Luxe Genetic Mill

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Dogs Bred By Luxe Genetic Mill

LockedFor StudJPnSc Luxe (21-0 lala intcha intcha) KodiakGerman Shepherd Dog817
LockedNP Luxe (DG) Oklahoma (24-0 lala agix4)Border Collie19
LockedExR Luxe 0.997 KaharaWhippet44101
LockedFor StudWCH Luxe 12-0 Black and White (Irish)Border Collie4481
LockedJAA Luxe 22-0Border Collie1429
LockedJAA Luxe 22-0Border Collie1329
LockedAT Luxe 23HHBorder Collie1634
LockedNA Luxe 24HH EEEE lalaBorder Collie112
LockedFor StudExA Luxe 24HH Kk EE ata lala AriesBorder Collie2854
LockedAM Luxe AichaWhippet1937
LockedAPnSc Luxe Aíthousa AímatosGerman Shepherd Dog1124
LockedMA Luxe AlabamaBorder Collie2841
LockedAA Luxe allissaBorder Collie1951
LockedExFl Luxe AmphtrityBorder Collie3873
LockedMO Luxe ArnieAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3057
LockedAFr Luxe BaronAustralian Shepherd2288
LockedBasil (17-0 lala stmcha chastr)American Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedNA Luxe BellaBorder Collie111
LockedChR Luxe Black and White (Irish) (10-3 Ll intcha strstr)Whippet3881
LockedAT Luxe Black and White (Irish) (14-1 Lla agistr stmint)Australian Shepherd2047
LockedPnA Luxe Black and White (Irish) (17-0 lala intint stmagi)Australian Shepherd1027
LockedAPnO Luxe Black and White (Irish) (23-0 lala intint agiint)Border Collie1125
LockedAO Luxe Black and White (Irish) (24-0 lala intint agiint)Border Collie1740
LockedExH Luxe Black and White (Irish) (6-3 Lla intint intstm)Australian Shepherd4079
LockedFor StudAFl Luxe Black and White (Irish)(24-0 lala agiint agiagi)Border Collie1764
LockedNO Luxe Black and White (Piebald) with Cream Points and Ticking (15-2 lala stmcha strstr)American Pit Bull Terrier149
LockedASh Luxe Black and White (Piebald) with Ticking (14-0 lala stmstm chastr)American Pit Bull Terrier2461
LockedANT Luxe BlueAustralian Shepherd616
LockedExA Luxe BluebirdBorder Collie3683
LockedAA Luxe BreatheBorder Collie2349
LockedAM Luxe Breezeblocks (11-3 LL agicha strstr)Whippet1741
LockedMO Luxe BrindleAustralian Shepherd2768
LockedNT Luxe Brindle Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points (19-0 lala strint intint)Australian Shepherd112
LockedNT Luxe Brindle Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points (21-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd130
LockedJAA Luxe Brindle Black and White (Irish) with Red Points (19-0 lala intint stmint)Australian Shepherd1439
LockedAT Luxe Brindle Blue Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points (20-0 lala intagi intstm)Australian Shepherd2045
LockedMM Luxe Brindle Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and Ticking(6-2 Lla intstm strspd)American Pit Bull Terrier3066
LockedND Luxe Brindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Blue Sable and Ticking (14-1 lala stmcha strcha)American Pit Bull Terrier112
LockedAD Luxe Brindle Red and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and Ticking (8-4 lala stmcha spdcha)American Pit Bull Terrier1842
LockedASc Luxe Canary (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1774
LockedExR Luxe Chige 10HHWhippet3697
LockedChive (15-1 lala chacha chastr)American Pit Bull Terrier120
LockedCinnamon (16-1 lala chax4)American Pit Bull Terrier18
LockedClove (16-2 lala stmcha strcha)American Pit Bull Terrier118
LockedAH Luxe ConsequencesBorder Collie1943
LockedASc Luxe CosmicGerman Shepherd Dog1959
LockedLuxe Cream and White (Piebald) (19-0 lala stmcha strcha)American Pit Bull Terrier116
LockedFor StudMD Luxe Cream BOIAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2880
LockedNCH Luxe Dallas (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie60102
LockedDanube (22-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd18
LockedAO Luxe Day 'n' NiteBorder Collie2152
LockedMSh Luxe Dear HansenAustralian Shepherd3098
