Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
19 Locked Dogs
Papillons Male
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
26 Locked Dogs
Papillons F
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
31 Locked Dogs
Silken Windhound F
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Silken Windhound M
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
16 Locked Dogs
Schipperke F
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
14 Locked Dogs
Schipperke M
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
7 Locked Dogs
Poodle F
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
7 Locked Dogs
Poodle M
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
16 Locked Dogs
Japanese Spitz F
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
19 Locked Dogs
Japanese Spitz M
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
10 Locked Dogs
Mini aussie F
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
9 Locked Dogs
Mini Aussie M
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Large Critter Pasture
6 Critters
Show 2 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNR AMOR Ally Prince PrincessBorzoi111
LockedAR Wayne AmaranthaAfghan Hound2164
LockedNR AMOR Andy Prince HomeBorzoi111
LockedNM AMOR AnthemonyKeeshond111
LockedNA AMOR AsparesKeeshond111
LockedNFr AMOR Aston Prince FunBorzoi111
LockedNFl AMOR Astra Prince LadyBorzoi111
LockedNFl AMOR Balloonman AmaranthaAfghan Hound111
LockedNFl AMOR Balloonman PearlAfghan Hound111
LockedIPnR Home for YouBorzoi1138
LockedAPnR Just for FunBorzoi1238
LockedExM YDF KeeshondKeeshond3693
LockedMSh Lady from Frozen HollowsBorzoi2674
LockedMSh Mister from Frozen HollowsBorzoi2674
LockedAPnO PearlAfghan Hound1342
LockedMSh Prince from Frozen HollowsBorzoi2674
LockedMSh Princess from Frozen HollowsBorzoi2674
LockedAPnRO SallyKeeshond1332
LockedIPnFl SashaKeeshond1238
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChT AMOR Helenija Glamour AlphPapillon4899
LockedGCRO AMOR Hellery Fantazy Alpha Chien de papillonPapillon5299
LockedASh ~YS~ Kaunitar Flying Forest Chien de papillonPapillon2694
LockedARO Lucky LadyPapillon2698
LockedNHu AMOR Õieke James Sugar Chien de papillonPapillon110
LockedNHu AMOR Õnnela Rasmus Rasseeria Chien de papillonPapillon110
LockedNRO AMOR Õnneõis Rasmus Reina Chien de papillonPapillon110
LockedJAHu AMOR Sabrina Neuman Nope Chien de papillonPapillon2284
LockedARO AMOR Sandy Newton Novice Chien de papillonPapillon2384
LockedAHu AMOR Sensatciya Mysterque MyPapillon2584
LockedARO AMOR Siirike Myanmar OrhideaPapillon2284
LockedARO AMOR Taina Memory MeelikePapillon1967
LockedAHu AMOR Thelia Michevious Olivia Chien de papillonPapillon1967
LockedASh AMOR Thone Memory MathildaPapillon1967
LockedASh AMOR Trinity Masiina MellyPapillon1967
LockedASh AMOR Tysteria Mischevious Pistatcija Chien de papillonPapillon1967
LockedJAHu AMOR Uleese Flapjack LesPapillon1655
LockedPnM AMOR Ulvi Flapjack Olivia Chien de papillonPapillon1555
LockedAPnRO AMOR Unistajanna Oh Petra Chien de papillonPapillon1655
LockedJAHu AMOR Uteerija Odysseus Paulina Chien de papillonPapillon1555
LockedJPnHu AMOR Vassilliissa Ponthus Paulina Chien de papillonPapillon723
LockedIPnSh AMOR Vegeere Poisike Rissy Chien de papillonPapillon823
LockedIPnSh AMOR Veste Pontuke Petra Chien de papillonPapillon823
LockedJPnSh AMOR Victoria Potree Phoebe Chien de papillonPapillon823
LockedIPnSh AMOR Viivika Ponthus Pelobretha Chien de papillonPapillon823
LockedIPnSh AMOR Viste Pommos Ronja Chien de papillonPapillon823
