Name | Breed | Level | Age |
IPnS (GEGG)6HH LlaBlack and White (Extreme Piebald) with Red Points and Light Undersides | Alaskan Husky | 12 | 3718 |
JPnS .-Magical Girl-. Lla 1xstm 6HH 3hh EGGG G1 | Greenland Dog | 8 | 3897 |
ANR Deku ...And Then There Were None Ll 1xstm 8HH 5hh GGEG G3 | Borzoi | 5 | 3149 |
PnH 00007 | Border Collie | 10 | 3717 |
IPnH Deku 07-Ghost lala 1xstm 16HH 0hh EEEE | American White Shepherd | 9 | 3240 |
PnH Deku 07-Ghost lla stmstm intstm 10HH 7hh FGGG G2 | Maremma Sheepdog | 14 | 3173 |
PnS 14A Ll 1xstm [no sledding] 8HH 5hh EGEF G1 | Siberian Husky | 10 | 3521 |
ChSc »Alit 14HH 3STR | American White Shepherd | 38 | 3566 |
18 Miles Out LL 1xstm 7HH 3hh GEGG G1 | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 1 | 3250 |
1818 Lla stmstm stmagi 7HH 4hh EGGG G2 | American White Shepherd | 1 | 3956 |
Name | Breed | Level | Age |
Deku #THINMAN Lla 2xstm 9HH 2hh EEEF G6 | Borzoi | 1 | 6 |
AS Deku A Merry Halloween Lla 1xstm 12HH 2hh EEGE G7 | Greenland Dog | 16 | 27 |
APnH Deku Abyss lala 12HH 0hh EEEE G111 | Border Collie | 11 | 87 |
Deku Alex Annie Alexis Ann lla 3xstm 7HH 1hh EEGE G6 | Borzoi | 1 | 6 |
WCS Deku Arin's Songs lala 3xstm [no sledding] 13HH 0hh KF OL EEEE G9 | Greenland Dog | 60 | 100 |
AS Deku Baby Go Boom Lla 2xstm 13HH 1hh EGEE G7 | Greenland Dog | 17 | 27 |
WCS Deku Back to the Future lla 1xstm 8HH 3hh GEGE G4 | Greenland Dog | 63 | 98 |
AS Deku Bagging It Up Lla 2xstm 10HH 0hh EEEE G7 KF OL | Greenland Dog | 16 | 27 |
AS Deku Ball Pudding lala 1xstm 10HH 3hh EGGG G7 | Greenland Dog | 16 | 28 |
AS Deku Best Zelda Game lala 3xstm 10HH 1hh GEEE G10 | Greenland Dog | 16 | 25 |