Name | Breed | Level | Age |
IPnH Aloe | German Shepherd Dog | 5 | 16 |
AS Ashes | Greenland Dog | 17 | 40 |
ASc Badger | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 42 |
MS Barley | Greenland Dog | 23 | 57 |
JPnS Bear | Greenland Dog | 4 | 13 |
MP Blizzard | Greenland Dog | 23 | 57 |
MSc Brie | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 59 |
ExFr Carter {G2.Ll.GGGG.0/5} | Chinese Shar-Pei | 36 | 63 |
ChP Celeste | Greenland Dog | 30 | 75 |
JPnA Chamomile | Greenland Dog | 4 | 13 |
AHT Vitas Charlie | American Indian Dog | 22 | 39 |
MA Choco | Chinese Shar-Pei | 33 | 96 |
NCO Cirrostratus | Kelpie | 46 | 87 |
APnP Dash | Greenland Dog | 11 | 23 |
Demi | Bouvier des Flandres | 1 | 6 |
IPnSc Free | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 20 |
AP Grizzly | Greenland Dog | 15 | 33 |
AP Harvester | Greenland Dog | 16 | 38 |
APnSc Haunt | Belgian Sheepdog | 12 | 22 |
JASc Hawk | Beauceron | 13 | 27 |
AO Hope | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 40 |
PnFl Iceberg | Greenland Dog | 9 | 20 |
MSh Isabelle | Staffordshire Bull Terrier | 20 | 45 |
MSc Jewel | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 59 |
MP Juno | Greenland Dog | 26 | 62 |
MFl Kyle | Greenland Dog | 22 | 53 |
ASc Latte | German Shepherd Dog | 15 | 33 |
ChO ~NL~ Leonore Twist "Leanna" | Kelpie | 38 | 91 |
ChS Lilac | Greenland Dog | 30 | 75 |
ASc Lobo | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 46 |
ASc Looker | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 52 |
ChS Mac | Greenland Dog | 29 | 75 |
MP Nickle | Greenland Dog | 24 | 57 |
ASc Nutmeg | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 46 |
IPnS Peanut | Greenland Dog | 5 | 14 |
IPnSc Penny | German Shepherd Dog | 5 | 16 |
APnP Pitch | Greenland Dog | 10 | 20 |
IPnS Rain | Greenland Dog | 5 | 14 |
APnH Rebel | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 21 |
MS Reese | Greenland Dog | 19 | 45 |
NT Ripper | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 8 |
MP Rosie | Greenland Dog | 20 | 45 |
ASc Sassafras | German Shepherd Dog | 20 | 46 |
JAO Sedge | Greenland Dog | 12 | 26 |
MS Shade | Greenland Dog | 19 | 47 |
Shade | Belgian Sheepdog | 1 | 6 |
MSc Shrike | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 56 |
JAO Silence | Greenland Dog | 12 | 26 |
APnFl Sparkles | Greenland Dog | 11 | 25 |
PnSc Steel | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 21 |
ASc Sting | German Shepherd Dog | 15 | 33 |
MP Storm | Greenland Dog | 21 | 50 |
PnRO Toast | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 20 |
MA Tundra | Greenland Dog | 26 | 62 |
IPnSc Warren | German Shepherd Dog | 5 | 16 |
AP Wheat | Greenland Dog | 16 | 38 |
IPnS Winston | Greenland Dog | 8 | 20 |
AS Winter | Greenland Dog | 14 | 33 |
AP Wolfie | Greenland Dog | 20 | 47 |
IPnHT Vitas Zachery/5hh/15hh | American Indian Dog | 6 | 13 |
MFl 2GEN | Kelpie | 25 | 3983 |
JAH 2GEN | Kelpie | 13 | 3951 |
PnA 3GEN | Kelpie | 8 | 3940 |
MHT *DCT Achilles | American Indian Dog | 27 | 2604 |
JAM GJLuK Blue | Chinese Shar-Pei | 18 | 3810 |
PnHT Cookie | American Indian Dog | 10 | 3466 |
ExM -:X:- Dora | Chinese Shar-Pei | 33 | 3429 |
JAM Feather | American Indian Dog | 15 | 3544 |
PnHT JPnM Granite | American Indian Dog | 11 | 3535 |
AHT KIRK Guthrie {Resident} | American Indian Dog | 17 | 3530 |
JAH WPEAK Izzy | Australian Koolie | 14 | 3767 |
AE Joice | Welsh Terrier | 14 | 3920 |
ChFr -:X:- Kyla | Chinese Shar-Pei | 36 | 3313 |
CCFl AAZD Naaja of Alpha Avalon at ZenDev | Greenland Dog | 53 | 3958 |
AHT Nina | American Indian Dog | 18 | 3555 |
NM Puppy 5 | Chinese Shar-Pei | 1 | 4019 |
APnRO Rye | Chinese Shar-Pei | 13 | 3389 |
GCA Sandy GEEG | Chinese Shar-Pei | 49 | 3602 |
IPnFr ANHT Scarlet | American Indian Dog | 9 | 3535 |
NSh Shakira | Chinese Shar-Pei | 1 | 4021 |
WCE AORsq The Roman Empire | Welsh Terrier | 49 | 2933 |
WCE Viva | Welsh Terrier | 50 | 3484 |
AFr x | Chinese Shar-Pei | 22 | 3409 |
ARO x | Chinese Shar-Pei | 24 | 3414 |
ASh x | Chinese Shar-Pei | 17 | 3399 |
GCA Xee | Chinese Shar-Pei | 47 | 3329 |