Branimir Kennel

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Dogs Bred By Branimir Kennel

LockedNS BRIMR Alaskan Husky Female 1Alaskan Husky16
LockedNS BRIMR Alaskan Husky Female 2Alaskan Husky16
LockedNS BRIMR Alaskan Husky MaleAlaskan Husky16
LockedAM BRIMR AnarchyKorean Jindo1739
LockedAP BRIMR BedlamKorean Jindo2143
LockedExS BRIMR BojjoAlaskan Husky2477
LockedFor StudMT BRIMR BrandiePlott2991
LockedNR BRIMR Brindled FoxChart Polski16
LockedAP BRIMR BrisingarAlaskan Husky1347
LockedPnS ICEK Caramel TwistAlaskan Husky932
LockedIPnA JPnT Climbing ReferencesAlaskan Husky822
LockedAP BRIMR DiscordKorean Jindo1535
LockedAT BRIMR Diving HawkPlott20105
LockedMS BRIMR Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky2272
LockedMS BRIMR Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky1861
LockedJAP BRIMR Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky1136
LockedPnS BRIMR Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky623
LockedAS BRIMR Fawn with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky1760
LockedJPnP BRIMR Fawn with Black Sable and MaskAlaskan Husky311
LockedJAP BRIMR Fawn with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky1137
LockedPnP BRIMR Fawn with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky623
LockedJPnP BRIMR Fawn with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky311
LockedGCR BRIMR Foxy GossipChart Polski3897
LockedJAP BRIMR HavocKorean Jindo1435
LockedFor Private SaleAR BRIMR Hotfooted Gambling FoxChart Polski1430
LockedNR BRIMR Hotfooted Gambling GentlemanChart Polski16
LockedAR BRIMR Hotfooted IllusionChart Polski2047
LockedFor Private SaleMR BRIMR Hotfooted Jumpin' FoxChart Polski2454
LockedMR BRIMR Hotfooted Sandy FoxChart Polski2354
LockedFor Private SaleMR BRIMR Hotfooted Snow FoxChart Polski2251
LockedFor StudChR BRIMR Hotfooted Sterling FoxChart Polski38104
LockedAR BRIMR Hotfooted Summer FoxChart Polski1430
LockedAR BRIMR Hotfooted White FoxChart Polski2251
LockedJPnR BRIMR HotfootedfirefoxChart Polski618
LockedFor Private SaleAR BRIMR Illusion of an Exotic FoxChart Polski2047
LockedNA Isabella Merle and White PiebaldBorder Collie113
LockedFor Private SaleExR BRIMR Ivory Frost IIChart Polski3289
LockedExR BRIMR Laced AtrocityChart Polski3289
LockedAA BRIMR MayhemKorean Jindo1943
LockedFor Private SaleAP BRIMR MiaAlaskan Husky1858
LockedExFr WhPi MoonAlaskan Husky2897
LockedAT BRIMR PersyssPlott1965
LockedFor StudAT BRIMR PrimerPlott1446
LockedJAP BRIMR Running Bear (61.46%)(0.935x)Alaskan Husky921
LockedExR BRIMR Shadowed FoxChart Polski3289
LockedFor StudMR BRIMR Simply Red FoxChart Polski2966
LockedAPnM BRIMR Storm CloudOtterhound1329
LockedChR BRIMR Sugar Cookie SupriseChart Polski3389
LockedJAR BRIMR TopnotchfoxChart Polski1226
LockedFor Private SaleExR BRIMR Town CrierChart Polski3289
LockedPnP BRIMR When the Knight CallsAlaskan Husky623
LockedFor StudExT BRIMR ZombiePlott3197
AT BRIMR *No More Work*HolliPlott214118
AT 322425Plott214221
WCO BRIMR 435300Tibetan Mastiff514119
MT A Fair PresencePlott274243
ChM BRIMR A Noble KnightTibetan Mastiff333899
PnP AlatnaAlaskan Husky64192
