Portuguese Waters

Portuguese Water Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
36 Locked Dogs
Central Asian Shepherds
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
92 Locked Dogs
Splashes of color parade along the path of this small, but cheerful garden.
Small Pond
The surface of this pond reflects the grandeur of the lofty sky, though beneath the illusion of stillness teams an underwater world.
Test Subjects
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
58 Locked Dogs
Carpathian Shepherds
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
43 Locked Dogs
Water Work 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Dock Diving 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Achievements I
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
68 Locked Dogs
Achievements II
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
98 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
71 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
48 Locked Dogs
Critter Pasture
Critter Town
50 Critters
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMP !Portuguese Water Dog3255
LockedMW Autumn River in the Night*Portuguese Water Dog1897
LockedJAW Be Your ShadowPortuguese Water Dog1171
LockedJAW Betrayal on MarsPortuguese Water Dog1071
LockedJAW Blue Whales DrowningPortuguese Water Dog1070
LockedExW Bravery is an IllusionPortuguese Water Dog21100
LockedMW Broken Mirrors in the MorningPortuguese Water Dog23102
LockedAPnW Castle of Magic intPortuguese Water Dog968
LockedMW Charm in the SmokePortuguese Water Dog23103
LockedAW Dances in the RainPortuguese Water Dog1171
LockedAPnW Darkened SpiritPortuguese Water Dog969
LockedMW Death in TownPortuguese Water Dog21102
LockedJAW Don't Cry Over MiseryPortuguese Water Dog1069
LockedJAW Downsized DovePortuguese Water Dog969
LockedJAW Forgotten MisunderstandingPortuguese Water Dog1171
LockedMW Heartbreaking MomentPortuguese Water Dog24103
LockedPnW Kiss of RagePortuguese Water Dog968
LockedPnW Late Morning LullabyPortuguese Water Dog969
LockedMW Never Lost FaithPortuguese Water Dog24103
LockedPnW Never Think TwicePortuguese Water Dog968
LockedMW Nudging the BirdsPortuguese Water Dog24103
LockedPnW Poisoned SwanPortuguese Water Dog968
LockedAPnW Rebellious Shadows ArosePortuguese Water Dog968
LockedPnW Roses in the Midnight GardenPortuguese Water Dog868
LockedJAW Running From DestinyPortuguese Water Dog1171
LockedPnW Shame in the UniversePortuguese Water Dog968
LockedPnW Someone Told a StoryPortuguese Water Dog968
LockedMW Sorrow-free SoulPortuguese Water Dog1998
LockedMW Sudden ChangesPortuguese Water Dog22102
LockedJAW Sudden ChillsPortuguese Water Dog969
LockedIPnW Sun over the HorizonPortuguese Water Dog868
LockedAW The Hope in Your EyesPortuguese Water Dog1171
LockedAW The StoryPortuguese Water Dog1271
LockedIPnW Unbearably PassivePortuguese Water Dog869
LockedAW Wish for a MiraclePortuguese Water Dog1171
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNO AishaCentral Asian Shepherd616
LockedFor Private SaleNH AngelCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedFor Private SaleNO ArielCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNO BearCentral Asian Shepherd19
