Cloud 9 Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Cloud 9 Kennels

LockedMSh * 116 HavaneseHavanese3768
LockedMO C9K 11HH/12Hh/1hh carries sw/cw LLHavanese3048
LockedWCRO NSh C9K 14HH 9Hh 1hh 3E lla 2AGI 1.128xHavanese58101
LockedMA C9K 16HH/7Hh/1hh lala carries b/cw/asa/swHavanese2947
LockedAPnA C9K 17HH/7Hh/0hh Ll carries dXoloitzcuintle1425
LockedJPnFr C9K 18HH/4Hh/2hh lla carries b/dBoerboel614
LockedWCA C9K 22PBT (22) EEEE lalaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5982
LockedPnT C9K 7HH 2hh lala 1.118x|Bb ddDoberman Pinscher1023
LockedMW C9K 8HH 16Hh lala 1.140x | cchcch hidden bbBracco Italiano1940
LockedJAHu C9K 9HH/12Hh/3hh Ll carries d/siXoloitzcuintle1324
LockedExRO C9K 9HH/13Hh/2hh LlaBracco Italiano3668
LockedJPnRO C9K Brigham (7:1,lla) 1.320xHavanese718
LockedChSh C9K Hogwarts homeHavanese3887
LockedNW C9K Leilani | 24HH lala | 1.232x | Isabella and White (Piebald) with Cream PointsGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedMSh C9K Plead the Fifth [24HH lala]American Pit Bull Terrier2636
LockedJPnSh C9K Puppy 6 15 - LHavanese740
LockedANP C9K RemingtonBracco Italiano674
LockedJAFT C9K Zaiden 1.135Bracco Italiano1235
PnHu C9K *GL/IL* Lucky Star [8HH/14Hh/2hh]Havanese11450
ExA C9K *GL/IL* Maralee [10HH/10Hh/4hh]Havanese36493
NCM C9K *IL* Accidental Mayhem [14HH/10Hh/0hh]Havanese46503
NCT C9K *IL* Adventure [9HH/13Hh/2hh]German Shepherd Dog49546
JAH C9K *IL* Andraya Novelle Pennett [11HH/12Hh/1hh]German Shepherd Dog14469
ExFT C9K *IL* Anita Tripwind [8HH/14Hh/2hh]Bracco Italiano31507
WCP C9K *IL* Arturos [15HH/7Hh/2hh]Bracco Italiano58573
WCA C9K *IL* Aveline [16HH/7Hh/1hh]Havanese67551
ChRO C9K *IL* Cambridge [11HH/12Hh/1hh]German Shepherd Dog41530
AP C9K *IL* Camden [11HH/12Hh/1hh]Boerboel16470
*IL* Candid Cream [9HH/11Hh/4hh]American Pit Bull Terrier1439
MSc C9K *IL* Candidly Eva [7HH/15Hh/2hh]American Pit Bull Terrier25491
AO C9K *IL* Candy Heart [9HH/15Hh/0hh]Boerboel15470
ARO C9K *IL* Candy Magic [11HH/12Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano14471
ChO C9K *IL* Candy Miracle [13HH/10Hh/1hh]Boerboel35509
MP GCFr C9K *IL* Chaotic Delight [15HH/9Hh/0hh]Bracco Italiano45532
WCRO C9K *IL* Chocolate Rose [6HH/16Hh/2hh]Bracco Italiano58573
AA *IL* Chocolately Magic [12HH/10Hh/2hh]Border Collie20484
NP C9K *IL* Codex [11HH/1Hh/2hh]Border Collie1445
WCFT C9K *IL* Constantine [14HH/9Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano57573
NCFT C9K *IL* Corinne Wentworth [8HH/16Hh/0hh]Bracco Italiano44522
ChFr C9K *IL* Cotton Ball [13HH/10Hh/1hh]Lagotto Romagnolo36504
AT C9K *IL* Creamsicle [11HH/10Hh/3hh]Lagotto Romagnolo17468
JPnFr *IL* Crimea [10HH/14Hh/0hh]Chow-chow6698
WCHu C9K *IL* Dark Magic [12HH/11Hh/1hh]Havanese58522
NCFT C9K *IL* Double Trouble [13HH/11Hh/0hh]Bracco Italiano46532
