~*Carousel Kennels*~

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Dogs Bred By ~*Carousel Kennels*~

LockedExE ~**~ .EEEE KkEe/sw2 (b,at2,cch)Rat Terrier2352
LockedFor Public SaleWCFl ~**~ :: 21HH 1SPD 1.513xChart Polski77107
LockedExH ~**~ Blue Merle and White (Irish) with TickingAustralian Shepherd3271
LockedCCR ~**~ CarouselChart Polski4176
LockedUCFl ~**~ Carousel Divine Highland-12 Best of Breed-BriRi/Isab-24Borzoi8698
LockedUCH ~**~ Carousel Finesse Zipline-BriFs/Blksab-23Australian Shepherd8198
LockedUCH ~**~ Carousel Grappling Elizabeth-BriFi/Blksab-24Australian Shepherd8398
LockedCCSh ~**~ Carousel Heroine to SolarToy Fox Terrier4384
LockedUCFl ~**~ Carousel High Moon-10 Best of Breed-BriCrs/Isab-24Borzoi8899
LockedIPnFl ~**~ Carousel Przemko Stars-BriCr/Blk Sad-21Chart Polski814
LockedIPnSh ~**~ Carousel Silver Przemko-Bri Cr/Blk Griz-23, 1hhChart Polski814
LockedUCFl ~**~ Carousel Soft Greek-BriCrs/Isab-24Borzoi86100
LockedUCFr ~**~ Carousel Soft Luck Highland-BriRi/Isab-22Borzoi83100
LockedUCFl ~**~ Carousel Soft Moon-BriCxp/Isab-24Borzoi8498
LockedUCFr ~**~ Carousel Twice Divine-BriRs/Isab-23Borzoi8299
LockedExH APnA ~**~ Casablanca's Hey JudeAustralian Shepherd2863
LockedAO JPnA ~**~ Dancing SnowflakeAustralian Shepherd1833
LockedCCT ~**~ EllieBorzoi41106
LockedFor StudWCR ~**~ Goda Dagars MagiItalian Greyhound63102
LockedMH ~**~ Golden FireAustralian Shepherd3363
LockedMH ~**~ I really, really hoped I wouldn't dieAustralian Shepherd2836
LockedMFr ~**~ Keep RisingAustralian Shepherd2545
LockedFor StudAM ~**~ My Darling CarouselAustralian Shepherd2154
LockedMFr ~**~ Nensy stmx4Borzoi2963
LockedNFl ~**~ Of the BellsBorzoi18
LockedFor StudASh ~**~ OrekerPomeranian1531
LockedAA JPnH ~**~ Pointed Jimmy JonesAustralian Shepherd1833
LockedGCFr AFr ChFl A ~**~ Royal 1.525xMiniature Pinscher49100
LockedWCFl JAR ~**~ Shadow HunterBorzoi75101
LockedWCR ~**~ SIL RESCUE 01 [EEEG 14/1 STM2 lala]Silken Windhound4680
LockedAFl ~**~ SIL RESCUE 02 [EGGG 12/3 SPD-STM lala]Silken Windhound1934
LockedAH ~**~ Silver LiningAustralian Shepherd2645
LockedFor StudUCR ~**~ SymphonyItalian Greyhound6499
LockedFor StudJASh ~**~ WiFlo's Cookies 'N MilkPomeranian1161
LockedWCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Accidenal Wolverine*~Bm-24Australian Shepherd8298
LockedWCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Accidenal Twice*~Bm-24Australian Shepherd8597
LockedUCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Alert River*~Bp-23Silken Windhound8198
LockedICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Algernon Bird-12 Best of Breed*~Cp-19Pomeranian6398
LockedUCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Amazon Hammer*~BriIm/RedPts-24Australian Shepherd8098
LockedUCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Amazon Ice-4 Best of Breed*~Bs-24Australian Shepherd8698
LockedUCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Amazon Jigsaw-3 Best of Breed*~-Blki-24Australian Shepherd8897
LockedUCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Amber Jacket*~Ii-23Italian Greyhound8198
LockedUCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Arthur Fox*~Blki-24Silken Windhound8098
LockedUCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Arthur Live-24 Best of Breed*~ Is-21Silken Windhound6598
LockedWCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Arthur Vladilen Girl*~Cp-18Silken Windhound4474
LockedWCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Autumn Dust Symphony*~ IiItalian Greyhound5183
LockedWCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Autumn Spark*~*Cs-21Italian Greyhound8398
LockedUCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Bella Brook*~*Cxp-23Italian Greyhound8398
LockedWCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Blue Brook*~*Blkxp-22Italian Greyhound8098
LockedICA ~**~ ~*Carousel Blue Daylight-15 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~Bs-20Italian Greyhound6598
LockedUCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Calliope Flamed-2 Best of Sport*~BriRp/Isab-23Borzoi8098
LockedNT ~**~ ~*Carousel Crown Rani Claire*~BsDoberman Pinscher17
LockedUCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Dancefloor June-Best of Breed*~Fs-23Chart Polski7998
LockedUCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Boy Oh Boy Jigsaw*~Cs-23Australian Shepherd8098
LockedUCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Jigsaw*~~Is-24Australian Shepherd8498
LockedICM ~**~ ~*Carousel Disco Bird-14 Best of Breed-Best in Sport*~Ii-11Pomeranian6398
LockedWCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Disco Fox*~BriSi/Blksab-17Pomeranian7198
LockedUCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Dusty Cloud*~*Ii-22Italian Greyhound8198
LockedUCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Dusty Daylight-5 Best of Breed*~Crs-24Italian Greyhound8698
LockedWCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Dusty Paul Autumn*~Cp-22Italian Greyhound8098
LockedUCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Ermine Plushie*~Cmp-22Pomeranian7798
LockedWCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Finesse Elizabeth*~BriB/TanPts-24Australian Shepherd78103
LockedWCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Flamed Escapist*~BriRxp/Isab-22Borzoi7998
LockedICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Flightless Love-7 Best of Sport*~ Crmi/Cgr-21Pomeranian6498
LockedUCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Fox Heart Beach-Best of Breed*~Cri-24Silken Windhound8298
LockedWCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Frosty Dove*~Ws-23Pomeranian8098
LockedUCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Frosty Silver-12 Best of Breed *~Bp-16Pomeranian6398
LockedWCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Galaxy Bear*~Fp/CsabMask-23Pomeranian7598
LockedUCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Galaxy Ermine-3 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~Rs/Csab-22Pomeranian8698
LockedWCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Galaxy Fox-Best of Breed*~Bmp-23Pomeranian7998
LockedUCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Grappling Ziplines*~BriFi/Blksab-23Australian Shepherd80103
LockedUCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Greece Escapist*~BriF/Isab-24Borzoi8398
LockedWCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Greek Calliope*~Rxp/Isab-24Borzoi8398
LockedUCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Greek Highland Moon-4 Best of Breed*~BriR/Isab-24Borzoi8699
LockedWCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Harvest Wolf*~Bs-22Chart Polski7898
LockedUCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Hidden Arthur*~Bi-24Silken Windhound8398
LockedWCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Hidden Vladilen-12 Best of Breed*~Cs-20Silken Windhound8498
LockedUCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Hidden Vu-3 Best of Breed*~ Cs-21Silken Windhound6498
LockedWCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Ice Finesse*~BriBi/TanPts-24Australian Shepherd8298
LockedWCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Ice Rio Wolverine*~BriRi/Isab-24Australian Shepherd8397
LockedWCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Ice Shadow*~Blks-24Australian Shepherd8297
LockedWCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Ice Special*~BriCi/Rpts-23Australian Shepherd8298
LockedUCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Jasny Dove-Best of Breed*~Cs-20Chart Polski7098
LockedGCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Khazad-Dum Chambord*~BriCi/Tpts-24Australian Shepherd4467
LockedASh ~**~ ~*Carousel Left Razor 4 Bareket*~Toy Fox Terrier1831
LockedWCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Libre Stars*Best of Breed~Silver-21Chart Polski81100
LockedUCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Meska Greece Moon*~BriBi/CrPts-22Borzoi7898
LockedICM ~**~ ~*Carousel Oatmeal Algernon-15 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~Bmp-21Pomeranian6298
LockedUCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Oatmeal Fox- 2 Best of Breed*~BriIim/Tpts-20Pomeranian7498
LockedUCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Oatmeal Love-15 Best of Breed*~ Imp-22Pomeranian6598
LockedUCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Oatmeal Lulea-10 Best of Breed*~Cpm-19Pomeranian8198
LockedWCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel One Wishes*~Is-24Silken Windhound8398
LockedUCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Percival's Charmer-30 Best of Breed*~Cs/RPts-21Miniature Pinscher8698
LockedUCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Rainy Day Love*~Fp-20Pomeranian6498
LockedUCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Raisin Bran*~Rs-22Miniature Pinscher8598
LockedUCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Romeo Charm-17 Best of Breed*~Cs/TanPts-21Miniature Pinscher8398
LockedUCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Romeo's Charm*~Cs/RPts-22Miniature Pinscher8398
LockedWCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Silver Shara*~BriSilver/Blksad-20Chart Polski79100
LockedUCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Soft Divine Luck-5 Best of Breed*~BriF/Isab-21Borzoi8099
LockedWCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Spark of Daylight*~Ss-23Italian Greyhound8298
LockedUCP ~**~ ~*Carousel Storm Deja Vu*~Bsm-22Australian Shepherd7998
LockedUCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Sweet Autumn Spark-23 Best of Breed*~*Ci-21Italian Greyhound8698
LockedUCO ~**~ ~*Carousel Twice Amazon*~Cm-24Australian Shepherd8298
LockedUCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Underground Beach*~Blki-23Silken Windhound7398
LockedUCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Underground Tyauna-15 Best of Breed*~Cp-24Silken Windhound8698
LockedUCP ~**~ ~*Carousel Winter Harvest-4 Best of Breed*~Cp-17Chart Polski7998
LockedUCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Winter's Harvest-6 Best of Breed*~Bp-20Chart Polski8498
LockedGCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Wolverine Buck*~BriBsm/Rpts-24Australian Shepherd4763
LockedUCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Wolverine Deja Vu*~Is-23Australian Shepherd8198
LockedUCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Wolverine Ziplines*~BriRp/Blksab-24Australian Shepherd8498
WCT #Apocalypse#-14HH-lalaPomeranian524472
MH (11HH)Australian Shepherd294149
