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Dogs Bred By Azhira

ExH AZK 27 DressesTibetan Mastiff4351
AFr AZK Act of MercyItalian Greyhound2227
PnH AZK AlienTibetan Mastiff1118
CCR AZK Amaze and AstonishItalian Greyhound6368
WCP AZK AnastasiaTibetan Mastiff7994
NSh AZK Anne BoleynPekingese110
WCT AZK Ash and DustItalian Greyhound7887
WCH AZK BabylonTibetan Mastiff7079
JAFr AZK Beautiful ThingsItalian Greyhound1420
ChFr AZK Beauty and the BeastTibetan Mastiff4251
AFl AZK Boot Scootin BoogieItalian Greyhound2227
WCFl AZK Broken HallelujahItalian Greyhound7887
WCFl AZK BulletproofItalian Greyhound7987
WCFr AZK Burning BrightItalian Greyhound7787
WCA AZK Candy GirlShetland Sheepdog8089
WCFl AZK Chaotic GoodItalian Greyhound7987
WCFr AZK Cold Light of DayItalian Greyhound6068
JAFr AZK Dance Dance RevolutionItalian Greyhound1420
NCR AZK Dapper GentlemanItalian Greyhound6068
NCM AZK Dark HorseAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5563
AR AZK Diametrically OpposedItalian Greyhound2127
ChFr AZK Dont Look UpTibetan Mastiff4351
CCFl AZK Double DutchItalian Greyhound6068
WCO AZK EndgameTibetan Mastiff6779
JAFl AZK Everybody Dance NowItalian Greyhound1420
WCH AZK Everything is AwesomeShetland Sheepdog8189
MFr AZK FangirlItalian Greyhound3345
WCH AZK Fate of the FuriousTibetan Mastiff7079
CCFl AZK Fire When ReadyItalian Greyhound6068
WCFr AZK FirewallItalian Greyhound6268
GCP AZK FlubberTibetan Mastiff4451
NCR AZK Flying HighItalian Greyhound6168
WCM AZK Ghost ProtocolTibetan Mastiff6479
WCO AZK Glass OnionTibetan Mastiff6779
WCH AZK Great ExpectationsTibetan Mastiff8594
CCFl AZK Ground ZeroItalian Greyhound6068
MFl AZK HeadlinerItalian Greyhound3345
AFl AZK High NoteItalian Greyhound2127
WCA AZK Hopes and DreamsShetland Sheepdog7789
WCR AZK Hung JuryItalian Greyhound7387
WCFr AZK JoyrideItalian Greyhound8187
WCSh AZK Knight and DayTibetan Mastiff6679
AFr AZK Lady in WaitingItalian Greyhound2127
JAFl AZK Last CallItalian Greyhound1320
PnO AZK LeverageTibetan Mastiff1118
AR AZK Little DoveItalian Greyhound2127
NCFl AZK Look to the SkyItalian Greyhound5868
NCSh AZK Lucky BreakAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5163
AFl AZK Moon and StarsItalian Greyhound2327
APnH AZK My Best Friend's WeddingTibetan Mastiff1118
NCSh AZK Picket LineAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5463
CCFr AZK Pickup LineItalian Greyhound5968
MFl AZK Poison From the Same VineItalian Greyhound3245
APnR AZK Promise of DestructionItalian Greyhound1420
WCH AZK Red, White, and Royal BlueTibetan Mastiff7079
CCFl AZK ReduxItalian Greyhound6068
PnH AZK Rogue NationTibetan Mastiff1118
ChP AZK SerendipityTibetan Mastiff4351
WCP AZK Shakespeare in LoveTibetan Mastiff8294
MR AZK Sins of the FatherItalian Greyhound3245
NCR AZK Smack TalkItalian Greyhound5968
WCFl AZK Smooth CriminalItalian Greyhound7887
WCA AZK Smooth TalkerShetland Sheepdog8289
ChFr AZK SpectreTibetan Mastiff4351
ChFl AZK SpeedTibetan Mastiff4251
AR AZK Stand Your GroundItalian Greyhound2127
ChR AZK Sugar and SpiceSilken Windhound4453
MFr AZK Suppressive FireItalian Greyhound3245
ChFl AZK Sweeny ToddTibetan Mastiff4251
MT AZK Sworn StatementItalian Greyhound3245
WCH AZK TakenTibetan Mastiff8694
WCFl AZK Tall, Dark, and HandsomeItalian Greyhound7787
WCH AZK TangledTibetan Mastiff6879
WCH AZK The Bird BoxTibetan Mastiff7379
GCP AZK The Blackcoat's DaughterTibetan Mastiff4451
WCH AZK The Desolation of SmaugTibetan Mastiff7279
WCFr AZK The English PatientTibetan Mastiff7694
WCO AZK The MegTibetan Mastiff6979
PnH AZK The MentalistTibetan Mastiff1118
PnH AZK The Old GuardTibetan Mastiff1118
APnH AZK The Parent TrapTibetan Mastiff1118
WCP AZK The Phantom MenaceTibetan Mastiff7079
WCP AZK The Princess DiariesTibetan Mastiff6879
WCH AZK Throwback ThursdayShetland Sheepdog8189
CCFr AZK Tough LoveItalian Greyhound5868
MFl AZK Triple ThreatItalian Greyhound3345
NCR AZK Unfinished BusinessItalian Greyhound5968
NCR AZK UpswingItalian Greyhound5968
WCFr AZK VindicationItalian Greyhound7887
WCT AZK Where the Red Fern GrowsTibetan Mastiff6679
GCFl AZK Whirling DervishSilken Windhound4553
CCFl AZK Wild Blue YonderItalian Greyhound5968
NCM AZK Wild ChildAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5563
AFr AZK Wrath of HeavenItalian Greyhound2127
LockedUCM AZK A Good Man Goes to WarLhasa Apso8494
LockedGCSc AZK A Songbird That SingsNeapolitan Mastiff4957
LockedNCM AZK A Town Called MercyLhasa Apso5259
LockedWCT AZK Abandon All HopeDachshund6274
LockedAce - Lla 10HH/2hh dd cwHavanese150
LockedAlbert - Lla 11HH/4hhHavanese150
LockedAliyah - LL 11HH/1hh Bb DdHavanese150
LockedMT AZK All Dogs Go to HeavenDachshund3541
LockedAlvin - Lla - 7HH/9hh Bb RrHavanese150
LockedMRO AZK AmberMiniature Dachshund3245
LockedWCH AZK An Unexpected JourneyTibetan Mastiff91101
LockedAnabella - lla 8HH/5hh RrHavanese150
LockedAnahi - lala 6HH/8hhHavanese150
LockedNRO AZK And Then There Were NoneDachshund17
LockedExD AZK Angel of DeathStandard Poodle3038
LockedAngelo - lala 6HH/7hh SlHavanese150
LockedAnya - lala 10HH/7hh bb GHavanese150
LockedNHu AZK Appointment in SamarraDachshund17
LockedNCM AZK Asylum of the DaleksLhasa Apso5159
LockedBailey - 10/4 LL d swsw GHavanese136
LockedBeatrice - 11/1 Lla b d GHavanese136
LockedBeckett - 12/3 Lla swHavanese136
LockedBethany -13/4 Lla d swswHavanese136
LockedBianca -15/1 lala b d sw cwHavanese136
LockedChP AZK BiscottiGreat Dane4150
LockedCCFl AZK BloodbathStandard Poodle6478
LockedMO AZK BlowbackStandard Poodle3238
LockedChHT AZK Blueberry JamGreat Dane4350
LockedBraelyn - 5/3 lalaHavanese136
LockedBree - 7/3 Lla dHavanese136
LockedBridger - 9/3 Lla RHavanese136
LockedBriella - 9/3 LL b swswHavanese136
LockedBrisa - 7/6 lala sw cwHavanese136
LockedMRO AZK Brothers in ArmsStandard Poodle3138
LockedARO AZK Burn NoticeBulldog1825
LockedNP AZK Bury Your DeadStandard Poodle18
LockedMA AZK Caged HeatDachshund3541
