Name | Breed | Level | Age |
 10/1 Kbrk Dd Ssi cwcw lala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 6 |
 10/2 Kbrk EE Bb Dd Ssw cwcw Lla | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 6 |
 10HH KKbr Bb Ssi cwcw lala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 6 |
 11/1 Kbrk Bb SS cwcw lala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 6 |
 JPnO NSh FuRY 11/1 Kbrk Bb Ssw | American Pit Bull Terrier | 5 | 11 |
 NHT NSc 11/2 bb dd lala | American Indian Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NM 11/5 KKbr Bb dd S cecw chaint stmagi Blue | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 8 |
 11HH Kbrk Bb Dd Ssp cchcw lala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 6 |
 JPnM NSh FuRY 11HH KKbr Bb Ssw | American Pit Bull Terrier | 5 | 11 |
 NH JPnFl FuRY 12/4 | Rough Collie | 4 | 10 |
 JPnFl NR 12HH | Saluki | 5 | 11 |
 12HH Kbrk Bb SS cchcw lala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 6 |
 AA FuRY 13 Lla cwcw | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 17 | 28 |
 13/1 Kbrk Bb Ssi cwcw Lla | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NT NSc 13HH | Neapolitan Mastiff | 1 | 9 |
 NA NT FuRY 13HH ee | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 8 |
 JPnH JAT FuRY 13HH lala ce sp | Rough Collie | 12 | 22 |
 AT FuRY 14/2 lala cwcw | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 21 | 40 |
 NH NT FuRY 14HH ee | Australian Cattle Dog | 1 | 8 |
 JPnH 14HH KKbr bb Dd Ssi cwcw lala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 8 | 17 |
 NH NFl 15HH Bb Ssp cecw lala chastr spdint | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 8 |
 PnP FuRY 16 Lla intagi agistm | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 21 |
 NR NFl 16/1 | Saluki | 1 | 8 |
 NT JPnFl FuRY 16/3 cece agispd chaint | Rough Collie | 4 | 10 |
 NM NSh FuRY 16H Bb dd Lla spdspd spdspd | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 AH FuRY 16HH LL cwcw Ssi | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 21 | 35 |
 JAO FuRY 16HH Lla sisw Rr Tt chacha stmint | Central Asian Shepherd | 12 | 22 |
 NM NSh 17HH Fawn | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 JAP FuRY 18 1 lala Rr tt chaagi chaagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 16 | 30 |
 NFl 18/1 Kbrk bb Dd Ssi Mm cecw Ll | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 9 |
 AM NA FuRY 18HH Bb dd Lla stmspd spdspd | American Pit Bull Terrier | 17 | 29 |
 JPnP FuRY 18HH lala stmagi strstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 16 |
 NA NM FuRY 19HH Bb dd LL agispd stmspd | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 NM NO 19HH Fawn Bb Ssw Lla intcha chaspd | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 7 |
 NM NSh 19HH Isabella with Tan Points and Mask | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 7 |
 NSh NM FuRY 19HH Kbrk Bb Dd Lla chaspd spdspd | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 IPnO FuRY 19HH lala sisw RR Tt chacha chastm | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 16 |
 JPnH 20HH 1hh Lla stmstr spdint | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 14 |
 JPnP 21HH 1hh Lla sisw chastr stmspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 14 |
 NM NSh 21HH Fawn with Blue Sable dd Ssi LL chacha spdcha | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 7 |
 NT JPnFl 21HH SS cwcw lala strstm intint | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 5 | 11 |
 ASh NCM FuRY 22HH Blue BB dd Ssi LL chacha spdcha | American Pit Bull Terrier | 33 | 64 |
 NM NO FuRY 23HH Bb dd Lla agispd spdspd | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 NSh NO FuRY 23HH Kbrk Bb Dd Lla intspd spdspd | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 NSh 5/2 Brindle Cream with Black Sable and Mask | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 5/3 Kbrk Bb Dd Ssi cwcw lala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NT 6/4 Kirk Bb DD Ssp mm cwcw Lla | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 11 |