ExA 15 HH (EEGE) Carousel RideMiniature Australian Shepherd344357
WCSh As Sounding BrassSaluki424510
CCR BeatriceItalian Greyhound424316
WCT BellaDoberman Pinscher544489
CCFl ~**~ BennizakuraBorzoi513531
APnFr JPnH ~**~ Black racerAustralian Shepherd143463
WCFr BOR RESCUE 06 [EGEG 7/3 CHA2 Lla]Borzoi524434
WCFl BOR RESCUE 14 [GEGG 10/3 SPD2 Ll]Borzoi484216
WCT ~**~ BrinRed+ChocSable 17HH lala 2stm T 1.332xBorzoi661394
WCFr Cahi [ 7, 7, GGGF ]Borzoi454382
WCRO ~**~ Carousel Airy Queen [CHA]Saluki503844
WCSh Carousel Autumn StarItalian Greyhound494531
WCA Carousel Coco Dorian Flora *Australian Shepherd484407
MR ~**~ Carousel Divine River -- 14HHBorzoi223749
WCSh ~**~ Carousel Ice Thursday vom KatthulthofAustralian Shepherd584075
WCA Carousel Marmelade Tiger @ HiF [21-Lla] BLUEMERLE 1,14Australian Shepherd544198
WCFr Carousel November Sassy BrandySaluki494411
WCSh Carousel Paddinton Cream PopciclePomeranian504536
WCFl ~**~ Carousel Sweet BlueAustralian Shepherd773826
UCRO Carousel Tuesday at SurefirePomeranian524417
WCT ~**~ Chestnut ChampionPomeranian523978
CCW Coco SummerNewfoundland374498
WCT Devil's Carousel Briar Rani Blaze*~ IsDoberman Pinscher544434
WCSh Devil's Carousel Claire Blaze Paws*~ Is 19.1Doberman Pinscher544507
UCRO Devil's Carousel Paws Hersey Dreams*~ CsDoberman Pinscher544492
WCT ~**~ Dorian Ice StormAustralian Shepherd583068
ExH ~**~ EEEE shep breed with Ca$hAustralian Shepherd403841
AH ~**~ EmmaAustralian Shepherd193706
NFr WCR ~**~ Feodora 21HH3Hh lalaBorzoi733738
WCFr ~**~ Goda Dagar Går FörbiItalian Greyhound671469
ExH Hot FussMiniature Australian Shepherd304330
WCA ~**~ JigsawAustralian Shepherd613915
GCR ~**~ KAISER . 18 HHSilken Windhound463244
WCRO ~**~ KonstantinPomeranian562722
MFl Love's LeftoversBorzoi284437
GCW ~**~ Milk Chocolate SuflayNewfoundland323070
~**~ Mr. MuffinAustralian Shepherd13192
AH Mrs. RobinsonAustralian Shepherd194364
GCSh MyaToy Fox Terrier354467
WCSh ~**~ M~ Oatmeal Frosty~**~Pomeranian603979
CCT NeitiPomeranian444485
ChRO ~**~ NieveSaluki393470
JAE NipRat Terrier74527
ChH Ocean Tears [24HH] Lla EEEEAustralian Shepherd344527
UCFr Old LadySilken Windhound554322
NA ~**~ Puppy 3-Bsm-23Australian Shepherd13463
NCFl ~**~ Rocky ChocolateAustralian Shepherd523067
GCH ~**~ Saoirse Spontaneous [21HH 0hh lala]Australian Shepherd533903
WCRO Sergeant ConfettiBichon Frise434448
WCM ~**~ Spanish Moss' Dantalion 23Miniature Pinscher673214
WCM ~**~ Spanish Moss' Decarabia 23Miniature Pinscher653214
NCM Speedy GonzalesItalian Greyhound454320
WCR ~**~ Spektrom GirlBorzoi742764
ExT ~**~ SportMiniature Australian Shepherd373362
WCFr GCM ~**~ Third Time Ridin' The Carousel (YasminIvani) MiPi3 G38Miniature Pinscher723591
WCFl Valpellina [17HH0hh | Chocolate Merle & White | LL]Pomeranian514201
CCSh Winter WonderlandSaluki444522
WCR ~**~ YuiBorzoi523546
ARO {22HH} Blue/Red Points (kk) (Bb dd) (CC)Doberman Pinscher184308
UCFr ~**~ ~* Carousel Highland Achaemenes*~BriR/Bsab-24Borzoi813600
UCSh ~*Carousel A Brindle Rainy Day-18 Best of Breed*~brFp-16Pomeranian574441
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel A Royal Sniezak-Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~ Ii-10-1hhChart Polski633957
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Accidenal Ice-8 Best of Breed*~Bsm-23Australian Shepherd873563
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Accidental Echo*~Bim-23Australian Shepherd763559
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Accidental Elizabeth*~Fi-24Australian Shepherd783871
UCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Accidental Lines*~Bsm-24Australian Shepherd773563
UCO ~**~ ~*Carousel Accidental Marmalade*~ Cim-24Australian Shepherd753926
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Agent Echo*~Bi-24Australian Shepherd803563
UCR ~*Carousel Alabama Gwint-18 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~Rxp@Chart Polski564465
ICM ~**~ ~*Carousel Algernon Oatmeal-Best of Breed*~Ip-21Pomeranian603947
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Amazon Deja Storm-5 Best of Breed*~Iim-24Australian Shepherd873806
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Amazon Elizabeth*~BriRmi/Csab-24Australian Shepherd873454
ICO ~**~ ~*Carousel Amazon Fear *~Ism-24Australian Shepherd863563
UCP ~**~ ~*Carousel Amazon Wolverine*~Ii-23Australian Shepherd833454
ICR ~**~ ~*Carousel Amber Blue-11 Best of Breed-6 Best of Sport*~Bi-19Italian Greyhound643458
UCSh ~*Carousel Amber Dust-21 Best of Breed*~Italian Greyhound534531
ICR ~**~ ~*Carousel Amber Dust-8 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~Ii-24Italian Greyhound653989
ICR ~**~ ~*Carousel Amber Jacklyn-3 Best of Breed-5 Best of Sport*~ Fi-23Italian Greyhound653989
ICFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Amber Moss-8 Best of Breed-5 Best of Sport*~Ii-23Italian Greyhound653458
UCR ~*Carousel Amber Symphony-Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~Ii-22Italian Greyhound564435
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Arthur Beach*~Blki-24Silken Windhound833461
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Arthur of Camelot*~Blkp-13Silken Windhound613947
WCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Arwina Bones*~Crs-18Dachshund524019
WCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Atlantis Scooter*~Fs/Cgr-18Dachshund534019
UCR ~*Carousel Autumn Bella Moss-3 Best of Breed-4 Best of Sport *~ Ii-20Italian Greyhound574460
ICFr ~*Carousel Autumn Blackash Brass-3 Best of Sport-Best of Breed*~ brBlki-11Italian Greyhound574476
ICFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Autumn Brass*~BriRp/Blksab-18Italian Greyhound623954
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Autumn Brook*~BriCrxp/Csab-19Italian Greyhound773458
UCSh ~*Carousel Autumn Cloud-5 Best of Breed*~ Sxp-22Italian Greyhound564471
ICT ~**~ ~*Carousel Autumn Cloud-7 Best of Breed*~ brSi/Csbm-17Italian Greyhound663458
ICR ~*Carousel Autumn Isis Moss-3 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~ IxpItalian Greyhound564513
ICR ~**~ ~*Carousel Autumn Moss-11 Best of Breed-6 Best of Sport*~ BriCrxp/Isab-17Italian Greyhound673989
UCR ~*Carousel Avanlanche Super Charged *~Ws@Chart Polski554453
ICM ~*Carousel Babbling Blackash Cloud*~Ci-10Italian Greyhound564459
UCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Babbling Moss-3 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~ Cxp-17Italian Greyhound673458
WCFl ~*Carousel Baska Jewel*~Crs-17Azawakh Hound534243
UCR ~*Carousel Baska Sunset*~Fs-13Azawakh Hound514243
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Be Golden*~Fi-20Australian Shepherd604028
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Be Intense-7 Best of Breed*~Fi-24Australian Shepherd614028
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Bella Arthur Vladilen*~Is-13Silken Windhound733462
ICO ~**~ ~*Carousel Bella Deja*~ Ip-24Australian Shepherd644028
ICT ~*Carousel Bella Fawn-6 Best of Breed*~ Is-15Silken Windhound584276
UCFr ~*Carousel Bella Hidden Fawn-9 Best of Breed*~Is@Silken Windhound544381
UCH ~*Carousel Bella Ice Storm*~ IimAustralian Shepherd544520
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Bella Storms-Best of Breed*~ Imp-20Australian Shepherd644028
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Bella Symphony-2 Best of Breed*~ Ip-20Italian Greyhound643947
UCFl ~*Carousel Bella Vu-5 Best of Breed*~Imp-16Australian Shepherd594424
ICO ~**~ ~*Carousel Bella Wolverine-Best of Breed*~Ipm-23Australian Shepherd803559
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Bingo Romillya*~Rs-16, 1hhMiniature Pinscher673360
ICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Black Champion-12 Best of Breed*~Blkp-21Pomeranian633947
WCFl ~*Carousel Black Lady Guiseppe*~Blks@Australian Shepherd544426
ICR ~*Carousel Blackash Cloud-Best of Breed-6 Best of Sport*~brSi-13Italian Greyhound584437
WCO ~**~ ~*Carousel Blackbeard Burrito*~Fs/Csb-17Dachshund524019
ICR ~**~ ~*Carousel Blue Bella-5 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~Bp-23Italian Greyhound673458
WCH ~*Carousel Blue Deja Vu Lady*~Bsm@Australian Shepherd544426
UCT ~*Carousel Blue Hidden Fawn*~Bs@Silken Windhound544381
CCT ~*Carousel Blue Luna Dice*~BimMiniature Australian Shepherd444330
UCFr ~*Carousel Blue Platinum Shadows*~ Bs@Silken Windhound544462
UCR ~*Carousel Blue Sniezak Lady*~ Bxp@Chart Polski564438
ICRO ~*Carousel Blue Sunshine Flake*~Si-Bsd@Chart Polski554438
UCFr ~*Carousel Blue Sweet Symphony-3 Best of Sport*~ Bp-22Italian Greyhound574460
UCFl ~*Carousel Blue Vladilen Wednesday-3 Best of Breed *~brBs@Silken Windhound554440
ICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Blue Winter Roballo*~Bs-17-1hhChart Polski653957
UCR ~*Carousel Bocca Arthur-13 Best of Breed*~ Ip-24Silken Windhound574195
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Bocca Live-2 Best of Breed*~Ip-19Silken Windhound613947
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Bocca Vladilen-14 Best of Breed*~Bs-13Silken Windhound733947
WCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Bones Outlaw*~brCs/Crpts-22Dachshund544019
UCR ~*Carousel Brass Cloud of Autumn-Best of Breed*~brSi@Italian Greyhound564459
ICFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Brass Cloud-18 Best of Breed*~Sp-18Italian Greyhound623954
UCR ~*Carousel Brook Italia *~brSp@Italian Greyhound544440
ICFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Brook Moss-14 Best of Breed-6 Best of Sport*~BriRi/Csab-20Italian Greyhound663989
WCFr ~*Carousel Brother Jewel-8 Best of Breed*~Crs-15Azawakh Hound534243
UCFr ~*Carousel Brushed Jewel*~Rs-11Azawakh Hound544420
WCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Button Tiku*~Ip@Chihuahua564020
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Calliope Escapist*~BriCrp/Isab-24Borzoi863462
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Calliope Escapist*~Fs/Isab-24Borzoi813600
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Calliope Tornado*~BriRs/Csab-23Borzoi813600
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Cameo Ethan*~Rs-21Miniature Pinscher823561
UCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Cameo Romillya*~Rs/21Miniature Pinscher803360
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Can You Jigsaw-Best of Breed*~brRm/Bsb@Australian Shepherd624028
WCRO ~*Carousel Chaii Do The Dew-6 Best of Breed*~ CxpChinese Crested534518
UCO ~**~ ~*Carousel Chambord StraylightAustralian Shepherd723911
ICRO ~*Carousel Chocho Love-10 Best of Breed*~Cmp-23Pomeranian594276
WCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Chocho Smile*~Cmp@Pomeranian564125
UCH ~*Carousel Chocolate Deja Vu*~ Cp-22Australian Shepherd564470
WCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Chocolate Izzy-5 Best of Breed*~Cp@Miniature Australian Shepherd583562
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Chocolate Sniezak-12 Best of Breed*~ Ci-12Chart Polski633957
CCSh ~*Carousel Cocoa Love*~Cp@Pomeranian434360
JPnFT UCRO ~*Carousel Cool Corinna Rain-9 Best of Breed*~Ss/Csab@Borzoi574227
UCR ~*Carousel Cool Rain Blues-Best of Breed*~brSs@Borzoi534445
UCFr ~*Carousel Cool Rain Dancer-8 Best of Breed*~brSi-14Borzoi544405
WCFl ~*Carousel Cream Frosty*~Ii@Pomeranian544432
WCSh ~*Carousel Cream Madolean Cicle*~Pomeranian514379
WCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Crown Soft Rain*~BriS/Csab-17Borzoi743902
ICT ~**~ ~*Carousel Dare Deja Vu-4 Best of Breed-5 Best of Sport*~ Ip-20Australian Shepherd664028
ICA ~*Carousel Dare Fear*~ Is-17Australian Shepherd564433
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Dawn Minuet-2 Best of Breed*~BriFp/Isab-21Borzoi793789
ICT ~**~ ~*Carousel Daylight Moss-7 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~ Fi-19Italian Greyhound663458
UCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Daylight Spark-26 Best of Breed*~Crs-22Italian Greyhound873458
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Daylight Spark-32 Best of Breed*~Is-21Italian Greyhound833775
WCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Ice*~Cs-24Australian Shepherd873454
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Ice-12 Best of Breed*~Imi-18Australian Shepherd664028
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Jigsaw Boy*~Ri-24Australian Shepherd813559
UCO ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Jigsaw*~Bsm-23Australian Shepherd753926
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Marmelade*~Bim-23Australian Shepherd644028
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Twice-7 Best of Breed*~Ism-24Australian Shepherd883563
ICO ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Two*~Bpm-23Australian Shepherd823558
ICM ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Vu Fear-4 Best of Breed-5 Best of Sport*~ Cp-24Australian Shepherd654028
UCH ~*Carousel Deja Vu Gent*~Cp-16Australian Shepherd564426
ICA ~*Carousel Deja Vu Guiseppe*~ Is@Australian Shepherd554426
ICO ~*Carousel Deja Vu Ice Storm-7 Best of Sport*~Ipm-20Australian Shepherd584424
UCH ~*Carousel Deja Vu of Guiseppe-7 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~ Cs-16Australian Shepherd564462
ICO ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Vu Storms-9 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~Ip-23Australian Shepherd654028
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Vu Twice*~Cs-19Australian Shepherd624028
ICO ~**~ ~*Carousel Deja Wolverine-5 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~Bim-23Australian Shepherd654028
UCFr ~*Carousel Dell Autumn Brook*~Cp@Italian Greyhound554459
UCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Demon Bug Wolf*~Blks-23Chart Polski813564
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Demon Wolf Nemesis*~Blks-22Chart Polski733815
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Denver Dawn-Best of Breed*~Fp-20Borzoi793600
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Denver Escapist*~BriRs/Csab-23Borzoi793600
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Denver Tornado*~BriRi/Csab-20Borzoi753799
WCSh ~*Carousel Dew Judas Indigo*~Chinese Crested524518
UCFr ~*Carousel Diamond Storm*~Ri@Australian Shepherd574424
UCT ~*Carousel Disco Fox*~Ip-11Pomeranian554432
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Bella Million*~Rp/Csab 20Borzoi673961
UCFr ~*Carousel Divine Bella-5 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~Ip-12Borzoi584227
UCP ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Calliope*~BriCrp/Isab-24Borzoi843462
ICFr ~*Carousel Divine Cool Rain-5 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~brRs/Csab-16Borzoi574227
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Crown*~Bri Cr/Csab-19Borzoi753902
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Escapist-2 Best of Breed*~BriCrp/Isab-22Borzoi853600
ICFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Million Bella*~Ip-19Borzoi684019
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Million Silver*~Ri/Isab-1hh 20HHBorzoi663961
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Mola*~Ip-23Borzoi713908
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Moon-17 Best of Breed*~BriRi/Isab-24Borzoi863143
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Silver Million*~Ip-20Borzoi684019
ICR ~*Carousel Divine Silver-3 Best of Sport*~Ci-16Borzoi584227
ICR ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Soft Rain-6 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~BriSil/Csab 1hh-13HHBorzoi684013
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Divine Storm*~BriRs/Isab-20Borzoi743800
WCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Dragonreel Sparkle*~BriFim/Isab-19Pomeranian723845
UCFr ~*Carousel Dust Day Rainbows-2 Best of Sport*~ BsItalian Greyhound554518