LockedCaitlyn - 8/2 lala swswHavanese17
LockedCara - 8/0 LL swswHavanese17
LockedCarver - 13/2 lala b swsw cwHavanese17
LockedCashmere - 12/2 lala d sw cwHavanese17
LockedARO AZK CatanzaroBracco Italiano1825
LockedCelene - 13/4 lala Sl b sp GHavanese17
LockedWCR AZK Champions of the JustItalian Greyhound96108
LockedWCHu AZK Changing ChannelsDachshund6274
LockedNO AZK ChimeraStandard Poodle18
LockedChM AZK Chocolate Dipped ShortbreadGreat Dane4150
LockedCindy - 11/4 lala sw ceHavanese17
LockedMFl AZK Clap Your Hands If You BelieveDachshund3541
LockedClaudia - 10/1 Lla Kbr b sw ceHavanese17
LockedClinton - 9/1 Lla Kbr sw R ceHavanese17
LockedNCHu AZK Closing TimeLhasa Apso5059
LockedExA AZK Cocoa PowderPomeranian2949
LockedAHu AZK Cold WarLhasa Apso2227
LockedUCM AZK Conspiracy TheoryStandard Poodle85101
LockedConstance - 12/2 LL THavanese17
LockedCoraline - 11/1 Lla sw R ceHavanese17
LockedCorbin - 11/3 lala b d sw GHavanese17
LockedAFT AZK CosenzaBracco Italiano1725
LockedChSc AZK Cotton CandyGreat Dane4250
LockedMP AZK Cover StoryStandard Poodle3238
LockedUCFr AZK CrackshotItalian Greyhound97108
LockedCypher - 9/0 lala d Sl swHavanese17
LockedWCRO AZK Day of the MoonLhasa Apso8194
LockedWCD AZK Dead and UnburiedStandard Poodle6478
LockedAM AZK Deep BreathLhasa Apso2127
LockedND AZK Designated TargetStandard Poodle18
LockedARO AZK DewpointChihuahua2328
LockedNCFr AZK Dinosaurs on a SpaceshipLhasa Apso5059
LockedWCD AZK DrivenStandard Poodle6578
LockedASh AZK Dusk FallChihuahua2328
LockedAHu AZK Edge of ReasonChihuahua2328
LockedAPnR AZK EglantineWhippet1118
LockedAPnFr AZK EstelleWhippet1118
LockedAPnR AZK EtienneWhippet1118
LockedJAFl AZK EugeneWhippet1218
LockedJAFr AZK EvaineWhippet1118
LockedGCSc AZK Every Breath We DrewNeapolitan Mastiff4857
LockedNP AZK Ex-FileStandard Poodle18
LockedMFl AZK Exile on Main StreetDachshund3541
LockedWCSh AZK ExtractionTibetan Mastiff86105
LockedWCRO AZK Faking ItStandard Poodle85102
LockedNCFl AZK Fallen IdolsDachshund6074
LockedARO AZK False FlagBulldog1825
LockedMM AZK FrecklesMiniature Dachshund3245
LockedWCSh AZK Free to Be You and MeDachshund6274
LockedMFr AZK Friends & LoversStandard Poodle3238
LockedUCFr AZK GabinWhippet84102
LockedWCA AZK GabrielleWhippet84102
LockedWCFl AZK GaetaneWhippet80102
LockedWCFr AZK GenevaWhippet81102
LockedUCD AZK GeoffreyWhippet84102
LockedUCFr AZK GeorgetteWhippet83102
LockedWCFr AZK GermainWhippet84102
LockedUCFl AZK Get Down TonightItalian Greyhound96108
LockedCCSc AZK Giggle at a FuneralNeapolitan Mastiff6275
LockedPnFr AZK GluttonyMiniature Dachshund1118
LockedChW AZK Grace PeriodStandard Poodle3038
LockedARO AZK Hard BargainBulldog1825
LockedNT AZK Hello, Cruel WorldDachshund17
LockedARO AZK HideLhasa Apso2227
LockedPnA AZK Honey Roasted PeanutsPomeranian917
LockedASh AZK IdentityBulldog1925
LockedNO AZK Identity CrisisStandard Poodle18
LockedMFr AZK In the DarkStandard Poodle3238
LockedNFr AZK In the ZoneStandard Poodle18
LockedNFr AZK Internal AffairsStandard Poodle18
LockedAM AZK Journey to the Center of the TARDISLhasa Apso2227
LockedGCO AZK Kiss Me Hard Before You GoNeapolitan Mastiff4757
LockedUCH AZK Lake MungoTibetan Mastiff97101
LockedWCSc AZK Last True MouthpieceNeapolitan Mastiff6475
LockedND AZK Leap of FaithStandard Poodle18
LockedNT AZK Let It BleedDachshund17
LockedGCA AZK Let's Kill HitlerLhasa Apso5059
LockedNT AZK Like a VirginDachshund17
LockedMT AZK Live Free or Twi-hardDachshund3541
LockedWCSc AZK Long Cold Lonely WinterNeapolitan Mastiff6375
LockedNW AZK Lost & FoundStandard Poodle18
LockedWCRO AZK Lucifer RisingDachshund6174
LockedGCFl AZK MateraBracco Italiano4562
LockedGCT AZK MelfiBracco Italiano4462
LockedPnRO AZK Milk ChocolatePomeranian917
LockedNT AZK Mommy DearestDachshund17
LockedWCT AZK Monster MovieDachshund84101
LockedMT AZK My Bloody ValentineDachshund3541
LockedNE AZK My Heart Will Go OnDachshund17
LockedARO AZK New DealBulldog1925
LockedGCA AZK Night TerrorsLhasa Apso5159
LockedWCHu AZK NightshifterDachshund78102
LockedExD AZK Once a HeroStandard Poodle3138
LockedPnRO AZK Orange CreamsiclePomeranian1017
LockedARO AZK Partially SunnyChihuahua2228
LockedUCM AZK Partners in CrimeLhasa Apso85101
LockedNFl AZK Piebald Project's All Revved UpStandard Poodle18
LockedNM AZK Piebald Project's BlueprintStandard Poodle18
LockedNW AZK Piebald Project's Circling the DrainStandard Poodle18
LockedNFl AZK Piebald Project's PaydirtStandard Poodle18
LockedND AZK Piebald Project's Pure PotentialStandard Poodle18
LockedNFr AZK Piebald Project's Squared AwayStandard Poodle18
LockedAFl AZK Pocketful of SunshineSilken Windhound1729
LockedMFl AZK Point of No ReturnDachshund3441
LockedAT AZK PotenzaBracco Italiano1825
LockedPnSh AZK Pumpkin Spiced LattePomeranian917
LockedPuppy 2*Stabyhoun16
LockedPuppy 3Stabyhoun16
LockedPuppy 3*Stabyhoun16
LockedPuppy 4Stabyhoun16
LockedPuppy 4Stabyhoun16
LockedPuppy 5*Stabyhoun16
LockedPuppy 6Stabyhoun16
LockedPuppy 6Stabyhoun16
LockedPuppy 7Stabyhoun16
LockedPuppy 9Stabyhoun16
LockedWCSh AZK SandblastStandard Poodle6478
LockedChRO AZK Slivered AlmondsPomeranian3049
LockedWCD AZK SmokedStandard Poodle6578
LockedNO AZK Stake OutStandard Poodle18
LockedExSh AZK Strawberry CheesecakePomeranian2949
LockedGCP AZK SulmonaBracco Italiano4562
LockedWCW AZK SuspicionStandard Poodle6378
LockedWCFl AZK Sympathy for the DevilDachshund6474
LockedAR AZK Teenage DreamSilken Windhound1629
LockedPnFl AZK TemperanceMiniature Dachshund1118
LockedGCHu AZK TeramoBracco Italiano4662
LockedNCHu AZK The Almost PeopleLhasa Apso5059
LockedNCRO AZK The Angels Take ManhattanLhasa Apso5159
LockedAM AZK The Bells of Saint JohnLhasa Apso2227
LockedUCHu AZK The Big BangLhasa Apso8194
LockedAA AZK The Crimson HorrorLhasa Apso2227
LockedWCM AZK The Curse of the Black SpotLhasa Apso8194
LockedWCHu AZK The Doctor's WifeLhasa Apso8094
LockedWCFT AZK The EndDachshund6274
LockedNT AZK The French MistakeDachshund17
