Celestial Plains

Kennel History

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Retirees of Celestial Plains

ANA (Retired for bad genes)Icelandic Sheepdog14533
(Retired for bad genes)Icelandic Sheepdog14524
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Dogs Bred By Celestial Plains

LockedFor StudNCFl Antilae the Air PumpIcelandic Sheepdog3698
LockedGCA Aquilae the EagleIcelandic Sheepdog3391
LockedNCA Arae the AltarIcelandic Sheepdog3698
LockedFor StudChH Arietis the RamIcelandic Sheepdog3080
LockedFor StudExA Aurigae the CharioteerIcelandic Sheepdog2876
LockedFor StudExT Bootis the Bear DriverIcelandic Sheepdog2667
LockedFor StudMA Caeli the Sculptor's ChiselIcelandic Sheepdog2465
LockedExM Camelopardalis the GiraffeIcelandic Sheepdog2669
LockedMFl Cancri the CrabIcelandic Sheepdog2257
LockedMFl Canis Majoris the Greater DogIcelandic Sheepdog2054

Game Time

03:39pm on Feb 24

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