 NT NA 6/7 Isabella Merle | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 8 |
 NFr 7/6 bb Dd Ssi Mm Ccw lala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 4 | 12 |
 NO 7/6 Kbrk Bb dd S stmint stmstm Brindle Cream with Blue Sable | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 8 |
 NP 7HH 6hh lala BB Dd swsw Rr tt Gg chastr stragi Roaned Steel Blue and White (Extreme Piebald) | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 7 |
 NH NFl 7HH bb Dd cwcw Lla stmagi agicha | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 8 |
 AFl FuRY 7HH Bb Dd Ssi MM cecw | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 22 | 40 |
 NO 8/1 Brindle Silver with Black Sable | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 6 |
 8/1 Kbrk Bb SS cchcw Lla | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 6 |
 NFr 9/5 bb dd Ssp MM lala | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 5 | 12 |
 NSc NT 9HH | Neapolitan Mastiff | 1 | 6 |
 NCO Absinthe 12HH 2hh lla sisw strstr spdagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 46 | 68 |
 NCP Apocalypse Now 16HH 1hh lala agicha strcha | Central Asian Shepherd | 46 | 68 |
 AH FuRY Arcane(II) 8HH lla Rr tt stmspd chaint Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 17 | 27 |
 GCP Astro Pop 15HH 1hh Lla agiint agiagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 46 | 68 |
 PnO B 10HH 3hh lala swsw Rr tt Gg chastr strspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 24 |
 MO B 10HH 4hh Lla Bb DD swsw Rr tt Gg agiagi intint Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 26 | 60 |
 MP B 11HH 3hh lala Gg agistr stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 25 | 60 |
 NH B 11HH 3hh lala spsw Rr tt strstr stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 12 |
 IPnH B 12HH 4hh lala strstr stmagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 10 | 24 |
 MP B 12HH 4hh Lla Bb DD sisw Rr tt spdstm strint Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 27 | 60 |
 MH B 13HH 1hh Lla Ssw Rr tt stmint chastr | Central Asian Shepherd | 27 | 60 |
 PnO B 4HH 1hh lala spsw Rr tt intstm intint | Central Asian Shepherd | 10 | 24 |
 PnH B 5HH 1hh lala Gg stmstm agiagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 24 |
 AH B 5HH 2hh Lla Bb Dd Ssw stmstm strstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 27 | 60 |
 NO B 6HH 3hh Lla swsw agiagi agiint | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 12 |
 MO B 8HH 3hh lala sisw Gg agistr stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 26 | 60 |
 NO B 8HH 3hh lala strstr stmagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 12 |
 PnP B 8HH 4hh Lla BB Dd swsw Rr tt stmstm agistm | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 24 |
 MO B 8HH 7hh LL bb dd stmspd chacha Isabella | Central Asian Shepherd | 26 | 60 |
 PnP B 9HH 1hh lala swsw Gg stmstr stmagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 10 | 24 |
 NP B 9HH 4hh LL agistm agiagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 12 |
 NP B 9HH 5hh lala strstr strspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 12 |
 JPnO FuRY Bacardi(I) 12HH lla Bb DD sisw intint agiint | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 13 |
 PnP Baccardi 13HH 2hh lala rr tt Gg stmagi stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 9 | 17 |
 MO Bahati 4HH 3hh lla bb dd intint stmint | Central Asian Shepherd | 27 | 62 |
 MP Bali 5HH 4hh lala Gg agiagi agiagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 27 | 62 |
 JPnP Baloo 9HH 4hh Lla Rr tt stmagi agiint | Central Asian Shepherd | 5 | 13 |
 APnP Bam Bam 9HH 1hh lala swsw Rr tt intstm strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 24 |
 IPnH Bane 8HH 2hh Lla sisw strint strstr | Central Asian Shepherd | 8 | 15 |
 JPnP Bangle 7HH 4hh lala BB Dd Rr tt Gg strstm stmint | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 14 |
 JAP Banshee 9HH 5hh LL bb Dd Rr strint strint Chocolate | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 26 |