LockedChT Luxe Dreams - 24HHBorder Collie4390
LockedAPnRO Luxe DryadWhippet1327
LockedASc Luxe Eagle (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1772
LockedAH Luxe EarthshineBorder Collie2450
LockedAO Luxe Echo of the WindGerman Shepherd Dog2189
LockedJPnSc Luxe Elementor (E)German Shepherd Dog754
LockedASc Luxe Falcon (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog2287
LockedJAO Luxe Falling Ashes {24HH}Border Collie1329
LockedAA Luxe Faster Than The Speed of TimeBorder Collie1837
LockedASc Luxe Fawn (20HH lala EEEE)German Shepherd Dog1979
LockedAPnRO Luxe FAWN SPOTTING Luxe Genetics MillWhippet1225
LockedGCT Luxe Fawn w/Black Saddle and Mask (Bb)German Shepherd Dog4888
LockedASc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (10-2 lla chaint intint)German Shepherd Dog1324
LockedASc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (14-2 Lla agistr stmcha)German Shepherd Dog2038
LockedJASc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (16-0 lala stmagi intcha)German Shepherd Dog1430
LockedASc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (20-0 lala stmint intagi)German Shepherd Dog1942
LockedJASc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (23-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1328
LockedAT Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (5-2 lla spdagi stmstr)German Shepherd Dog2031
LockedPnSc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (6-5 lala agistm stmint)German Shepherd Dog928
LockedPnSc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (8-1 Lla stragi chaint)German Shepherd Dog1023
LockedASc Luxe Finch (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1774
LockedMR Luxe Finch Wing 10HHWhippet2781
LockedNA Luxe FlashBorder Collie424
LockedExFl Luxe For BaltimoreBorder Collie3166
LockedAR Luxe Four SeasonsWhippet1845
LockedMT Luxe GAustralian Shepherd2954
LockedANH Luxe Georgia (24-0 lala agix4)Border Collie116
LockedNM Luxe Ginger (16-0 lala strstm strcha)American Pit Bull Terrier142
LockedASc Luxe GladiatorGerman Shepherd Dog2595
LockedNCSc Luxe Go Get EmGerman Shepherd Dog4695
LockedAA Luxe Good Morning StarshineBorder Collie2667
LockedASc Luxe Goshawk (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1980
LockedPnA Luxe GriffinGale's Moonlit SandBorder Collie1024
LockedASc Luxe GSD-Lord FluffyGerman Shepherd Dog2049
LockedASc Luxe Gull (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1774
LockedFor StudAHu Luxe Hang Ten HenryGerman Shepherd Dog1940
LockedChSc Luxe HarleyGerman Shepherd Dog3471
LockedJAT Luxe HarperAustralian Shepherd1645
LockedASc Luxe Hawk (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog2184
LockedJPnSh Luxe HazelAmerican Pit Bull Terrier8106
LockedIPnH Luxe HellaAustralian Shepherd1125
LockedASc Luxe Here Comes the Sun lala EGEGGerman Shepherd Dog3057
LockedPnSc Luxe Hit n Run 18HH EEEE lalaGerman Shepherd Dog1126
LockedFor StudExA Luxe HollyAustralian Shepherd3462
LockedASc Luxe Hummingbird (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog2187
LockedMA Luxe I Need A Caffeine FixBorder Collie3065
LockedIPnT Luxe IslaAustralian Shepherd1026
LockedFor StudPnSc Luxe JackGerman Shepherd Dog1127
LockedFor StudAT Luxe JacobBorder Collie1942
LockedJAA Luxe JanaBorder Collie1424
LockedAPnSc Luxe Jerry-Lee 7.14.3 Bb cw LlaGerman Shepherd Dog936
LockedAM Luxe Jessica JungBorder Collie1526
LockedAA Luxe Judah 24HH EEEE lalaBorder Collie2455
LockedJPnT Luxe JynyAustralian Shepherd6112
LockedCCH Luxe KaeliBorder Collie46100
LockedNA Luxe KazeAustralian Shepherd18
LockedJAT Luxe Kite (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1466
LockedLake (23-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd120
LockedMA Luxe Lamb EEEEBorder Collie3563
LockedExSc Luxe Lark (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog35104
