Chrysanthemum Kennels

Kennel History

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Retirees of Chrysanthemum Kennels

JPnFr Arthur's IreNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever83533
ChSc HKDOG AsterGerman Shepherd Dog393516
JPnH Beauty at the BallEnglish Shepherd83530
MR BlipChart Polski283515
MT ChastityMudi273574
IPnFT Guinevere of the Round TableNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever83533
GCR IPnM Shiro KeeperChart Polski493556
ARO LunaFlat Coated Retriever233532
AT RH&SP Maid MarionGerman Shepherd Dog273566
ChR RofS MidnightChart Polski403509
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Dogs Bred By Chrysanthemum Kennels

LockedIPnT TEARS 2037233Canaan Dog1019
LockedPnH A JackMudi1024
LockedJAH A Red Hot SunMudi1332
LockedPnH A RowenMudi1024
LockedASh A WrenMudi1740
LockedMR AmunChart Polski2660
LockedANR Antique WinterChart Polski112
LockedAR AnubisChart Polski1531
LockedAPnT AshMudi1233
LockedCCR Blue Stripes lala.96.20.0cha.RChart Polski59101

Game Time

06:10am on Mar 29

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