Stonefruit Kennel

Overview of Stonefruit Kennel Dogs

These dogs are all fully cared for.
ICT StFr 1515 14 Chipheni
Level 85, Age 99


Level UpCan Level
Condition Condition
Competitions Competitions
Training Trained
Hunger Food
Thirst Water
Happiness Happiness
Cleanliness Cleanliness
Grooming Groom
Vaccinated Vaccinated
Partly DonePartly Done
Not DoneNot Done

Overview of Stonefruit Kennel Litters

There is still some work left to do!
NameHungerSocializationNoise DesensitizationBite InhibitionVaccinatedHealth TestStats BoostedAptitude TestPicked
APnM StFr 1000 -5 Buster x IPnHu StFr 1000 4 be chocolate irish cream Ruby
Beagle, Age 2
APnM StFr 1000 -5 Buster x JPnHu StFr 1000 3 be chocolate irish cream Pepper
Beagle, Age 4
CCT StFr 9 20 1562 Larazello Dynaris x IPnSh StFr 1000 -3 be chocolate piebald cream River
Beagle, Age 3
CCT StFr 9 20 1562 Larazello Dynaris x JPnFr StFr 1000 -3 be chocolate piebald cream Missy
Beagle, Age 5
GCT StFr 1528 15 Clatton Mudd x JPnT HMtK 1115 9 Whisper
Beagle, Age 5
GCT StFr 9 19 1603 Emat x JPnA StFr 1037 Csillagjegy
Beagle, Age 2
ICHu StFr 1528 16 Agronk Larlar x UCT StFr 1515 13 Gold Danc
Harrier, Age 4
ICHu StFr 9 15 1463 Sindogg Cliffbelcher x CCT StFr 8 14 1510 Heilwidis Nothaft
Beagle, Age 4
ICHu StFr 9 15 1463 Sindogg Cliffbelcher x IPnFr StFr 1000 4 be Fawn chocolate Sasha
Beagle, Age 2
ICHu StFr 9 15 1463 Sindogg Cliffbelcher x JPnHu StFr 1000 5 be Fawn chocolate Zoey
Beagle, Age 4
ICHu StFr 9 15 1463 Sindogg Cliffbelcher x JPnT StFr 1302 17 Taria
Beagle, Age 2
IPnHu StFr 0957 -4 Nyuszi x JPnT StFr 1000 1 be Fawn extreme piebald chocolate Sasha
Beagle, Age 2
JPnFl StFr 1000 -3 Henry x IPnFT StFr 1000 2 be cream irish chocolate Dixie
Beagle, Age 2
JPnT StFr 1142 11 be chocolate extreme piebald cream Harden x IPnFr StFr 1000 2 be chocolate extreme piebald cream Princess
Beagle, Age 1
NCT StFr 1528 15 Clatton Mudd x IPnFr StFr 1000 -1 be red extreme piebald chocolate Quinn
Beagle, Age 2
NT StFr 1142 11 be chocolate extreme piebald cream Harden x JPnT StFr 1000 -1 be chocolate extreme piebald cream Sky
Beagle, Age 3
UCT StFr 1422 13 Orlyg x CCHu StFr 8 14 1475 Aloysia Burhamer
Beagle, Age 2


Hunger Fed
Socialization Socialization
Noise Desensitization Noise desensitization
Bite Inhibition Bite inhibition
Vaccinated Vaccinated
Health Test Health tested
Stats Boosted Stats boosted
Aptitude Test Aptitude tested
Picked Puppies picked
Partly DonePartly Done
Not DoneNot Done

Game Time

04:59pm on Jan 12

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