Sai's Mastiffs and Border Collies

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Sai's Mastiffs and Border Collies

IPnFT 1Gordon Setter73979
IPnFT 2Gordon Setter73979
IPnFT 3Gordon Setter73979
ASc AlaNeapolitan Mastiff194013
ASc AliNeapolitan Mastiff194013
AP BeyaNeapolitan Mastiff204016
ASc BhulNeapolitan Mastiff204016
ASc CestraNeapolitan Mastiff224014
AP CruelNeapolitan Mastiff214014
ASc DharmiNeapolitan Mastiff204012
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Sai's Mastiffs and Border Collies

LockedAT EDD Denna von Cruel CestraNeapolitan Mastiff1969
LockedASc ElinNeapolitan Mastiff2252
LockedASc HallonNeapolitan Mastiff2152
LockedAPnSc SMBC MeekaNeapolitan Mastiff1363
LockedAPnSc SMBC MikaNeapolitan Mastiff1363
LockedASc MiniNeapolitan Mastiff2152
LockedMSh ZBorder Collie3176
APnSc GaihlNeapolitan Mastiff133991
APnSc GhernNeapolitan Mastiff133991
ASc IanNeapolitan Mastiff164000

Game Time

07:57pm on Feb 16

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