something's Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of something's Kennel

NFT *Latte 1.000 EEGE KK Ee bb DD slsl AyAy swsw mm Rr tt CC gg uu LLBracco Italiano5124
1Bracco Italiano1124
NR IBLM 215 spdBorzoi1114
*PPW* 21HH EEEE lla (spd/agi)Xoloitzcuintle1114
NHu 6HH Im going to MiamiAmerican Bulldog4129
NA AngelAlaskan Malamute4124
NT Biscuit EGGG KK Ee bb DD slsl AyAy spsw mm rr tt CC gg uu LlBracco Italiano3123
PnSh VIrK Boss 19HHGerman Shepherd Dog11192
AHT AFT W*SK BREEDSussex Spaniel21150
AHT ANHT ASh W*SK BreedingSussex Spaniel20150
Order By:

Dogs Bred By something's Kennel

Puppy 1Kooikerhondje1113
Puppy 1American Cocker Spaniel1112
Puppy 1Bracco Italiano1108
Puppy 2Alaskan Malamute1113
Puppy 4Xoloitzcuintle1109
Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog1109

Game Time

12:37pm on Feb 18

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