ChSc C9K *IL* Duo Maxwell [17HH/7Hh/0hh]German Shepherd Dog41528
AT *IL* Elmira [11HH/10Hh/3hh]German Shepherd Dog20495
NSc *IL* Enigma Heart [9HH/12Hh/3hh]Boerboel1448
NT C9K *IL* Entrancing Candy [11HH/11Hh/2hh]German Shepherd Dog1446
WCSh C9K *IL* Ernesto [11HH/12Hh/1hh]Havanese70553
AT C9K *IL* Excellina [15HH/8Hh/1hh]Border Collie22484
JAH C9K *IL* Gem Heart [13HH/10Hh/1hh]German Shepherd Dog14469
MD C9K *IL* Godiva's Heart [11HH/10Hh/3hh]Border Collie21494
GCFr C9K *IL* Hot Chocolate [12HH/11Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano43522
NCHu C9K *IL* Hunter Lorica [12HH/12Hh/0hh]German Shepherd Dog47545
ExP C9K *IL* Illumina [7HH/16Hh/1hh]Boerboel34509
MO C9K *IL* Irish Luck [13HH/11Hh/0hh]Border Collie25494
ChSh C9K *IL* Kayla Lovenote [10HH/13Hh/1hh]German Shepherd Dog40530
AD ARO C9K *IL* Laila [12HH/10Hh/2hh]Border Collie18494
MM C9K *IL* Lamila [10HH/12Hh/2hh]Border Collie23494
WCO C9K *IL* Lavinia [10HH/13Hh/1hh]Havanese65573
MW *IL* Lethira [6HH/14Hh/4hh]German Shepherd Dog21495
NSc *IL* Light Tip [12HH/11Hh/1hh]German Shepherd Dog1446
AT C9K *IL* Luck of the Draw [10HH/14Hh/0hh]German Shepherd Dog18483
*IL* Lucky Belle [7HH/17Hh/0hh]American Pit Bull Terrier1439
ExT C9K *IL* Lucky Treasure [14HH/8Hh/2hh]German Shepherd Dog39528
MD C9K *IL* Mackeroy [12HH/9Hh/3hh]American Pit Bull Terrier24489
ASh C9K *IL* Magic [16HH/5Hh/3hh]Lagotto Romagnolo16468
*IL* Majestic Flame [11HH/11Hh/2hh]Bracco Italiano1440
WCFr C9K *IL* Malaena [12HH/11Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano59573
GCD PnP C9K *IL* Marguerite [9HH/13Hh/2hh]Bracco Italiano42522
NCRO C9K *IL* Martian Dream [9HH/14Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano45532
WCA C9K *IL* Maverick Knight [10HH/14Hh/0hh]Havanese61522
GCSc C9K *IL* Medina Entrancer [11HH/11Hh/2hh]German Shepherd Dog47546
WCSh C9K *IL* Megaera [12HH/12Hh/0hh]Havanese58522
NSc C9K *IL* Midnight Rhythm [12HH/12Hh/0hh]Boerboel1448
ExM C9K *IL* Monique [11HH/10Hh/3hh]Bracco Italiano33510
ARO *IL* Mortanic [10HH/12Hh/2hh]German Shepherd Dog20495
MT C9K *IL* Mortiarte [15HH/9Hh/0hh]Havanese25202
WCHu C9K *IL* Nicola Classic [15HH/8Hh/1hh]Havanese67541
AFr C9K *IL* Noteworthy Love [12HH/12Hh/0hh]German Shepherd Dog12469
WCSh C9K *IL* Nouvelle Light [11HH/11Hh/2hh]Havanese68816
GCT C9K *IL* Noventos Pennett [13HH/8Hh/3hh]German Shepherd Dog41530
ND C9K *IL* Ocean Pulse [9HH/14Hh/1hh]Border Collie1445
IPnO *IL* Offbeat [14HH/10Hh/0hh]Chow-chow6698
ChP C9K *IL* Perdiem [8HH/14Hh/2hh]Bracco Italiano41522
CCRO C9K *IL* Queen of Spades [13HH/11Hh/0hh]Border Collie50544
CCRO C9K *IL* Remilda [13HH/10Hh/1hh]Border Collie51544
JAP C9K *IL* Renee Lucille [8HH/15Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano14473
JPnFT *IL* Renovo [14HH/10Hh/0hh]Lagotto Romagnolo1446
AFT C9K *IL* Ricco [12HH/11Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano15473