LockedFor Private SaleNO BeastCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNO BeautyCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleNO BenCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleJPnO BlanketCentral Asian Shepherd416
LockedFor Private SaleNP BrandiCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleNH ButterflyCentral Asian Shepherd19
LockedNO CanciónCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedFor Private SaleJPnO Captain HookCentral Asian Shepherd216
LockedFor Private SaleNO CarlileCentral Asian Shepherd315
LockedFor Private SaleNH CerberusCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleANH ChampagneCentral Asian Shepherd617
LockedNO ChurroCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedFor Private SaleNH CinderellaCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedNP ClaudioCentral Asian Shepherd617
LockedFor Private SaleJPnO CloverCentral Asian Shepherd416
LockedFor Private SaleNP CodyCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNH Cruello de VilCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Private SaleANO DaisyCentral Asian Shepherd317
LockedFor Private SaleNP DarknessCentral Asian Shepherd317
LockedNP DeseoCentral Asian Shepherd615
LockedFor Private SaleNP DisneyCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedNP DixieCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedNP dog5Central Asian Shepherd18
LockedNA DogfoodCentral Asian Shepherd517
LockedFor Private SaleNO DonaldCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNH DoryCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedFor Private SaleNO EVECentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNP EverestCentral Asian Shepherd110
LockedANO FishtailCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedFor Private SaleNP ForestCentral Asian Shepherd516
LockedFor Private SaleNO FoxCentral Asian Shepherd516
LockedFor Private SaleNH FrogCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedFor Private SaleNP FurryCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedNP GhostCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedNO HeidiCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedFor Private SaleNP HollyCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNP HoneyCentral Asian Shepherd315
LockedFor Private SaleNH HoundCentral Asian Shepherd315
LockedFor Private SaleNH JasmineCentral Asian Shepherd315
LockedFor Private SaleNP JerryCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedFor Private SaleNO JollyCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedNP KateCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNO KatieCentral Asian Shepherd416
LockedFor Private SaleNO KristoffCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleJPnSh LiberdadCentral Asian Shepherd519
LockedFor Private SaleNH LooneyCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedNH Lost FairyCentral Asian Shepherd615
LockedNP MagpieCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedFor Private SaleNH MeluaCentral Asian Shepherd315
LockedJPnA MiloCentral Asian Shepherd517
LockedFor Private SaleNH MimadaCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNH MinnieCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNP MockingbirdCentral Asian Shepherd516
LockedANO MonsterCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleNO MooseCentral Asian Shepherd111