 JPnH Banzai 5HH 3hh Lla bb DD intstr stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 14 |
 APnP Bao 8HH 2hh LL Bb DD strstr stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 10 | 17 |
 JAH Bard 5HH 6hh Lla Bb Dd Ssw RR Tt spdint strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 14 | 24 |
 MH Baron 12HH 4hh lala Gg stmagi stmstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 27 | 62 |
 IPnO Basha 8HH 3hh Lla bb Dd strint strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 14 |
 IPnH Basia 5HH 3hh lala sisw Gg agiagi agiagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 8 | 15 |
 JAO Bates 14HH 2hh lala swsw agicha strcha | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 23 |
 MP Battista 7HH 2hh lala BB Dd Ssw Rr Tt Gg stmstr intspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 28 | 62 |
 AP Bay 12HH 4hh lala Ssw Rr stmstr strstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 17 | 29 |
 MH Beatrix 8HH 4hh lala Rr tt stmstm spdstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 27 | 62 |
 MO Beatriz 8HH 2hh Lla strint intstr | Central Asian Shepherd | 26 | 62 |
 JAH Beauxregard 7HH 7hh Lla bb DD agistm stmcha | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 25 |
 JAH Beckett 6HH 8hh Lla sisw Rr tt strstm stmint Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 14 | 23 |
 JPnH Begonia 8HH 4hh lala Bb dd Ssw stmagi stmspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 5 | 14 |
 AO Belladonna 9HH 4hh Ll Bb dd Rr strspd strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 16 | 27 |
 ChO Bellini 13HH 2hh lala sisw chaint intint | Central Asian Shepherd | 42 | 68 |
 IPnP Bellissima 8HH 6hh lala swsw Rr tt Gg atm cha stragi Roan Red | Central Asian Shepherd | 9 | 17 |
 MP Bellona 7HH 5hh lala swsw Rr tt Gg Uu stragi chaint | Central Asian Shepherd | 27 | 62 |
 AO Beowulf 9HH 2hh Ll BB Dd RR strcha agicha Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 25 |
 JAO Beryl 10HH 2hh lla bb DD Gg Ssw agicha strstr Faded | Central Asian Shepherd | 14 | 23 |
 JPnH Betelgeuse 8HH 2hh Lla Rr tt agiagi spdint | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 14 |
 JAO Betty 7HH 5hh lala Bb DD Rr tt chacha agiagi Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 14 | 23 |
 JAP Beyza 5HH 4hh LL bb DD Gg stmstm intcha Faded | Central Asian Shepherd | 14 | 23 |
 JAH Bijou 8HH 3hh lala BB Dd Ssw Gg strint chacha | Central Asian Shepherd | 16 | 26 |
 APnH Bindy 7HH 4hh LL bb DD Ssw Gg agiatm spdagi Faded | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 23 |
 AO Biniyaamzawed 6HH 7hh lala Bb dd SS Rr agiint spdint | Central Asian Shepherd | 16 | 27 |
 JAO Birch 8HH 5hh lala bb DD stmspd intcha | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 23 |
 APnO Birdie 4HH 5hh Ee BB dd Rr tt Gg LL stmstm spdagi Faded | Central Asian Shepherd | 10 | 19 |
 APnO Blair 7HH 3hh Lla Bb Dd Ssw agiint strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 20 |
 PnO Blondie 7HH 2hh lala Rr tt stragi strstr Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 9 | 18 |
 JAO Blossom 5HH 9hh LL BB dd Rr tt spdagi agicha Roan Blue | Central Asian Shepherd | 12 | 22 |
 APnH Blue 5HH 4hh Ll Bb Dd Gg agiatm spdagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 23 |
 JAH Bodhi 8HH 7hh lla Rr tt spsw stmstm stmstm Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 23 |
 JPnP Bohemian 9HH 2hh Lla Bb DD Gg spdcha chaagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 5 | 13 |
 IPnH Bojangles 5HH 3hh Lla Bb Dd Rr tt Gg strstm stmint | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 14 |
 AO Bonaventure 9HH 3hh Lla Rr Gg stmspd strstr | Central Asian Shepherd | 16 | 27 |
 JPnH Bonbon 7HH 2hh LL bb dd stmstm stmspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 5 | 13 |
 JAO Bond 9HH 6hh Lla Bb DD Ssw Gg intint stmint | Central Asian Shepherd | 14 | 23 |
 JPnP Bones 9HH 5hh Lla Rr tt stmagi stmstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 5 | 13 |
 APnO Bonette 10HH 5hh lala Bb dd Ssw chacha strstr | Central Asian Shepherd | 9 | 17 |
