Name | Breed | Level | Age |
WCHT DVH 9 In the Afternoon | Lla | Hunting 1.162x | Dogo Argentino | 66 | 3002 |
WCHT DVH After Dark | Lla | Sch/H 1.153x | Dogo Argentino | 67 | 3002 |
WCSc DVH Are You In? | Dogo Argentino | 46 | 3985 |
CCA DVH Banshee | Lla | B&S | Chinese Shar-Pei | 54 | 3051 |
WCSc DVH Black Girls Rock | Dogo Argentino | 46 | 3985 |
WCSc MEWS Blackie Rae | LL | Sch/Sld/H | 1.025 | Akita | 50 | 3050 |
WCSh CSA Bright Eyed & Bushy Tailed | Pomeranian | 47 | 3987 |
WCFT Bronco | German Wirehaired Pointer | 44 | 4162 |
CCA GCT Cinnabon De'Lish | Lapponian Herder | 44 | 4164 |
WCHT DVH Diamonds & Coal | Ll | Hunting 1.163x | Dogo Argentino | 67 | 3002 |
Name | Breed | Level | Age |
AHT DVH Aamu {Morning} | GEGG | LL | CC | 1.083x | Finnish Spitz | 18 | 32 |
CCT DVH Adderall Admiral | ll | Tracking | 1.308x | Chinese Shar-Pei | 55 | 72 |
NCSc DVH Anna Molly|lla|T H|strstr intstr|1.202 | Dogo Argentino | 48 | 66 |
NCSc DVH Are You In, Or Are You Out?| lla (sm.) | INT70 STR63 | T, HT | intint intstr | Dogo Argentino | 47 | 66 |
ASh Banshee Bailey|lala|chaspd strstr|O S P|8HH 5hh| 1.238 | Chinese Shar-Pei | 21 | 30 |
JPnHu MA Banshee Boi|LL|T P Hu|x1.238 | Chinese Shar-Pei | 27 | 38 |
MA DVH Beautiful Pumps|lla|O|x1.250 | Chinese Shar-Pei | 27 | 37 |
WCP DVH Blinx to Miss | lla | Sch/P 1.135x | Akita | 66 | 104 |
NHT DVH Bonbon Bollux | lla | Sc H| intint strint | 1.473 | 13HH | Dogo Argentino | 1 | 11 |
MT DVH Brindle Mountains| lala| agispd chaspd|Sc T S HT Hu| 1.437 | Akita | 27 | 34 |