MFl *IL* Rosemary [10HH/13Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano32509
NP C9K *IL* Ruellan [11HH/12Hh/1hh]Border Collie1445
NO C9K *IL* Russet Song [9HH/11Hh/4hh]Border Collie1445
NW C9K *IL* Sabrina [13HH/9Hh/2hh]German Shepherd Dog1445
APnSh C9K *IL* Sacred Gem [13HH/10Hh/1hh]Havanese12188
*IL* Secret Heart [12Hh/11Hh/1hh]American Pit Bull Terrier1439
MSh C9K *IL* Selma [12HH/10Hh/2hh]American Pit Bull Terrier24490
JPnT *IL* Shimmering Winter [12HH/10Hh/2hh]Lagotto Romagnolo1446
ExFr C9K *IL* Silas Montgomery [10HH/11Hh/3hh]Bracco Italiano34510
ChFT *IL* Snow Dove [14HH/9Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano33510
ExFr C9K *IL* Snow Weaver [14HH/10Hh/0hh]Bracco Italiano31509
MO *IL* Special Find [9HH/14Hh/1hh]German Shepherd Dog20495
ExFl C9K *IL* Speckled Delight [16HH/8Hh/0hh]Lagotto Romagnolo36504
GCFr C9K *IL* Spellbound [12HH/10Hh/2hh]German Shepherd Dog45546
JAP C9K *IL* Spicy Rose [11HH/12Hh/1hh]German Shepherd Dog13469
AFr C9K *IL* Twisted Luck [5HH/16Hh/3hh]Border Collie22494
MO C9K *IL* Warped Luck [14HH/9Hh/1hh]Border Collie24494
ChA C9K *IL* Wild Wire [16HH/7Hh/1hh]Bracco Italiano43532
NCFr C9K *IL* Winter Rose [10HH/13Hh/1hh]Havanese46510
ChFr C9K *IL*Blizzard Prince [9HH/13Hh/2hh]Bracco Italiano40522
ChT *IL/UL* Amerita [17HH/6Hh/1hh]Havanese40502
ExT C9K *IL/UL* Black Magic Melody [19HH/4Hh/1hh]Havanese35494
AHu *RSL* Adelaide [8HH/12Hh/4hh]Havanese18197
AA *RSL* Bosco [5HH/15Hh/4hh]Xoloitzcuintle16708
AHu *RSL* Captain Cola [11HH/10Hh/3hh]Doberman Pinscher17486
AM *RSL* Cider [8HH/12Hh/4hh]Xoloitzcuintle15708
MR C9K *RSL* Crimson Melody [8HH/14Hh/2hh]Saluki25208
NA C9K *RSL* Dark Magnolia [8HH/13Hh/3hh]Xoloitzcuintle1696
AM C9K *RSL* Elmont [4HH/18Hh/2hh]American Bully23486
ARO *RSL* Godiva Delight [9HH/13Hh/2hh]Doberman Pinscher17486
AM C9K *RSL* Goldie [8HH/13Hh/3hh]American Bully22484
AFl C9K *RSL* Heart's Delight [3HH/18Hh/3hh]Miniature Dachshund24486
ExO *RSL* Honored Field [5HH/16Hh/3hh]Havanese29488
AHu *RSL* Laramie [9HH/11Hh/4hh]Doberman Pinscher16486
MFr *RSL* Lorenzo [10HH/11Hh/3hh]Saluki24208
ASh *RSL* Lucky Charm [8HH/12Hh/4hh]Havanese18197
NCO C9K *RSL* Mackerel [8HH/13Hh/3hh]Border Collie43526
MP C9K *RSL* Madeleine [7HH/14Hh/3hh]Miniature Dachshund23485
AHu C9K *RSL* Magicia [9HH/12Hh/3hh]Doberman Pinscher17488
AM *RSL* Malley [9HH/13Hh/2hh]Border Collie20485
ASh *RSL* Maybeth [6HH/16Hh/2hh]Doberman Pinscher17486
MFl C9K *RSL* Medira [9HH/12Hh/3hh]Havanese26208
AP *RSL* Microcosm [7HH/13Hh/4hh]Border Collie20485
AA C9K *RSL* Nostradamus [8HH/13Hh/3hh]Havanese26208
MT C9K *RSL* Paprika [6HH/16Hh/2hh]Havanese29487
AD C9K *RSL* Red Spell [4HH/19Hh/1hh]Saluki16197
ARO C9K *RSL* Reindeer [8HH/14Hh/2hh]Saluki16197
ASh *RSL* Remi Reynard [8HH/14Hh/2hh]Doberman Pinscher17487
