Brush and Bramble

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Brush and Bramble

MA AmarantineBorder Collie253722
MA Cupid's ArrowBorder Collie253722
NH female1Border Collie13673
NH female2Border Collie13673
NH female3Border Collie13673
NH male1Border Collie13673
NH male2Border Collie13673
NH male3Border Collie13673
MA Misty ShoresBorder Collie253722
MT Orinoco FlowBorder Collie243722
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Brush and Bramble

IPnSc Puppy 1Doberman Pinscher84329
JASc Puppy 2Doberman Pinscher124377
MT SkyfallDoberman Pinscher254377

Game Time

04:46pm on Feb 19

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