Vintage Park

Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
47 Locked Dogs
Overflow Spares
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
21 Locked Dogs
ee Proj
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
99 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
79 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
50 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
24 Locked Dogs
Non-Choc Carps
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
36 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
26 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
85 Locked Dogs
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Sausage Females
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
42 Locked Dogs
Sausage Males
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
24 Locked Dogs
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked10Central Asian Shepherd115
Locked15/2 LLCentral Asian Shepherd132
Locked17/3 LLCentral Asian Shepherd115
Locked23 EmE Ay sis uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN 23 Kk bbDD Ayat Mm llaPomeranian18
Locked23 lalaRussell Terrier19
Locked23 lalaRussell Terrier17
Locked24HH lalaRussell Terrier17
LockedChSc VIN Alcoota Station [22HH lala]German Shepherd Dog3953
LockedChM VIN Alzona AUS [24HH lala]Chihuahua3753
LockedMA VIN Baroness 22HH LlaIbizan Hound2942
LockedExSh VIN Camphor [24HH lala]Dachshund3553
LockedChO VIN Cash on Loan [24 lala]Akita3753
LockedExH VIN Celesta [22HH Lla]Border Collie3453
LockedExT VIN Change My Mind [23HH lala]Ibizan Hound3653
LockedExT VIN Cola [20HH lala]Border Collie3353
LockedMO VIN Drake 22HH lalaChihuahua2839
LockedMH VIN Ensemble [21 lala]Border Collie3253
LockedMHT VIN Everest 23HH lalaAkita2431
LockedChSc VIN Faster than Sound [21 Lla]Akita3953
LockedAO VIN Froster 23HH lalaAkita2331
LockedExA VIN Hand of the King [22HH Lla]Chihuahua3453
LockedExA VIN Hard Cash [23 lala]Akita3553
LockedExH VIN Harp [23HH Lla]Border Collie3453
LockedChM VIN I'm Stately AUS [24HH lala]Chihuahua3853
LockedMO VIN Jackfruit 24HH lalaChihuahua2839
LockedExT VIN Lemon Balm [24HH lala]Dachshund3753
LockedExT VIN Marimba [24 Lla]Border Collie3353
LockedAP 14Kt Metal Soldier 11HHFlat Coated Retriever2439
LockedExHu VIN Modern Art USA [21 lala]Chihuahua3553
LockedChSc VIN Mythological [24HH lala]Akita3150
LockedAO VIN Nike 24HH lalaGerman Shepherd Dog2331
LockedExSh VIN Panic [23HH Lla]Chihuahua3353
LockedAH Peppa 17HH LlaPembroke Welsh Corgi2135
LockedExH VIN Picollo [24HH lala]Border Collie3453
LockedChP VIN Princeton Flame [24HH lala]Flat Coated Retriever3853
LockedMA VIN Processor [24HH lala]Akita3250
LockedAO VIN Puma 23HH lalaGerman Shepherd Dog2331
LockedChM VIN Royal Wave [24HH Lla]Chihuahua3553
LockedChO VIN Shock Wave [21 lala]Akita3953
LockedExT VIN Small Mind [24HH lala]Ibizan Hound3753
LockedChP VIN Stanford Flame [24HH lala]Flat Coated Retriever3953
LockedMFl VIN Stick Legs 22HH lalaIbizan Hound2942
LockedExSh VIN Storm Cell [21HH Lla]Chihuahua3553
LockedExH VIN Symphony [23 lala]Border Collie3453
LockedExSh VIN Unter Königen [23HH Lla]Chihuahua3553
LockedMH VIN Viola [22HH lala]Border Collie3353
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked12/1Central Asian Shepherd114
Locked21 lala Kb Eme Ay Ssp uuCarpathian Shepherd17
Locked23Ibizan Hound16
Locked24Siberian Husky16
Locked24Ibizan Hound16
LockedMFl BRA's 24HH EEEE HazelSiberian Husky3677
LockedASh VIN Ankle Biter 24HH lalaChihuahua1628
LockedASh VIN Come Undone [19HH lala]Chihuahua1628
LockedCCFT VIN Flash Gordon [24HH lala]Gordon Setter5199
LockedWCFT VIN Gordon Ramsey [24HH lala]Gordon Setter5299
LockedAPnH VIN Hokksund 24 lalaGerman Shepherd Dog1122
LockedAHu VIN Knights Ball 24HH lalaChihuahua1628
LockedAPnH VIN Life Assured 23 lalaGerman Shepherd Dog1222
LockedAT Mississippi by Design 24HH lalaIrish Setter1928
LockedASh VIN NYPD 24HH lalaChihuahua1828
LockedMSc VIN Overmorrow 24HH lalaGerman Shepherd Dog2534
LockedAFT VIN Pied Pyper 23 LlaFlat Coated Retriever1827
LockedNCH VIN Puppy 5Carpathian Shepherd5299
LockedAM Puppy 9Chihuahua1728
LockedAT VIN Royal Fae 24HH lalaChihuahua1728
LockedASc VIN Thornhill Station 2HH lalaGerman Shepherd Dog1927
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked20 ee at sp llaRussell Terrier114
Locked20 K ee aqat sw LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked20 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked22 lalaRussell Terrier114
LockedAPnO 24 Cream Ssi uuCarpathian Shepherd1228
LockedAPnH 24 Cream Ssp uuCarpathian Shepherd1328
LockedCreamCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedCreamCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedCreamCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedCreamCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedCreamCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedCreamCarpathian Shepherd124
LockedCream and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd124
LockedCream and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream SsiCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream SsiCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedCream SspCarpathian Shepherd123
Lockedee Ay Ssp uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd130
Lockedee sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd120