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Dust Jacket*~Sp/Isab-24Italian Greyhound773458
UCT ~*Carousel Dust Moss*~Bi-23Italian Greyhound564435
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Dusty Bella*~Ss-23Italian Greyhound833458
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Dusty Daylight*~Is-21Italian Greyhound793458
UCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Dusty Paul*~Ip-24Italian Greyhound833458
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Dusty Spark-27 Best of Breed*~Sxp/Isab-20Italian Greyhound813871
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Elizabeth Shadow*~Blks-24Australian Shepherd773563
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Ethan Charm-2 Best of Breed*~Rs-19Miniature Pinscher833561
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Ethan Romillya*~Rs-16Miniature Pinscher733561
UCFr ~*Carousel Falling Molly Simon*~Borzoi544510
ICO ~*Carousel Fawn Underground-2 Best of Sport*~Rs@Silken Windhound564421
UCO ~**~ ~*Carousel Fear Guiseppe-Best of Breed*~ Is-15Australian Shepherd644028
ICA ~*Carousel Fear of Ice Storms-8 Best of Breed-4 Best of Sport*~ Ip-22Australian Shepherd564470
UCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Fear Twice*~Cs-24Australian Shepherd793806
ICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Flightless Disco-17 Best of Breed*~BriSi/Blksab-10-1hhPomeranian643843
ICRO ~*Carousel Flightless Red Bird*~brFi-17Pomeranian564441
UCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Flightless Sparkle*~Ci-18Pomeranian613947
ICRO ~*Carousel Flightless Sparkle-14 Best of Breed*~brSi@Pomeranian564418
WCRO ~*Carousel Forever Living Dancer*~Chinese Crested524510
UCSh ~*Carousel Foxy Cream-3 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~Crp-14Pomeranian564472
WCSh ~*Carousel Foxy Disco Sparkler*~ Ii@Pomeranian544462
UCRO ~*Carousel Foxy Paddington Sparkle-10 Best of Breed*~ SiPomeranian564518
UCRO ~*Carousel Frosty Blue Disco*~ Bi@Pomeranian544462
UCA ~*Carousel Frosty Disco*~Bi@Pomeranian544432
WCT ChFl ~*Carousel Frosty Foxy Sparkle*~Crp-13Pomeranian504476
UCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Frosty Galaxy-4 Best of Breed*~Fmp/Csab-24Pomeranian803481
UCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Frosty Lexington Fox-21 Best of Breed*~Imp-23Pomeranian783771
UCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Frosty Oatmeal*~Bmp-21Pomeranian593947
WCFr ~*Carousel Garnet Baska*~Rs-12Azawakh Hound514243
WCR ~*Carousel Garnet Sunset-8 Best of Breed*~Rs-11Azawakh Hound544420
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Ghost Echo-3 Best of Breed*~Blks-23Australian Shepherd843563
WCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Grappling Girl*~BriRi/Blksab-24Australian Shepherd783563
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Greece Storm*~BriRs/Isab-22Borzoi823600
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Greek Moon*~BriRi/Isab-24Borzoi863462
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Guiseppe Wolverine*~Ism-17Australian Shepherd634028
UCFl ~*Carousel Gwint Alabama*~ Ci@Chart Polski554465
WCP ~**~ ~*Carousel Harvest Bug*~Blki-21Chart Polski733815
UCFr ~*Carousel Harvest Jasny*~ Cp@Chart Polski554465
ICFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Harvest Roballo-13 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~ Blkp-15Chart Polski673957
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Harvest Winter-10 Best of Breed*~Blkp-21Chart Polski823564
UCFl ~*Carousel Hidden Beach-3 Best of Breed*~Blkp-21Silken Windhound564195
UCFl ~*Carousel Hidden Blue Vladilen*~brBs/tptslu@Silken Windhound584195
ICFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Hidden Bocca-9 Best of Breed-7 Best of Sport*~Ii-14-1hhSilken Windhound653947
WCFl ~*Carousel Hidden Fawn Vladilen*~Is@Silken Windhound544440
UCFl ~*Carousel Hidden Live-19 Best of Breed*~Cs-13Silken Windhound574421
UCFl ~*Carousel Hidden Platinum Shadows*~ Bs@Silken Windhound554462
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Hidden River Girl*~Ii/lu-23Silken Windhound753847
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Hidden River*~Bp-17Silken Windhound773847
UCFl ~*Carousel Hidden Underground-9 Best of Breed*~ Cp@Silken Windhound554462
UCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Hidden Vladilen*~Bi/lu-12Silken Windhound613961
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Hidden Warning*~Ci-24Silken Windhound803462
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Hidden Wishes*~Bi-22Silken Windhound723462
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Highland Calliope*~BriCrs/Isab-24Borzoi853462
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Highland Escapist*~Fs/Isab-24Borzoi833462
WCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Highland Mola*~BriBs/Rpts-24Borzoi753819
UCRO ~*Carousel Holiday Chocolate Chippie-5 Best of Breed*~ Cxp-18Chinese Crested534462
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Ice Deja Storm*~Cim-23Australian Shepherd813924
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Ice Elizabeth*~BriBlki/Rpts-24Australian Shepherd863454
UCFl ~*Carousel Ice Lady of Deja-3 Best of Breed*~Cim-16Australian Shepherd554438
