Splendid Canines Facilities

Kennel History

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Retirees of Splendid Canines Facilities

ChR Arch Angel EyesAfricanis354034
CaseyShetland Sheepdog13672
ChH BSP Cinnamon S'moreBorder Collie393572
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Dogs Bred By Splendid Canines Facilities

LockedJPnR YG 1HH 16Hh 7hhAfricanis713
LockedMA SCF Nothing but the bestAfricanis3371
LockedNFl Puppy 1Africanis16
LockedNP Puppy 4Africanis16
LockedJPnFl SCF Sick Of APLIbizan Hound817
LockedPnFl SCF TWLKLila 13HH LlaAfricanis1239
LockedMFr SCF [G2] Don't Walk In The DarkAfricanis2978
LockedMFr SCF [G2] Queen ConchitaAfricanis2671
LockedAR SCF [G7] Keep Your DistanceAfricanis2465
MP SCF 9HH/2hh GGEE CovenSense's LithaAfricanis321320

Game Time

08:47am on Mar 29

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