LockedAA Luxe LerevoirBorder Collie2254
LockedAT Luxe LexaWhippet1829
LockedASc Luxe LexieGerman Shepherd Dog2366
LockedAO Luxe LexusAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2042
LockedJASc Luxe Lightning 21HH lala 4xint [1.010x]German Shepherd Dog1734
LockedIPnT Luxe LillyAustralian Shepherd817
LockedASc Luxe lixGerman Shepherd Dog2036
LockedAPnA Luxe LochnessBorder Collie1428
LockedJASc Luxe louisGerman Shepherd Dog1636
LockedNSc Luxe LuciferGerman Shepherd Dog18
LockedAP Luxe LucyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2053
LockedANM Luxe LumosAmerican Pit Bull Terrier753
LockedAH Luxe LuxBorder Collie2451
LockedMajoram (14-0 lala chax4)American Pit Bull Terrier126
LockedJAA Luxe MarbleBorder Collie1540
LockedAD Luxe MaxAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1951
LockedFor StudASh Luxe MaxwellAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2358
LockedPnT Luxe mbourgAustralian Shepherd1230
LockedMekong (22-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd110
LockedFor StudGCA Luxe Memphis - EEEE 24HH lala agix4Border Collie44101
LockedExR Luxe Mob Diplomacy EGEG (LVL 30 Achievement Dog)Whippet3568
LockedAT Luxe Nights in White SatinBorder Collie2361
LockedExT Luxe Nile (24-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd3559
LockedIPnM Luxe NolaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier890
LockedMA Luxe Oak BranchBorder Collie2969
LockedOcean (21-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd134
LockedAH Luxe OceansBorder Collie1943
LockedOregano (20-0 lala chax4)American Pit Bull Terrier110
LockedIPnH Luxe Oreo - 24HHBorder Collie1134
LockedOrinoco (23-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd18
LockedFor StudAPnT Luxe OtisGerman Shepherd Dog1374
LockedASc Luxe Owl (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog2080
LockedMH Luxe painBorder Collie2661
LockedJAH Luxe ParanoidBorder Collie1841
LockedMT Luxe Pearl GemAustralian Shepherd2665
LockedASc Luxe Petrel (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog2080
LockedNT Luxe PhinAustralian Shepherd517
LockedJASc Luxe Pigeon (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1466
LockedJPnT Luxe Pond (20-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd546
LockedPuddle (22-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd18
LockedNSc Luxe Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog315
LockedJASc Luxe Raven (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1466
LockedLuxe Red and White (Irish) (18-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd125
LockedASc Luxe Red chocoGerman Shepherd Dog2453
LockedASc Luxe Red with Black Saddle and Mask (23-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog2458
LockedNSc Luxe Red with Chocolate Saddle and Mask (21-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog113
LockedRhine (22-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd120
LockedIPnH Luxe Riot - 24HHBorder Collie1134
LockedJASc Luxe Ritsu 21HHGerman Shepherd Dog1747
LockedRiver (21-0 lala intstm intint)Australian Shepherd132
LockedAPnH Luxe Roaned Black and White (Irish) (23-0 Lla intint agiint)Border Collie1124
LockedPnA Luxe Roaned Black and White (Irish) with Red Points (24-0 lala intint stmagi)Border Collie1120
LockedASc Luxe Robin (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog18102
LockedAA Luxe Rosetta Jewels (Agility) Lla 24HHBorder Collie2244
LockedJAA Luxe RubexGerman Shepherd Dog1742
LockedASc Luxe Running with the GodsGerman Shepherd Dog2352
LockedASc Luxe SadieGerman Shepherd Dog2365
LockedSea (22-0 lala intint intstm)Australian Shepherd126
LockedMA Luxe ShadowBorder Collie3073
LockedExO Luxe SimplicityAustralian Shepherd37101
LockedNH Luxe Sing For MeAustralian Shepherd16
LockedExSc Luxe Slicks ChickGerman Shepherd Dog3254
LockedAA Luxe SmokeyBorder Collie1734
