Villa Lobos - All breeds

Kennel History

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Retirees of Villa Lobos - All breeds

GCR RofS AcapellaAfricanis483593
AP African SunBorder Collie183544
AR American ParaohAfricanis173537
ASc American SkyeHovawart183549
MA CGDB AvalanBorder Collie353579
NT TVH BattlesBorder Collie13583
JAH »RRK« CaptainBorder Collie153520
NSc H2LJ CaymenBelgian Malinois43478
IPnSh Cocoa BeanBorder Collie83495
JAFr Crash and BurnBorder Collie143520
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Dogs Bred By Villa Lobos - All breeds

LockedAH Lla 17HH IcicleBorder Collie1771
IPnH JPnFl REaK Across The Stormy OceanBorder Collie113357
IPnSh Cocoa BeanBorder Collie83495
JAFr Crash and BurnBorder Collie143520
AT CrimsonBorder Collie173475
PnFl Fire N' GoldBorder Collie113509
IPnP Long StretchBorder Collie83495
APnP RenegadeBorder Collie133520
IPnM Silver RainBorder Collie83495

Game Time

05:01am on Mar 6

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