LockedNCM AZK The God ComplexLhasa Apso5159
LockedUCH AZK The IllusionistTibetan Mastiff97102
LockedWCHu AZK The Impossible AstronautLhasa Apso8194
LockedWCHu AZK The LodgerLhasa Apso7994
LockedNT AZK The Man Who Would Be KingDachshund17
LockedAA AZK The Name of the DoctorLhasa Apso2127
LockedWCA AZK The Pandorica OpensLhasa Apso8094
LockedGCM AZK The Power of ThreeLhasa Apso4959
LockedCCT AZK The Real GhostbustersDachshund6274
LockedWCHu AZK The Rebel FleshLhasa Apso8194
LockedARO AZK The Rings of AkhatenLhasa Apso2127
LockedAM AZK The SnowmenLhasa Apso2127
LockedWCHu AZK The Song Remains the SameDachshund6074
LockedGCSc AZK The Sun Hasn't DiedNeapolitan Mastiff5057
LockedMFl AZK The Third ManDachshund3441
LockedARO AZK The Time of the DoctorLhasa Apso2127
LockedNCA AZK The Wedding of River SongLhasa Apso5359
LockedASh AZK Tide PoolChihuahua2328
LockedMRO AZK Trojan HorseStandard Poodle3038
LockedChSc AZK Tuxedo CakeGreat Dane4350
LockedExRO AZK Tuxedo FudgePomeranian2949
LockedCCHT AZK Twisted SisterStandard Poodle6378
LockedNFl AZK UnforgivenDachshund17
LockedAW AZK VastoBracco Italiano1625
LockedARO AZK VenosaBracco Italiano1825
LockedMSh AZK VirtueMiniature Dachshund3345
LockedAHu AZK Wave BreakChihuahua2328
LockedAR AZK What I've DoneSilken Windhound1729
LockedWCRO AZK Whatever It TakesNeapolitan Mastiff6075
LockedWCE AZK When the Levee BreaksDachshund5974
LockedWCRO AZK Witch HuntStandard Poodle6578
LockedMFl AZK You Can't Handle the TruthDachshund3341
UCR AZK 'Til I CryItalian Greyhound842961
UCFr AZK 50 First DatesTibetan Mastiff832947
WCM AZK A Fistful of RubiesAmerican Pit Bull Terrier87731
UCR A King's RansomItalian Greyhound544255
UCO AZK A Kiss of ShadowsStandard Poodle763956
WCH AZK A New HopeTibetan Mastiff832577
WCSh A Stroke of MidnightStandard Poodle524545
UCFl AZK A Thousand WordsItalian Greyhound842107
UCHu AZK A Touch on the Wild SideAmerican Pit Bull Terrier86471
UCFr AZK A Weak LinkStandard Poodle85722
Adalyn - Lla 7HH/4hh DdHavanese12934
WCT AZK AdaraDachshund604071
UCRO AZK AfflictionStandard Poodle654020
UCM AZK After HoursAmerican Pit Bull Terrier91471
WCM AZK After School SpecialDachshund84712
UCO AZK AilbheTibetan Mastiff823583
UCSh AZK Airtight AlibiItalian Greyhound83758
Aisha - lla 14HH/3hh DdHavanese12934
Alfonso - LL 11HH/4hh DdHavanese12934
WCH AZK Alice in WonderlandTibetan Mastiff93681
MSh AZK All Fired UpBulldog27761
WCFl AZK All Hell Breaks LooseDachshund742178
UCT AZK All Loveliness FadesDachshund823593
Amara - LL 6HH/7hhHavanese12934
Amber - Lla 2HH/5hhHavanese12934
ICRO AZK An Interested PartyItalian Greyhound763976
WCFl AZK Anafiel DelaunayDachshund823557
UCT Ancient BelgarathDachshund544550
UCR AZK Angel MarkedItalian Greyhound852554
WCA AZK AnguissetteDachshund813557
WCFl AZK ApocalypseItalian Greyhound88708
April - lala 6HH/7hh swHavanese12934
UCT AZK ArissaDachshund733991
WCM AZK Army of GhostsLhasa Apso792255
MHu AZK Ashes to Ashes*Bulldog26648
UCM AZK AsladeDachshund713991
WCT AZK AsylumDachshund782288
NP UCM AZK At First SightTibetan Mastiff823483
UCH AZK AvatarTibetan Mastiff862163
CCFl AZK AviendhaDachshund553033
UCT AZK AzzaDachshund853493
WCH AZK Babylon A.D.Tibetan Mastiff89670
UCFr AZK Bad PressItalian Greyhound801826
WCT AZK Bad WolfLhasa Apso742286
WCH BainTibetan Mastiff534540
WCH AZK BainTibetan Mastiff793520
UCO AZK BairbreTibetan Mastiff843520
UCR BaizeWhippet524536
UCO AZK BalfourTibetan Mastiff684017
WCR AZK Bang BangItalian Greyhound91392
UCFr AZK Bare Your BladeItalian Greyhound95132
UCO AZK BearchanTibetan Mastiff624053
UCT AZK Bearer of the OrbDachshund724027
UCO AZK BeautyStandard Poodle664020
WCHu AZK Bedtime StoriesDachshund80779
UCFr AZK Belle MorteStandard Poodle863486
UCO AZK Bete NoirStandard Poodle833018
UCT AZK BethraDachshund734027
ICT AZK BhelliomDachshund783991
WCFl AZK BibianaStandard Poodle743956
UCR BibianeWhippet524536
UCR AZK Big Blue Wet ThingItalian Greyhound842585
WCM AZK Bigger on the InsideLhasa Apso802584
UCFl BijouWhippet544536
UCHT AZK Bikini WaxStandard Poodle842557
CCA AZK Birgitte SilverbowDachshund583033
CCT AZK Black AjahDachshund592937
JPnSh AZK Black BrianSkye Terrier7664
UCFl AZK Black SpotItalian Greyhound833542
UCR AZK Black Tie AffairItalian Greyhound84758
UCO AZK Black WaterStandard Poodle842557
UCFl BlancheWhippet534536
UCRO AZK BlinkLhasa Apso821813
UCR AZK Blink and You Miss ItItalian Greyhound90550
UCFr AZK Blitz AttackItalian Greyhound88567
WCO AZK Bloody BonesStandard Poodle584066
WCM AZK Blue MoonStandard Poodle813486
WCR AZK BoomerangItalian Greyhound87407
WCFl AZK Booty CallItalian Greyhound88689
WCT AZK Born Under a Bad SignDachshund772178
UCFr AZK Borrowed TimeItalian Greyhound843509
WCA AZK Boundary WardenLhasa Apso683018
WCM AZK BraveTibetan Mastiff85705
WCFl AZK Breath of DarknessItalian Greyhound674043
UCRO AZK Breath of Fresh AirItalian Greyhound842554
UCO AZK BrighidTibetan Mastiff664017
WCFr AZK Bring It OnTibetan Mastiff86681
WCRO AZK BrushfireBulldog80681
UCFr AZK Burn it to the GroundItalian Greyhound734007
MO AZK Burn PileBulldog26761
UCFr AZK Burnished CopperItalian Greyhound862585
UCT AZK By the Burning RiverDachshund843593
WCFT AZK CadsuaneDachshund593033
UCO AZK CaelTibetan Mastiff823583
WCFl AZK CalaisWhippet521823
UCP AZK Call of SilenceStandard Poodle862557
UCR AZK Candle in the WindowItalian Greyhound832928
WCR AZK CapriceWhippet531823
WCFl AZK Cardinal SinItalian Greyhound90127
UCFr AZK Careless WhisperItalian Greyhound843573
WCH AZK Casino RoyaleTibetan Mastiff862577
UCFr AZK Catastrophic ForceItalian Greyhound852554
WCT AZK Caught on TapeItalian Greyhound842554
WCP AZK CedricTibetan Mastiff773545
WCR AZK CenterfoldItalian Greyhound94392
WCSh AZK Cerulean SinsStandard Poodle693989
WCHT AZK ChainedStandard Poodle822557
WCA ChainfireLhasa Apso534528
UCR AZK ChampagneItalian Greyhound96103
UCFl AZK Chaotic NeutralItalian Greyhound831826
UCFl AZK Chasing TomorrowItalian Greyhound853040