NA C9K *RSL* Roxanne [10HH/11Hh/3hh]Xoloitzcuintle1691
AO C9K *RSL* Sleigh Ride [8HH/14Hh/2hh]Saluki15197
AM C9K *RSL* Verne [5HH/16Hh/3hh]Saluki16197
MP C9K *RSL* Winter Heart [7HH/14Hh/3hh]Saluki23208
GCFr *RSL*Candy Master [6HH/14Hh/4hh]Xoloitzcuintle44751
GCA C9K *RSL*Desert Luck [9HH/11Hh/4hh]Xoloitzcuintle43752
PnD AHu *RSL/IL* Magic Charm [11HH/12Hh/1hh]Xoloitzcuintle20480
MT C9K *UL* Arctic Permafrost [24HH/0Hh/0hh]German Shepherd Dog26504
MT *UL* Basalt [16HH/8Hh/0hh]German Shepherd Dog25504
JARO C9K *UL* Blue Delight [7HH/16Hh/1hh]Greyhound11708
*UL* Caravan [24HH/0Hh/0hh]American Pit Bull Terrier1443
AM C9K *UL* Erisa [23HH/1Hh/0hh]American Pit Bull Terrier18466
JPnA *UL* Lumie [17HH/7Hh/0hh]Xoloitzcuintle1697
NM *UL* Magical Dream [24HH/0Hh/0hh]American Pit Bull Terrier1449
CCO C9K *UL* Magna Carta [24HH/0Hh/0hh]American Pit Bull Terrier43515
JAM C9K *UL* Puzzling Find [18HH/6Hh/0hh]German Shepherd Dog12469
AM C9K *UL* Secret Shaman [24HH/0Hh/0hh]American Pit Bull Terrier18474
AP C9K *UL* Soft Heart [21HH/3Hh/0hh]Lagotto Romagnolo17467
ARO C9K *UL* Special Heart [24HH/0Hh/0hh]German Shepherd Dog12469
MRO *UL*Magnolia Spell [23HH/1Hh/0hh]Havanese24471
*UL/IL* Candied Mage [19HH/5Hh/0hh]Border Collie1442
NSh *UL/IL* Classic Candidate [9HH/14Hh/2hh]Havanese1441
AFl C9K *UL/IL* Lord Ernesto Jr. [16HH/8Hh/0hh]Havanese20467
IPnA C9K *UL/IL* Master Chocolatier [11HH/13Hh/0hh]Havanese9451
*UL/IL* Master Class [20HH/4Hh/0hh]Border Collie1442
JPnSh C9K *UL/IL* Silver Dipped [19HH/5Hh/1hh]Havanese1448
AP C9K *UL/IL* Special Spark [16HH/8Hh/0hh]Havanese22473
*UL/IL* Tamborine [18HH/6Hh/0hh]German Shepherd Dog1440
APnA C9K 11HH/10Hh/3hh LlGerman Shepherd Dog11667
13HH/11Hh/0hhAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11026
17HH/7Hh/0hhAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11026
18HH/6Hh/0hhAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11027
20HH/4hh/0hhAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11027
5HH/18Hh/1hhAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11026
C9K 7HH/14Hh/3hh Lla carries b/asa/sw/cwAmerican Bully1688
8HH/9Hh/7hhAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11029
PnRO 9HH, 10Hh, 5hhHavanese64330
9HH/14Hh/1hhAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11026
PnFT C9K 9HH/14Hh/1hhBracco Italiano10746
MSh C9K Adira Milan [EGGE/7HH,14Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Havanese293713
MA C9K Aida [GEGE/9HH,12Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Havanese313718
AHu C9K Aidell [10HH]Havanese152329
Alessia [8HH]Xoloitzcuintle12964
NRO Amala [12HH, Ll]Havanese11847
JPnA C9K Ameria HopeHavanese61518
ChO C9K Anakas [8HH/11Hh/5hh]Havanese401083
NHu Aneko [7HH, Ll]Havanese11847
NHu JPnRO C9K Anilah MoraiLhasa Apso51518
ChSh Annabeth [7HH, Ll]Havanese341889
JPnP Arctic Whisper [10HH/12Hh/2hh]Havanese11036
