WCH HMK Minnesota [5|4]Swedish Vallhund85526
WCA HMK Mirror of ErisedPembroke Welsh Corgi811698
UCHu HMK Mother Nature [16|1]Miniature Dachshund911222
UCA HMK Mother's MercyCardigan Welsh Corgi921481
UCHu HMK Mount Olympus [12|2]Miniature Dachshund921121
MHu HMK NaanBasset Hound301360
MT HMK NachosBasset Hound301362
NH HMK Name PendingSwedish Vallhund11348
Name PendingSwedish Vallhund11348
UCHu HMK Napkin Ring [16|1]Miniature Dachshund901222
UCHu HMK Nautilus Shell [8|5]Miniature Dachshund881222
UCHu HMK Nectar of the Gods [15|2]Miniature Dachshund891222
MHu HMK NectarineBasset Hound301361
WCHu HMK Needle in a Haystack [6|3]Miniature Dachshund851222
WCHu HMK Niagara Falls [8|3]Miniature Dachshund861222
UCHu HMK Nicknack Paddywhack [12|2]Miniature Dachshund891222
UCHu HMK Nile River [11|1]Miniature Dachshund891222
MT HMK NipaBasset Hound301361
MT HMK NogBasset Hound301362
MHu HMK NoodleBasset Hound301361
UCHu HMK Nooks and Crannies [13|0]Miniature Dachshund881222
MT HMK NoriBasset Hound301360
UCHu HMK Normal Parameters [11|2]Miniature Dachshund871222
MHu HMK NoshBasset Hound301362
MHu HMK NougatBasset Hound301363
MT HMK NutBasset Hound301362
MT HMK NutellaBasset Hound301362
MHu HMK NutmegBasset Hound301362
UCHu HMK Oars Up the River [8|2]Miniature Dachshund891121
UCH HMK OathbreakerCardigan Welsh Corgi891481
UCA HMK OathkeeperCardigan Welsh Corgi861582
WCHu HMK Oatmeal [5|1]Basset Hound761369
WCT HMK Oblias [6|0]Basset Hound771369
UCHu HMK Ocarina of Time [14|2]Miniature Dachshund921121
UCHu HMK Ocean's Eleven [12|3]Miniature Dachshund901121
WCHu HMK Okra [9|0]Basset Hound761369
WCT HMK Okroshka [7|0]Basset Hound771369
WCFl HMK Old ValyriaCardigan Welsh Corgi871381
WCHu HMK Oleo [9|0]Basset Hound771369
UCHu HMK Olive Oil [7|1]Miniature Dachshund911121
WCHu HMK Olive [3|0]Basset Hound741369
WCHu HMK Omelette [6|0]Basset Hound761369
WCT HMK Onigiri [3|1]Basset Hound751369
WCHu HMK Onion [2|1]Basset Hound731369
WCT HMK Ookali [3|4]Basset Hound721369
WCHu HMK Oolong [4|0]Basset Hound761369
UCHu HMK Opera Singer [10|5]Miniature Dachshund911121
UCHu HMK Oracle of Delphi [8|7]Miniature Dachshund881121
UCHu HMK Orange You Glad [12|2]Miniature Dachshund921121
WCHu HMK Orange [4|2]Basset Hound731369
WCT HMK Ordo LebesSwedish Vallhund871599
WCT HMK Oregano [4|0]Basset Hound741369
WCT HMK Oreo [3|1]Basset Hound741369
UCHu HMK Organza Silk [22|2]Miniature Dachshund941121
UCHu HMK Orion's Belt [16|5]Miniature Dachshund931121
WCT HMK Orzo [6|0]Basset Hound751369
WCT HMK Ossobuco [6|0]Basset Hound751369
UCHu HMK Ouija Board [9|3]Miniature Dachshund901121
UCHu HMK Paisley [6|1]Miniature Dachshund921020
UCHu HMK Pan [11|1]Miniature Dachshund921020
UCHu HMK Pancake [17|0]Basset Hound911267
UCHu HMK Papaya [7|4]Basset Hound851267
UCHu HMK Paprika [11|6]Basset Hound861267