 PnP Bonita 11HH 5hh Lla Bb DD sisw Gg chaagi stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 20 |
 JAO Boone 8HH 5hh Ll bb DD sisw strstm strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 20 |
 JPnP Boozi 10HH 4hh Lla Bb DD Rr Tt agiagi stmstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 5 | 13 |
 JAH Boris 7HH 3hh Lla Bb DD SS Gg ntspd strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 26 |
 APnH Bosco 7HH 5hh Lla Bb DD sisw Gg intagi stmcha | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 20 |
 PnP Boss 10HH 4hh lala Ssw Rr tt strstm strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 24 |
 PnA NT FuRY Boston Cream Pie 6/5 Lla spsw cece | Rough Collie | 9 | 17 |
 JAH Boudica 8HH 4hh LL Bb dd Ssp spdspd chaspd Blue | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 25 |
 JAH Bowie 7HH 2hh Lla Rr tt chaspd spdint Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 22 |
 NCH Bramble 10HH 2hh lala sisw spdint intint | Central Asian Shepherd | 46 | 68 |
 AH Brandywine 7HH 3hh Ll bb dd spsw spdstm stragi Isabella | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 25 |
 AO Brannigan 7HH 4hh lala Bb DD Gg strstr intint | Central Asian Shepherd | 16 | 27 |
 JAO Breeze 4HH 5hh LL BB dd sisw Gg agispd chacha Faded Blue | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 25 |
 AO Brick 10HH 3hh lala Rr tt intstr strstr | Central Asian Shepherd | 17 | 29 |
 MP Bridgett 8HH 5hh lala strstr strspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 26 | 62 |
 AO Bridgid 2HH 6hh lla bb dd Ssi stmspd strspd Isabella | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 25 |
 MP Brighton 7HH 4hh lala strstr agiagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 26 | 62 |
 JAO Brisa 7HH 6hh bb DD Rr tt Gg lala strstr stmstr Roaned/Faded | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 23 |
 JAP Brogan 7HH 5HH ll bb Dd strcha intstr | Central Asian Shepherd | 12 | 22 |
 GCO Brogue 16HH 1hh lala Bb Dd spdstr strspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 45 | 68 |
 JAO Bronwen 6HH 4hh lla bb Dd Gg intint agistm Faded | Central Asian Shepherd | 14 | 24 |
 MP Brosnan 8HH 4hh lala BB Dd swsw rr tt Gg Uu stmstm stmstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 27 | 62 |
 JPnP Brouhaha 9HH 4hh Lla bb DD agistr stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 14 |
 APnH Brunhild 6HH 8hh lla bb dd intspd intstm Isabella | Central Asian Shepherd | 12 | 22 |
 JAP Bryony 9HH 4hh LL Bb Dd agiint spdint | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 22 |
 JAO Buffy 7HH 9hh lala bb dd stmspd strcha | Central Asian Shepherd | 12 | 22 |
 JAO Burcu 7HH 3hh lala Ssw Rr tt intstm spdint | Central Asian Shepherd | 12 | 22 |
 JAO Buttercup 2HH 5hh ee bb dd Rr tt Ll intagi agiagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 10 | 19 |
 JPnP Butters 6HH 3hh lala Bb Dd spdint strstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 5 | 13 |
 JPnP C 15HH 2hh lala RR tt intagi spdagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 14 |
 ANP C 15HH 2hh lala RR tt spdcha strstm Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 5 | 13 |
 GCP Caipirini 15HH 1hh lala Bb DD spdstr strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 46 | 68 |
  MH FuRY Chandler | Central Asian Shepherd | 29 | 57 |
 GCO Charlie Chaplin 15HH 1hh Lla BB Dd strstr chastr | Central Asian Shepherd | 44 | 68 |
  JASh MM FuRY Check it Before you Wreck it | American Pit Bull Terrier | 24 | 67 |
 AP Chi-Chi 16HH 1hh Lla chaint chaagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 16 | 27 |
 NCO Chimayo 14HH 1hh Lla Bb DD sisw intint strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 46 | 68 |
 AP FuRY Chivas Regal(II) 16HH Lla Bb DD chastm chastr | Central Asian Shepherd | 18 | 32 |
 NCH Citron Sipper 8HH 1hh Lla Bb Dd sisw Gg intstm stmspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 46 | 68 |
 APnH Clara 9HH 4hh lala Rr tt strstr strstr Roan | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 19 |