UCP AZK Cheaper by the DozenTibetan Mastiff842577
ICFr Chic AssassinItalian Greyhound574285
UCSh Child of the DarkDachshund524550
WCT AZK Children Shouldn't Play With Dead ThingsDachshund792288
UCFr AZK Chitty Chitty Bang BangTibetan Mastiff84738
WCT AZK Chocolate AdonisItalian Greyhound842107
UCHT AZK Chocolate Covered PretzelGreat Dane83755
UCFr AZK Classic BlunderItalian Greyhound753976
WCT AZK Clear SkiesItalian Greyhound832585
UCFr AZK ClickbaitItalian Greyhound89375
UCO AZK Clotted CreamGreat Dane84755
UCSh AZK Cloud CoverChihuahua89422
WCFl AZK ClovisWhippet551823
WCFl AZK Cocktail HourItalian Greyhound89725
UCFl AZK Cold Black HeartItalian Greyhound852585
UCM AZK Cold BloodLhasa Apso88732
WCFr AZK ColetteWhippet541823
WCT AZK Coloring Outside the LinesItalian Greyhound85742
WCFl AZK Comedy of ErrorsItalian Greyhound684043
UCFr AZK Con ArtistItalian Greyhound89550
UCFr AZK Conceal, Dont FeelItalian Greyhound853542
WCM AZK ConfessorLhasa Apso653489
UCHT AZK Cookies 'n CreamGreat Dane87755
WCH AZK CoralineTibetan Mastiff91670
UCFl AZK Counting SinsItalian Greyhound832961
UCFl AZK Creme BruleeItalian Greyhound93386
WCP AZK CriostalTibetan Mastiff813583
WCHu AZK CroatoanDachshund782178
WCR AZK Cross the LineItalian Greyhound90386
WCFl AZK Crossroad BluesDachshund73779
UCR AZK Crossroads DealItalian Greyhound793609
UCT AZK CruarchDachshund843537
UCFl AZK Crying for LeavingItalian Greyhound98109
UCR AZK Cut You LooseItalian Greyhound92689
WCT AZK Daes Dae'marDachshund603033
ExFr AZK DaijaWhippet341787
UCA AZK Daleks in ManhattanLhasa Apso811813
ExFl AZK DamicaWhippet341787
WCHu AZK Damsel in DistressItalian Greyhound782107
UCO AZK DancingStandard Poodle743956
UCFl AZK Dancing in the MoonlightItalian Greyhound84758
WCH AZK DanuTibetan Mastiff624053
UCFl Dappled ShadowsItalian Greyhound544285
ChR AZK DarielaWhippet351787
WCR AZK Dark of the NightItalian Greyhound89121
UCFl AZK Dark Side of the MoonItalian Greyhound852272
WCA AZK Darken RahlLhasa Apso633489
WCA AZK Daughter of the NightDachshund673053
UCFr AZK Dead IceStandard Poodle823486
UCHT AZK Dead Man TalkingStandard Poodle792925
WCT AZK Dead Man's BloodDachshund772288
UCFl AZK Deadly SinItalian Greyhound93375
WCFl AZK Death Takes a HolidayDachshund83712
WCA AZK Death's MistressLhasa Apso772923
WCA AZK Debt of BonesLhasa Apso663489
WCP AZK DeceptionStandard Poodle812257
UCT AZK Deep and Without FathomDachshund853537
UCFr AZK DefianceTibetan Mastiff90636
UCH AZK DeirdreTibetan Mastiff694017
ExFl AZK DeliceWhippet331787
ExFl AZK DelphineWhippet331787
UCFr AZK Destined for the ScreenItalian Greyhound89641
UCFr AZK Devil You KnowItalian Greyhound813040
WCFl AZK Devil's TrapDachshund772288
UCFr AZK Dew KissedItalian Greyhound654043
UCH DiorbhailTibetan Mastiff534540
UCR AZK Dirty Little SecretItalian Greyhound99568
UCFl AZK Dirty MartiniItalian Greyhound91121
UCFr Distorted PerspectiveItalian Greyhound544440
UCFr Divine MisdemeanorsStandard Poodle534545
WCM AZK DoomsdayLhasa Apso792255
UCFl AZK Double FudgeItalian Greyhound85758
WCR AZK Double JeopardyItalian Greyhound86657
WCFl AZK Down and OutItalian Greyhound82728
WCR AZK Dragon QueenItalian Greyhound95132
JPnT AZK Dragonfly in AmberSkye Terrier7664
WCHu AZK Dream a Little Dream of MeDachshund78779
WCA AZK DreamwalkerLhasa Apso752923
WCFl AZK Drift AwayItalian Greyhound822928
ChFr AZK DumasWhippet351787
WCP AZK Easy ATibetan Mastiff80771
WCFl AZK Easy to PretendItalian Greyhound822175
UCP AZK Edge of DawnItalian Greyhound833542
UCSh AZK Edge of NightChihuahua89422
UCH AZK EeveTibetan Mastiff693985
WCR AZK EffervescenceItalian Greyhound87641
UCT AZK EishethDachshund833557
UCA AZK Elvis is DeadItalian Greyhound842928
UCFT AZK ElysDachshund703991
WCRO AZK Emergency FlareBulldog79681
WCSh AZK EnailaDachshund703053
WCFl AZK Endless NightItalian Greyhound93567
UCSh AZK EnigmaStandard Poodle833018
UCP AZK Enola HolmesTibetan Mastiff87636
WCH AZK EnoraTibetan Mastiff733953
UCFl AZK Enter Stage RightItalian Greyhound843509
WCH AZK EnyaTibetan Mastiff614053
WCFl AZK Escape VelocityItalian Greyhound89386
WCH AZK EthneTibetan Mastiff654017
ICO AZK EumannTibetan Mastiff822193
WCFl AZK Event HorizonItalian Greyhound87657
WCT AZK Ever AfterTibetan Mastiff87670
WCM AZK Ever So RightlyItalian Greyhound813573
UCR AZK Every Breath You TakeItalian Greyhound832175
WCT AZK Everybody Loves a ClownDachshund792288
WCR AZK Exclusive ScoopItalian Greyhound92132
WCFl AZK Eye of the StormItalian Greyhound842585
UCR AZK Eye of the TigerItalian Greyhound734007
UCRO AZK Eye SpyStandard Poodle833018
WCR AZK FabiolaWhippet691783
CCM AZK FaileDachshund583033
UCRO AZK Fairy PrincessStandard Poodle763555
UCFl AZK Fallen AngelItalian Greyhound853542
UCFl Falling Out of LuckItalian Greyhound544440
WCHu AZK Family of BloodLhasa Apso832156
ICW AZK Family SecretStandard Poodle82724
WCFr AZK FaronWhippet701783
WCSh AZK Fast and FuriousTibetan Mastiff832577
UCSh AZK Fast FiveTibetan Mastiff86771
WCD AZK FavreWhippet631783
WCFr AZK FayetteWhippet671783
WCHu AZK Fear HerLhasa Apso782286
WCR AZK FeleciteWhippet701783
WCFl AZK FelicienneWhippet641783
UCP AZK FenellaTibetan Mastiff823545
UCH AZK FerelithTibetan Mastiff803953
WCH AZK FiannaTibetan Mastiff674017
UCFr AZK Fiddle of GoldItalian Greyhound823573
WCFl AZK FiliaWhippet701783
WCFl AZK FilippaWhippet731783
WCHu AZK Final CountdownItalian Greyhound842272
UCFl AZK Fine WineItalian Greyhound93567
UCR AZK Finger GunsItalian Greyhound94129
WCFl AZK Fire and BrimstoneItalian Greyhound91550
UCFl Fire and IceItalian Greyhound554255
UCFl AZK Fire in the HoleItalian Greyhound94103
UCM AZK Fires of PompeiiLhasa Apso821813
MHu AZK Firestarter*Bulldog26648
MHu AZK FirestormBulldog27761
CCT AZK First Prince of the SwordDachshund553033
WCM AZK First WizardLhasa Apso752923
WCHu AZK Flame BroiledBulldog79681
MO AZK Flaming TorchBulldog27761
UCFl AZK Flash DanceItalian Greyhound94669
MSh AZK FlashfireBulldog27761