UCHu HMK Parfait [9|2]Basset Hound891267
UCHu HMK Parka [6|4]Miniature Dachshund891020
UCHu HMK Parsnip [10|3]Basset Hound881267
UCHu HMK Patch [12|3]Miniature Dachshund901020
UCA HMK Peace TalksSwedish Vallhund841599
UCHu HMK Peacemaker [13|3]Miniature Dachshund911020
UCHu HMK Peach [6|5]Basset Hound861267
UCHu HMK Peanut [14|2]Basset Hound901267
UCHu HMK Pearl Necklace [9|1]Miniature Dachshund871222
UCHu HMK Pebble [13|1]Miniature Dachshund921020
WCT HMK Pecan [8|4]Basset Hound861267
UCHu HMK Penny [8|2]Miniature Dachshund911020
WCT HMK Pepper [7|5]Basset Hound851267
UCHu HMK Perseus [10|0]Miniature Dachshund921020
WCT HMK Persimmon [5|2]Basset Hound871267
UCHu HMK Pesto [10|1]Basset Hound881267
UCHu HMK Philarmonic Orchestra [9|5]Miniature Dachshund881121
UCHu HMK Piccolo [10|0]Miniature Dachshund921020
UCHu HMK Pickle [11|4]Basset Hound871267
UCHu HMK Pie [10|1]Basset Hound901267
UCHu HMK Pie [12|2]Miniature Dachshund931020
UCHu HMK Pigment [11|4]Miniature Dachshund921020
WCT HMK Pilaf [8|6]Basset Hound861267
WCT HMK Pimento [8|1]Basset Hound871267
UCHu HMK Pinata [9|2]Miniature Dachshund921020
UCT HMK Pirogi [18|2]Basset Hound901267
WCT HMK Pistachio [8|3]Basset Hound871267
WCT HMK Pita [15|1]Basset Hound901267
UCHu HMK Pixel [7|4]Miniature Dachshund881020
UCHu HMK Plateau [9|3]Miniature Dachshund901020
UCHu HMK Plum [13|2]Miniature Dachshund941020
UCT HMK Plum [17|3]Basset Hound921267
UCHu HMK Pocket [8|2]Miniature Dachshund911020
HMK Pointy EndCardigan Welsh Corgi11523
UCHu HMK Polaris [10|4]Miniature Dachshund901020
WCH WCT HMK Polka Will Never DieSwedish Vallhund731898
WCA HMK Polyjuice PotionPembroke Welsh Corgi821698
WCT HMK Popcorn [6|1]Basset Hound891267
UCHu HMK Posy [10|4]Miniature Dachshund911020
UCHu HMK Prism [17|6]Miniature Dachshund921020
UCH HMK Proven GuiltySwedish Vallhund891398
WCH NCH WCFl HMK Queen of Air and DarknessSwedish Vallhund741840
ICHu HMK Radish [15|2]Basset Hound911166
UCHu HMK Ragout [10|4]Basset Hound901166
UCHu HMK Raiment [3|3]Miniature Dachshund97952
UCHu HMK Rainbow [2|3]Miniature Dachshund96952
UCHu HMK Raisin [13|7]Basset Hound891166
UCHu HMK Rapier [5|1]Miniature Dachshund98952
UCHu HMK Raspberry [11|6]Basset Hound891166
UCHu HMK Ratatouille [10|2]Basset Hound891166
UCHu HMK Ravioli [12|1]Basset Hound921166
UCHu HMK Reaper [7|3]Miniature Dachshund101952
WCA WCFl HMK Red WeddingCardigan Welsh Corgi791787
UCHu HMK Reed [7|0]Miniature Dachshund101952
UCHu HMK Reliquary [9|1]Miniature Dachshund102952
UCT HMK Relish [13|1]Basset Hound921166
UCHu HMK Reticule [4|0]Miniature Dachshund98952
UCHu HMK Retsina [7|3]Basset Hound881166
UCT HMK Reuben [12|1]Basset Hound921166
UCHu HMK Rhubarb [8|7]Basset Hound891166
UCHu HMK Ribbon [9|6]Miniature Dachshund98952
UCHu HMK Ricotta [11|4]Basset Hound891166
