Fox's Twisted Den

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Fox's Twisted Den

NCH Cosmic DoodlePembroke Welsh Corgi39108
GCH Crimson PoetrySwedish Vallhund37114
GCFl Dark ButterflyPembroke Welsh Corgi39108
NCH Hazel Shark AttackPembroke Welsh Corgi39108
NCA Lovestruck GypsySwedish Vallhund36108
GCFl Milky Way QuestPembroke Welsh Corgi40108
NCH Southern FoxSwedish Vallhund39108
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Fox's Twisted Den

MH FTD Diving DreamSwedish Vallhund2558
JAH FTD Lovestruck PoetrySwedish Vallhund1024
AH FTD Romance's MusicianSwedish Vallhund2044
AH FTD Shards of DaybreakSwedish Vallhund1944
JAH FTD Southern DaybreakSwedish Vallhund1024
MH FTD Turbulent OceanSwedish Vallhund2658

Game Time

04:41pm on Mar 9

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