LockedPnFl Luxe Sound of Silence at JurassicGerman Shepherd Dog1123
LockedASc Luxe Sparrow (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog22102
LockedStream (23-0 lala intint intstm)Australian Shepherd18
LockedExSc Luxe Swallow (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog34102
LockedAA Luxe SwanBorder Collie2251
LockedJASc Luxe Swift (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1466
LockedJAT Luxe Tern (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1571
LockedAT Luxe thank uBorder Collie2145
LockedMSc Luxe The Time Traveler's WifeGerman Shepherd Dog32103
LockedASc Luxe Thrush (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1674
LockedFor StudASc Luxe TipGerman Shepherd Dog2267
LockedAR Luxe UndineWhippet2138
LockedAA Luxe VeliaBorder Collie2250
LockedJASc Luxe Vulture (24-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog1572
LockedGCH Luxe Washington - EEEE 24HH lala agix4Border Collie46118
LockedMSc Luxe WimundGerman Shepherd Dog2972
LockedAO Luxe WWK-9 Pride of the PrairieBorder Collie2262
LockedMSc Luxe XXGerman Shepherd Dog3054
LockedZambezi (23-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd120
LockedAA Luxe [BC] The Silent Hills Have Eyes [24HH]Border Collie1934
LockedFor StudExT Luxe [EQ] GGGEAustralian Shepherd4079
NCA Luxe (OOK) The Long NightBorder Collie462150
IPnH Luxe *1|PP KK EmE Bb DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt Ccch gg uu lala|24HBorder Collie92188
MSc Luxe 11-3 Ll intstr intagiGerman Shepherd Dog212218
NH Luxe 13 Color: Brindle Chocolate Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points (19-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd11247
PnT Luxe 18HH lalaAustralian Shepherd151259
PnA Luxe 21HH lalaAustralian Shepherd141259
IPnSh Luxe 21HH lalaAustralian Shepherd141234
Luxe 22-0Border Collie12223
JAH Luxe 24HH TyleeBorder Collie152155
ExSc Luxe 8HH EGGE 1.007x lalaGerman Shepherd Dog391955
JASc Luxe 9HHGerman Shepherd Dog142216
JAA Luxe A Walk in SpaceBorder Collie162236
JAR Luxe AchievementWhippet132065
CCSc Luxe Achievement DogGerman Shepherd Dog582222
AH Luxe ACRE 4/4Border Collie32640
ARO Luxe Adopt me!Whippet211108
CCH Luxe Alaska (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie621524
NA Luxe AlskaBorder Collie12177
APnSc Luxe AlvinGerman Shepherd Dog132009
ARO Luxe AndyWhippet212008
JPnSc Luxe AnipeGerman Shepherd Dog82157
ChSc Luxe Ares (23)German Shepherd Dog39997
ExSc Luxe AsgardGerman Shepherd Dog352244
AH Luxe Asher EEEE 24HH lalaBorder Collie242155
JAFl Luxe AslandAustralian Shepherd151422
JPnM Luxe astroAustralian Shepherd52170
ASc Luxe AtlasGerman Shepherd Dog221336
JAT Luxe B4Australian Shepherd161357
GCT Luxe Bad Lux [X B2, 4E 22HH/0hh lala]Border Collie432069
JAT Luxe BadgerAustralian Shepherd15993
MSc Luxe BanditGerman Shepherd Dog281296
NSc Luxe BbGerman Shepherd Dog14513
JAT Luxe Beauty track lala 16HHGerman Shepherd Dog151928
ChT Luxe BellaGerman Shepherd Dog412219
NA Luxe BellaAustralian Shepherd12193
PnSc Luxe BenGerman Shepherd Dog91998
AT Luxe BethAustralian Shepherd242180
JAT Luxe Betrayed 2EGerman Shepherd Dog124513
NT Luxe BirdBorder Collie14515
NCFr Luxe Biscuit (24HH)Border Collie424399
ChHu Luxe Black And WhiteWhippet382105
PnSc Luxe Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Tan Points and Mask (5-4 Lla spdstm chaspd)American Pit Bull Terrier111354
PnA Luxe Black and White (Irish) (14-0 lla intint intagi)Border Collie142241
AT Luxe Black and White (Irish) (19-1 lala agistr agistm)Australian Shepherd171331
IPnT Luxe Black and White (Irish) (20-1 lala intagi intagi)Australian Shepherd91353
AA Luxe Black and White (Irish) (24-0 lala intagi agiagi)Border Collie182046
AA Luxe Black and White (Irish) (24-0 lala strint stmagi)Border Collie192197
WCD Luxe Black and White (Irish) (6-3 Ll agicha spdstr)Whippet571947
