Name | Breed | Level | Age |
ASc WhK1 Bear (23HH 1hh) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 76 |
JASc WhK1 Beau (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 14 | 48 |
APnT WhK1 Buck (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 13 | 48 |
PnT WhK1 Candy (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 32 |
PnSc WhK1 Cera (24HH) LL | German Shepherd Dog | 10 | 32 |
PnT WhK1 Charlie (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 32 |
AT WhK1 Cody (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 98 |
PnO WhK1 Dixie (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 10 | 23 |
ASc WhK1 Emmett (23HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 72 |
AT WhK1 Eve (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 82 |
PnSc WhK1 Gaston (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 10 | 22 |
PnT WhK1 Goliath (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 37 |
PnT WhK1 Jack (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 10 | 22 |
PnSc WhK1 Jake (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 10 | 28 |
ASc WhK1 Jane (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 82 |
ASc WhK1 Jasper (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 72 |
IPnT Karma 23HH lala agiagi intint silver | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 21 |
NSc WhK1 Kimber (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 7 |
JPnSc WhK1 Kisses (23HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 5 | 19 |
JASc WhK1 Lady (23HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 13 | 51 |
JAT WhK1 Lily (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 14 | 50 |
APnSc WhK1 Missy (24HH) LL | German Shepherd Dog | 12 | 49 |
AT WhK1 Otto (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 81 |
ASc WhK1 Pete (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 72 |
ASc WhK1 Pike (23HH 1hh) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 94 |
Puppy 9 | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
AT WhK1 Rex (22HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 78 |
AT WhK1 Rusty (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 67 |
ASc WhK1 Sampson (23HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 67 |
IPnSc WhK1 Sasha (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 22 |
APnSc WhK1 Serena (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 37 |
PnSc WhK1 Shasta (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 37 |
IPnSc WhK1 Sheba (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 9 | 22 |
JASc WhK1 Tango (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 14 | 57 |
AT WhK1 Tara (23HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 17 | 67 |
ASc WhK1 Tawny (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 17 | 68 |
PnT WhK1 Tessa (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 10 | 28 |
ASc WhK1 Trina (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 67 |
ASc WhK1 Trixie (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 88 |
Tyler (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 6 |
AT WhK1 Xander (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 81 |
ASc WhK1 Zack (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 16 | 67 |
ASc WhK1 Zoe (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 77 |
NP ANSc WhK1 Zues (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 5 | 19 |
AT WhK1 Ace | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 3331 |
NCO WhK1 Baby Girl Blue | German Shepherd Dog | 46 | 3780 |
ChT WhK1 Bandit (22HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 3831 |
JPnP Barley-24HH/lala | German Shepherd Dog | 6 | 1703 |
MSc WhK1 Beau (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 3703 |
ASc WhK1 Beauty (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 2460 |
MSc WhK1 Buck (23HH) LL | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 3708 |
AT WhK1 Caleb (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 2464 |
ASc WhK1 Castiel (23HH 1hh) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 2464 |
NT WhK1 Cecelia | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 3710 |
MT WhK1 Dahlia (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 3607 |
AT WhK1 Duke (23HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 2898 |
MT WhK1 Geist (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 2459 |
IPnSc WhK1 Hank | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 3320 |
JASc Hera | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 3785 |
MSc WhK1 Jack (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 3679 |
MSc WhK1 Jackson (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 3730 |
ANSc Jackson-24HH/lala | German Shepherd Dog | 5 | 1703 |
JAT Jerrin | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 3783 |
JASc Kaltain | German Shepherd Dog | 18 | 3787 |
ChRO WhK1 King of the Mountain | German Shepherd Dog | 41 | 3435 |
ASc WhK1 Lee (22HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 23 | 3597 |
ASc WhK1 Leon (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 2469 |
MT WhK1 Lily (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 3725 |
MSc WhK1 Lucas (23HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 3744 |
MT WhK1 Mandi (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 34 | 3759 |
MT WhK1 Max (22HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 27 | 3730 |
MT WhK1 Maya (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 3705 |
WCT WhK1 NOTHING KNEW | German Shepherd Dog | 60 | 3477 |
MT DOP o Aurora Steel | German Shepherd Dog | 28 | 3827 |
AO Orion | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 3782 |
AT WhK1 Peri (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 2470 |
MSc WhK1 Pixie (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 2460 |
PnSc Princess | German Shepherd Dog | 13 | 3755 |
IPnSc Puppy 12 | German Shepherd Dog | 10 | 3806 |
ASc WhK1 Retire | German Shepherd Dog | 26 | 3746 |
MT WhK1 Rex (24HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 32 | 3762 |
MSc WhK1 Riley (23HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 31 | 3759 |
JAT Rose | German Shepherd Dog | 19 | 3780 |
ANT Sabel-24HH/lala | German Shepherd Dog | 6 | 1703 |
MSc WhK1 Sampson (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 29 | 3752 |
AT WhK1 Sasha (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 3599 |
MSc WhK1 Serena (22HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 28 | 3729 |
ASc WhK1 Shadow (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 2460 |
NP WhK1 Sloan | German Shepherd Dog | 4 | 3717 |
ASc WhK1 Tyler (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 3606 |
MSc WhK1 Xander (24HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 35 | 3765 |
AT WhK1 Zane (23HH) Lla | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 3679 |
ASc WhK1 Zues (23HH) lala | German Shepherd Dog | 25 | 3704 |