Aussies/Collies/FOR SALE

Border Collies
Premium Kennel
45 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
24 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
German/Central Shepherds
Premium Kennel
48 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Standard Poodle/Pekingese
Premium Kennel
37 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Order By:


AFr aPIME 1 Flora lla 3HH 0hh EEEEEnglish Springer Spaniel2284
AFT aPIME 1 Hersilia lla 2HH 3hh GGGEEnglish Springer Spaniel2284
Banjo EEEEBorder Collie159
MnSt Blue Roan 24HH EEEEBorder Collie160
IPnD ESTD Cloudy DayStandard Poodle963
CocoStandard Poodle131
Cormack EEEEBorder Collie159
UOA Coryn GEEEBorder Collie163
MSc Echo 11/13 Ll stmstrBullmastiff2382
For Public SaleJabariChart Polski151
APnT JOLT Jake( HH13 hh1 ml EEGE) cBorder Collie1378
Lilac GGGEBorder Collie160
For Public SaleLocklandChart Polski151
ALKL Lukie EEGEBorder Collie160
|TH| Marvel EEEEBorder Collie160
Midnight GGEGBorder Collie156
MT Muzzle 9/15 Ll chaspd intspdBullmastiff3296
For Public SaleNaveenChart Polski151
For Public SaleOmariChart Polski151
Paris EEEEBorder Collie160
Puppy 10Standard Poodle137
Puppy 12German Shepherd Dog131
Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog124
Puppy 3Standard Poodle137
Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog124
Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog124
Puppy 4Lagotto Romagnolo133
Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog124
Puppy 5Border Collie137
Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog124
NM JASh Red Runs The RiverAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1455
Riuk EEEEBorder Collie160
Roxie EEGGBorder Collie168
AHu Royal Bank of ScotlandAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2295
For Public SaleSellChart Polski151
For Public SaleSellChart Polski151
F0GA Seraphine EEEEBorder Collie160
|TH| Sharpei EEEEBorder Collie162
MSc Slake 11/13 Ll agistr chaint (Bullmastiff2380
For Public SaleUlaniChart Polski151
Una EEEGBorder Collie159
Velvet EEEGBorder Collie160
Wisp GEEEBorder Collie168
For Public SaleYumiChart Polski151
For Public SaleZobiyaChart Polski151
Order By:


AD aPIME 1 Agrodolce Lla 4hh 5HH GEGGLagotto Romagnolo2187
AP aPIME 1 Bozza Pratese LL 8hh 2HH GFGGLagotto Romagnolo2187
ASh aPIME 1 Ciaccino Ll 3hh 2HH GEGGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AP aPIME 1 Ciriola Lla 2hh 7HH EEEGLagotto Romagnolo2187
AFr aPIME 1 Ficattola Lla 2hh 3HH EGEGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AP aPIME 1 Fragguno lala 5hh 5HH GEGGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AD aPIME 1 Pane Rustico Lla 6hh 1HH FGEGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AFT aPIME 1 Panelle di Ceci Lla 4hh 4HH GGGGLagotto Romagnolo2187
AFl aPIME 1 Panino ll 3hh 4HH GEEGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AP aPIME 1 Penia Ll 2hh 3HH EGEGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AP aPIME 1 Pesto lla 5hh 5HH GGGGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AP aPIME 1 Taralli ll 3hh 5HH GEGGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AvaGerman Shepherd Dog137
KaizerGerman Shepherd Dog137
LakotaGerman Shepherd Dog137
aPIME M 8Azawakh Hound158
MochaGerman Shepherd Dog137
For Public SaleNFT Otis GGGG yeLabrador Retriever253
PandaGerman Shepherd Dog137
aPIME PrimeAzawakh Hound158
Puppy 1Border Collie137
Puppy 3Central Asian Shepherd134
APnRO Puppy 6Saluki1271
Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog131
Order By:


AFr aPIME 1 Michetta lla 3hh 3HH EGGGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AFr aPIME 1 Moddizzosu Lla 5hh 4HH GGGGLagotto Romagnolo2187
AFr aPIME 1 Neccio Ll 3hh 5HH EGGGLagotto Romagnolo2287
AP aPIME 1 Pandoro lla 2hh 4HH GEGELagotto Romagnolo2287
AD aPIME 1 Pane Pugliese Lla 5hh 4HH GGGGLagotto Romagnolo2187
AFr aPIME 1 Tortano Ll 4hh 3HH GGEGLagotto Romagnolo2187
NA 17HH/7Hh EEEE lalaGerman Shepherd Dog176
NT 18HH/6Hh EEEE lala ClementineGerman Shepherd Dog188
NSc 19HH/5Hh EEEE llaGerman Shepherd Dog177
AnnieStandard Poodle150
NP AxtonCentral Asian Shepherd159
Bellatrix GEEEGerman Shepherd Dog157
Belle FGGGCentral Asian Shepherd170
BerkleyBorder Collie157
BrooklynCentral Asian Shepherd157
CobraBorder Collie150
CometCentral Asian Shepherd157
JPnP ElleriCentral Asian Shepherd860
Genesis EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog164
HachikoBorder Collie157
HarleyGerman Shepherd Dog156
Honey EGEGCentral Asian Shepherd167
Iris EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog159
KanaanCentral Asian Shepherd158
KonaCentral Asian Shepherd157
LumiCentral Asian Shepherd158
LyraBorder Collie150
Maui EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog160
Nala GGEEGerman Shepherd Dog155
IPnHT NashLagotto Romagnolo10118
NoelleStandard Poodle155
PoppyCentral Asian Shepherd158
RocklandBorder Collie155
Rue GEEEGerman Shepherd Dog167
ShastaGerman Shepherd Dog157
Sky EEGGCentral Asian Shepherd171
SladeStandard Poodle150
NT Sterling EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog161
TempestGerman Shepherd Dog150
Toni EGGGCentral Asian Shepherd172
ValentinaCentral Asian Shepherd157
Willow EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog157
UOA Wolfgang EEEEGerman Shepherd Dog161
ZakaraAmerican Pit Bull Terrier163
ZiggiGerman Shepherd Dog150
ZorroCentral Asian Shepherd157
Order By:


ANFT ~NS 16HH/8Hh EEEE lala 1.010x MickeyEnglish Springer Spaniel263
BarkerLagotto Romagnolo148
For Public SaleBella GEGEPekingese150
MSh DDOGG Belle GGGEStandard Poodle35116
JPnD SitM Bellesence GGEEStandard Poodle575
For Public SaleButtons GEEGPekingese150
ChampionAmerican Pit Bull Terrier163
For Public SaleChanel GEGEPekingese150
For Public SaleChloe GEGEPekingese150
ND Cotton EEEGStandard Poodle168
For Public SaleDuchess GEEGPekingese150
AO LRT Fëanor EEEE 11HHStandard Poodle16101
AD G1 9HH/13Hh/2hh GEEG LLStandard Poodle1082
For Public SaleGracie GGEEPekingese150
NFl Graison GGEG 10HHStandard Poodle368
For Public SaleKira EFGEPekingese147
NW Loo EGGGStandard Poodle169
For Public SaleIPnM Luna EGEGPekingese1061
NFr Maze GGGGStandard Poodle161
Nova GGEGStandard Poodle155
AND Pebbles GGGGStandard Poodle2116
For Public SalePuppy 1Chart Polski141
Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd134
Puppy 10Border Collie128
Puppy 12Border Collie137
Puppy 2Lagotto Romagnolo133
Puppy 3Standard Poodle137
Puppy 6Lagotto Romagnolo148
Puppy 6Border Collie137
Puppy 6Central Asian Shepherd134
Puppy 9German Shepherd Dog133
Puppy 9German Shepherd Dog133
PnFr DDOGG Run To The Father GGGGStandard Poodle1074
For Public SaleSadie EEGEPekingese150
Storm GGGEStandard Poodle162
Valar Vampire EEEEStandard Poodle155
Valar Victory EEEEStandard Poodle155

Game Time

01:36am on Feb 3

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