LockedFor Private SaleNH MothCentral Asian Shepherd111
LockedFor Private SaleNO MountainCentral Asian Shepherd417
LockedFor Private SaleNO MowgliCentral Asian Shepherd417
LockedFor Private SaleNP NemoCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedJPnP NibblesCentral Asian Shepherd615
LockedJPnO PartridgeCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNP PawsCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedFor Private SaleNO PerditaCentral Asian Shepherd515
LockedFor StudNH Peter PanCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedANP PigletCentral Asian Shepherd616
LockedFor Private SaleNH PongoCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleNH PoohCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleNP PotatoCentral Asian Shepherd111
LockedFor Private SaleNH Prince CharmingCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleNO Prince EricCentral Asian Shepherd115
LockedFor Private SaleNH PumbaaCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedNH Puppy 5Central Asian Shepherd110
LockedNO RoxyCentral Asian Shepherd216
LockedNO SailorCentral Asian Shepherd416
LockedNP SerpentCentral Asian Shepherd115
LockedFor Private SaleNP SonnaCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleNH SpiderCentral Asian Shepherd111
LockedNP SueñoCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedNH The PlantCentral Asian Shepherd413
LockedFor Private SaleNP TimonCentral Asian Shepherd115
LockedFor Private SaleNP TomCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleNO TrampCentral Asian Shepherd215
LockedFor Private SaleNO TunesCentral Asian Shepherd415
LockedANO Tutti FruttiCentral Asian Shepherd615
LockedFor Private SaleJPnP VanillaCentral Asian Shepherd722
LockedANO VixeyCentral Asian Shepherd615
LockedJPnO WilliamCentral Asian Shepherd516
LockedFor Private SaleNO xxxCentral Asian Shepherd415
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnH Test Subject 1*Mudi1339
LockedAPnH Test Subject 10Mudi1539
LockedPnH Test Subject 11Mudi1439
LockedPnT Test Subject 12Mudi1439
LockedAPnA Test Subject 13Mudi1439
LockedAPnA Test Subject 14Mudi1439
LockedAPnA Test Subject 16*Mudi1439
LockedJAH Test Subject 17Mudi1644
LockedAH Test Subject 18Mudi2789
LockedPnFl Test Subject 19Mudi1339
LockedPnH Test Subject 2Mudi1439
LockedAPnFl Test Subject 20*Mudi1439
LockedPnT Test Subject 21Mudi1339
LockedIPnT Test Subject 22Mudi1133
LockedAPnA Test Subject 23Mudi1438
LockedPnA Test Subject 24Mudi1338
LockedIPnA Test Subject 25*Mudi1133
LockedIPnT Test Subject 26Mudi1133
LockedIPnH Test Subject 27***Mudi1233
LockedPnFl Test Subject 28Mudi1338
LockedPnFl Test Subject 29Mudi1338
LockedJAA Test Subject 3Mudi1644
LockedIPnA Test Subject 30*Mudi1233
LockedJPnFr Test Subject 31Mudi928
LockedJPnT Test Subject 32*Mudi723
LockedMH Test Subject 33Mudi2794
LockedPnFl Test Subject 34Mudi1335
LockedAPnH Test Subject 35Mudi1335
LockedPnA Test Subject 36Mudi1235
LockedPnA Test Subject 37Mudi1235
LockedPnT Test Subject 38Mudi1235
LockedPnA Test Subject 39Mudi1335
LockedAPnT Test Subject 4Mudi1439
LockedJAA Test Subject 41**Mudi1435
LockedPnH Test Subject 44**Mudi1234
LockedPnT Test Subject 46*Mudi1234
LockedPnT Test Subject 47Mudi1234
LockedPnH Test Subject 48Mudi1234
LockedJAT NH Test Subject 49**Mudi1539
LockedAPnFl Test Subject 5Mudi1439