 PnH Clarice 11HH 2hh lala strstr strstr | Central Asian Shepherd | 10 | 19 |
 JPnT NH FuRY Coconut Cream Pie 9/3 spsw cece Lla intstr intint | Rough Collie | 4 | 10 |
 JPnP Cody 7HH 2hh lala Ssw Rr Tt Gg strstr strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 14 |
 GCO Coriandrum 13HH 3hh Lla sisw Gg spdint intint | Central Asian Shepherd | 44 | 68 |
 JAP Cosmopolitan 15HH 1hh lala swsw agiint agistm | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 23 |
 GCP Cuban Rose 14HH 1hh LL Bb Dd chastm stmcha | Central Asian Shepherd | 44 | 68 |
 APnP FuRY Demerara (II) 15HH Lla Bb Dd stmcha agistm | Central Asian Shepherd | 11 | 24 |
 JAA NH FuRY Deuces Are Wild 12HH lala Blue | Rough Collie | 12 | 22 |
 JAH JPnA FuRY Devil's Got a New Disguise 12/2 spsw | Rough Collie | 12 | 23 |
 AP FuRY Diablesse (II) 18HH lla BB Dd spsw stmstm agistr | Central Asian Shepherd | 18 | 33 |
 ExO NM FuRY Don't Play Alone EEEE | American Pit Bull Terrier | 35 | 76 |
 AA NT FuRY Dream On 8/4 spsw cece | Rough Collie | 15 | 27 |
 APnH MFl FuRY Eat The Rich 12HH lala BWT | Rough Collie | 28 | 47 |
 IPnP FuRY El Dorado(I) 14HH Ll Bb Dd chastm agicha | Central Asian Shepherd | 7 | 13 |
 JPnO FuRY Flor de Caña(I) 15HH Lla chaagi chastm | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 13 |
 AH Harrogate Nights 15HH 1hh lala Rr tt agicha agistm | Central Asian Shepherd | 16 | 27 |
 ChT FuRY He Who Shall Not Be Named GEGG 9HH | Neapolitan Mastiff | 33 | 64 |
 ANT JAA FuRY Jaded 14HH lala sp ce | Rough Collie | 13 | 22 |
 AA NT FuRY Janie's Got A Gun 10/6 sp cece 9/20 | Rough Collie | 15 | 27 |
 JPnO FuRY Johnnie Walker(II) 14HH lla Bb DD sisw Rr Tt strstm strstr | Central Asian Shepherd | 7 | 14 |
 MT FuRY Lance's Walk the Line GGEG | Rough Collie | 28 | 55 |
 AO Lemon Drop 13HH 2hh Ll Bb DD spsw agistm chaspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 18 | 30 |
 ANSh AO FuRY Lose My Number 10HH strcha spdint bb Dd | American Pit Bull Terrier | 14 | 24 |
 JPnP FuRY Malibu(I) 13HH Lla stmstr chastr | Central Asian Shepherd | 7 | 13 |
 GCO Martini 10HH 2hh Lla agiint agiagi | Central Asian Shepherd | 45 | 68 |
 JPnH FuRY McDowell(I) 8HH Lla spdint intspd | Central Asian Shepherd | 6 | 13 |
 AP Moscow Mule 17HH 2hh Ll Bb DD sisw chastm strstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 16 | 27 |
 ANSh AO FuRY Never Too Late 11HH strcha agispd bb Dd | American Pit Bull Terrier | 14 | 24 |
 JAP Orange Tundra 16HH 2hh lala Bb dd spsw chastm agispd | Central Asian Shepherd | 13 | 23 |
 AP Red Lotus 15HH 1hh ll bb DD sisw chastm stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 17 | 27 |
 ASc NT FuRY Red Rover, Red Rover 5/4 bb dd | Neapolitan Mastiff | 15 | 26 |
 Roaned Brindle Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 7 |
 JPnH FuRY Royal Salute(II) 14HH Lla strstm strstm | Central Asian Shepherd | 7 | 14 |
 ChP Sangria 10HH 2hh lla sisw Gg strstr stragi | Central Asian Shepherd | 42 | 68 |
 ANSh IPnO FuRY Silver Dollar 13HH Bb Dd spdint stmcha | American Pit Bull Terrier | 7 | 14 |
 IPnP FuRY Tullamore Dew(C) 9HH lala Rr Tt Gg strstr strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 8 | 15 |
 APnSh ANM FuRY Ying And Yang 12/4 KbrKbr S Lla agicha chaint | American Pit Bull Terrier | 12 | 21 |
 AO FuRY Zaya(I) 12HH lala agiint strint | Central Asian Shepherd | 15 | 25 |
 PnM NSh FuRY Zebra 8/6 KbrKbr S Lla intcha chaint | American Pit Bull Terrier | 10 | 18 |
NM NO 11/1 Blue and White (Irish) dd Lla | American Pit Bull Terrier | 1 | 4555 |
13/1 dd Ssp Lla strcha intspd | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 4552 |
13HH dd Ssp LL stmcha intspd | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 4552 |
NH 14/2 bb Dd Ssi mm Lla | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 3 | 2715 |
AH JAA FuRY 19 | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 21 | 2641 |
NT NA 6/5 Red Merle with Blue Sable | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 4552 |
