The Ella Marie Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of The Ella Marie Kennel

AFl -EMK- AitoShiba Inu213287
JAP -EMK- CaptainShiba Inu133257
APnA -EMK- DeluxeShiba Inu103252
APnHT -EMK- DeterminedShiba Inu103252
PnHT VPBR DrifloonShiba Inu73248
AFr -EMK- EijiShiba Inu213281
MHT -EMK- MiraiShiba Inu193275
MHT -EMK- MiyoShiba Inu213281
AFr XENAI OsamuShiba Inu143260
AM -EMK- RikonaShiba Inu213287
Order By:

Dogs Bred By The Ella Marie Kennel

JAP -EMK- CaptainShiba Inu133257
APnA -EMK- DeluxeShiba Inu103252
APnHT -EMK- DeterminedShiba Inu103252
NCHT -EMK- MinnieShiba Inu403238
MHT -EMK- MiraiShiba Inu193275
GCM -EMK- MoonlightShiba Inu403238
JAM -EMK- SheebsShiba Inu153262
AHT -EMK- YokoShiba Inu173269

Game Time

04:36am on Feb 8

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