JPnE Arianwen (8HH, 9Hh, 7hh)Skye Terrier14380
MA Artorius Sanctum[14HH/8Hh/2hh]American Pit Bull Terrier301071
ExSh C9K Atalira [7HH/13Hh/4hh]Havanese391083
Athena [11HH, Lla]Havanese11841
MFl C9K Avalina [EGEE/7HH,16Hh,1hh/FBE/G.2]Havanese253706
ExFT C9K Ayeliana (11HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever303332
WCFr Baila [5HH]Havanese683078
ANT C9K Beautiful LiesGerman Shepherd Dog4706
PnFr C9K Bindi (8HH)Miniature Pinscher83301
PnRO MFr C9K Blitzkreig's Chocolate [GGEE/12HH,9Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Havanese293718
JPnSh C9K Blood to PowerHavanese61518
WCP C9K Blue Bayou [10HH]Havanese713065
NA Blue Jay (11HH, 11Hh, 2hh)Skye Terrier14380
PnHT C9K Blue Light (5HH, 14Hh, 5hh)Catahoula Leopard Dog84067
NH C9K Blue Shadow [11HH]Catahoula Leopard Dog12959
Burning Sky [11HH]Havanese12955
AA C9K Cadence of the Sky [11HH]Havanese222979
PnFr C9K Candied Fields [12HH]Havanese112967
JPnHu C9K CastellanoBoerboel51518
ARO Chaos Prince (12HH, 10Hh, 2hh)Havanese184402
ANT Chaotic Angel (11HH, 10Hh, 3hh)Havanese34373
APnHT C9K Chocolate Dream (6HH, 14Hh, 4hh)Catahoula Leopard Dog74067
APnSh Chocolate Kiss (5HH, 14Hh, 5hh)Havanese104386
APnSh Chocolatier (5HH, 15Hh, 4hh)Havanese94386
NO Chordis (10HH, 8Hh, 6hh)Skye Terrier14380
IPnT C9K Class Act (7HH, 14Hh, 3hh)Catahoula Leopard Dog84067
IPnT C9K Clean Sweep (3HH, 19Hh, 2hh)Catahoula Leopard Dog74067
ARO C9K Clover [11HH]Havanese142329
ARO Cordon Bleu [6HH]Havanese152329
ARO JPnA C9K Cream/White W/ SBlueSabandMask 7HH 12Hh 5hh EFGEHavanese243115
PnSh Creamy 6HH, 15Hh, 3hhHavanese74330
NRO Crepe (9HH, 13Hh, 2hh)Havanese14370
ChSh C9K Crimson Bandit [GGEE/11HH,10Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Havanese373725
JPnRO Crimson Mark (13HH, 7Hh, 4hh)Havanese34373
CCM Crimson Princess [11HH/Lla]Havanese561931
APnM Crossroad Queen (6HH, 16Hh, 2hh)Havanese94386
ExRO Delightful Spell [8HH,Lla]Havanese331889
ChFr Desert Genie[9HH,Lla]Havanese321889
IPnRO C9K Deva (6HH, 13Hh, 5hh)Havanese74066
IPnT C9K Deva [EGGG/7HH,13Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Harrier63688
IPnRO C9K Diva[GGEG|9HH,4hh|lla]Havanese83548
JPnO C9K Donovan [EEGG/9HH,12Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Tibetan Spaniel63687
JPnM C9K Dripping ChocolateHavanese61518
NW Driscoll (10HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever13292
MO Earth Goddess (8HH, 12Hh, 4hh)Havanese284448
IPnRO C9K Eclipse (7HH)Miniature Pinscher83301
JPnRO C9K Elessaria [GGGE/6HH,12Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Tibetan Spaniel63687
ChSh Elisabeta [11HH,ll]Havanese331889
ARO C9K Elisabeta [8HH]Havanese142329
ExRO C9K Elvira [EGEG/8HH,14Hh,2hh/FBE/G.2]Catahoula Leopard Dog353724
ChRO C9K Emmaline [10HH/10Hh/4hh]Havanese391083
NO Esther [9HH, Ll]Havanese11847
IPnSc C9K Ethylene NightBoerboel51518