ANSh JPnO 8/1 Blue and White (Piebald) Bb dd lla | American Pit Bull Terrier | 4 | 4559 |
NT NH 8/9 Red Merle and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Sable | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 4552 |
NT NH 8/9 Red Merle and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 4552 |
NH 9/2 bb dd Ssi mm Lla | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 2 | 2715 |
9/3 dd Ssp Lla chacha intspd | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 1 | 4552 |
Black with Cream Points | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1786 |
ChH FuRY Blue | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 32 | 4067 |
Brindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Steel Blue Grizzle | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Brindle Cream with Chocolate Grizzle and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Steel Blue Sable, Mask, and Light Undersides | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Brindle Red with Steel Blue Grizzle and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1795 |
Brindle Silver with Isabella Sable and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1795 |
Cream and White (Piebald) with Chocolate Sable and Light Undersides | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Cream with Chocolate Sable and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Cream with Isabella Sable, Mask, and Light Undersides | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Fawn with Black Saddle, Mask, and Light Undersides | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Fawn with Steel Blue Sable and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Fawn with Steel Blue Sable, Mask, and Light Undersides | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
PnFl FuRY Going Down Swinging | Catahoula Leopard Dog | 11 | 2726 |
JPnM NSh ID#68560 X ID#72160 6/5 KKbr Bb dd chacha stmspd Bl/W Ti | American Pit Bull Terrier | 6 | 4562 |
JPnM NSh ID#68560 X ID#72160 9/6 KKbr bb dd chacha stmspd Is/W | American Pit Bull Terrier | 6 | 4562 |
ASh PnM Modoc | American Pit Bull Terrier | 19 | 4556 |
WCM New Revalation (21HH) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 49 | 4421 |
Red with Faded Blue Sable and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1795 |
Roaned Black and White (Extreme Piebald) | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1795 |
Roaned Brindle Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Silver Points | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1786 |
Roaned Brindle Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Grizzle | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1786 |
Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Steel Blue Sable and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1786 |
Roaned Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Light Undersides | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1786 |
Roaned Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light Undersides | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Roaned Cream and White (Piebald) | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1786 |
Roaned Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1786 |
Roaned Steel Blue and White (Extreme Piebald) | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1787 |
Roaned Steel Blue and White (Irish) with Light Undersidest | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Silver with Chocolate Sable and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Silver with Faded Blue Sable and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1799 |
Silver with Faded Blue Sable and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1795 |
Silver with Steel Blue Grizzle and Mask | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1795 |
Steel Blue with Light Undersides | Central Asian Shepherd | 1 | 1786 |
NCO Tru Rowdy Cowboy (21HH 4E's) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 38 | 4594 |
AM IPnO Wasco | American Pit Bull Terrier | 20 | 4556 |