WCFl WCA HMK RiddikulusPembroke Welsh Corgi711803
UCHu HMK Riddle [5|0]Miniature Dachshund100952
UCHu HMK Riesling [8|3]Basset Hound901166
UCT HMK Rigatoni [17|4]Basset Hound911166
UCHu HMK Ringlet [5|3]Miniature Dachshund99952
UCT HMK Rioja [9|2]Basset Hound901166
UCHu HMK Riptide [4|1]Miniature Dachshund97952
UCT HMK Risotto [16|3]Basset Hound911166
UCHu HMK River [6|1]Miniature Dachshund100952
WCHT PiiB Rooftop 1.542x 4:1Great Dane74772
UCHu HMK Rook [8|2]Miniature Dachshund98952
UCT HMK Roquefort [14|1]Basset Hound921166
UCHu HMK Rose [7|0]Miniature Dachshund100952
UCT HMK Rosemary [13|4]Basset Hound911166
UCHu HMK Rouge [2|3]Miniature Dachshund95952
WCT HMK Roulade [14|5]Basset Hound901166
UCHu HMK Roulette [7|0]Miniature Dachshund99952
WCT HMK Roux [11|6]Basset Hound891166
UCHu HMK Ruffle [9|1]Miniature Dachshund100952
UCHu HMK Rum [7|0]Miniature Dachshund101952
UCHu HMK Russet [6|1]Miniature Dachshund99952
UCT HMK Rutabega [12|1]Basset Hound911166
UCHu HMK Rye [6|2]Miniature Dachshund98952
UCHu HMK Sachet [13|0]Miniature Dachshund102819
UCHu HMK Sage [14|4]Basset Hound921065
UCHu HMK Salami [10|5]Basset Hound901065
UCHu HMK Saloon [11|3]Miniature Dachshund100819
WCT HMK Salsa [11|1]Basset Hound911065
UCHu HMK Saltine [9|4]Miniature Dachshund99819
UCHu HMK Samosa [13|4]Basset Hound911065
UCHu HMK Sample [5|3]Miniature Dachshund96819
UCHu HMK Sanctum [12|6]Miniature Dachshund99819
UCHu HMK Sandal [15|3]Miniature Dachshund102819
UCHu HMK Sandwich [14|1]Basset Hound921065
UCHu HMK Sangria [7|4]Basset Hound911065
UCHu HMK Sari [12|2]Miniature Dachshund102819
UCHu HMK Sassafras [10|2]Basset Hound911065
UCHu HMK Satchel [12|4]Miniature Dachshund99819
UCHu HMK Satin [12|3]Miniature Dachshund100819
UCHu HMK Sauerkraut [12|3]Basset Hound921065
UCHu HMK Sausage [12|2]Miniature Dachshund99819
UCHu HMK Savannah [16|1]Miniature Dachshund101819
WCT HMK Scampi [12|2]Basset Hound911065
WCT HMK Schnitzel [10|5]Basset Hound911065
UCHu HMK Scrabble [13|3]Miniature Dachshund100819
WCSc PiiB Scream 1.530x 6:1Great Dane74779
UCHu HMK Seashell [10|4]Miniature Dachshund99819
UCHu HMK Sedna [8|3]Miniature Dachshund99819
UCHu HMK Semolina [10|2]Basset Hound911065
UCHu HMK Sequin [8|3]Miniature Dachshund95819
UCHu HMK Shambles [12|1]Miniature Dachshund100819
WCT HMK Sherbet [10|2]Basset Hound911065
UCHu HMK Shillelagh [15|2]Miniature Dachshund102819
UCHu HMK Shimmy [12|2]Miniature Dachshund100819
ICHu HMK Shoestring [14|3]Miniature Dachshund101819
WCT HMK Shortcake [14|4]Basset Hound911065
UCA HMK Skin GameSwedish Vallhund851398
UCA HMK Small FavorSwedish Vallhund861599
WCHu HMK Son of Neptune [9|5]Miniature Dachshund851222
UCA HMK Sons of the HarpyCardigan Welsh Corgi901481
WCT HMK Souffle [11|6]Basset Hound901065
UCT HMK Souvlaki [12|1]Basset Hound921065