UCFr Flattered FooleryItalian Greyhound544440
UCHu AZK Flesh and StoneLhasa Apso87732
WCFl AZK FleurWhippet721783
WCFr AZK Flights of FancyItalian Greyhound821790
WCH FloraighTibetan Mastiff534540
WCA AZK FloreWhippet711783
WCM AZK Flying HighChihuahua84725
WCHu AZK Folsom Prison BluesDachshund76746
UCT AZK For Pleasure's SakeDachshund833593
UCFl AZK Forced EntryItalian Greyhound91375
WCRO AZK Forest of the DeadLhasa Apso80764
UCFl AZK Forgotten TwilightItalian Greyhound861790
UCFl AZK Fractured PrismItalian Greyhound87742
UCFl AZK Fragile Like a Hand GrenadeItalian Greyhound92407
UCFr AZK Frame UpStandard Poodle812257
WCFl AZK FredericWhippet671783
WCR AZK Free and ClearItalian Greyhound89567
WCR AZK Free to FlyItalian Greyhound90121
WCA AZK Fresh BloodDachshund77779
UCFr AZK Friends With BenefitsItalian Greyhound92674
WCRO AZK Frost FireBulldog78681
UCM AZK Full StopAmerican Pit Bull Terrier88731
UCFr AZK Full ThrottleItalian Greyhound94132
WCH AZK Furious 7Tibetan Mastiff90670
UCFr AZK Gaze of GloryItalian Greyhound89407
UCO AZK GearoidinTibetan Mastiff634053
WCT AZK Get Me to the ChurchItalian Greyhound852554
UCFr AZK Getting Away With MurderItalian Greyhound81727
WCFl AZK GhostfacersDachshund76746
WCFl AZK Girl on FireItalian Greyhound823573
UCFr AZK Giving the BladeItalian Greyhound862961
UCH AZK GlennaTibetan Mastiff743985
UCFl AZK Glimmer of FrostItalian Greyhound734007
UCT AZK God's PunisherDachshund803593
MHu AZK Golden Flame*Bulldog28648
WCP AZK Golden Goddess of HollywoodStandard Poodle803555
WCR AZK Gone ViralItalian Greyhound93103
UCFl AZK Gonna Getcha GoodItalian Greyhound863509
WCFl AZK Good IntentionsItalian Greyhound86725
UCFl AZK Gossip GirlItalian Greyhound96681
WCFl AZK Got No RhythmItalian Greyhound851790
WCH AZK GrainneTibetan Mastiff614053
WCA AZK GridlockLhasa Apso842156
UCR AZK Ground ZeroItalian Greyhound811826
UCR Guardian of the WestItalian Greyhound554285
UCFl AZK Guilty as SinItalian Greyhound832107
MFr WCRO AZK Guilty PleasuresStandard Poodle703586
UCH AZK HartiganTibetan Mastiff773953
WCFl AZK Hazelnut DelightItalian Greyhound842272
WCFr AZK Hazy MemoryItalian Greyhound813573
UCD AZK Head CaseStandard Poodle86724
UCFr AZK Hear it in the NightItalian Greyhound832928
UCFr AZK Hear Me RoarItalian Greyhound91132
WCHu AZK Hear No EvilItalian Greyhound832272
WCSh AZK HeartDachshund712178
UCSh AZK Heart BreakStandard Poodle832588
WCFl AZK Heart of StoneItalian Greyhound89689
WCFl AZK Heart of the MountainItalian Greyhound91407
UCFr AZK Heartbroken LoverStandard Poodle693989
WCT AZK HeartseekerDachshund713053
UCO AZK HeatherTibetan Mastiff773953
UCHu AZK Heaven and HellDachshund85712
ICR AZK Hell is Just a SaunaItalian Greyhound831826
WCFl AZK Hellfire and DamnationItalian Greyhound87708
WCHu AZK Hello, SweetieLhasa Apso802255
WCFr AZK Here Lies the AbyssItalian Greyhound801790
WCR AZK High Class AffairItalian Greyhound87725
WCH AZK High NoonShetland Sheepdog83756
UCHT AZK High SeasStandard Poodle792925
UCHu AZK High TideChihuahua88422
WCR AZK High TreasonItalian Greyhound89103
UCFl AZK HoarfrostItalian Greyhound773976
UCRO AZK HoarfrostChihuahua90422
UCFl AZK Hold the LineItalian Greyhound95132
WCT AZK Hollywood BabylonDachshund742178
WCR AZK Honed and ReadyItalian Greyhound91407
WCH AZK Honey HoneyShetland Sheepdog84756
UCP AZK Honor CodeStandard Poodle822257
UCHu AZK Hot off the PressItalian Greyhound82758
UCFr AZK Hot SpotItalian Greyhound91375
WCRO AZK Houses of the HolyDachshund752178
UCO AZK HughTibetan Mastiff723985
UCM AZK Human NatureLhasa Apso851813
UCRO AZK Hung Out to DryStandard Poodle843018
WCFl AZK HuntedDachshund762178
WCT AZK I Know What You Did Last SummerDachshund85712
UCT AZK I YieldDachshund873493
WCA AZK Ice BreakerShetland Sheepdog90655
WCSh AZK IcedStandard Poodle84724
WCHu AZK Icy HotBulldog82681
WCFl AZK In My Time of DyingDachshund782288
UCRO AZK In the BeginningDachshund84746
WCR AZK In Your Heart Shall BurnItalian Greyhound792107
UCFr AZK InceptionTibetan Mastiff89638
WCFl AZK Incubus DreamsStandard Poodle614066
UCO AZK Infinity WarTibetan Mastiff86670
UCO AZK InterstellarTibetan Mastiff871806
UCP AZK Into DarknessTibetan Mastiff831806
UCFr AZK Iron ManTibetan Mastiff83738
UCO AZK IsibealTibetan Mastiff713985
UCSh IslenaDachshund554269
UCW AZK JeopardyStandard Poodle81724
UCH AZK John CarterTibetan Mastiff842921
WCM AZK Journeys EndLhasa Apso85732
UCSh AZK JuliannaStandard Poodle703989
UCHu AZK Jump the SharkDachshund85712
UCO AZK Jupiter AscendingTibetan Mastiff792921
WCP AZK Jus in BelloDachshund78779
WCR AZK Just DessertsItalian Greyhound88407
WCH AZK Just Go With ItTibetan Mastiff832947
WCFl AZK Keeping it RealItalian Greyhound674043
UCH AZK Keeping the FaithTibetan Mastiff861806
WCR AZK Kick 'Em While Their DownItalian Greyhound851790
UCFl AZK KilberhaarDachshund833593
ICHT AZK Kill AriStandard Poodle832257
UCFr AZK King of ConventionalItalian Greyhound92127
WCR AZK Kiss KissItalian Greyhound88674
WCSh AZK Kiss the DeadStandard Poodle654020
WCFl AZK Kushiel's DartDachshund813537
UCFl AZK Kushiel's ScionDachshund863493
JPnRO AZK La Dame BlancheSkye Terrier7664
UCFr AZK Lady in RedItalian Greyhound821826
UCRO Lady of SocietyItalian Greyhound574255
UCT Lady TamazinDachshund544305
JPnSh AZK LaoghaireSkye Terrier7664
WCP AZK LaoiseTibetan Mastiff783520
WCO AZK LarkinTibetan Mastiff793520
WCFl AZK Last Known SurvivorItalian Greyhound821826
UCR AZK Last Stroke of MidnightItalian Greyhound832928
WCR AZK Lawful EvilItalian Greyhound86725
UCFl AZK Lawful GoodItalian Greyhound93130
UCT LaylaDachshund544269
WCT AZK Lazarus RisingDachshund80746
UCT AZK Left Hand ManItalian Greyhound80726
WCH AZK Legally BlondeTibetan Mastiff86738
UCH AZK Les MiserablesTibetan Mastiff842947
UCT AZK Let the Good Times RollItalian Greyhound90567
UCFr AZK Lick of LightningItalian Greyhound88742
WCFl AZK Lick of LuckItalian Greyhound88641
UCR AZK Lie of OmissionItalian Greyhound843040
