Gilidinehvyi - Dogs From the Stars

Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
67 Locked Dogs
Ganadega (Sale)
Basic Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Critter Town
21 Critters
Field of Pink Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in pink tulips in full bloom.
Field Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Rally-O 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Scent Hurdles 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
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Locked Dogs

LockedJPnFl BurzaChart Polski616
LockedChR CukrowaChart Polski4291
LockedAPnR JalowiecChart Polski1327
LockedChR KoniczynaChart Polski43110
LockedPnFl JRC KozaChart Polski1233
LockedPnR JRC KrowaChart Polski1333
LockedGCD KwiatChart Polski40110
LockedPnH Nogwishi's 2 Live & Die on the PlainsBearded Collie1226
LockedGCT ~NS Nogwishi's 7Bearded Collie5199
LockedNFl Woods Nogwishi's Anti-SocialBearded Collie16
LockedNFl SKRI Nogwishi's Back to the BeginningBearded Collie16
LockedExH FPBB Nogwishi's Bad MedicineBearded Collie40119
LockedAFl Nogwishi's BasementsBearded Collie2547
LockedMHu Nogwishi's Boombox WarfareStabyhoun2557
LockedANA JSPK Nogwishi's Born ReadyBearded Collie512
LockedGCFT Nogwishi's Boss TingsStabyhoun4182
LockedChFl Nogwishi's BrokenStabyhoun4499
LockedGCT Nogwishi's Bulls and BloodBearded Collie44100
LockedGCO JHP Nogwishi's Bushwick AvenueDalmatian41100
LockedExRO Nogwishi's Castle in the SkyStabyhoun38102
LockedGCM Nogwishi's Change Your NameDalmatian4699
LockedChA PINE~ Nogwishi's Chase the ChildDalmatian44107
LockedNCRO Nogwishi's Choose WiselyStabyhoun45100
LockedNA JACP Nogwishi's DoubtBearded Collie119
LockedChFl Nogwishi's DreamsBearded Collie4399
LockedMA Nogwishi's Fight For YouDalmatian39102
LockedAA AvL's Nogwishi's Fight Like A GirlDalmatian2350
LockedMA Nogwishi's Ghosts of Houston StreetDalmatian2856
LockedChH CCKel Nogwishi's Good WayBearded Collie46100
LockedJAHu Nogwishi's Hear My CryBearded Collie1634
LockedChFl A09K Nogwishi's Heart FluttersBearded Collie42119
LockedChM Nogwishi's HeroineDalmatian41100
LockedMT Nogwishi's HomeBearded Collie2644
LockedGCFl Nogwishi's HopeBearded Collie4699
LockedGCRO Nogwishi's I'm GoodStabyhoun4182
LockedChM RofS Nogwishi's In The RiverDalmatian4699
LockedJAFl Nogwishi's Into The WildDalmatian1631
LockedChH Nogwishi's Like A RockBearded Collie4499
LockedGCRO Nogwishi's Lost With YouDalmatian4399
LockedChRO Sun-A Nogwishi's MomentsStabyhoun3899
LockedMHu MsGM Nogwishi's Mother We'll Meet AgainDalmatian2965
LockedExT Nogwishi's My StoneBearded Collie40119
LockedWCRO TISK Nogwishi's No WaterStabyhoun62100
LockedJPnH QUEST Nogwishi's Oil 4 BloodBearded Collie915
LockedARO KoWW Nogwishi's One ThingStabyhoun2745
LockedExM Nogwishi's Place to Call HomeDalmatian40102
LockedAT Nogwishi's Rebel SoulDalmatian2647
LockedMM Nogwishi's Red Moon High TideDalmatian3156
LockedNH Nogwishi's RemembranceBearded Collie18
LockedIPnA QUEST Nogwishi's RunawayBearded Collie915
LockedMRO Nogwishi's S.W.Y.MStabyhoun2547
LockedGCHu LSGK Nogwishi's SleeploversDalmatian44107
LockedExA Nogwishi's SpeedwayDalmatian44101
LockedNCFT Nogwishi's Take it all BackStabyhoun4795
LockedNH LEO Nogwishi's The BridgeBearded Collie16
LockedChA Nogwishi's The CoastDalmatian46100
LockedChM Nogwishi's The It GirlDalmatian47102
LockedGCA Nogwishi's TreatiesBearded Collie4786
LockedCCHu Nogwishi's Victory SongBearded Collie5296
LockedAM ‹WNK› Nogwishi's WarriorDalmatian2844
LockedNA MB26 Nogwishi's Wild FireBearded Collie16
LockedGCFl Nogwishi's You Came TrueBearded Collie4999
LockedMFT Nogwishi's YoungStabyhoun2657
LockedPuppy 3Chart Polski16
LockedPuppy 6Chart Polski16
LockedChFr PyszneChart Polski3792
LockedChR SmietanaChart Polski41111


  • Bold Spotted Pony Bold Spotted Pony
  • White Reindeer White Reindeer
    pet Complete
  • Copper Pegasus Copper Pegasus
  • Silver Unicorn Silver Unicorn
  • Emperor Penguin Emperor Penguin
  • Calico Persian Calico Persian
  • French Lop Bunny French Lop Bunny
  • A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • Talking Parrot Talking Parrot
  • A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • Little Black Lamb Little Black Lamb
  • Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Red Baby Dragon Red Baby Dragon
  • A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • Mean Orange Tabby Cat Mean Orange Tabby Cat
  • Jersey Calf Jersey Calf
  • Holstein Calf Holstein Calf
  • Patchy Fluffy Duckling Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • French Alpine Goat French Alpine Goat
  • Nubian Goat Nubian Goat

Game Time

08:00am on Mar 14

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