LockedJAO ee sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1232
LockedAPnP ee sisp Redd uuCarpathian Shepherd1232
LockedJAO ee sisp uuCarpathian Shepherd1128
Lockedee spsp FawnCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedPnH ee spsp Red uuCarpathian Shepherd1228
LockedAPnH ee spsp Red uuCarpathian Shepherd1328
LockedAPnH ee spsp uuCarpathian Shepherd1328
Lockedee spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd131
Lockedee spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd131
LockedAPnH ee spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1232
Lockedee spsp uu RedCarpathian Shepherd131
LockedAPnO ee spsp uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd1228
Lockedee Ssi Uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd131
LockedFawnCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawnCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawnCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedFawn and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd122
LockedAPnO Fawn SsiCarpathian Shepherd1230
LockedRedCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedRedCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedRed and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedAPnH Red SspCarpathian Shepherd1337
LockedSilverCarpathian Shepherd122
LockedSilverCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedSilverCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedSilverCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedSilver and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedSilver and White (Irish)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedSilver and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedSilver and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedSilver and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedSilver and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedSilver and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd122
LockedSilver and White (Piebald)Carpathian Shepherd121
LockedJAO Silver SsiCarpathian Shepherd1330
LockedJAO Silver SsiCarpathian Shepherd1330
LockedSilver with Light UndersidesCarpathian Shepherd121
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnH * Ee bb asa spsp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1131
Locked* Kb bb asa Ssi uu fawnCarpathian Shepherd120
Locked* kb EE bb asa Ssp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd124
LockedPnP * Kb EmE Bb sisi Fawn uuCarpathian Shepherd1124
LockedIPnO * Kb EmE bb spsp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1028
Locked10/2Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked10/3Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked13/4Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked18 at projRussell Terrier114
Locked19 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked20Russell Terrier114
Locked20 at lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked21Russell Terrier114
Locked21Russell Terrier114
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked21 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked22Russell Terrier114
Locked22Russell Terrier114
Locked22 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked22 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked22 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked22 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked22 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked22 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked23 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked23 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked23 lala *Russell Terrier114
Locked23 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked23 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked24 bb Ay sisp uu lala FawnCarpathian Shepherd126
Locked24 EE bb asa Ssp Uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd126
Locked24 EE bb sisp uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd118
Locked24 EmE bb Ay sisi uu lala FawnCarpathian Shepherd120
Locked24 EmE bb AyAy sisi uu lala cche FawnCarpathian Shepherd120
Locked24 kb bb sisp uu lala FawnCarpathian Shepherd119
Locked24 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked8/1Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked8/2 LlaCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedBreed Kb EE bb Ay sisp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd128
LockedBreed Kb EE bb Ay spsp Fawn uuCarpathian Shepherd136
LockedIPnO EE bb Ay sisp uuCarpathian Shepherd635
LockedIPnH EE bb Ay sisp uuCarpathian Shepherd1024
LockedIPnH Ee Bb Ay Ssp uuCarpathian Shepherd1127
LockedEe Bb Ay Ssp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedPnO ee spsp Fawn uuCarpathian Shepherd1124
LockedIPnO EE spsp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1028
LockedEmE bb asa spsp uuCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedKB bb asa sisp uuCarpathian Shepherd120
LockedKb bb sisp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd125
LockedAPnO Kb EE Bb asa sisi Fawn uuCarpathian Shepherd1126
LockedKb EE bb asa sisp Uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd124
LockedKb EE sisi uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd116
