TenderCare Kennels

Overview of TenderCare Kennels Dogs

There is still some work left to do!
ASh Bunie Amelia 24 chacha chacha lala (SHu)
Level 19, Age 25
ICSh TCare Belisse EEEE 24/0 strstr strcha (SH)
Level 94, Age 112
ICHT TCare Delaney EEEE 24/0 stmstm chastm lala (HF)
Level 96, Age 100
UCHT TCare Jean Luke EEEE 24/0 chastm stmstm lala (HFS)
Level 99, Age 100
ICSh TCare Kitley EEEE 24/0 strstr strcha (SFH)
Level 93, Age 110
SCFT TCare Marcely EEEE 23/0 chastr stmstm (FH)
Level 94, Age 100
ICSh TCare Wengie EEEE 24/0 strstr strcha lala (SF)
Level 93, Age 110


Level UpCan Level
Condition Condition
Competitions Competitions
Training Trained
Hunger Food
Thirst Water
Happiness Happiness
Cleanliness Cleanliness
Grooming Groom
Vaccinated Vaccinated
Partly DonePartly Done
Not DoneNot Done

Overview of TenderCare Kennels Litters

There is still some work left to do!
NameHungerSocializationNoise DesensitizationBite InhibitionVaccinatedHealth TestStats BoostedAptitude TestPicked
ICSh TCare Boyce EEEE 24/0 strstr strcha (SFH) x ICSh TCare Belisse EEEE 24/0 strstr strcha (SH)
American Cocker Spaniel, Age 5
ICSh TCare Boyce EEEE 24/0 strstr strcha (SFH) x ICSh TCare Kitley EEEE 24/0 strstr strcha (SFH)
American Cocker Spaniel, Age 5
ICSh TCare Boyce EEEE 24/0 strstr strcha (SFH) x ICSh TCare Wengie EEEE 24/0 strstr strcha lala (SF)
American Cocker Spaniel, Age 5
UCHT TCare Jean Luke EEEE 24/0 chastm stmstm lala (HFS) x ICHT TCare Delaney EEEE 24/0 stmstm chastm lala (HF)
American Cocker Spaniel, Age 0
UCHT TCare Jean Luke EEEE 24/0 chastm stmstm lala (HFS) x SCFT TCare Marcely EEEE 23/0 chastr stmstm (FH)
American Cocker Spaniel, Age 0


Hunger Fed
Socialization Socialization
Noise Desensitization Noise desensitization
Bite Inhibition Bite inhibition
Vaccinated Vaccinated
Health Test Health tested
Stats Boosted Stats boosted
Aptitude Test Aptitude tested
Picked Puppies picked
Partly DonePartly Done
Not DoneNot Done

Game Time

10:46am on Mar 24

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