LockedIPnHu AMOR Voonake Phortos Rasseeria Chien de papillonPapillon723
LockedIPnRO AMOR Vooste Phortos Reina Chien de papillonPapillon823
LockedJPnA AMOR Vosteera Pommos Paula Chien de papillonPapillon823
LockedMSh petit ZinaPapillon3499
LockedNSh AMOR Ästeeria Silver GainaPapillon19
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedND AMOR Fallout JoleneSilken Windhound523
LockedAFr AMOR Olivia Leonhard OreoSilken Windhound1869
LockedAPnFr AMOR Passeble Lapines LeontinaSilken Windhound1453
LockedJAR AMOR Pauliine Leonhard LestellaSilken Windhound1453
LockedAPnFl AMOR Preilike Leonhard LiisbetSilken Windhound1453
LockedAPnFl AMOR Printcessa Lapines EvergreenSilken Windhound1653
LockedJPnR AMOR Raissa Mistery PrintcessaSilken Windhound826
LockedJPnFl AMOR Rameera Mistery PreilikeSilken Windhound826
LockedIPnR AMOR Ramona Spike LolitiaSilken Windhound1140
LockedIPnR AMOR Reeli Merestar NaeelaSilken Windhound826
LockedIPnFl AMOR Reena Myles LeontinaSilken Windhound1237
LockedPnFr AMOR Reese Serpeofeexee LisetteSilken Windhound1240
LockedIPnFl AMOR Reina Break EvergreenSilken Windhound926
LockedIPnFl AMOR Riina Marked NilesseSilken Windhound926
LockedIPnFr AMOR Ronja Myles LiisbetSilken Windhound1137
LockedMR Shinning Gold StarSilken Windhound2788
LockedAR Star SoupSilken Windhound2571
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudAR AMOR Oliander Karlos LuluuSilken Windhound1970
LockedFor StudJAR AMOR Oliver Karlos KoolbriSilken Windhound1773
LockedFor StudAR AMOR Oscar Karlos KaramiraSilken Windhound1770
LockedFor StudJAFl AMOR Petros Leopold LolitiaSilken Windhound1453
LockedFor StudPnFr AMOR Pojike Leopold LuluuSilken Windhound1553
LockedFor StudAPnFl AMOR Porthos Lapines MathildaSilken Windhound1453
LockedFor StudJAR AMOR Quatalup Caesar OreoSilken Windhound1452
LockedJPnFr AMOR Raigo Masculer NeelaSilken Windhound826
LockedFor StudIPnFr AMOR Raimond Spike LessieSilken Windhound1240
LockedIPnFl AMOR Reimo Masculer NestrataSilken Windhound826
LockedIPnR AMOR Rhondo Break MathildaSilken Windhound826
LockedPnFr AMOR Richardo Myles LestellaSilken Windhound1037
LockedIPnR AMOR Romeo Madness NoisetteSilken Windhound826
LockedPnR AMOR Romeo Myles LuluuSilken Windhound1037
LockedIPnFl AMOR Rondo Madness NinelleSilken Windhound926
LockedANFl AMOR Shinning FalloutSilken Windhound623
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudAM AMOR Homeros Dormedo DancijaSchipperke1970
LockedMHu Imported PuppySchipperke3063
LockedFor StudJAHu AMOR Iskander Emil DancijaSchipperke1658
LockedFor StudPnHu AMOR James Shadow EuphoriaSchipperke1145
LockedFor StudPnA AMOR Johnny Pepe EsmeraldaSchipperke1245
LockedIPnHu AMOR Kaaren Ferrero FancentyaSchipperke826
LockedIPnM AMOR Korol Ferrero FillyaSchipperke926
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAFr AMOR Fellya Bartholomeus BrutusStandard Poodle1870
LockedJAP AMOR Filia Bartholomeus CerelleStandard Poodle1970
LockedAPnP AMOR Gerda Ceorge DeisyStandard Poodle1453
LockedPnP AMOR Glorya Ceorge DorotheaStandard Poodle1453
LockedAPnFr AMOR Helgeeria Evil DooraStandard Poodle1440
LockedIPnRO AMOR Iris Domino JanelleStandard Poodle926
LockedNP AMOR Lavde SolsisteStandard Poodle623
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudAFr AMOR Feodor Bartholomeus BrendaStandard Poodle1970
LockedFor StudAFr AMOR Fjodor Bartholomeus ChristelleStandard Poodle1970
LockedFor StudAPnFr AMOR Gaster Caesar ElsasseStandard Poodle1453
LockedFor StudAPnP AMOR Goller Cerberos DasseraStandard Poodle1453
LockedFor StudPnFr AMOR Gregor Cerberos DoritaStandard Poodle1453
