Flushing Kennels

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Flushing Kennels

JPnFl Arrow's PointEnglish Springer Spaniel71310
ANFl Barley SiloSmooth Collie71305
ANSc Blizzard of SandGerman Shepherd Dog61310
ANHu Chirping SparrowSmooth Collie61305
NA Cocoa BeanSmooth Collie11293
NT Gentle River LilyCzechoslovakian Wolfdog41301
GCFr GigiNorwegian Elkhound521388
NP Gizmo FanaticCatahoula Leopard Dog41300
NP Justice's GuardianSmooth Collie11293
ND Leaping FawnBelgian Malinois11297
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Flushing Kennels

NA Cocoa BeanSmooth Collie11293
NP Justice's GuardianSmooth Collie11293
ND Leaping FawnBelgian Malinois11297
Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog11288
Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog11286
NHT Thicket DaggerEnglish Springer Spaniel11297

Game Time

06:48am on Feb 13

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