Gold Star Kennels II

Overview of Gold Star Kennels II Dogs

There is still some work left to do!
Level UpANSc PnO GSKs Beautiful Treasure Finder- EEEE KKbr EmEm bb dd slsl ata sisi Tt cwcw
Level 9, Age 20
Level UpJPnFT ANT GSKs Cute Memphis Golden Star- EEEG kk ee bb Dd slsl asaasa Ssw Tt cchce
Level 7, Age 17
Level UpANR ANRO GSKs Noble White Diamond Knight- EEGE KKbr ee bb dd AyAy Ssw Rr tt cwcw
Level 1, Age 13
Level UpJPnH JPnFl GSKs Pulling Solemn Dreams- EGGE kk slsl awa cwcw GG
Level 8, Age 19
Level UpANT IPnHT GSKs Red Hot Lover Boy- EGEE PP kk EE bb Dd asaasa sisw mm Tt Ccch
Level 9, Age 21


Level UpCan Level
Condition Condition
Competitions Competitions
Training Trained
Hunger Food
Thirst Water
Happiness Happiness
Cleanliness Cleanliness
Grooming Groom
Vaccinated Vaccinated
Partly DonePartly Done
Not DoneNot Done

Overview of Gold Star Kennels II Litters

There is still some work left to do!
NameHungerSocializationNoise DesensitizationBite InhibitionVaccinatedHealth TestStats BoostedAptitude TestPicked
APnS JPnFl GSKs Lotta Fun On The Ice- EGEE kk EE DD Slsl awaw sisi Cce UU x PnS JPnP GSKs Red Bird from Andrea- EEEE kk Ee DD slsl awaw sisi Cce Uu
Alaskan Malamute, Age 5
PnP GSKs Gold Loving Bandit- EEEE EmEm cchce UU x IPnT JPnFl GSKs Fiona's Fierce Mountain Woman- EEEE EE cece Uu
Chinook, Age 5


Hunger Fed
Socialization Socialization
Noise Desensitization Noise desensitization
Bite Inhibition Bite inhibition
Vaccinated Vaccinated
Health Test Health tested
Stats Boosted Stats boosted
Aptitude Test Aptitude tested
Picked Puppies picked
Partly DonePartly Done
Not DoneNot Done

Game Time

03:14am on Mar 25

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