LockedPnT Test Subject 53Mudi1233
LockedAPnFl Test Subject 54Mudi1338
LockedIPnH NT Test Subject 55**Mudi1032
LockedNH Test Subject 56Mudi728
LockedPnT Test Subject 57*Mudi1129
LockedPnFl Test subject 58*Mudi1230
LockedNFl Test Subject 59*Mudi621
LockedNT NA Test Subject 60*Mudi522
LockedNT NA Test Subject 61*Mudi322
LockedANT Awoo Test Subject 62*Mudi617
LockedPnFl Test Subject 63Mudi1336
LockedAPnH Test Subject 64Mudi1436
LockedPnT Test Subject 65Mudi1336
LockedJAFl Test Subject 66Mudi1541
LockedIPnA Test Subject 67Mudi1131
LockedNA Test Subject 68Mudi16
LockedPnA Test Subject 7Mudi1439
LockedPnFl Test Subject 8Mudi1439
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNP AccioCarpathian Shepherd312
LockedNP AscendioCarpathian Shepherd114
LockedPnP AvadaCarpathian Shepherd1121
LockedNO BaubilliousCarpathian Shepherd111
LockedNP BombardaCarpathian Shepherd112
LockedNH Carpathian ShepherdCarpathian Shepherd113
LockedNA Carpathian Shepherd GEGE LlaCarpathian Shepherd113
LockedNA Carpathian Shepherd LlaCarpathian Shepherd113
LockedJPnO Cedar ForestCarpathian Shepherd719
LockedNO ColloportusCarpathian Shepherd517
LockedIPnP Confundus cwcw LLCarpathian Shepherd1023
LockedPnP Descendo cchcw llaCarpathian Shepherd1021
LockedPnP Diffindo cwcw LLCarpathian Shepherd1023
LockedNP EbublioCarpathian Shepherd111
LockedPnP Ennervate cchcw LLCarpathian Shepherd1021
LockedNH EpiskeyCarpathian Shepherd114
LockedJPnT LOVLY Expulso cwcw LlaCarpathian Shepherd925
LockedPnO Felicis cchcw llaCarpathian Shepherd1023
LockedNO FerulaCarpathian Shepherd112
LockedJPnH Flipendo cwcw LlaCarpathian Shepherd821
LockedPnO Glacius cecw LlaCarpathian Shepherd1023
LockedPnO Immobulus cecw lalaCarpathian Shepherd1023
LockedPnO Impervius cwcw LlaCarpathian Shepherd1023
LockedPnP Incendio cwcw LlCarpathian Shepherd1223
LockedNP JinxCarpathian Shepherd111
LockedPnP Langlock cecw LlaCarpathian Shepherd1023
LockedPnP Levicorpus cchcw llaCarpathian Shepherd1021
LockedAP TReR Lumos cecw lalaCarpathian Shepherd2649
LockedPnP Melofors cchcw lalaCarpathian Shepherd1023
LockedPnO Morsmordre cwcw LLCarpathian Shepherd922
LockedJPnH NicolasCarpathian Shepherd619
LockedPnO Nox cchcw LlaCarpathian Shepherd1121
LockedPnO Obscuro cecw LlaCarpathian Shepherd1021
LockedNP PatronusCarpathian Shepherd114
LockedFor StudPnP Priori cwcw LlCarpathian Shepherd1021
LockedFor StudIPnP Protego kbrk cecw LLCarpathian Shepherd1020
LockedPuppy 1Central Asian Shepherd19
LockedPuppy 3Central Asian Shepherd19
LockedNP RennervateCarpathian Shepherd112
LockedIPnH Salvio cecw LlaCarpathian Shepherd1021
LockedNH SonorusCarpathian Shepherd114
LockedNP VentusCarpathian Shepherd114
LockedNO WingardiumCarpathian Shepherd114
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedASh 19American Staffordshire Terrier2051
LockedNCSh Croc 9 1 1 Lla [S-50]Shih Tzu52103
LockedAH Agnes 1exBorder Collie2357
LockedMH BeedrillCaucasian Ovtcharka3258
LockedGCRO SUNPK Begin TargetBichon Frise4186
LockedFor StudExA HrtBr BentleyBelgian Tervuren38101
LockedExT Bouncing MadnessRough Collie3594
LockedMSh Casas de PapelCarolina Dog3059
LockedMT Chaos CancelPembroke Welsh Corgi3372
LockedExRO CharizardTibetan Spaniel3363
LockedMSh sAg3 Chip Me In A Few [5/2]English Springer Spaniel3259
LockedExO YUKI CindaAidi3686
LockedMA Copy My HeartDalmatian3169