AT Luxe Black and White (Irish) (9-2 lala stmagi chastr)Australian Shepherd221334
JAR Luxe Black and White (Irish) with Light Undersides (10-3 Lla agicha spdstr)Whippet132171
AH Luxe Black and White (Irish) with Red Points (13-0 lala intagi stmint)Australian Shepherd181205
AA Luxe Black and White (Piebald) (24-0 LL intint intagi)Border Collie172218
APnM Luxe Black and White (Piebald) with Ticking (15-1 lala intstm spdstr )American Pit Bull Terrier121289
MA Luxe Black EarBorder Collie291463
IPnR Luxe Black with Light Undersides (7-3 Ll agicha spdstr)Whippet62214
MHu Luxe Black with Tan Points and Mask (7-3 Lla spdstm stmspd)American Pit Bull Terrier301271
JAT Luxe BlaiseAustralian Shepherd141297
APnT Luxe Blue Merle and White (Extreme Piebald) (19-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd121262
JAA Luxe Blue Merle and White (Irish) (23-0 lala agiint agiagi)Border Collie142176
APnH Luxe Blue Merle and White (Irish) (24-0 lala agiint agiagi)Border Collie102175
MT Luxe Blue Merle and White (Irish) (24-0 lala intstr agiagi)Border Collie242053
JPnSc Luxe BobbyGerman Shepherd Dog72203
PnSc Luxe BondGerman Shepherd Dog101213
WCA MH Luxe Border Collie 10Border Collie504512
WCSc Luxe Break Dancer of MMtn (GGGG)German Shepherd Dog474512
PnA Luxe Brindle Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points (18-0 lala intagi stmint)Australian Shepherd101286
APnT Luxe Brindle Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points (19-0 lala intx4)Australian Shepherd131282
PnHu Luxe Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Mask (7-6 LL chacha strstr)Whippet102201
APnSc Luxe Bronx BoyGerman Shepherd Dog131342
PnSh Luxe brutusGerman Shepherd Dog82230
JASc Luxe BrutusGerman Shepherd Dog152175
GCSc Luxe Build My World Around YouGerman Shepherd Dog472054
NT Luxe Bullet In The ChamberBorder Collie14505
CCA Luxe California (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie631368
CCH Luxe Carolina (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie611438
MA Luxe CassidyBorder Collie292184
AA Luxe Cattle QueenBorder Collie222228
MSc APnSc MT Luxe ChampGerman Shepherd Dog322193
ASc Luxe CharismaGerman Shepherd Dog191124
NFl Luxe ChipAustralian Shepherd62169
IPnH Luxe Chocolate and White (Irish) (17-0 lala intstm chaint)Australian Shepherd101276
ChSc Luxe Cierny vom EisenherzGerman Shepherd Dog374510
GCSc Luxe CindyGerman Shepherd Dog462103
AA Luxe CollieBorder Collie252215
JAHu Luxe CowboyGerman Shepherd Dog152116
AM Luxe Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and Mask (11-5 LL agicha strstr)Whippet182199
APnO Luxe Cream and White (Piebald) with Ticking (16-1 lala stmcha spdcha)American Pit Bull Terrier121282
PnHu Luxe CricketWhippet82201
ASc Luxe Cry ShameGerman Shepherd Dog232161
CCA Luxe Dakota (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie621331
NA Luxe Dani EEEE 15HH lalaBorder Collie12229
ChSc Luxe DanteGerman Shepherd Dog402199
GCSc Luxe DarkHorse Keeper of the StarsGerman Shepherd Dog451330
APnH Luxe DarlingGerman Shepherd Dog142176
ASc Luxe dashGerman Shepherd Dog232205
PnA Luxe DelawareBorder Collie12956
JASc Luxe DellGerman Shepherd Dog171324
MSc Luxe DiamondGerman Shepherd Dog281360
ASc Luxe Dime A DayGerman Shepherd Dog202242
MA Luxe Dirt CakeBorder Collie322244
GCSc Luxe dollyGerman Shepherd Dog462205
PnSc Luxe DoraGerman Shepherd Dog121349
ChM Luxe DottieWhippet412200
ChA Luxe Dream~Catchers Lover of sorrows 1.065xBorder Collie42817
JPnSc Luxe EEEE 20HHGerman Shepherd Dog51302
JASc Luxe EEEE 21.3.0 int3 lalaGerman Shepherd Dog161323
JPnSc Luxe EEEE 23HHGerman Shepherd Dog61303
ExT Luxe EGEG | Danger Gets Me High | 8/3 [1.063x] LlaAustralian Shepherd372057
APnSc Luxe Elias EEEE 18HHGerman Shepherd Dog141412
APnHu Luxe EnzoAustralian Shepherd122204
JASc Luxe FawnGerman Shepherd Dog152176
NCSc Luxe FawnGerman Shepherd Dog472176