PnFl C9K Fallen Dream (6HH, 14Hh, 4hh)Catahoula Leopard Dog84067
WCA Ferrine [6HH/Lla]Havanese581931
JPnO Flare [GEGG/5HH,15Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Tibetan Spaniel63687
ChM C9K Frostbite (7HH)Havanese393346
PnO C9K Garnet (8HH, 12Hh, 4hh)Havanese74066
PnFr C9K Gemma (7HH, 9Hh, 8hh)Havanese74066
PnO C9K Genie [GEEG|8HH,2hh|ll]Havanese93548
ExRO C9K Godiva Rose (8HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever303332
JAHu Grip [8HH]Havanese142329
JPnSh Hanagumi [11HH/8Hh/5hh]Havanese51037
ChSh Hannah [11HH/LL]Havanese331889
ExRO Haylee Rose [12HH,lla]Havanese321889
AA Heaven's Angel (11HH, 10Hh, 3hh)Skye Terrier194442
JPnT C9K Helena MarieBoerboel51518
AM Hera [10HH]Havanese152329
AA Hidden Dreams (10HH, 11Hh, 3hh)Shiba Inu184440
NO C9K Hidden Pride [11HH]German Shepherd Dog12955
AM C9K Hold for KittyKorean Jindo253119
WCFr Horace [7HH/Ll]Havanese551931
PnO C9K Hot Topic (7HH, 14Hh, 3hh)Catahoula Leopard Dog74067
JPnO Iceland (8HH)Havanese63299
IPnSh Imp's Commandment [8HH/9Hh/7hh]Havanese61038
NFl C9K Imriel's Wings [8HH]German Shepherd Dog12955
MA In Trust[14HH/9Hh/1hh]American Pit Bull Terrier301071
ANP JPnSh C9K Infernal LuckLhasa Apso51518
ExT Intrigue [11HH,lla]Havanese331889
NT Isabelle [10HH, Lla]Havanese11847
WCP C9K Jamestown [7HH]Havanese703065
MSh C9K Kambridge [EEEG/11HH,12Hh,1hh/FBE/G.5]Korean Jindo283713
ChHT C9K Kamikaze [EEEG/12HH,11Hh,1hh/FBE/G.5]Korean Jindo363725
ChFr Kassidy [7HH, Ll]Havanese321889
JAHu Kelsi Rose [5HH]Havanese152329
ARO Kinesthetic [9HH]Havanese142329
NP King of Hearts [10HH, lala]Havanese11847
NFr C9K Kokua [9HH]Black Mouth Cur12722
JPnRO C9K Kyleria SonomaHavanese61518
JPnRO C9K Lady Carly (9HH)Havanese63299
AM C9K Lady Luck [10HH]Havanese232979
ExFl Lady Shiva (8HH)Miniature Pinscher353340
IPnRO C9K Life of the Skies (12HH)Havanese73299
Lima [12HH, LL]Havanese11841
NSh Lindt (8HH, 12Hh, 4hh)Havanese14370
AA Little Caramel [6HH]Havanese142329
APnO C9K Lord French [8HH]Havanese112966
MHT C9K Lou-Lou EGGG 6HH llaCatahoula Leopard Dog363718
ARO LunellaHavanese171319
ExP C9K Madeline (10HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever313332
Major Magick [12HH, LL]Havanese11841
JPnSh C9K MarelagoBoerboel51518
IPnFr C9K Marked Beauty [11HH]Havanese102966
IPnRO C9K Martyr[GGGG|9HH,4hh|Lla]Havanese83548
ExHu Maybelline New York [9HH,Lla]Havanese321889
ChFr Melodia (9HH)Miniature Pinscher353340
ChO Merci (8HH)Havanese403346
PnD C9K Mictlantecuhtli Ruler Of MictlanXoloitzcuintle9751
JPnFr Midnight Special [8HH/12Hh/4hh]Havanese61038
Milk Chocolate [8HH]Havanese12955
AM Mirabella [11HH]Havanese152329
WCO C9K Miss Chaos [7HH]Havanese703065
JASh C9K Mizu no Hana [GEEG/6HH,16Hh,2hh/FBE/G.2]Korean Jindo143696
WCRO C9K Mon Ami [7HH]Havanese733078
