Phaith Kennels

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Dogs Bred By Phaith Kennels

LockedNRO 73124 BongoStandard Poodle19
LockedAH 73124 CapriceAustralian Shepherd24100
LockedPnT ANH 73124 Diversifier 30Australian Shepherd1256
LockedMT NH 73124 MaelynAustralian Shepherd2967
LockedFor Public SaleNT NH 73124 pp KK EE BB DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu lalaAustralian Shepherd19
LockedFor Public SaleJPnT JPnH 73124 Pp kk Ee Bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu llaAustralian Shepherd715
LockedFor Public SaleNH NT 73124 PP Kk Ee Bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt Ccch gg uu llAustralian Shepherd16
LockedFor Public SaleNT NH pp kk Ee BB DD slsl atat sisp mm rr tt CC gg uu llaAustralian Shepherd18
LockedFor Public SaleNT NH 73124 PP KK ee Bb DD slsl atat sisw mm rr tt CC gg uu lalaAustralian Shepherd16
LockedFor Public SaleNH NT 73124 PP Kk Ee BB DD slsl atat spsw mm rr tt CC gg uu LlaAustralian Shepherd110
LockedFor Public SaleNH NT 73124 PP kk Ee BB DD slsl Ayat spsp mm rr tt CC gg uu LlAustralian Shepherd110
LockedFor Public SaleNHT ANW 73124 PP Kk EE Bb Dd Slsl AyAy sisp mm rr tt cece GG uu llaStandard Poodle111
LockedFor Public SaleNW NHT 73124 PP KK EmE bb Dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt cchcw gg uu lalaStandard Poodle18
LockedNH NT 73124 py kk Ee bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu LlAustralian Shepherd317
LockedNT NH Py kk Ee BB DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu LlAustralian Shepherd114
LockedNT PyyA py kk EE bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu LLAustralian Shepherd16
LockedNT NH Py KK Ee BB DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu llaAustralian Shepherd115
LockedNT NH Py KK ee BB Dd slsl atat sisi mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LlAustralian Shepherd317
LockedNT PyyA Py Kk ee BB Dd slsl atat sisi mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LlaAustralian Shepherd16
LockedNH NT Py kk Ee BB Dd slsl atat sisp mm rr tt CC gg uu LlAustralian Shepherd115
LockedNH NT Py KK Ee BB DD slsl atat sisp mm rr tt CC gg uu LlaAustralian Shepherd115
LockedNT NH Py kk Ee Bb DD slsl atat spsp mm rr tt CC gg uu llaAustralian Shepherd115
LockedNH NT Py kk EE BB DD slsl Ayat sisp mm rr tt CC gg uu LlAustralian Shepherd115
LockedIPnA 73124 SpiritAustralian Shepherd989
LockedNH PyyA yy Kk ee BB Dd slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu llaAustralian Shepherd16
LockedNT PyyA yy kk Ee bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LlAustralian Shepherd16
LockedNT NH yy kk Ee BB DD slsl atat sisp mm rr tt CC gg uu LlaAustralian Shepherd114
APnH JPnT 73124 AnnieAustralian Shepherd152236
NRO 73124 Artist's PaintingMastiff12311
JAT JPnH 73124 AtamarieAustralian Shepherd152241
JPnT 73124 CardinMastiff52311
NFl 73124 CarolMastiff52311
NFl ClareBorder Collie24278
JPnO Cloud 9Shetland Sheepdog62310
ANM 73124 DreamShetland Sheepdog52316
ElsaBelgian Sheepdog12291
ExP 73124 Fountain Standards’ Gift of the Cocoa BeanStandard Poodle341796
ExO 73124 Fountain Standards’ Last of the RainbowStandard Poodle341796