LockedMA Criminal InfinityMiniature Pinscher3367
LockedWCA ^HC^ DeficioCarolina Dog6495
LockedMHu Dire SituationFinnish Lapphund3373
LockedExO East AmsterdamDutch Smoushond3461
LockedAA Easter DogKeeshond2049
LockedMP F Bear 2hh 2HHSaint Bernard2472
LockedExHu Far HurricanesKeeshond3478
LockedExSc YAKOV FOR SALEShikoku3379
LockedMHT Free FallingBlack Mouth Cur3060
LockedChD WTMBR GertrudeCurly Coated Retriever3057
LockedMM GesnunKeeshond3062
LockedMSh Gotta Go FastDoberman Pinscher3360
LockedMT 5S GrinchGerman Shepherd Dog2657
LockedFor Private SaleExT RhrN HannaNorfolk Terrier4063
LockedExFl *MCK* Imprisoned SecretsScottish Deerhound3575
LockedChSh GPWs Isra FlagMaltese3577
LockedExT GPWs Jade BlackMiniature Australian Shepherd3580
LockedMT KakunaBriard3259
LockedMA Lavender's Star BrightYorkshire Terrier3267
LockedChSc Lyrical and MoneyBullmastiff3675
LockedMT MachopEnglish Mastiff3281
LockedMM ~FTK~ MarmaraThai Ridgeback Dog3048
LockedWCH SIMER MarshmallowBorder Collie93110
LockedChHT MayhemAkita4485
LockedMT MissyOtterhound3372
LockedFor StudASh MowgliBasset Hound2169
LockedExT Northfold ManorPlott3780
LockedMRO PidgeotEurasier3259
LockedExE PoliwagNorwich Terrier3157
LockedMO PoliwhirlNorfolk Terrier3261
LockedMA Pure SuspicionAkita3374
LockedMHu RaticatePug3260
LockedChSh SUNPK Refined PlacesDandie Dinmont Terrier4289
LockedMA Returning RelicsCardigan Welsh Corgi3273
LockedExFr JRD Rich CompositionCurly Coated Retriever3384
LockedExSh RofS SALE FAWN [EEEE 24HH 4CHA LL]Chinese Crested3357
LockedMFl SerenityBerger Picard3258
LockedChHu Seventh StudyToy Poodle3685
LockedChHT ShoyuAkita4584
LockedMA Smooth CriminalSmooth Collie3051
LockedExHu Snow FlakeTibetan Spaniel3460
LockedExFl Southern BellManchester Terrier3683
LockedExO Spells BeyondWest Highland White Terrier3476
LockedExHT ~FTK~ Spirit ClingingThai Ridgeback Dog3467
LockedNCS WTMBR SummerSiberian Husky4295
LockedExHu Sweet AddictionGiant Schnauzer3560
LockedExFr TempaField Spaniel3052
LockedMP TentacoolNorwegian Buhund3261
LockedGCT *NO* The Sock ThiefDachshund57112
LockedFor StudWCHT GDA Vice CityKorean Jindo79108
LockedAHu VixieBasset Hound2260
LockedMRO VulpixEnglish Setter3262
LockedMA WartortleLhasa Apso3261
LockedExE WeedleBedlington Terrier3154
LockedExFl PPPDR What Doesn't Kill YouLeonberger3686
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Brussels Griffon113
Locked<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Brussels Griffon113
Locked<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Brussels Griffon113
Locked<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Brussels Griffon113
LockedNSc ANeapolitan Mastiff112
LockedAbbyCane Corso112
LockedAliceWelsh Springer Spaniel113
LockedAngelCane Corso112
LockedAngelAustralian Shepherd112
LockedNO athair ar nimNorwegian Buhund17
LockedJPnH SPK's AutumnBorder Collie4105
LockedPnSc B.o.S AxelBelgian Malinois1025
LockedPnFr *LwK* Bella LouisaGolden Retriever1018
LockedNA Best femaleDalmatian17
LockedNA Best maleDalmatian17
LockedPnS BjornSamoyed1125
LockedIPnO CasoBorder Collie1029
LockedCrystalDandie Dinmont Terrier112
LockedPnA DaisySmooth Collie1031
LockedDakotaCane Corso112
LockedJAD DixieThai Ridgeback Dog1431
LockedIPnT ECham EEEE 12HHSmooth Collie1033
LockedEGGEFrench Bulldog113
LockedEGGEFrench Bulldog113