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Ice Puzzle-4 Best of Breed*~Blki-23Australian Shepherd823563
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Ice Rio Amazon Storm*~Cim-24Australian Shepherd853563
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Intense Accident*~Ri-24Australian Shepherd813926
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Intense Golden*~Fi-23Australian Shepherd813926
WCSh ~*Carousel Irish White Chocolate*~ Ci-19Chinese Crested534462
UCA ~*Carousel Italia Autumn Brook*~brRp-16Italian Greyhound554459
UCFr ~*Carousel Italia Autumn*~brSi@Italian Greyhound554440
ICM ~**~ ~*Carousel Italia Dust-Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~ Ci-18Italian Greyhound663458
ICR ~**~ ~*Carousel Jacklyn Dust-Best of Breed*~ Crp-23Italian Greyhound653912
UCR ~*Carousel Jacklyn Moss Dust-2 Best of Breed*~Italian Greyhound564493
UCT ~*Carousel Jasny Harvest*~ Cs@Chart Polski554465
ICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Jasny Roballo-10 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~Rs-19Chart Polski664019
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Jigsaw Elizabeth*~Bim-23Australian Shepherd833563
UCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Jigsaw Ice Storm*~Csm-20Australian Shepherd654028
UCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Jigsaw Ice*~Csm-22Australian Shepherd813559
ICFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Jigsaw Wolverine-5 Best of Breed*~brRsm-20Australian Shepherd654028
WCA ~**~ ~*Carousel June Winter-Best of Breed*~Bs-18Chart Polski743815
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Just Deja-2 Best of Breed*~ Ci-15Australian Shepherd634028
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Just Sweet*~Blks-19Australian Shepherd644028
UCFl ~*Carousel Lady of Deja Vu*~ Cms-16Australian Shepherd564462
WCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Libre Winter-3 Best of Breed*~Blks-21Chart Polski793564
WCSh ~*Carousel Little Cotton Dancer-15 Best of Breed*~Bichon Frise494527
UCA ~*Carousel Live Blue Vladilen*~ Bp-16Silken Windhound554462
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Live Tiger*~ brRs@Australian Shepherd624028
UCRO ~*Carousel Living For Dance*~ SiChinese Crested534510
UCSh ~**~ ~*Carousel Love Bird-5 Best of Breed*~ Ci-18Pomeranian623947
WCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Marmelade Accident*~Bim-24Australian Shepherd783926
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Meska Soft Greece Luck-2 Best of Breed*~BriF/Bsab-19Borzoi793044
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Minuet Greece-Best of Breed*~BriRxp/Isab-22Borzoi853600
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Minuet Moon-2 Best of Breed*~BriRi/Csab-23Borzoi873462
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Minuet Storm*~BriRi/Isab-21Borzoi773799
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Mola Calliope*~BriCrxp/Bsab-23Borzoi833600
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Molly Hunter*~BriIs/Rpts-24Borzoi743819
WCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Molly Million*~Rxp/Isab-lu-24Borzoi733852
WCFr ~*Carousel Monday Airy Poppy*~-12HH(EEEE)Saluki494454
UCFl ~*Carousel Monday Fawn Sunshine-Best of Sport*~Crp@Chart Polski564453
UCSh ~*Carousel Monday Paddington-9 Best of Breed*~Sp-8Pomeranian594432
WCR ~*Carousel Monday Sniezak Sunshine-14 Best of Breed*~ CiChart Polski554496
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Oatmeal Sparkle-16 Best of Breed*~Imi-17Pomeranian623959
ICR ~*Carousel On an Amber Rainy Day-5 Best of Sport-4 Best of Breed*~ BiItalian Greyhound554518
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel One Arthur-2 Best of Breed*~Bs-24Silken Windhound783462
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Paul's Amber*~Ii-24Italian Greyhound783871
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Paul's Bella*~Crp-24Italian Greyhound803775
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Percival Bingo*~Cs/Rpts-13Miniature Pinscher703360
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Percival Charm-15 Best of Breed*~Cs/Rpts-22Miniature Pinscher813360
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Percival Yasmin-2 Best of Breed*~Cs/Rpts-18Miniature Pinscher763561
ICM ~*Carousel Piebald Monday-2 Best of Sport*~Sp-11Pomeranian584432
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Rain Storm*~BriFi/Csab-24Borzoi833462
UCR ~*Carousel Rainy Day Symphony-11 Best of Breed*~ BsItalian Greyhound564495
UCA ~*Carousel Rasha Deja Love-7 Best of Breed*~Ii-14Australian Shepherd574452
UCT ~*Carousel Red Bird Sparkle*~brSi@Pomeranian554418
UCH ~*Carousel Red Ice Diamond-4 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~Australian Shepherd554520
UCSh ~*Carousel Red Ice Storm-9 Best of Breed*~Australian Shepherd554493
ICO ~*Carousel Red Ice*~Rp@Australian Shepherd574424
UCSh ~*Carousel Red Madoleon Cream Paddington-10 Best of Breed*~Pomeranian554527
UCSh ~*Carousel Red Paddington Cream-Best of Breed*~Pomeranian514574
UCSh ~*Carousel Red Piebald Paddington*~Pomeranian544527
UCFr ~*Carousel River of Soft Silver-11 Best of Breed*~ Ci@Borzoi554453
UCR ~*Carousel Roballo At Youngstown-7 Best of Breed-3 Best of Sport*~Blks-14Chart Polski574453