NCH BeatriceTibetan Mastiff394300
WCT BlueRidge Presence of MindPlott494383
IPnR Brindled HorizonIrish Wolfhound74090
IPnR Brindled RacerIrish Wolfhound74091
PnR Brindled Time TravelerIrish Wolfhound74091
ANFT BRIMR Chivalry's Unbelievable ChildPlott44163
AT Chocolate FairyPlott214206
APnT Dark HauntingPlott104318
AP DayAlaskan Husky174186
JAH BRIMR Dragón Que Escupe FuegoEnglish Shepherd133898
NCP EricaAlaskan Husky374284
GCR BRIMR Golden FoxChart Polski362744
AT BRIMR GrizzPlott154169
GCT BRIMR HersheyPlott464011
GCR BRIMR HintabrownsugarChart Polski372736
GCR BRIMR Hotfooted Brown FoxChart Polski382736
MR BRIMR Hotfooted Gambling RascalChart Polski272728
ChR BRIMR Hotfooted GentlemanChart Polski353947
AR BRIMR Hotfooted HuntsmanChart Polski253831
ChR BRIMR Hotfooted Red FoxChart Polski333947
GCR BRIMR Hotfooted Silver FoxChart Polski372746
MR BRIMR Hotfooted Silver LightChart Polski242738
PnT BRIMR I Am What Comes After the SunsetPlott94175
MT In All FairnessPlott274228
MR BRIMR In My ShadowChart Polski253846
JPnFl IPnP K2 JakeAlaskan Husky73885
JPnFl JewelBorder Collie83902
ChP KaraAlaskan Husky364208
MSh BRIMR Knightly IllusionTibetan Mastiff312257
GCR BRIMR Lingering IllusionChart Polski383736
AT BRIMR Little Liar [GGEE+ 10HH] {24}Otterhound214068
MR BRIMR Little NumberChart Polski253844
AFr BRIMR Little Pebble [EEEE +9HH] {25}Otterhound204068
APnT Mask of an ImpostorAlaskan Husky104343
NSh BRIMR Maxed OutTibetan Mastiff12750
AT MollyPlott184235
ExT My Lady FairPlott284406
AP My Lost ChildAlaskan Husky174345
MT NFr BRIMR OlaOtterhound263838
JPnT MFl BRIMR OlaffOtterhound263838
NCT BRIMR Otterhound - Gen 1, F5Otterhound543587
AT Plott GGGG 7HHPlott144140
NCT Presence in a Strange LandPlott394320
BRIMR Puppy 1Korean Jindo13815
Puppy 2Greyhound14596
Puppy 2Greyhound14595
Puppy 4Greyhound14596
AT BRIMR RedOtterhound213824
MP Red and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky224380
MH BRIMR Red Dragon of Ancient TimeEnglish Shepherd332403
AP Red with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky124350
GCR BRIMR Sandy FoxChart Polski373736
AT Say It's SoPlott214495
AS Shrine of the WickedAlaskan Husky134343
JAS Silver MoonAlaskan Husky94329
ChM BRIMR Silver/Lla/10HH/3hh/GEEGKorean Jindo432059
GCR BRIMR SlyjumpinfoxChart Polski372736
AFT BRIMR Smile Again's 6HH 6hh Br F Ch Sable - 1kPlott144104
JAS SnakeAlaskan Husky104330
AO SonamTibetan Mastiff194246
NCT Sounder of the SunrisePlott414444
MT Sparkling FairyPlott244222
AT BRIMR StarPlott194111
NR Steel Solitaire [EGGG +7HH] {20}Irish Wolfhound14078
MP SunsetAlaskan Husky204381
MR BRIMR Sylvia's MeritChart Polski253844
IPnFr BRIMR The Illusionist's GirlTibetan Mastiff83893
AT Thee Red Shadow Dost ComethPlott224410
NR Through the Looking GlassIrish Wolfhound14082
MS Through the Window of a Setting SunAlaskan Husky244358
NH Ticking Time BombBorder Collie24485
PnFl PnS ToffeeAlaskan Husky113883
ExT Unbelievable ChivalryPlott304401
MT BRIMR x Plott MPlott224148
ExSh BRIMR Yo No Soy El Diablo RojoEnglish Shepherd313966

Game Time

12:08am on Mar 25

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