LockedEGGGFrench Bulldog113
LockedNE EllieRussell Terrier231
LockedIPnRO EmmaCentral Asian Shepherd929
LockedNFl EmmaBrittany621
LockedFBorder Collie114
LockedFBorder Collie114
LockedFBorder Collie114
LockedIPnHu FoxhoundEnglish Foxhound1125
LockedSIE GEGEGolden Retriever17
LockedGEGEFrench Bulldog113
LockedGEGEFrench Bulldog113
LockedGEGGFrench Bulldog113
LockedSIE GGFEBernese Mountain Dog17
LockedSIE GGGGBlack and Tan Coonhound16
LockedPnP GlisseoCarpathian Shepherd1127
LockedPnD Harmonic BeetleVizsla1028
LockedHeavenDandie Dinmont Terrier112
LockedJPnP JPnSc RWTS HeavenlyBelgian Malinois923
LockedJARO IcyOtterhound1379
LockedJewelDandie Dinmont Terrier112
LockedNE KellyRussell Terrier119
LockedIPnHu LadybirdBasset Hound1027
LockedPnFl Lassie's ShadowEnglish Shepherd1027
LockedIPnFl LyricBeauceron1024
LockedMapleDandie Dinmont Terrier112
LockedPnT Luxe mbourgAustralian Shepherd1230
LockedJAO MiaAnatolian Shepherd1437
LockedJAE Mimiteh | 2x Exc lalaRussell Terrier1031
LockedJAHu MochaOtterhound1561
LockedJPnHT IPnFr Muddy VampireShiba Inu1024
LockedNA MuffinRussell Terrier131
LockedMystiDandie Dinmont Terrier112
LockedANA BCLK NoelBorder Collie4104
LockedPearlDandie Dinmont Terrier112
LockedPepperDandie Dinmont Terrier112
LockedIPnFT Pinto PupLagotto Romagnolo1023
LockedNA CNYN PombaFinnish Lapphund111
LockedPnRO PrimroseDoberman Pinscher1037
LockedRainCane Corso112
LockedNT RemiGerman Shepherd Dog413
LockedRiverCane Corso112
LockedANH RosieAidi722
LockedJPnM RubyKeeshond1030
LockedIPnSh THOR~ RudolphEnglish Toy Spaniel1072
LockedSadieCane Corso112
LockedNRO RofS SALE BLACK [GGEG Lla]Smooth Fox Terrier112
LockedNSh RofS SALE RED [EGGE 4/2 STR1 lla]Smooth Fox Terrier112
LockedNO RofS SALE RED [GGEE 3/2 AGI2 Ll]Smooth Fox Terrier112
LockedNA SamanthaBorder Collie115
LockedJPnHT SammyCane Corso112
LockedNT SophieBeagle112
LockedNSh SophieBeagle112
LockedNRO SophieBeagle112
LockedPnP SophieAustralian Cattle Dog1126
LockedIPnT Stellaris | 1x Exc LLCanaan Dog1029
LockedJPnFr TameraCurly Coated Retriever522
LockedNA Test Subject 9Mudi517
LockedAPnA *666* The Agile LookoutCentral Asian Shepherd1129
LockedJPnE The Goddess of the MoonDandie Dinmont Terrier216
LockedJAM The One Who is Gifted With Needle and ThreadThai Ridgeback Dog1130
LockedANFr TiaAinu Dog522
LockedIPnH Tibetan MastiffTibetan Mastiff1052
LockedIPnRO TintinLarge Munsterlander1026
LockedPnSh PINE~ Umbrella In The RainBull Terrier1023
LockedPnA Undercover PenguinCanaan Dog1138
LockedJPnD JAP Wayne Wayward AngelChesapeake Bay Retriever1631
LockedNA WooferDandie Dinmont Terrier212
LockedNE WooferDandie Dinmont Terrier212
LockedNE WooferDandie Dinmont Terrier212
LockedNA WooferDandie Dinmont Terrier212
LockedNA WooferDandie Dinmont Terrier212
LockedNE WooferDandie Dinmont Terrier212
LockedNE WooferDandie Dinmont Terrier312
LockedNE WooferDandie Dinmont Terrier312
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnT AdmiralBelgian Sheepdog1030
LockedJAS AdmiralAlaskan Husky1546
LockedPnSh AnnieAlaskan Klee Kai1261
LockedNA AssassinLapponian Herder119
LockedMSc A'K AtlasAmerican Bully3384
LockedJPnSc AtlasDoberman Pinscher931
LockedMSh GLDRU BettySaint Bernard33115
LockedPnS DIOGI BunnySiberian Husky1025
LockedJPnSc CaptainBelgian Sheepdog1030
LockedGCR Chipmunk in a HatAfricanis42104