MHu 73124 Fountain Standards’ Wherefore Art Thou, RomeoStandard Poodle331793
ChD 73124 Fountain Standards’ Whistle For RueStandard Poodle331797
NP 73124 God Of lightningMastiff32311
NSh HaroldAmerican Staffordshire Terrier14540
Jack DanielsShetland Sheepdog12291
NRO JeramyBelgian Sheepdog32308
NO JessicaBorder Collie14266
NFl JokerBorder Collie14266
ANA Just DessertsShetland Sheepdog52309
NFl KnifeMastiff24546
AM 73124 LeonAustralian Shepherd211988
NFr MableMastiff24546
NFl MandieMastiff44563
NA MeercatMastiff12303
JPnRO 73124 MeghanBelgian Sheepdog62316
NO PassionBullmastiff14546
Perfectly In SyncMastiff12257
NW NHT 73124 PP KK ee bb dd slsl atat sisi mm rr tt cchcw Gg uu LlaStandard Poodle12225
NT NH 73124 pp kk Ee Bb Dd slsl atat sisp mm rr tt CC gg uu LlAustralian Shepherd12230
PP KK ee Bb DD slsl atat Ssi mm rr tt cchcw GG uu LLToy Poodle12203
NHT JPnW 73124 PP kk EE BB DD slsl Ayat sisi mm rr tt cchcch Gg uu LlStandard Poodle52210
NW NHT 73124 PP Kk Ee bb Dd slsl Ayat sisi mm rr tt cchcch Gg uu llaStandard Poodle12225
PP Kk ee bb dd slsl Ayat sisi mm rr Tt cecw gg uu LLStandard Poodle12196
NW NHT 73124 PP KK Ee bb dd slsl Ayat sisi mm rr tt cwcw Gg uu llStandard Poodle12205
NW NHT 73124 PP kk ee BB Dd slsl Ayat sisp mm rr tt Ccch gg uu llStandard Poodle12226
NHT NW 73124 PP kk Ee BB Dd slsl Ayat sisp mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LlaStandard Poodle12205
NHT NW 73124 PP kk Ee BB dd slsl Ayat sisp mm rr tt cchcch Gg uu llaStandard Poodle12205
PP Kk ee bb dd slsl Ayat sisp mm rr tt cwcw Gg uu LlaStandard Poodle12202
NW NHT PP Kk Ee Bb Dd slsl Ayat Ssi mm rr tt cchcw Gg uu llStandard Poodle12205
NHT NW PP kk Ee Bb DD Slsl Ayat Ssp mm rr tt cchcw gg uu LlStandard Poodle12208
NW NHT 73124 PP kk Ee Bb Dd slsl Ayat Ssp mm rr tt cchcw gg uu LlaStandard Poodle12208
PP kk EE bb dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt Cce GG uu LlToy Poodle12205
PP Kk ee bb dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt Cce Gg uu LlaToy Poodle12203
NHT NW PP Kk ee Bb Dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt cchcch gg uu LlaStandard Poodle32209
PP kk Ee bb dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr Tt cchcch Gg uu LlaStandard Poodle12202
PP Kk ee bb Dd Slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt Ccw gg uu llaToy Poodle12203
IPnW NHT 73124 PP kk EE Bb dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt cecw Gg uu LLStandard Poodle62212
ANHT IPnW PP Kk ee BB DD slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt cwcw gg uu LlStandard Poodle72211
NW NHT 73124 PP Kk ee Bb Dd slsl AyAy sisp mm rr Tt cchce gg uu LLStandard Poodle12208
NW NHT PP kk ee Bb DD slsl AyAy sisp mm rr Tt cchce gg uu llaStandard Poodle12208
NW NHT 73124 PP kk ee BB Dd slsl AyAy sisp mm rr tt cchcw gg uu llStandard Poodle12227
NW NHT 73124 PP kk Ee BB DD slsl AyAy sisp mm rr tt cchcw gg uu llaStandard Poodle12227
PP kk Ee Bb Dd slsl AyAy sisp mm rr tt cchcw gg uu LlaToy Poodle12205
PP Kk Ee bb Dd slsl AyAy spsp mm rr tt Ccch gg uu lalaToy Poodle12205
PP Kk ee Bb Dd slsl AyAy spsp mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LlaToy Poodle12205