WCRO AZK Light SleeperStandard Poodle80724
UCFl AZK Lightning StrikeItalian Greyhound882554
WCFl AZK Line in the SandItalian Greyhound85725
UCFr Little Bit O LuckItalian Greyhound534556
NP AZK Little Bitty VampireStandard Poodle13853
UCT Little Honey BeeItalian Greyhound574255
UCFl AZK Little to the LeftShetland Sheepdog832158
WCA AZK Little White LieItalian Greyhound813040
UCT AZK Locked and LoadedItalian Greyhound90375
CCT AZK Long FeatherDachshund592937
UCFl AZK Look to the StarsItalian Greyhound91689
WCA AZK Lord of ChaosDachshund683053
WCSh AZK Lord of StormsStandard Poodle763555
CCFl AZK Lord of the MorningDachshund573033
WCFl AZK Lost Souls and ReverieItalian Greyhound88725
WCHu AZK Love and MonstersLhasa Apso772286
WCSc AZK Love is Not a Victory MarchNeapolitan Mastiff792559
UCM AZK Lt. Jane DoeStandard Poodle842588
UCFl Luscious CaramelItalian Greyhound534556
NW Ma PetiteStandard Poodle13853
WCSh AZK Ma PetiteStandard Poodle713516
UCT AZK MahrkagirDachshund863493
WCFl AZK Maiden of the SpearDachshund693053
WCFT AZK Malleus MaleficarumDachshund75779
WCSh AZK Mama MiaTibetan Mastiff85705
WCT AZK Manifest DestinyItalian Greyhound87567
WCFl AZK Marine DownStandard Poodle802588
UCT AZK MartjeDachshund713971
UCH AZK Mary PoppinsTibetan Mastiff91738
NRO AZK Master of the CityStandard Poodle13853
CCT AZK Mazrim TaimDachshund582937
WCT AZK Mean GirlsTibetan Mastiff84670
UCFl AZK MelisandeDachshund813593
UCO AZK MelorTibetan Mastiff813545
UCR AZK Melt on the TongueItalian Greyhound801826
CCT AZK MesaanaDachshund602937
WCT AZK MetamorphosisDachshund82746
WCM AZK MidnightLhasa Apso79764
UCO AZK Mind GamesStandard Poodle832557
WCSh AZK MirrenTibetan Mastiff763583
UCT AZK MirtaiDachshund753991
UCH AZK Miss CongenialityTibetan Mastiff95670
UCP AZK Mission ImpossibleTibetan Mastiff872947
WCRO AZK Mission ImpossibleTibetan Mastiff85119
WCSh AZK Mist and ShadowChihuahua82725
WCA AZK Mistress of the AgielLhasa Apso693018
UCFr AZK Model BehaviourStandard Poodle812257
UCFr AZK Mona Lisa SmileTibetan Mastiff90119
UCFr AZK Moonless NightItalian Greyhound88641
WCA AZK Mord Sith in Red LeatherLhasa Apso722923
WCM AZK Mother ConfessorLhasa Apso683018
NRO AZK Mother of All DarknessStandard Poodle13853
UCFr AZK Moulin RougeTibetan Mastiff832163
UCH AZK Murder MysteryTibetan Mastiff91636
UCO AZK Murder on the Orient ExpressTibetan Mastiff89670
WCFl AZK Must Love HellhoundsItalian Greyhound852272
UCFr AZK My Fair LadyTibetan Mastiff822163
WCHu AZK Mystery SpotDachshund77746
UCA Naked EmpireLhasa Apso544528
UCW AZK Narcissus in ChainsStandard Poodle654020
UCFl AZK NerinaDachshund634071
UCO AZK Never Been KissedTibetan Mastiff833483
WCSh AZK Never Been KissedTibetan Mastiff78771
WCA AZK Never Gonna Dance AgainItalian Greyhound833040
UCFl AZK New MoonItalian Greyhound92103
CCFl AZK New SpringDachshund572937
UCFr AZK Nimir-RaStandard Poodle873486
WCA AZK No ExitDachshund782288
UCFr AZK No MercyItalian Greyhound842175
WCT AZK No Rest For the WickedDachshund83746
WCSc AZK Nothing Changed At AllNeapolitan Mastiff772559
WCFl AZK OathkeeperItalian Greyhound91550
UCO AZK Ocean's EightTibetan Mastiff89119
UCP AZK Ocean's ElevenTibetan Mastiff822921
WCH AZK Ocean's ThirteenTibetan Mastiff85705
UCH AZK Ocean's TwelveTibetan Mastiff851806
UCH OisinTibetan Mastiff534540
WCT AZK On the Head of a PinDachshund86712
WCFl AZK Once Upon A Time In HollywoodTibetan Mastiff86705
UCR One Last BetItalian Greyhound534556
WCR AZK One Last RefrainItalian Greyhound86689
WCSh AZK One Shot, One KillStandard Poodle802588
WCR AZK One Song GloryItalian Greyhound821790
UCR AZK One Tough BroadItalian Greyhound883509
UCFl AZK Original SinItalian Greyhound87758
UCFr AZK Out of ControlItalian Greyhound91121
UCFl Out of the DesertItalian Greyhound554285
UCR Over the RainbowItalian Greyhound554285
ICFr AZK Own the NightItalian Greyhound813609
UCSh AZK P.S I Love YouTibetan Mastiff833483
UCRO AZK PairacTibetan Mastiff803520
UCFr AZK Pale MoonlightItalian Greyhound832928
UCO AZK Pan's LabyrinthTibetan Mastiff81771
UCFl AZK PaparazziItalian Greyhound92375
WCFl AZK Peanut GalleryItalian Greyhound91550
WCA AZK PennyStandard Poodle783555
UCHu AZK PerjuryItalian Greyhound85375
UCRO AZK Petite MorteStandard Poodle663989
UCA PhantomLhasa Apso554528
WCFT AZK Phantom TravelerDachshund752579
UCT AZK PhedreDachshund883493
WCO AZK PialaTibetan Mastiff773545
MHT AZK Piebald Project's Buried SecretsStandard Poodle32665
MHT AZK Piebald Project's Skating ByStandard Poodle32665
ExD AZK Piebald Project's Super GlueStandard Poodle32665
ExD AZK Piebald Project's Under the WireStandard Poodle32665
UCFl AZK PirouetteItalian Greyhound94386
UCH AZK Pitch BlackTibetan Mastiff842921
WCFl AZK Pitch PerfectTibetan Mastiff87670
WCR AZK Play Me A MemoryItalian Greyhound833573
WCFl AZK Playing the OddsItalian Greyhound87689
UCT AZK Pocketful of SunshineItalian Greyhound832961
UCT PorennDachshund544305
ICR AZK Precious GemItalian Greyhound763976
WCA AZK Prelate of the LightLhasa Apso782923
UCFr AZK Pressure PointItalian Greyhound92392
ICR AZK Pretty Pretty PrincessItalian Greyhound763976
UCO AZK Pretty WomanTibetan Mastiff89705
WCT AZK Prince of the RavensDachshund703053
WCR AZK Priority AlertItalian Greyhound89407
WCFl AZK Probable CauseItalian Greyhound88657
WCFl AZK Promo CodeItalian Greyhound88103
WCT AZK Proof in the PuddingItalian Greyhound822107
UCT AZK Protect and ServeDachshund873557
WCSh AZK ProvenanceDachshund752288
UCP AZK Pudding PopItalian Greyhound95681
UCM AZK Pump the BreaksAmerican Pit Bull Terrier91471
WCD AZK Puppy 1Standard Poodle791588
UCFr AZK Quantum of SolaceTibetan Mastiff87636
WCSh AZK Queen of Air and DarknessStandard Poodle763586
WCSh AZK Queen of NightmaresStandard Poodle763555
UCT AZK Queen of SorceryDachshund714027
UCR AZK Quiet ConversationItalian Greyhound842554
WCSh AZK Quiet in the DeepChihuahua81725
UCFr AZK Quiet ReflectionsItalian Greyhound734007