UCO ~**~ ~*Carousel Roballo Bar*~Cp-19Chart Polski683908
ICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Roballo Sunshine-7 Best of Breed*~Ss/Bgr-15-1hhChart Polski633957
ICR ~**~ ~*Carousel Roballo Winter-2 Best of Breed-5 Best of Sport*~Ws-18Chart Polski663957
UCR ~*Carousel Roballo Zephyr-Best of Breed-4 Best of Sport*~ Bp@Chart Polski564429
WCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Shara Libre*~BriFs/Blkgr-22 1hhChart Polski753455
UCFr ~*Carousel Silisa Soft Silver-3 Best of Breed*~brFi@Borzoi524438
UCT ~*Carousel Silver Autumn*~BrSp-15Italian Greyhound574437
UCFl ~*Carousel Silver Chipper River*~Ws@Borzoi534453
UCR ~*Carousel Simon River of Hope-Best of Breed*~Borzoi544510
ICRO ~*Carousel Smile Sparkler*~Fi-14Pomeranian564432
UCR ~*Carousel Snowy Soft Simon-11 Best of Breed-Best of Sport*~ IpBorzoi554510
UCM ~*Carousel Soft Bella Reason*~Ip@Borzoi544405
WCR ~*Carousel Soft Bella Simon-3 Best of Breed*~ Ixp@Borzoi554464
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Soft Cool Rain*~BriRs/Csab 1hh-18HHBorzoi663961
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Soft Dawn Rain*~BriSs/Csab-23Borzoi763800
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Soft Greece*~BriFs/Isab-23Borzoi823462
WCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Soft Highland*~BriCrp/Isab-24Borzoi843143
ICT ~*Carousel Soft Rain Dancer-6 Best of Breed*~briRi/Csablu@Borzoi594227
WCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Soft Rain Escapist*~BriSp/Csab-21Borzoi763800
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Soft Rain Storm*~BriCrp/Csab-22Borzoi813600
ICM ~*Carousel Spanish Daylight-6 Best of Sport*~Fs@Italian Greyhound564471
ICM ~*Carousel Spanish Isis Moss*~ Ixp-22Italian Greyhound554459
UCR ~*Carousel Spanish Mossy Autumn*~Italian Greyhound554513
ICFr ~*Carousel Spanish Rainy Day-Best of Sport*~ BsItalian Greyhound564495
WCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Special Ice*~Csm-24Australian Shepherd813563
UCP ~**~ ~*Carousel Special Puzzle*~BriBs/Rpts-24Australian Shepherd823813
WCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Straylight Bridge*~BriCs/Rpts-24Australian Shepherd603850
ICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Sunshine Super Charged-Best of Breed*~Fi-17Chart Polski613957
UCFl ~*Carousel Sunshine Winter Flake-9 Best of Breed*~Ws-18Chart Polski564438
UCA ~*Carousel Suprema Blues-Best of Sport*~Blkp@Borzoi554412
UCFl ~*Carousel Suprema Red Dargle*~ Cxp@Borzoi544464
ExFl ~*Carousel Suprema Simon*~Borzoi274458
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Sweet Amber*~Ii-24Italian Greyhound833458
ICM ~*Carousel Sweet Bella Symphony*~ Ip-19Italian Greyhound574460
ICM ~**~ ~*Carousel Sweet Bella-8 Best of Sport*~Ip-22Italian Greyhound663458
UCA ~*Carousel Sweet Blue Moss-3 Best of Sport*~ BpItalian Greyhound554510
UCT ~**~ ~*Carousel Sweet Daylight*~ Is-19HH 1hhItalian Greyhound643954
ICA ~*Carousel Sweet Deja-2 Best of Breed-3 Best of Sport*~Blks@Australian Shepherd574433
UCFr ~*Carousel Sweet Spanish Symphony*~ CiItalian Greyhound544510
ICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Sweet Spark-10 Best of Breed*~Ss-23Italian Greyhound853458
UCT ~*Carousel Thursday Amber Cream*~Rp-11Pomeranian564472
UCM ~*Carousel Thursday of Deja Vu*~Iim-20Australian Shepherd554438
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Tiku Sadie*~Rp-18Chihuahua544020
UCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Tornado Fire*~BriRi/Isab-21Borzoi793600
WCA ~**~ ~*Carousel Tuvia ChamborgAustralian Shepherd743911
UCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Tyauna Arthur*~Blks-24Silken Windhound783847
UCR ~*Carousel Underground Wishes*~Blki-20Silken Windhound564195
WCA ~*Carousel Vladilen Shadows*~Silken Windhound544460
UCFr ~*Carousel Wednesday Hidden Fawn-Best of Breed*~brFs@Silken Windhound554440
WCFr ~**~ ~*Carousel Wild Yasmin*~Cs/RedPts-22Miniature Pinscher793360
UCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Winter Charged-Best of Breed*~Bi-15Chart Polski793844
UCRO ~*Carousel Winter Frosty Sparkle-11 Best of Breed*~ CpPomeranian554500
UCR ~**~ ~*Carousel Winter Roballo*~Crp-14-1hhChart Polski623957
UCSh ~*Carousel Winter Silver Fox-10 Best of Breed*~ Cp@Pomeranian554476
UCRO ~*Carousel Winter Sniezak Sunshine-2 Best of Breed*~Chart Polski554496
ICR ~**~ ~*Carousel Winter Storm-2 Best of Breed*~BriRs/Isab-21Borzoi853600
UCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Winter Wolf*~Blks-23Chart Polski823455
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Wolverine Agent-2 Best of Breed*~BriIsm/Rpts-24Australian Shepherd833813
UCP ~**~ ~*Carousel Wolverine Puzzle*~BriRs-23Australian Shepherd773926
UCH ~**~ ~*Carousel Wolverine Storm-7 Best of Breed-2 Best of Sport*~Bsm-21Australian Shepherd644028
WCM ~**~ ~*Carousel Yasmin Charm-4 Best of Breed*~Cs/Rpts-20Miniature Pinscher823452
UCRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Zephyer Harvest*~Ip-19Chart Polski783462
ICRO ~**~ ~*Carousel Zephyr Winter*~Bp-15Chart Polski653957
WCP ~**~ ~*Carousel Ziplines Returns*~BriFi/Blksab-24Australian Shepherd753563
WCFl ~**~ ~*Carousel Ziplines Special*~BriRs/Blksab-23Australian Shepherd793454

Game Time

11:38am on Mar 6

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