ASc Luxe fawnGerman Shepherd Dog24771
AND Luxe Fawn and White (Piebald) with Ticking (12-3 lala stmstm stmstr)American Pit Bull Terrier41265
MSc Luxe Fawn S&M Bb asaasa cchcw lala GEGGGerman Shepherd Dog304430
MSc Luxe Fawn S/M Bb asaasa cchcw Lla GEGEGerman Shepherd Dog314430
PnSc Luxe Fawn Solid, Brun Saddle BbGerman Shepherd Dog121479
NSc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle (17-0 lala agiagi agicha)German Shepherd Dog41167
ANO Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog34445
PnSc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (12-0 lala stmstm intspd)German Shepherd Dog112173
JASc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (12-2 Lla agiagi agistr)German Shepherd Dog142212
JASc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (12-3 lala stmagi stmstr)German Shepherd Dog142178
PnSc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (13-2 lala intcha intint)German Shepherd Dog82189
PnT Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (14-0 Lla agistr chacha)German Shepherd Dog92179
PnSc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (16-2 lala intagi intint)German Shepherd Dog122173
MSc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (17-0 lala intint intint)German Shepherd Dog271364
JPnSc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (17-0 Lla agiagi agicha)German Shepherd Dog52189
NSc Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask (22-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog11360
MT Luxe Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask(9-2 lala agiagi chastr)German Shepherd Dog252207
ANH Luxe Fenton 24HHBorder Collie52198
IPnM Luxe Fish GHAmerican Pit Bull Terrier62165
IPnH Luxe FrancisAustralian Shepherd101280
AA Luxe GaleBorder Collie251824
PnT Luxe GanonAustralian Shepherd121417
JPnFl Luxe georgeyAustralian Shepherd62077
WCO Luxe GGGG Bb llaGerman Shepherd Dog464475
ASc Luxe Greek GodessGerman Shepherd Dog171348
JAA Luxe Grimm's Jubilant JackieBorder Collie171607
NCT Luxe GSD 22HH 1.083German Shepherd Dog501275
AH Luxe Guatemala 17HH 0hh EEEEBorder Collie253655
AT Luxe HarryGerman Shepherd Dog262189
JPnA Luxe Hawaii (24-0 lala agix4)Border Collie81484
WCO Luxe Houston (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie611423
WCO Luxe IceBorder Collie552196
ChT Luxe IsabellaAustralian Shepherd431367
JASc Luxe It's Raining Chocolate 4 Me breedGerman Shepherd Dog151257
MA Luxe Jade WestAustralian Shepherd302219
AT Luxe JosephBorder Collie251531
GCH Luxe KeeganAustralian Shepherd481247
IPnA Luxe KenobiBorder Collie112236
JAT Luxe KiaraAustralian Shepherd161276
ASc Luxe KiraGerman Shepherd Dog221365
IPnSc Luxe Kkz’s dim light in the darkGerman Shepherd Dog91241
APnSc Luxe L'manburgGerman Shepherd Dog151353
JASc Luxe LalaGerman Shepherd Dog171294
NA Luxe lalaAustralian Shepherd41258
AA Luxe lala SparkyAustralian Shepherd21985
WCO Luxe Laredo (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie601440
JPnSc Luxe Lark (18-1 lla agiint chaint)German Shepherd Dog71330
NCA Luxe LassieBorder Collie552232
NCSh Luxe Lavender ZariaGerman Shepherd Dog374506
ExR Luxe LeafWhippet312119
JAD Luxe Legacy’s Once Upon A TimeGerman Shepherd Dog152217
JASc Luxe Legacy’s Pixie DustGerman Shepherd Dog162218
AH Luxe level to 20Border Collie212230
ExHu Luxe Lockenhaus' Lucifer Morningstar in New York v kenlynGerman Shepherd Dog391439
IPnSc Luxe LolitaGerman Shepherd Dog91342
PnA Luxe Londen EEEEBorder Collie132197
MR Luxe Lost WoodsWhippet271495
IPnRO Luxe LuckyWhippet81430
MSc Luxe Lucky JayGerman Shepherd Dog292175
ChT Luxe LukeAustralian Shepherd392208
CCD Luxe luxeAustralian Shepherd451384
JPnSc Luxe LuxeGerman Shepherd Dog61354
JAD Luxe LuxeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier131316
ChR Luxe LuxorWhippet441499
UCA Luxe LuxuryBorder Collie504431
MT Luxe LuxuryGerman Shepherd Dog332126
