Northwinds Kennel

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
42 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
44 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Small Critter Pasture
2 Critters
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudAR NrthW AdioAfricanis1754
LockedAD S.I. AjaxBorder Collie1554
LockedFor StudAS NrthW BaikalWest Siberian Laika1555
LockedIPnH NrthW BangRough Collie937
LockedMSc NrthW BeltzerGerman Shepherd Dog2896
LockedPnM NrthW BGBorder Collie1037
LockedIPnM NrthW BrandonBorder Collie935
LockedAD NrthW BrawlerAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1858
LockedAHT NrthW BreakerAkita1853
LockedAT NrthW BruiserAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1958
LockedJPnFr NrthW CreatureWest Siberian Laika629
LockedFor StudExD NrthW DiabloAmerican Staffordshire Terrier3195
LockedIPnFl NrthW ElkoBorder Collie935
LockedIPnSh NrthW EminemBull Terrier831
LockedAS NrthW FableSiberian Husky1557
LockedIPnHT NrthW FixerAkita831
LockedJPnH S3V G-EazyBorder Collie629
LockedPnP NrthW GilbertGerman Shepherd Dog937
LockedNA NrthW GreeneKelpie111
LockedFor StudMFl NrthW HomieBorder Collie2689
LockedMW NrthW HotchGerman Shepherd Dog2063
LockedFor StudAT PaAc KobeBoerboel1968
LockedAP NrthW KronosGerman Shepherd Dog1654
LockedJAA S.I. KryoAustralian Cattle Dog1654
LockedAH NrthW KudosAustralian Shepherd2056
LockedASc NrthW LTGerman Shepherd Dog1652
LockedJAT NrthW LucianBorder Collie1551
LockedIPnO NrthW LukeGerman Shepherd Dog935
LockedJAD NrthW NarutoAkita1240
LockedAR NrthW OsirisPharaoh Hound1752
LockedPnSh NrthW PaperAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1037
LockedAPnT NrthW PaulGerman Shepherd Dog1246
LockedIPnSc NrthW RiggsGerman Shepherd Dog935
LockedMD NrthW RossiAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2364
LockedAHT NrthW SamuraiAkita1955
LockedIPnFr NrthW SheriffGreat Dane837
LockedAHT NrthW ShinobuKai Ken1554
LockedMT VMH* SpencerAustralian Shepherd28104
LockedIPnHT NrthW TensBoerboel833
LockedPnW NrthW TurboGerman Shepherd Dog735
LockedFor StudJAHT NrthW TytoKai Ken1665
LockedIPnSh NrthW UnitGerman Shepherd Dog733
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAR NrthW AfricaAfricanis1451
LockedAHT NrthW AkikoAkita1963
LockedAW NrthW AllegraGerman Shepherd Dog1455
LockedFor StudAA NrthW AthenaBorder Collie2487
LockedJASc NrthW AyasaGerman Shepherd Dog1243
LockedFor StudPnH NrthW BaielyMudi1359
LockedAPnSc NrthW BlizzardGerman Shepherd Dog1247
LockedJPnW NrthW CamilaGerman Shepherd Dog529
LockedNW NrthW CardiGerman Shepherd Dog114
LockedJAS NrthW DaniyaGreenland Dog1250
LockedAHu NrthW DivaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1858
LockedFor StudJAA NrthW EclairBorder Collie1451
LockedASc NrthW EmiliGerman Shepherd Dog2165
LockedFor StudMT NrthW ErmineGerman Shepherd Dog2797
LockedJAT NrthW ExieGerman Shepherd Dog1555
LockedAT NrthW GarciaGerman Shepherd Dog1964
LockedFor StudAD NrthW GrandeurGreat Dane1965
LockedAHu SatKe HeatherWest Siberian Laika1752
LockedAPnH NrthW ImpalaAustralian Cattle Dog1347
LockedMT NrthW IndyRough Collie28101
LockedANA GG K JettaKelpie425
LockedAHT MnLK JJAkita2465
LockedIPnRO NrthW JoieBorder Collie837
LockedAPnFl NrthW KangaBorder Collie1247
LockedANRO NrthW MinionBorder Collie529
LockedFor StudMT NrthW MinkGerman Shepherd Dog2696
LockedIPnD NrthW MouseGerman Shepherd Dog736
LockedFor StudAFl NrthW MyaGreenland Dog2480
LockedAH NrthW PenelopeBorder Collie2165
LockedMO NrthW PicklesAmerican Staffordshire Terrier3080
LockedFor StudMHu NrthW PizzaGerman Shepherd Dog2487
LockedJPnHu NrthW PuddleMudi633
LockedAFl WycVa Pure LavenderGerman Shepherd Dog2170
LockedIPnR NrthW RaykeeIbizan Hound837
LockedAFl NrthW SeaverAustralian Shepherd1857
LockedFor StudAR RIO SwahiliAfricanis2062
LockedAA NrthW TandiAustralian Shepherd1658
LockedPnO NrthW TemariAkita1040
LockedPnHu NrthW TenTenAkita1040
LockedAM NrthW TsiaAkita2164
LockedJPnRO NrthW UnityGerman Shepherd Dog735
LockedPnSc NrthW VeronicaBoerboel1464
LockedJAR NrthW WindyIbizan Hound1447
LockedFor StudAT NrthW ZivaBorder Collie1763


  • Spike the Bold Spotted Pony Spike the Bold Spotted Pony
  • Lillie the Calico Persian Lillie the Calico Persian
    pet Complete


LockedMH NrthW Zip x APnH NrthW Impala
(Australian Cattle Dog)

Game Time

02:49am on Mar 23

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