Serenity Kennels

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Serenity Kennels

NA BlueHavanese12661
NRO KiaraGerman Shorthaired Pointer12661
AHT ~R~K~ Light Among the AshesGerman Shorthaired Pointer192724
NFT Serenity's Light of the SkiesGerman Shorthaired Pointer42674
NSh Serenity's Loving HeartHavanese32673
NFT Serenity's Token of PeaceGerman Shorthaired Pointer52673
NSh Soaring Into the NightHavanese52673
NFr TKOH Sylent's Saldi IshaStandard Poodle32667
JPnE Terror of the LandWest Highland White Terrier32673
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Serenity Kennels

NA BlueHavanese12661
NRO KiaraGerman Shorthaired Pointer12661

Game Time

12:08am on Dec 12

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