ChSc Luxe Luxury ProductGerman Shepherd Dog451813
MH Luxe MaciBorder Collie292196
JASc Luxe Madchen EEEE 17HH lalaGerman Shepherd Dog152162
GCA Luxe MagentaAustralian Shepherd501259
JPnA Luxe MakaylaAustralian Shepherd61957
CCH Luxe Maryland (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie621368
NSh Luxe MB LADY BIRDAmerican Pit Bull Terrier11288
CCH Luxe Michigan (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie611368
ASc Luxe MikaGerman Shepherd Dog212177
AT Luxe MyraGerman Shepherd Dog251890
GCSc Luxe NeptuneGerman Shepherd Dog482046
APnD Luxe nobbieAmerican Pit Bull Terrier111277
CCT Luxe Oregon (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie601368
APnT Luxe OreoAustralian Shepherd121313
WCA Luxe PennyBorder Collie494511
ChM Luxe PennyWhippet432229
ChSc Luxe PewGerman Shepherd Dog432240
PnR Luxe PixieWhippet111486
PnSc Luxe PookaGerman Shepherd Dog122218
MP Luxe Portland (24-0 lala agix4)Border Collie291359
NSc Luxe Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog11600
Luxe Puppy 1Border Collie12214
Luxe Puppy 2Whippet12220
Luxe Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog12212
ANSh Luxe QueenAmerican Pit Bull Terrier61247
MSc Luxe QuinnGerman Shepherd Dog342150
JAT Luxe RainaAustralian Shepherd151303
ASc Luxe RazorGerman Shepherd Dog242168
AA Luxe READY TO LEVEL 10Border Collie172188
ASc Luxe redGerman Shepherd Dog18286
MHu Luxe Red and White (Extreme Piebald) (10-2 ll intstr agiag)Australian Shepherd332185
MT Luxe Red and White (Irish) (10-3 lala stmstm strcha)Australian Shepherd301222
MHu Luxe Red and White (Irish) (14-2 lala stragi agistr)Australian Shepherd30497
JAA Luxe Red and White (Irish) (18-0 lala intint intstm)Australian Shepherd141283
JASh Luxe Red and White (Piebald) (14-3 lla chastr chastr)American Pit Bull Terrier141341
JASc Luxe Red with Black Saddle and Mask (10-1 lla agistm intstr)German Shepherd Dog152045
IPnT Luxe Red with Black Saddle and Mask (19-0 Lla intint agiint)German Shepherd Dog101329
AA Luxe ReplacableAustralian Shepherd181298
IPnSh Luxe ReplacableAmerican Pit Bull Terrier91276
JAD Luxe Replacable (10-1 Lla stmcha chastm)American Pit Bull Terrier121314
AT Luxe Replacable (10-2 lala agiint agiint)Australian Shepherd171340
JPnO Luxe Replacable (10-4 lala chastm strcha)American Pit Bull Terrier51314
ExFl Luxe Replacable (13-0 Lla agistm intagi)Australian Shepherd371360
AT Luxe Replacable (16-1 lala stmstr stmstm)Australian Shepherd181338
APnT Luxe Replacable (17-0 lala strint stmint)Australian Shepherd131322
ChSc Luxe Replacable (19-0 lala intint intagi)German Shepherd Dog401368
ChT Luxe Replacable (19-0 lala intstr intstr)Australian Shepherd381368
PnH Luxe Replacable (19-0 lala intstr stmint)Australian Shepherd131282
ExSc Luxe Replacable (20-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog351364
ExSc Luxe Replacable (20-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog361364
ExSc Luxe Replacable (21-0 lala intint agiint)German Shepherd Dog351358
ChSc Luxe Replacable (21-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog371355
ExSc Luxe Replacable (22-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog361364
ExSc Luxe Replacable (23-0 lala intc4)German Shepherd Dog341359
ExSc Luxe Replacable (23-0 lala intstm intint)German Shepherd Dog351352
ExSc Luxe replacable (23-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog351352
MSc Luxe Replacable (23-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog291336
MSc Luxe Replacable (23-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog281336
ChSc Luxe Replacable (24-0 lala intstm intint)German Shepherd Dog381370
AT Luxe ReplaceableAustralian Shepherd171296
ExSc Luxe Replaceable (21-0 lala intcha intint)German Shepherd Dog351364
ExSc Luxe Replaceable (21-0 lala intint chaint)German Shepherd Dog341364