UCT HMK Sprout [10|5]Basset Hound901065
UCT HMK Spud [17|1]Basset Hound921065
UCHu HMK Stellar Nebula [12|3]Miniature Dachshund881222
UCT HMK Strawberry [9|4]Basset Hound921065
UCHu HMK Streusel [6|1]Basset Hound911065
WCH HMK Summer LadySwedish Vallhund811599
UCHu HMK Sundae [12|2]Basset Hound921065
UCHu HMK Supernova [9|2]Miniature Dachshund871222
UCHu HMK Tabard [10|2]Miniature Dachshund96715
UCHu HMK Tabasco [4|5]Basset Hound901004
UCHu HMK Taffeta [12|2]Miniature Dachshund96715
UCHu HMK Taffy [5|2]Basset Hound931004
UCHu HMK Tag [13|2]Miniature Dachshund96715
UCHu HMK Tahini [10|2]Basset Hound971004
UCHu HMK Talisman [13|4]Miniature Dachshund95715
UCHu HMK Tambourine [13|3]Miniature Dachshund95715
UCHu HMK Tangerine [9|1]Basset Hound971004
UCHu HMK Tangle [9|1]Miniature Dachshund96715
UCHu HMK Tapa [7|0]Miniature Dachshund95715
UCHu HMK Tapioca [7|1]Basset Hound961004
UCHu HMK Taro [5|2]Basset Hound941004
UCHu HMK Tartan [16|1]Miniature Dachshund95715
UCHu HMK Teaberry [3|2]Basset Hound941004
UCHu HMK Teacup [8|2]Miniature Dachshund94715
UCHu HMK Teddy [10|4]Miniature Dachshund94715
UCHu HMK Tempura [6|2]Basset Hound961004
UCHu HMK Teriyaki [4|0]Basset Hound951004
UCHu HMK Terrace [15|2]Miniature Dachshund96715
UCHu HMK Thatch [17|2]Miniature Dachshund98715
NT WCA HMK The ArchiveSwedish Vallhund791748
UCFl HMK The Bear and The Maiden FairCardigan Welsh Corgi891582
UCFl HMK The Dance of DragonsCardigan Welsh Corgi931481
UCFl HMK The GiftCardigan Welsh Corgi881481
UCFl HMK The House of Black and WhiteCardigan Welsh Corgi891481
UCA HMK The Laws of Gods and MenCardigan Welsh Corgi861582
UCA HMK The Lion and The RoseCardigan Welsh Corgi881582
UCFl HMK The Red WomanCardigan Welsh Corgi871481
WCFl HMK The Wars to ComeCardigan Welsh Corgi881481
UCFl HMK The Winds of WinterCardigan Welsh Corgi881481
UCHu HMK Thimble [14|3]Miniature Dachshund97715
UCHu HMK Thunder [9|3]Miniature Dachshund94715
ICHu HMK Thyme [11|1]Basset Hound1001004
UCHu HMK Tiara [13|2]Miniature Dachshund97715
UCHu HMK Timpani [15|3]Miniature Dachshund95715
UCHu HMK Tincture [9|2]Miniature Dachshund95715
UCHu HMK Tinsel [15|4]Miniature Dachshund95715
UCT HMK Tipple [3|2]Basset Hound931004
WCT HMK Tiramisu [5|2]Basset Hound921004
UCT HMK Toast [5|3]Basset Hound941004
UCHu HMK Toboggan [12|2]Miniature Dachshund94715
WCT HMK Toffee [3|1]Basset Hound931004
WCT HMK Tofu [2|4]Basset Hound911004
WCT HMK Tortellini [3|2]Basset Hound921004
WCT HMK Tortilla [4|1]Basset Hound941004
UCT HMK Treacle [10|2]Basset Hound941004
WCT HMK Truffle [0|1]Basset Hound901004
WCH HMK Turn CoatSwedish Vallhund841599
WCT HMK Turnip [4|1]Basset Hound931004
WCFl HMK Unbowed, Unbent, UnbrokenCardigan Welsh Corgi861582
WCH WCO HMK Unfogging the FuturePembroke Welsh Corgi771832