PP Kk Ee Bb Dd slsl AyAy spsp mm rr tt cchce Gg uu lalaToy Poodle12205
NHT NW 73124 PP kk ee Bb Dd slsl AyAy spsp mm rr Tt cchce gg uu llStandard Poodle12225
NW NHT 73124 PP kk ee Bb DD slsl AyAy spsp mm rr tt cchcw Gg uu llaStandard Poodle12205
PP Kk ee bb Dd slsl AyAy Ssi mm rr tt cwcw GG uu LlaToy Poodle12205
PP kk EmE Bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt cchce gg uu LlStandard Poodle12188
PP kk EmE Bb Dd slsl atat sisi mm rr tt cchce gg uu LlStandard Poodle12188
PP kk EmE Bb DD slsl atat sisp mm rr tt cchcw Gg uu LlStandard Poodle12202
PP Kk Eme Bb DD slsl atat Ssi mm rr tt cchcw Gg uu llaToy Poodle12205
NHT NW PP Kk EmE BB DD slsl Ayat sisi mm rr tt cchce gg uu LlaStandard Poodle12203
PP KK Eme bb DD slsl Ayat sisi mm rr tt cecw gg uu LLToy Poodle12203
NW NHT 73124 PP kk EmE BB Dd slsl Ayat sisp mm rr tt cece Gg uu llStandard Poodle12225
ANW NHT 73124 PP Kk EmE BB DD slsl Ayat sisp mm rr Tt cecw Gg uu llaStandard Poodle42209
NHT NW PP kk EmE BB dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt Ccch Gg uu llaStandard Poodle12205
NHT NW PP kk EmE BB Dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt Ccch Gg uu LlaStandard Poodle12205
PP Kk EmE Bb dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt Cce GG uu lalaToy Poodle12203
NHT NW PP Kk EmE BB Dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt cchce GG uu LLStandard Poodle32209
NHT NW 73124 PP kk Eme Bb DD slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt cchcw Gg uu LLStandard Poodle12225
NHT NW PP kk Eme BB Dd slsl AyAy sisp mm rr tt Ccch Gg uu llStandard Poodle12203
NHT NW 73124 PP Kk Eme BB Dd slsl AyAy sisp mm rr tt cchcw Gg uu LLStandard Poodle12208
PP kk Eme Bb DD slsl AyAy sisp mm rr Tt cchcw gg uu LlaStandard Poodle12196
NHT NW PP Kk Eme Bb dd slsl AyAy sisp mm rr tt cwcw Gg uu lalaStandard Poodle12205
NHT NW PP kk EmE BB Dd slsl AyAy spsp mm rr tt Ccch GG uu llaStandard Poodle12203
PP kk Eme BB DD slsl AyAy spsp mm rr tt cchcw gg uu LlStandard Poodle12202
PP kk Eme Bb DD slsl AyAy Ssi mm rr tt cchce Gg uu LlaToy Poodle12205
PP KK EmEm bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt cchcch Gg uu LLToy Poodle12203
PP KK EmEm bb DD slsl Ayat Ssi mm rr tt cecw GG uu LlToy Poodle12203
NHT NW PP Kk EmEm BB dd slsl AyAy sisi mm rr tt cchce gg uu llStandard Poodle32209
PP Kk EmEm Bb dd slsl AyAy Ssp mm rr tt cchce gg uu lalaToy Poodle12205
NP 73124 Puppy 1Standard Poodle12224
ANP 73124 Puppy 1Standard Poodle61455
73124 Puppy 2Standard Poodle11151
JAT 73124 Puppy 4Mastiff153375
NFl 73124 Puppy 5Standard Poodle11151
73124 Puppy 5Standard Poodle11151
73124 Puppy 7Standard Poodle11151
NP 73124 Puppy 7Standard Poodle11151
NT NH 73124 Py kk ee Bb dd slsl atat sisp mm rr Tt CC gg uu LlAustralian Shepherd12229
Red and White (Irish) with Faded Brown SableToy Poodle12203
NSh RedFireBullmastiff24563
JPnSh 73124 RETIRED AUGUST 16TH 2019Australian Shepherd92062
NT SadieBorder Collie14266
Satan's ArmpitMastiff12287
The little engine that couldMastiff12287
JPnP 73124 Tik Tok on the ClockStandard Poodle72208
True North Strong and FreeMastiff12287

Game Time

03:32pm on Feb 17

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