LockedAHT Bkwdz Chocolate ChipStandard Poodle1543
LockedExT vTBv CooperPembroke Welsh Corgi3972
LockedAPnM CypressChinese Shar-Pei1233
LockedIPnHu -:X:- DelphoxChinese Shar-Pei1021
LockedMS DIOGI DolphinSiberian Husky2480
LockedICHT PriJa Don Alejandro de la VegaDogo Argentino73106
LockedJPnSc JAT ~DHM~ Eagle ScoutBelgian Tervuren1533
LockedPnH Echo GardensCzechoslovakian Wolfdog934
LockedASh UnDu EsperanzaDogo Argentino2246
LockedNFl FaunaLapponian Herder525
LockedIPnS Floof on the RoofAlaskan Husky823
LockedExFT GGGE 3HHGerman Shorthaired Pointer3698
LockedFor Private SaleIPnH Hakuna MatataCentral Asian Shepherd1027
LockedAPnHu huiChow-chow1253
LockedJAFr RofS JasonStandard Poodle1431
LockedNCA KashitaKeeshond62114
LockedExFr ~FTK~ Kasi||12HH||lalaFinnish Spitz3771
LockedExSh LisaWelsh Springer Spaniel3561
LockedIPnM LollyBorder Collie937
LockedAFl LuluGreek Harehound2146
LockedExFT KIRA MaggieAmerican Cocker Spaniel2668
LockedNFr miss. LollyAkita Inu420
LockedJAFr SIE Nala (SAR)Akita Inu1542
LockedFor Private SaleMA FBWL NatureBorder Collie34103
LockedANA NemesisLapponian Herder419
LockedJPnH NessaRottweiler624
LockedNicholasGerman Shepherd Dog17
Locked{Kat} Pomegranade JuiceBorder Collie17
LockedNT NFl Poor FawnBorder Collie110
LockedCCHu EARP PROGENITOR 85.41Greek Harehound51104
LockedCCFl EARP PROGENITOR 87.50Black and Tan Coonhound53105
LockedCCT EARP PROGENITOR 91.66Border Collie52105
LockedPuppy 1Otterhound110
LockedPuppy 1Belgian Laekenois110
LockedPuppy 1Belgian Laekenois110
LockedPuppy 1Belgian Laekenois110
LockedPuppy 1Belgian Laekenois110
LockedL8K Puppy 1Hovawart16
LockedPnH Puppy 3Puli1344
LockedP.S Puppy 3Akita16
LockedJPnT Puppy 5Dachshund823
LockedPnO Puppy 6Australian Koolie1125
LockedIPnHu UnDu RabbitDogo Argentino1028
LockedMSc BK´s RanstiAmerican Pit Bull Terrier37104
LockedJPnSc RaphaelRottweiler824
LockedAR Reflection in the Moon RiverSilken Windhound1741
LockedCCSh RescueBichon Frise57105
LockedJPnA SIE RickyShetland Sheepdog863
LockedWCRO Roll Over BeethovenBichon Frise56106
LockedRotten AppleRottweiler16
LockedPnFr ShoshiAkita1025
LockedCCSh Silver BunnyBichon Frise56106
LockedChM A'K SnowflakeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier45109
LockedPnSh Temporary blessed, retire soonAmerican Pit Bull Terrier832
LockedNH TerraLapponian Herder119
LockedNH TimberBorder Collie16
LockedCCRO When I'm Sixty-FourBichon Frise56104
LockedWCHT *MCK* WonderfulDogo Argentino61107
LockedZorroDogo Argentino16
LockedExT K-9's [24HH 4E] - lala stmstm intintSaarloos Wolfdog37111
LockedExSh RofS [24HH 4E] - LL chacha chachaChinese Crested36109
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnRO HHK3 AdamAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1019
LockedNA Aika SuDalmatian16
LockedNH JPnT ETL AlaineBorder Collie714
LockedJPnA ·Þw BarkerBorder Collie414
LockedNH WLD46 Broken MirrorBorder Collie311
LockedNH NA ·Þw CalebBorder Collie419
LockedJAA WoRK Candy CaneBorder Collie1427
LockedAPnSh CarpetAmerican Cocker Spaniel1028
LockedANH NA 4X4 ChestnutBorder Collie420
LockedChinu HachiDalmatian16
LockedNFl NH ·Þw CinderBorder Collie420
LockedNH 4X4 Cream QueenBorder Collie318
LockedJPnFT Crescent MoonBrittany1061
LockedNH NA ·Þw Crystal ShadowBorder Collie728
LockedNA 4X4 Dark FlashBorder Collie415