WCR AZK Raging TempestItalian Greyhound812175
UCFr AZK Rain on the RooftopItalian Greyhound832928
WCP AZK RavenousStandard Poodle81724
UCR AZK Read Between the LinesItalian Greyhound852272
UCFr AZK Red CellStandard Poodle842557
WCFl AZK Red Hot Chili PepperItalian Greyhound801826
MHu AZK Red Hot CoalsBulldog27761
UCP AZK Red NoticeTibetan Mastiff93681
WCFl AZK Red Sky at MorningDachshund76779
UCT AZK Reign of FireTibetan Mastiff842947
WCT AZK RENTTibetan Mastiff832577
UCT AZK Rest and Be SoothedDachshund833557
WCFl AZK Restraining OrderItalian Greyhound85725
UCFl AZK ReveilleStandard Poodle802925
UCH AZK Revolutionary RoadTibetan Mastiff92119
UCH AZK RiddickTibetan Mastiff872163
UCFr AZK Riding the StormItalian Greyhound832175
UCR AZK Ringside SeatsItalian Greyhound91708
WCM AZK Rock BottomChihuahua84725
UCH AZK Rogue OneTibetan Mastiff86771
WCFl AZK RoseLhasa Apso792584
UCR AZK Rum ChantillyItalian Greyhound714007
UCFr AZK Rumor Has ItTibetan Mastiff852947
UCR AZK Rumor on the WindItalian Greyhound863509
UCFr AZK Run for the MoneyItalian Greyhound764007
UCO AZK Runaway BrideTibetan Mastiff89119
UCFl AZK Running Down to the RiptideItalian Greyhound872272
WCFl AZK Running From the DaylightItalian Greyhound89375
UCFl AZK Sail AwayItalian Greyhound783609
UCT SalmissraDachshund564305
WCFl AZK SalvationDachshund742288
UCFr AZK Scandal of the CenturyItalian Greyhound89657
WCR AZK Scars on Our HeartsItalian Greyhound89689
UCFr AZK ScorecardItalian Greyhound92103
WCFl AZK Scotch on the RocksItalian Greyhound91567
UCO AZK SeadogStandard Poodle843018
WCT AZK Sealed With a KissItalian Greyhound85725
UCFl AZK Secret KeeperItalian Greyhound91103
UCFl AZK Secrets That You KeepItalian Greyhound843609
UCO AZK Seduced by MoonlightStandard Poodle614066
WCFl AZK See No EvilItalian Greyhound821826
UCT AZK SephreniaDachshund773991
WCA AZK Servant of NaamahDachshund833537
CCM AZK SevannaDachshund573033
UCR AZK Shaken, Not StirredItalian Greyhound813542
WCP AZK Shall We DanceTibetan Mastiff82771
WCFr AZK ShalomStandard Poodle82724
UCR AZK Shattered RubiesItalian Greyhound684043
WCO AZK Shiver of LightStandard Poodle773586
WCFl AZK Shooting StarShetland Sheepdog89655
ICFr AZK Shooting StarItalian Greyhound97132
UCT AZK Short and SweetItalian Greyhound832961
WCM AZK SibealTibetan Mastiff783583
WCFl AZK Side HustleItalian Greyhound87567
WCR AZK Signature MoveItalian Greyhound88407
UCT SilarDachshund554305
UCM AZK Silence in the LibraryLhasa Apso87764
UCFr AZK Silent KnightItalian Greyhound734007
WCT AZK Sin CityDachshund73779
UCFl AZK Sinfully DelightfulItalian Greyhound852554
UCH AZK Sing Me to SleepShetland Sheepdog862158
WCHT AZK Singled OutStandard Poodle81724
WCFl AZK SingularityItalian Greyhound81758
WCP AZK SiomonTibetan Mastiff773583
WCM AZK Sister of the LightLhasa Apso613489
UCW AZK Skin TradeStandard Poodle594066
WCFl AZK SkyfallTibetan Mastiff82738
UCP AZK Sleeping BeautyTibetan Mastiff90636
WCFl AZK Sleeping in the SpotlightItalian Greyhound833509
UCFl Slick as SilkItalian Greyhound564285
UCD AZK Smoldering FlameItalian Greyhound822272
WCR AZK Smoldering TemptressItalian Greyhound95407
UCFr AZK Solar EclipseItalian Greyhound852272
UCFr AZK Solar FlareItalian Greyhound88657
WCFl AZK Something WickedDachshund742579
UCFr AZK Songbird that SingsItalian Greyhound93132
ICM Sorceress of DarshivaDachshund554269
UCFl AZK Sound of a HeartbeatItalian Greyhound872961
UCT AZK SparhawkDachshund763991
ICFr Sparkling DiamondItalian Greyhound564285
UCFl AZK Speak No EvilItalian Greyhound842928
UCFl AZK Speak of the DevilItalian Greyhound843509
ICW AZK Split DecisionStandard Poodle792925
UCA AZK SpoilersLhasa Apso852156
UCFl AZK Stairway to HeavenItalian Greyhound93127
WCHu AZK Star-Crossed LoversItalian Greyhound83567
UCO AZK StardustTibetan Mastiff82771
UCT AZK StarstruckItalian Greyhound90657
UCFl AZK Starting ConversationsItalian Greyhound91121
UCHu AZK Steel PlatedItalian Greyhound88132
UCFr AZK Steel Your HeartItalian Greyhound90129
UCFr AZK Step in TimeItalian Greyhound744007
WCM AZK Storm on the HorizonItalian Greyhound823040
WCSh AZK Sub RosaStandard Poodle813018
UCM Sugar 'n SpiceItalian Greyhound554440
WCFl AZK Sugar BabyItalian Greyhound92657
UCFl AZK Sugar DaddyItalian Greyhound87550
UCFl AZK Sugar MamaItalian Greyhound822107
WCH AZK Sugar SugarShetland Sheepdog88655
UCA AZK Sun BakedShetland Sheepdog92655
UCR AZK Sunny SailingItalian Greyhound862585
WCFr AZK SupernovaItalian Greyhound89386
UCR AZK Suspended AnimationItalian Greyhound684043
UCFr AZK Swallowing DarknessStandard Poodle654020
WCR AZK Sweet as SinItalian Greyhound90689
UCR AZK Sweet EscapeItalian Greyhound852554
WCSh AZK SwitchStandard Poodle812257
UCFl AZK Taco TuesdayShetland Sheepdog86756
UCR AZK Take My Breath AwayItalian Greyhound754007
WCR AZK Talk of the TownItalian Greyhound81739
UCFl AZK Talking in Your SleepItalian Greyhound833542
UCE AZK Tall TalesDachshund742251
WCR AZK Tear Ducts and RustItalian Greyhound91407
UCM Temple of the WindsLhasa Apso544528
WCR AZK Tempting the DevilItalian Greyhound811790
WCT AZK The AvengersTibetan Mastiff83771
WCA AZK The Beast BelowLhasa Apso85732
WCFr AZK The Bone WomanLhasa Apso742923
UCFr AZK The Bone YardStandard Poodle862588
WCH AZK The Bourne IdentityTibetan Mastiff823483
WCH AZK The Bourne SupremacyTibetan Mastiff832577
WCHu AZK The Christmas InvasionLhasa Apso762286
WCH AZK The Chronicles of RiddickTibetan Mastiff83771
ICW AZK The CurseStandard Poodle792588
UCO AZK The Cutting EdgeTibetan Mastiff823483
UCP AZK The Devil Wears PradaTibetan Mastiff872163
UCFl AZK The Doctor's DaughterLhasa Apso85764
CCA AZK The Dragon RebornDachshund582937
WCT The Duchess of EratDachshund524550
UCRO AZK The Eleventh HourLhasa Apso84732
UCP AZK The Empire Strikes BackTibetan Mastiff85771
UCFT AZK The Empty OneDachshund744027
WCM AZK The End of the WorldLhasa Apso762584
UCW AZK The ExecutionerStandard Poodle763555
WCM AZK The Face of BoeLhasa Apso802255
