Stardrop Kennels

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Stardrop Kennels

NT GAT0R 11HH 6hh 67.7Dachshund5317
ASh HopTa A Sign Of The TimesPekingese25388
NO AbbyMiniature Australian Shepherd1346
NRO AdmiralToy Poodle5229
AP BFPK AlistairChihuahua20353
PnP BFPK Angel intx2 strspd 4HH 6hh GGGG LlChihuahua13337
IPnM AustinBoston Terrier9354
ANA BansheeKerry Blue Terrier6362
MH BenjiBearded Collie33370
PnSh Bunie Boygenius at StardropPomeranian14309
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Stardrop Kennels

JASh Cosmic Creek kennels Cindy storeStandard Poodle1786
Puppy 1Australian Koolie132
Puppy 1Standard Poodle132
Puppy 1American Cocker Spaniel132
Puppy 1American Cocker Spaniel132
Puppy 1Miniature Australian Shepherd132
Puppy 1Chihuahua132
Puppy 1Shih Tzu132
Puppy 10American Cocker Spaniel133
Puppy 11Standard Poodle132

Game Time

11:59am on Mar 9

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