LockedNT JPnA ·Þw Dark MagicBorder Collie412
LockedNT NA ·Þw ElenBorder Collie614
LockedNFl GhoulBorder Collie465
LockedANH SH Guardian AngelBorder Collie417
LockedNT ·Þw Hidden LoveBorder Collie415
LockedFor StudWCM .Om. Hoshi 1.612x BoBx4Keeshond83104
LockedNH NM ·Þw Itching FleasBorder Collie411
LockedTea's JaelynPomeranian16
LockedJPnT KLSK JasmineBorder Collie625
LockedJPnH ·Þw KadeBorder Collie721
LockedANH NA WLD46 KanashimiBorder Collie715
LockedJPnH K.Y Last SunsetBorder Collie820
LockedNA NT ·Þw Lost MoonBorder Collie411
LockedAHu ARO SIXX MoonwalkerIrish Setter2367
LockedJPnA Mr. MagooAffenpinscher614
LockedNS NanookSiberian Husky16
LockedANH ·Þw Night Dove OffspringBorder Collie312
LockedGCA RofS No Stone UnturnedDalmatian48105
LockedNH NO ·Þw OrientBorder Collie411
LockedNFl NSh Queen of JusticeChinook215
LockedANH NFl ·Þw Scarlet ShadowBorder Collie717
LockedCCM RhrN SecondsKeeshond5571
LockedANFl NA ·Þw Silver ShadowBorder Collie827
LockedJPnT ·Þw Skye, my golden trophySaarloos Wolfdog830
LockedAM ·Þw SoulBorder Collie1859
LockedNH NA K.Y South HunterBorder Collie315
LockedJPnH NFl Wish* SparkleBorder Collie715
LockedNT NA ·Þw Spring AcornBorder Collie320
LockedANH NFl K.Y Summer BeamBorder Collie817
LockedJPnH ·Þw Tear DropBorder Collie721
LockedNT ·Þw Timber SoulBorder Collie513
LockedNSh ·Þw WatchingBorder Collie572
LockedMA JAFr SKYE Wooden Duck "Mallard" PrinceBorder Collie2996


  • Iridescent Dragon Iridescent Dragon
  • Icy Egg Icy Egg
  • Emperor Penguin Emperor Penguin
  • Fiery Egg Fiery Egg
  • Phoenix Chick Phoenix Chick
  • Copper Pegasus Copper Pegasus
  • Bold Spotted Pony Bold Spotted Pony
  • Holstein Calf Holstein Calf
  • Jersey Calf Jersey Calf
  • Angus Calf Angus Calf
  • Domestic Fox Domestic Fox
    pet Complete
  • Arctic Fox Arctic Fox
  • Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Wolpertinger Wolpertinger
  • Orange Persian Orange Persian
  • Mean Black and White Cat Mean Black and White Cat
  • Mean Siamese Cat Mean Siamese Cat
  • Mean Orange Tabby Cat Mean Orange Tabby Cat
  • Scary Black Cat Scary Black Cat
  • French Lop Bunny French Lop Bunny
  • A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • French Lop Bunny French Lop Bunny
  • A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • French Lop Bunny French Lop Bunny
  • A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny
  • A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny
  • A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny
  • A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny
  • Patchy Fluffy Duckling Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Yellow Fluffy Duckling Yellow Fluffy Duckling
  • Patchy Fluffy Duckling Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Yellow Fluffy Duckling Yellow Fluffy Duckling
  • Patchy Fluffy Duckling Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn
  • Little Black Lamb Little Black Lamb
  • Little Lamb Little Lamb
  • Little Black Lamb Little Black Lamb
  • Little Lamb Little Lamb
  • Little Black Lamb Little Black Lamb
  • Little Lamb Little Lamb
  • Little Black Lamb Little Black Lamb
  • Little Lamb Little Lamb
  • Little Black Lamb Little Black Lamb
  • Little Lamb Little Lamb

Game Time

04:30pm on Mar 11

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