Days Dawn Hellish Hounds

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Days Dawn Hellish Hounds

ExT DDH Agitha of TwilightEnglish Foxhound383361
ExT DDH Anju of TerminaRhodesian Ridgeback393363
AT JAA DDH Ashei of TwilightEnglish Foxhound181247
ExT DDH Auru of TwilightEnglish Foxhound383361
AR AFl DDH Batreaux Of SkyloftSilken Windhound191248
ChSc DDH Brac of TerminaRhodesian Ridgeback403381
ChT DDH Bremor of TerminaRhodesian Ridgeback413363
ExT DDH Captain Viscent of of TerminaRhodesian Ridgeback393363
ExT DDH Cremia of TerminaRhodesian Ridgeback403375
AR PnT DDH Dampé of TerminaRhodesian Ridgeback181248
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Days Dawn Hellish Hounds

LockedAT DDH Faron of TwilightEnglish Foxhound2174
LockedJAFl Jakamar of SkyloftSilken Windhound1545
LockedMFr DDH Kukiel of SkyloftSilken Windhound2374
AT JAA DDH Ashei of TwilightEnglish Foxhound181247
AR AFl DDH Batreaux Of SkyloftSilken Windhound191248
AP Clouded YellowStandard Poodle201188
AR PnT DDH Dampé of TerminaRhodesian Ridgeback181248
AT MA DDH Eldin of TwilightEnglish Foxhound34626
ExFl DDH Fi Of SkyloftSilken Windhound371284
AR AFl DDH Gaepora Of SkyloftSilken Windhound191248

Game Time

09:36pm on Dec 27

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