WCP NP WCFr HMK Unseelie AccordsSwedish Vallhund711810
UCHu HMK Vagabond [4|0]Miniature Dachshund97619
WCFl HMK Valar DohaerisCardigan Welsh Corgi811715
NA HMK Vale of Arryn (M*)Cardigan Welsh Corgi11523
UCHu HMK Valise [8|1]Miniature Dachshund97619
UCHu HMK Vambrace [3|1]Miniature Dachshund95619
UCHu HMK Vector [7|1]Miniature Dachshund96619
UCHu HMK Vega [4|1]Miniature Dachshund95619
UCHu HMK Veil [5|2]Miniature Dachshund94619
UCHu HMK Velour [9|1]Miniature Dachshund100619
UCHu HMK Velveteen [6|3]Miniature Dachshund95619
WCH HMK Venatori UmbrorumSwedish Vallhund821705
UCHu HMK Venus [6|1]Miniature Dachshund95619
UCHu HMK Veranda [8|0]Miniature Dachshund97619
UCHu HMK Verge [6|1]Miniature Dachshund97619
UCHu HMK Vesper [8|0]Miniature Dachshund99619
UCHu HMK Vesta [7|1]Miniature Dachshund97619
UCHu HMK Victoria [9|1]Miniature Dachshund97619
UCHu HMK Vicuna [7|0]Miniature Dachshund98619
UCHu HMK Vignette [3|3]Miniature Dachshund94619
UCHu HMK Villa [7|1]Miniature Dachshund97619
UCHu HMK Viola [7|3]Miniature Dachshund95619
UCHu HMK Virgo [7|3]Miniature Dachshund94619
UCHu HMK Vivarium [12|1]Miniature Dachshund99619
UCA HMK Walk of PunishmentCardigan Welsh Corgi841715
UCHu HMK Warren [13|5]Miniature Dachshund97470
WCA WCT HMK Water DancerCardigan Welsh Corgi753858
UCHu HMK Waterfall [18|3]Miniature Dachshund98470
UCHu HMK Wattle [14|1]Miniature Dachshund96470
UCHu HMK Wayside [13|2]Miniature Dachshund95470
UCHu HMK Web [11|2]Miniature Dachshund96470
UCHu HMK Wedge [10|9]Miniature Dachshund94470
UCHu HMK Weft [14|1]Miniature Dachshund98470
UCA HMK What is Dead May Never DieCardigan Welsh Corgi831726
UCHu HMK Whip [17|1]Miniature Dachshund98470
UCHu HMK Whirligig [12|0]Miniature Dachshund97470
UCHu HMK Whisk [16|1]Miniature Dachshund99470
WCA HMK White CourtSwedish Vallhund811599
UCHu HMK Whitney [13|1]Miniature Dachshund98470
UCHu HMK Whizbang [8|4]Miniature Dachshund94470
UCHu HMK Wicket [16|2]Miniature Dachshund98470
UCHu HMK Widget [10|3]Miniature Dachshund97470
UCHu HMK Willow [12|0]Miniature Dachshund97470
UCHu HMK Wimple [13|4]Miniature Dachshund95470
UCHu HMK Windlass [12|1]Miniature Dachshund96470
UCHu HMK Winery [13|1]Miniature Dachshund95470
WCA WCH HMK Winter in the WeirwoodCardigan Welsh Corgi741852
WCH WCFl HMK Winter KnightSwedish Vallhund791810
UCHu HMK Wok [14|0]Miniature Dachshund97470
WCH HMK You Win or You DieCardigan Welsh Corgi811715
HMK ZagrebSwedish Vallhund1799
NA HMK ZambiaSwedish Vallhund1799
HMK ZanzibarSwedish Vallhund1799
HMK ZaragozaSwedish Vallhund1799
HMK ZariaSwedish Vallhund1799
HMK ZarqaSwedish Vallhund1799
HMK ZenithSwedish Vallhund1799
HMK ZimbabweSwedish Vallhund1799
HMK ZionSwedish Vallhund1799
HMK ZombaSwedish Vallhund1799

Game Time

12:37am on Jan 3

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