JPnH C9K Montana [GGGE/7HH,13Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Miniature Australian Shepherd63687
NHu Mordechai [9HH, Ll]Havanese11847
NH Music Box [EGGG/7HH,14Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Catahoula Leopard Dog13684
IPnSh C9K Myra (7HH, 14Hh, 3hh)Havanese74066
JPnP Natalia [GGEG/10HH,10Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Miniature Australian Shepherd13687
ASh PnRO C9K Niccoli [GGEE/9HH,13hh,2hh/FBE/G.2]Havanese233706
MFl C9K Niccolini (6HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever313332
NT C9K NigelBracco Italiano1670
JPnD C9K Night LuckBoerboel51518
ME Night Sky (4HH, 16Hh, 4hh)Skye Terrier184442
IPnT C9K Noah[GGGE|8HH,3hh|lala]Havanese93548
JPnO Notorious (8HH, 12Hh, 4hh)Havanese44373
JPnFr Nyxis [GGGG/8HH,11Hh,5hh/G.2]Harrier73688
IPnA Passion Kiss (6HH, 14Hh, 4hh)Havanese94386
NFl C9K PenelopeBracco Italiano1670
PnM KCZ Precious PralineAmerican Pit Bull Terrier12717
NFr C9K Priacia (12HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever13292
ChRO C9K Priceless Gold (9HH)Miniature Pinscher343340
ChRO C9K Primadonna (9HH)Havanese393346
CCSc C9K Princeton [24HH]American Pit Bull Terrier613029
NRO Puppy 1Havanese14255
Puppy 1Havanese14373
Puppy 1 (11HH, 11Hh, 2hh)Havanese14362
Puppy 1 (5HH, 16Hh, 3hh)Havanese14360
Puppy 1 [EEGG/7HH,14Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Harrier13676
Puppy 1 [EGGG/6HH,14Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Chesapeake Bay Retriever13677
Puppy 1 [GGEG/6HH,13Hh,5hh/G.2]Saluki13677
Puppy 1 [GGEG/7HH,13Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Tibetan Spaniel13675
JPnFr C9K Puppy 1[EGGE/7HH,4hh/lla]Catahoula Leopard Dog53543
JPnM C9K Puppy 1[GGEG/7HH,4hh/Lla]Catahoula Leopard Dog53543
IPnS Puppy 2Alaskan Husky64061
IPnS Puppy 2Alaskan Husky64061
Puppy 2 (8HH, 13Hh, 3hh)Havanese14360
Puppy 2 [EGEE/11HH,12Hh,1hh/FBE/G.2]Chesapeake Bay Retriever13677
Puppy 2 [EGGG/6HH,14Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Chesapeake Bay Retriever13677
JPnO Puppy 2 [EGGG/9HH,4hh/lla]Catahoula Leopard Dog43543
Puppy 2 [GEGG/7HH,13Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Miniature Australian Shepherd13675
Puppy 2 [GGEG/7HH,14Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Tibetan Spaniel13675
NRO Puppy 3Havanese14255
NRO Puppy 3Havanese14255
Puppy 3 [GGGE/7HH,14Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Harrier13676
Puppy 4 [EGEG/11HH,9Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Chesapeake Bay Retriever13677
Puppy 4 [GGGG/5HH,14Hh,5hh/G.2]Saluki13677
JPnFl Puppy 5Alaskan Husky64061
Puppy 5 (9HH, 11Hh, 4hh)Havanese14362
JPnFr C9K Puppy 5[EGEG/15HH,3hh/LL]Catahoula Leopard Dog53543
Puppy 5[EGGG/7HH,14Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Harrier13676
NRO Puppy 6Havanese14255
IPnP Puppy 6Alaskan Husky64061