WCP AZK The Fast and the FuriousTibetan Mastiff823483
WCRO AZK The Girl in the FireplaceLhasa Apso742286
UCRO AZK The Girl Who WaitedLhasa Apso792156
WCM AZK The Girl Who Walked the EarthLhasa Apso792584
ICRO AZK The Good SamaritanStandard Poodle802588
WCFr AZK The Good Wives ClubStandard Poodle822588
WCP AZK The Green ManStandard Poodle783555
WCO AZK The HarlequinStandard Poodle773586
WCM AZK The Hungry EarthLhasa Apso87732
WCSh AZK The Hunt for Red OctoberTibetan Mastiff79738
UCT AZK The HunterDachshund733971
WCA AZK The Idiot's LanternLhasa Apso802255
UCP AZK The Imitation GameTibetan Mastiff87637
UCFr AZK The ImmortalsStandard Poodle822925
WCRO AZK The Impossible PlanetLhasa Apso772255
UCFr AZK The Killing DanceStandard Poodle634066
UCFr AZK The King and ITibetan Mastiff90636
UCT AZK The Knight ProtectorDachshund654071
WCH AZK The Lake HouseTibetan Mastiff87738
UCHu AZK The Last of the Time LordsLhasa Apso821813
UCM AZK The Lazarus ExperimentLhasa Apso811813
UCH AZK The Little MermaidTibetan Mastiff881806
WCM AZK The Long GameLhasa Apso742286
UCP AZK The Lost CityTibetan Mastiff89636
UCM AZK The Man Who ForgetsLhasa Apso812156
WCHu AZK The Man Who RegretsLhasa Apso812156
UCSh The Man With Two LivesDachshund554305
WCH AZK The MartianTibetan Mastiff822163
UCM AZK The MasterLhasa Apso822584
WCHT AZK The Meat PuzzleStandard Poodle832557
WCT AZK The Monster at the End of This BookDachshund85712
WCRO AZK The Mother of All DarknessStandard Poodle723516
WCRO AZK The Omen MachineLhasa Apso653489
WCHu AZK The Oncoming StormLhasa Apso792156
UCH AZK The Painted VeilTibetan Mastiff862163
UCR AZK The Path to HellItalian Greyhound95669
UCRO AZK The Poison SkyLhasa Apso86764
UCO AZK The PrestigeTibetan Mastiff782578
WCP AZK The Princess BrideTibetan Mastiff802921
UCP AZK The ProposalTibetan Mastiff842163
UCFT AZK The Queen's CompanionDachshund793593
UCFl AZK The Queen's PoetDachshund843493
UCT AZK The RaptureDachshund90712
UCP AZK The Return of the JediTibetan Mastiff88670
UCFl AZK The Room Where It HappenedItalian Greyhound95132
WCT AZK The Rose CrownDachshund683053
UCRO AZK The Runaway BrideLhasa Apso782156
WCHu AZK The Satan PitLhasa Apso772255
UCM AZK The Scent of ApplesDachshund793593
UCP AZK The Secret GardenTibetan Mastiff83771
UCT The Seeress of KellDachshund544550
UCM AZK The Shakespeare CodeLhasa Apso802156
UCM AZK The Silent ManDachshund713971
UCHu AZK The Sound of DrumsLhasa Apso84765
WCO AZK The Sound of MusicTibetan Mastiff803483
WCHu AZK The Stolen EarthLhasa Apso82764
WCM AZK The Sun PrinceDachshund853537
WCFl AZK The Thing With FeathersItalian Greyhound822175
UCH AZK The Thomas Crowne AffairTibetan Mastiff92119
WCM AZK The Time of the AngelsLhasa Apso86732
UCFr AZK The Truth is Out ThereStandard Poodle802925
UCO AZK The Ugly TruthTibetan Mastiff90705
CCT AZK The Uncrowned KingDachshund582937
UCRO AZK The Unicorn and the WaspLhasa Apso87764
WCFl AZK The Usual SuspectsDachshund742288
WCFl AZK The Vampires of VeniceLhasa Apso85732
UCFr AZK The Voyeur's WebStandard Poodle842257
UCR AZK The Way I Danced With YouItalian Greyhound832585
UCFl AZK The Weeping GodDachshund733971
WCT AZK The Wheel of TimeDachshund602937
NP AZK The Wicked TruthStandard Poodle13853
UCSh AZK The Wicked TruthStandard Poodle803486
WCM AZK The Witch WomanLhasa Apso633489
JPnFr UCT AZK Thou, And No OtherDachshund843493
WCT AZK Thrill of the FightItalian Greyhound85708
UCFl AZK Thrill SeekerItalian Greyhound95550
WCM AZK Through the Looking GlassItalian Greyhound813573
UCFl AZK Tiger's BloodItalian Greyhound92121
WCT AZK Time is on My SideDachshund79746
UCO AZK TimelineTibetan Mastiff851806
UCP AZK TitanicTibetan Mastiff832577
UCFl AZK Toe the LineItalian Greyhound96669
WCA AZK Tooth and ClawLhasa Apso782286
UCFl AZK Top ShelfItalian Greyhound93551
ICR AZK Touched by an AngelItalian Greyhound813609
UCHu AZK Turn LeftLhasa Apso84764
WCSh AZK TwilightStandard Poodle842557
UCFr AZK UlfricStandard Poodle803586
WCFr AZK UnbentItalian Greyhound87674
WCR AZK UnbowedItalian Greyhound821790
UCFr AZK UnbrokenItalian Greyhound95128
ICW AZK Under CoversStandard Poodle822257
UCP AZK Under the Tuscan SunTibetan Mastiff832577
WCR AZK Unknown SubjectItalian Greyhound87407
WCFr AZK UntouchableStandard Poodle86724
UCRO AZK UtopiaLhasa Apso821813
UCT AZK Valere L'EnversDachshund853557
UCFr AZK Vatican CameosItalian Greyhound843542
UCRO AZK VellaDachshund723971
WCE AZK Verin MathwinDachshund673053
UCHu AZK Victory of the DaleksLhasa Apso87732
UCT AZK VordaiDachshund704027
UCA AZK Waiting There For YouItalian Greyhound842961
WCFl AZK Warrior QueenItalian Greyhound90392
WCFl AZK Weather Eye OpenItalian Greyhound833040
WCSc AZK Welcome to the New AgeNeapolitan Mastiff792559
UCFr AZK What Goes AroundItalian Greyhound793609
WCT AZK What Is and What Should Never BeDachshund692178
UCR AZK Whiskey NeatItalian Greyhound93103
UCFl AZK Whisper in the DarkItalian Greyhound882961
UCSh AZK White Chocolate FondueGreat Dane85755
UCFl AZK White GoldItalian Greyhound813040
NCR AZK Wicked EyesItalian Greyhound61657
UCFl AZK Wicked HeartsItalian Greyhound87758
UCR AZK Wild SpeculationItalian Greyhound99568
UCFl AZK WildfireItalian Greyhound842107
UCFr AZK Willing VictimItalian Greyhound831790
UCR AZK Wink WinkItalian Greyhound96132
UCFr AZK Winter is ComingItalian Greyhound832175
WCH AZK WinterfreshShetland Sheepdog84756
UCT AZK Wise AlaisDachshund853493
WCT AZK Wishful ThinkingDachshund80712
UCFl AZK Witch's BrewItalian Greyhound90103
UCT AZK Without Fault or FlawDachshund853557
UCE AZK WolfbrotherDachshund693053
WCH AZK Wonder WomanTibetan Mastiff85738
UCFr AZK World War ZTibetan Mastiff841806
UCRO AZK Yankee WhiteStandard Poodle803018
WCT AZK Yellow FeverDachshund81746
WCR AZK Young, Scrappy, and HungryItalian Greyhound91129
UCFl AZK Your Place or MineTibetan Mastiff91119

Game Time

06:42am on Mar 6

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