Sky is the Limit

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Sky is the Limit

APnSh PnRO (SKY) 10HHHavanese123290
APnS IPnFl (SKY) 10HH/1020xChinook113010
MRO ChFT (SKY) 10HH/1060xLarge Munsterlander353332
APnFT AHT (SKY) 10HH/1223xSussex Spaniel163298
JPnT IPnFl (SKY) 10HH/1240xMiniature Pinscher93006
WCSc h• 10HH/1412xRottweiler663530
ExT WCA MMP 10HH/1488xBriard703286
MP NCFr (SKY) 10HH/EEEE/1488xAfricanis493499
JPnA IPnO (SKY) 11HH/1025xKerry Blue Terrier93287
JPnFl NP (SKY) 11HH/1037xCanadian Eskimo Dog53003
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Sky is the Limit

AA ExH (SKY) *Panka 24HH/1565x*Mudi3341
MT CCSh (SKY) 18HH/1170xPapillon4466
CCRO ExSh (SKY) 18HH/1435xBichon Frise5472
JASh MRO (SKY) 18HH/1505xMaltese2332
WCSh ExRO (SKY) 19HH/1435xBichon Frise5872
NCT MHu (SKY) 19HH/1498xHavanese5468
GCP ExFl (SKY) 20HH/1350xPortuguese Water Dog4660
ChFl WCH (SKY) 20HH/1435xSaarloos Wolfdog5472
AO MA (SKY) 20HH/1505xMaltese2032
AP PnW (SKY) 20HH/1523xNewfoundland2128

Game Time

03:29pm on Mar 9

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