Puppy 6 [EGGG/7HH,13Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Harrier13676
JPnS Puppy 7Alaskan Husky64061
IPnS Puppy 9Alaskan Husky64061
JPnP Queen Bee [19HH/4Hh/1hh]Havanese11037
Raven Fair [10HH]Cane Corso12955
MO C9K Rayven Wing [EGEG/10HH,12Hh,2hh/FBE/G.2]Havanese283713
JPnSh Rebel Angel (6HH, 15Hh, 3hh)Havanese44373
AO Red Velvet [8HH]Havanese142329
NFT C9K Rikka (12HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever13292
IPnA C9K Rosebrush (7HH, 12Hh, 5hh)Havanese74066
MM C9K Running Heart (8/15/1) LlaBracco Italiano32775
JPnHu C9K Sacred SecretsLhasa Apso51518
ExHT C9K Saelina (8HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever293332
ExHT Santorini (3HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever293332
NA Sarita (5HH, 16Hh, 3hh)Skye Terrier14380
MP C9K Seagrass (9HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever303332
WCRO WCA C9K SedaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier622149
MT C9K Selena [EGEG/7HH,14Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Catahoula Leopard Dog273712
NO Shadow Queen (8HH, 11Hh, 5hh)Havanese34373
Sherlock [11HH, Lla]Havanese11841
PnRO C9K Shimmer (6HH, 15Hh, 3hh)Havanese74066
GCM C9K Shimmering Snow [22HH]American Pit Bull Terrier503012
NFr Shinigami [GEEE/7HH,16Hh,1hh/FBE/G.2]Korean Jindo13684
NM Showman's Prize [EGGE/11HH,10Hh,3hh/FBE/G.2]Catahoula Leopard Dog13684
IPnM C9K Showstopper (9HH, 10Hh, 5hh)Catahoula Leopard Dog84067
ChFr C9K Silent Earth [8HH/12Hh/4hh]Havanese371083
ExRO Snow Rose[14HH/10Hh/0hh]American Pit Bull Terrier311072
IPnO Snow Specialty [13HH/9Hh/2hh]Havanese51038
IPnSh C9K Snow White (11HH, 10Hh, 3hh)Havanese74066
ExRO Sobrino [8HH/lala]Havanese321889
ChSh C9K Sooty Leather (11HH)Havanese393346
WCRO Special Chocolates [7HH/Ll]Havanese541931
Special Prize [7HH]Havanese12955
MT Star Crossed (7HH, 14Hh, 3hh)Havanese284448
AFl Steel Bird (10HH, 10Hh, 4hh)Skye Terrier184440
NA Steel Mill [6HH/16Hh/2hh]Havanese11036
Strange Dream [8HH]Havanese12955
AO Summer Flare (8HH, 13Hh, 3hh)Shiba Inu184439
AFr Sun God (10HH, 10Hh, 4hh)Shiba Inu184439
ExFr C9K Talos (8HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever313332
PnT C9K Tel Aviv [6HH]Havanese102967
ChM C9K The Magician (10HH)Miniature Pinscher363340
ExT Thistle [11HH,lla]Havanese321889
JARO C9K Tobias [EGGG/7HH,13Hh,4hh/FBE/G.2]Catahoula Leopard Dog133696
WCRO Tristan [11HH/Ll]Havanese541931
ChM C9K True to Spell [14HH/9Hh/1hh]Havanese391083
NFT Virulence (?HH)Chesapeake Bay Retriever13292
PnRO Viva La Vida (10HH, 10Hh, 4hh)Havanese94386
ExRO Wild Cherry Punch (6HH, 17Hh, 1hh)Havanese274448
AHu Winter DreamsHavanese181319
JPnO Winter Storm [9HH/12Hh/3hh]Havanese11037
MM Xena's Light [12HH/12Hh/0hh]American Pit Bull Terrier301072
[7HH, lla]Havanese11841

Game Time

03:10pm on Mar 20

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