LockedFor StudIPnFr AMOR Grossy Caesar DooraStandard Poodle1253
LockedFor StudPnFr AMOR Harmony Limits DasseraStandard Poodle1340
LockedFor StudPnP AMOR Heldur Lastly DorotheaStandard Poodle1240
LockedFor StudPnFr AMOR Homeros Deewaakar DoritaStandard Poodle1140
LockedIPnP AMOR Iber Damian DorotheaStandard Poodle926
LockedJPnFr AMOR Illar Damian DasseraStandard Poodle926
LockedIPnP AMOR Imelik Domino DeisyStandard Poodle926
LockedIPnRO AMOR Indir Domino DoritaStandard Poodle926
LockedAP LK's Lávde ~ 7HH 4hh LLStandard Poodle2492
LockedFor StudAFr FireK Old for NewStandard Poodle2180
LockedFor StudMHT DawG SamsonStandard Poodle2999
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudMO ~YS~ Barty Exspressed Destinea OKJapanese Spitz3792
LockedFor StudASh ~YS~ Dominic Espressed SnowflikeJapanese Spitz2897
LockedFor StudASh ~YS~ Edgar Espressed FlikeJapanese Spitz2181
LockedFor StudJASh AMOR James Eduardo FestivaleJapanese Spitz1769
LockedFor StudARO AMOR Jovis Eduardo GloriannaJapanese Spitz1969
LockedFor StudJARO AMOR Karlos Gregor GianninaJapanese Spitz1453
LockedFor StudJASh AMOR Korol Gregor GalliaJapanese Spitz1453
LockedIPnRO AMOR Martin Homeros CassyJapanese Spitz926
LockedJPnRO AMOR Myster Homeros IreenaJapanese Spitz926
LockedNSh AMOR Nuffik Bert IsadoraJapanese Spitz113
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAHu AMOR Filandra Billy BonitaMiniature Australian Shepherd1764
LockedAPnA AMOR Gastiille In DancerMiniature Australian Shepherd1554
LockedJAH AMOR Grizzie In DoriannaMiniature Australian Shepherd1654
LockedPnH AMOR Heliandra Excess DoriannaMiniature Australian Shepherd1137
LockedIPnH AMOR Iris Cassius GrizzieMiniature Australian Shepherd1027
LockedNFl AMOR Jamille Doggy GrizzieMiniature Australian Shepherd110
LockedNH AMOR Janette Doggy HeliandraMiniature Australian Shepherd110
LockedNP AMOR Jessica Doggy FilandraMiniature Australian Shepherd110
LockedIPnH SallyMiniature Australian Shepherd1467
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudPnSh TLH Built WalkMiniature Australian Shepherd1456
LockedFor StudAA AMOR Eduard Black BonitaMiniature Australian Shepherd2578
LockedFor StudAO AMOR Elmar Black BessyMiniature Australian Shepherd2278
LockedFor StudAO AMOR Entrero Bittery PearlMiniature Australian Shepherd2478
LockedFor StudAT AMOR Feodor Billy AmarilaMiniature Australian Shepherd2066
LockedFor StudAA AMOR Fidel Billy AphroditheMiniature Australian Shepherd1966
LockedFor StudPnFl AMOR Gregor In CassandraMiniature Australian Shepherd1453
LockedFor StudIPnFl AMOR Hector Memory CassandraMiniature Australian Shepherd1343
LockedJPnP AMOR Ilmar Conrad FilandraMiniature Australian Shepherd826
LockedIPnO AMOR Imre Cleo ClaudiaMiniature Australian Shepherd826
LockedJPnH AMOR Iskander Cleo CassandraMiniature Australian Shepherd926
LockedNT AMOR Jack Doggy DoriannaMiniature Australian Shepherd19
LockedNA AMOR James Doggy DancerMiniature Australian Shepherd19
LockedFor StudAA TEARS RoeMiniature Australian Shepherd2083
LockedFor StudJAT TLH Showtime BugMiniature Australian Shepherd1656
LockedFor StudAA YuunaMiniature Australian Shepherd2483
LockedFor StudAA YuutaMiniature Australian Shepherd2384


  • Mean Black and White Cat Mean Black and White Cat
    pet Complete
  • Mean Brown Tabby Cat Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Orange Persian Orange Persian
  • Polar Bear Polar Bear
  • Sillu the Silver Hamster Sillu the Silver Hamster
  • Snowman Snowman

Game Time

03:48pm on Mar 20

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