Katie's Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Katie's Kennel

AT JKSN BanjoBorder Collie212346
JPnFl Blizzard (EEEE)Greenland Dog82242
AFl Cooper (EGFE)Border Collie182337
AH PPPDR DA's Alfie of Mischief ManagedBorder Collie242368
AS ~FPP~ DaisyGreenland Dog202347
AS Fare (EEEG)Greenland Dog162323
NFl AA Freja (GEGG)Greenland Dog162339
ANA Fudge (EEEE)Border Collie42227
AFl GizmoBorder Collie182349
JAP JRC Ireland (EGGE)Greenland Dog142332
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Katie's Kennel

JPnFl Blizzard (EEEE)Greenland Dog82242
AFl Cooper (EGFE)Border Collie182337
ANA Fudge (EEEE)Border Collie42227
PnS Ivar (GGEE)Greenland Dog102261
PnH Lacy (EEEE)Border Collie122261
AH Maddie (EGEE)Border Collie172325
IPnH Merle (GEEE)Border Collie112261
AS Nora (GEGG)Greenland Dog162317
IPnS Patches (EGEE)Greenland Dog82242
APnS Red (EEEG)Greenland Dog112261

Game Time

06:36pm on Feb 11

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