The August Mercy Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of The August Mercy Kennel

ANT AdonisDoberman Pinscher43473
PnSh OmDeK ApricotPapillon113490
JASh ArtemisDoberman Pinscher143497
MT AspenDoberman Pinscher273530
APnR AsterIrish Wolfhound103487
MSc AtlasDoberman Pinscher263527
ASc BambiDoberman Pinscher233521
MFr BellaIrish Wolfhound283534
JAFl BiscuitPapillon143496
IPnFr CaeliIrish Wolfhound73483
Order By:

Dogs Bred By The August Mercy Kennel

LockedNP DobermanDoberman Pinscher113
LockedAO TamK DonPapillon2358
LockedNFr DudetteDoberman Pinscher113
ANT AdonisDoberman Pinscher43473
JASh ArtemisDoberman Pinscher143497
APnR AsterIrish Wolfhound103487
MSc AtlasDoberman Pinscher263527
JAFl BiscuitPapillon143496
IPnFr CaeliIrish Wolfhound73483
ANSc CamillaDoberman Pinscher43473

Game Time

05:45pm on Feb 17

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