ChSc Luxe Replaceable (21-0 lala intx4)German Shepherd Dog391369
ChSc Luxe Replaceable (23-0 lala chaint stmint)German Shepherd Dog401369
JAD Luxe replaceable (9-2 lala stmcha chastr)American Pit Bull Terrier131332
IPnSh Luxe RETIRED MARCH 10TH, 2019Australian Shepherd82150
MT Luxe RigbyAustralian Shepherd331307
ChT Luxe River BoiAustralian Shepherd451369
AA Luxe Roaned Black and White (Irish) (22-0 LL spdint agiagi)Border Collie202216
AA Luxe Roaned Black and White (Irish) (23-0 Lla intagi agiagi)Border Collie232194
JAH Luxe Roaned Black and White (Irish) (lala intagi agiagi)Border Collie152029
AA Luxe Roaned Black and White (Piebald) (23-0 Lla chaint stmagi)Border Collie192224
JPnSc Luxe RobinGerman Shepherd Dog52155
MH Luxe RobinsonAustralian Shepherd341160
AO Luxe RoleyAustralian Shepherd241433
AO Luxe Rolls-RoyceAmerican Pit Bull Terrier231302
ASc Luxe RosemaryGerman Shepherd Dog231325
APnH Luxe Running after that “chase”Border Collie13940
JPnO Luxe Rusty NailAmerican Pit Bull Terrier71248
PnO Luxe SadieGerman Shepherd Dog82214
JASc Luxe SageGerman Shepherd Dog183096
GCA Luxe SassyBorder Collie384514
ASc Luxe Say Something 1.035xGerman Shepherd Dog19778
NCSc Luxe Schafen's Breaking Me DownGerman Shepherd Dog571318
PnT Luxe Sea (20-0 lala intagi intstm)Australian Shepherd101278
AA Luxe sellAustralian Shepherd181439
JPnSc Luxe sheldenGerman Shepherd Dog72230
ASc Luxe Sierra EEEE 12HH lalaGerman Shepherd Dog242175
AD Luxe SkullyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier201327
PnSc Luxe SlickGerman Shepherd Dog112230
ANFr Luxe SnowWhippet51731
ExSc Luxe Solar SystemGerman Shepherd Dog401351
IPnSc Luxe SparkyGerman Shepherd Dog111415
APnA Luxe Speakers Go Boom 10HHBorder Collie124514
MR Luxe SPRC Whippet (Obsessive) GGEGWhippet261555
ASc Luxe StarlingGerman Shepherd Dog24771
NSc Luxe Starling (21-0 lala stmint intint)German Shepherd Dog51325
ExSc Luxe StellaGerman Shepherd Dog36646
APnA Luxe Stella (BM:I 20-0 Lla)Border Collie94498
MSc Luxe STRM Doesn’t Ring A BellGerman Shepherd Dog301102
APnSc JASh Luxe SunnyGerman Shepherd Dog141342
ChSc Luxe SweetGerman Shepherd Dog432240
AA Luxe Sweet as HoneyAustralian Shepherd211350
IPnH Luxe Sweet n' SaltyBorder Collie92129
MRO Luxe sweetest of them allWhippet302097
GCSc Luxe Take Me to Soaring HeightsGerman Shepherd Dog47162
GCT Luxe Technicolor Dream Coat {3HH}German Shepherd Dog404287
JAT Luxe TeddyAustralian Shepherd131354
GCT Luxe Tell it on the MountainGerman Shepherd Dog414287
CCA Luxe Texas (24-0 lala Intx4)Border Collie621409
CCSc Luxe The GunslingerGerman Shepherd Dog551023
WCA Luxe Through the Mines [kk Eme BB DD ata CC lala i/i/a/a 17-0]Border Collie484499
AM Luxe Tiger StripesAmerican Pit Bull Terrier231367
AH Luxe TinaBorder Collie181496
ChA Luxe tobyAustralian Shepherd351458
AR Luxe TriggerWhippet232089
JASc Luxe TriumphGerman Shepherd Dog141311
APnH Luxe Trouble (RoBW:I 15-0 lala)Border Collie94499
MT Luxe TuckerGerman Shepherd Dog302177
JPnR Luxe UnicornWhippet51329
NH Luxe Utah (24-0 lala agix4)Border Collie1900
ASc Luxe VaccineGerman Shepherd Dog221364
GCSc Luxe Van GoghGerman Shepherd Dog432150
JPnSc Luxe venusGerman Shepherd Dog72176
ChR Luxe VidonaWhippet402145
JASc Luxe We Do It TogetherGerman Shepherd Dog152140
JPnSc Luxe Wiggles IIGerman Shepherd Dog52201
ChSc Luxe WindlGerman Shepherd Dog462158
NCH Luxe Wisconsin (24-0 lala intx4)Border Collie611368
MA Luxe WolfBorder Collie261364
JAT Luxe XiaoGerman Shepherd Dog141132
JASc Luxe XoloGerman Shepherd Dog141348
CCSc Luxe XuluGerman Shepherd Dog582155
JASc Luxe ZephyrGerman Shepherd Dog161310
ASc Luxe Zion EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog22965
MM Luxe ZorroGerman Shepherd Dog294477
CCSc Luxe [MP] GGEG, 5hh, 0/0German Shepherd Dog404105
ChM Luxe ÄpplekakaWhippet412200

Game Time

12:52am on Jan 3

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