Underdark Eurasiers

Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
Small Pond
The surface of this pond reflects the grandeur of the lofty sky, though beneath the illusion of stillness teams an underwater world.
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
{Wee Babies}
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
{Storage Bins}
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
40 Locked Dogs
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Field of Yellow Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in yellow tulips in full bloom.
Smelling of new grass and spring, a warm breeze dances along this rolling stretch of meadow.
Splashes of color parade along the path of this small, but cheerful garden.
Field of White Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in white tulips in full bloom.
These rolling hills are littered with fluffy wuffy bunny warrens! Hopefully their population won't get too much more out of control.
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Rally-O 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Campfire Site
Follow the path between the trees to find a cozy campfire site in the middle of a small clearing, complete with benches to rest on and while you enjoy the dancing flames.
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Locked Dogs

LockedNHu ARO DROW* A Child No MoreEurasier1934
LockedARO NHu DROW* A Family BrokenEurasier2034
LockedMSh Vl'L AleniaEurasier2845
LockedARO ANHu DROW* All That Is LeftEurasier2134
LockedMSh Vl'L AlmitharaEurasier2845
LockedASh Vl'L BellalunaEurasier2745
LockedGCSh Úlfr Ceremony of SolitudeEurasier5076
LockedWCSh Úlfr Chaotic Summoning of GhostsEurasier6098
LockedNCSh Úlfr Crystaline Sacrament of Arch-demonsEurasier5176
LockedMSh Vl'L EirikaEurasier2745
LockedASh Vl'L FaraineEurasier2645
LockedASh Vl'L FaylenEurasier2645
LockedMSh Vl'L FilauriaEurasier2845
LockedPnRO AHu DROW* Golden EyesEurasier1834
LockedCCRO DROW* Hellish Transfiguration of EdgesEurasier5376
LockedCCRO DROW* Icy Evocation of DivnitiesEurasier5476
LockedASh Vl'L IlmadiaEurasier2645
LockedImported PuppyMiniature Australian Shepherd16
LockedImported PuppyMiniature Australian Shepherd16
LockedARO NHu DROW* In Aid of Dri'shiEurasier1934
LockedCCSh Úlfr Incantation of the Blind PrinceEurasier5793
LockedCCSh Úlfr Invocation of BattlefieldsEurasier5693
LockedMSh Vl'L IoelenaEurasier2745
LockedMSh Vl'L MladrisEurasier2745
LockedASh Vl'L MyanthaEurasier2745
LockedNCSh DROW* Mystic Communion of NothingnessEurasier5476
LockedMSh Vl'L NualaEurasier2745
LockedMSh Vl'L RadeliaEurasier2745
LockedASh Vl'L RyllaeEurasier2645
LockedMSh Vl'L SaelihnEurasier2745
LockedNCSh DROW* Self-renewing Ceremony of FateEurasier5276
LockedMSh Vl'L ShalheiraEurasier2746
LockedCCSh Úlfr Summoning of the ApocalypseEurasier5693
LockedMSh Vl'L TalindraEurasier2745
LockedMSh Vl'L TanuliaEurasier2845
LockedMSh Vl'L ThaliaEurasier2845
LockedARO NHu DROW* The KnightEurasier2034
LockedARO NHu DROW* The PrinceEurasier1934
LockedARO IPnHu DROW* The True KnightEurasier1934
LockedASh Vl'L TyraelEurasier2745

Game Time

04:28pm on Mar 27

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