LockedIPnH Kb EmE bb asa sisp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1024
LockedPnH Kb Eme Bb Ay Ssp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1226
LockedIPnH Kb EmE bb sisi Fawn uuCarpathian Shepherd1124
LockedKb EmE bb Ssi Fawn uuCarpathian Shepherd120
LockedJAO Phloem Kb bb asa sisi uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1361
LockedVIN Puppy 1Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 10Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 11Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedJPnH Puppy 2Carpathian Shepherd615
LockedPuppy 2Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 3Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedJPnO Puppy 4Carpathian Shepherd515
LockedPuppy 4Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 4Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 4Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedJAO Puppy 7Carpathian Shepherd1327
LockedPuppy 7Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 7Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 7Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 8Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 8Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 9Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 9Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 9Carpathian Shepherd16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked* 24 EE bb Ay sisi uu Cream lalaCarpathian Shepherd131
LockedIPnH * Kb bb Asa sisi Cream uuCarpathian Shepherd1024
Locked* Kb EE bb AyAy sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd120
Locked* KB EE bb spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd123
Locked24 bb asa sisi uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd126
Locked24 Bb Ay sisp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd118
Locked24 EE bb Ay sisi Uu lala CreamCarpathian Shepherd127
Locked24 EE bb Ay sisi uu lala CreamCarpathian Shepherd117
Locked24 EE bb AyAy Ssi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd126
LockedPnH 24 EE bb spsp uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd1229
LockedJPnH 24 EmE bb Ay sisp uu lala CreamCarpathian Shepherd620
Locked24 EmE Bb Ay Ssi uu lala CreamCarpathian Shepherd127
LockedPnH 24 EmE bb sisp uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd1231
LockedJPnO 24 Kb EE bb sisi Cream uuCarpathian Shepherd515
LockedPnO Ee BB asa Ssi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1128
LockedJPnH EE bb aw sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd615
LockedEe Bb Ay spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedIPnH EE bb Ay Ssi uuCarpathian Shepherd1124
LockedPnH EE BB AYAY spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1231
LockedEE bb sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd125
LockedJPnH EE bb Ssp Uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd615
LockedAPnP ee Ssi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1124
LockedEmE bb asa sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedEmE bb asa sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd125
LockedJAO EmE bb asa spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1231
LockedEmE bb asa spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd117
LockedEmE bb asa Ssp Cream uuCarpathian Shepherd125
LockedEmE bb Ssi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd124
LockedKb bb sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd116
LockedPnP Kb EE bb Ay sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1023
LockedPnO Kb EE Bb sisi uuCarpathian Shepherd1127
LockedPnH Kb EE Bb sisi uuCarpathian Shepherd1227
LockedJPnH Kb EE bb sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd615
LockedIPnO Kb EE bb spsp Cream uuCarpathian Shepherd1024
LockedKB EE bb spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd116
LockedKb EE bb spsp uu lala CreamCarpathian Shepherd124
LockedPnO Kb Ee BB SS uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1128
LockedPnH Kb EE Bb Ssp uu ceCarpathian Shepherd1127
LockedPnO Kb EmE bb Ay spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1024
LockedKb EmE bb Ay Ssi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd120
LockedKB EmE bb AyAy sisi Cream uuCarpathian Shepherd120
LockedKb EmE bb sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd117
LockedPnO Kb EmE Bb sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd1128
LockedJPnH Puppy 10Carpathian Shepherd615
LockedJAP Puppy 10Carpathian Shepherd1327
LockedJPnH Puppy 4Carpathian Shepherd615
LockedJPnH Puppy 5Carpathian Shepherd615
LockedJPnO Puppy 5Carpathian Shepherd515
LockedJPnO Puppy 6Carpathian Shepherd515
LockedJPnH Puppy 8Carpathian Shepherd615
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked* EE bb AyAy sisi Redd uuCarpathian Shepherd135
Locked24 EE bb Ay sisi C uu lala RedCarpathian Shepherd126
LockedJPnO 24 Ee bb Ay Ssp C UuCarpathian Shepherd615
LockedIPnH 24 EmE Bb sisi uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd1231
Locked24 EmE bb spsp uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd120
LockedJAH 24 Kb EE bb sisi ReddCarpathian Shepherd1630
LockedPnO EE bb Ay sisi C uuCarpathian Shepherd1122
LockedEmE bb sisi uu RedCarpathian Shepherd124
LockedIPnH Kb EE bb sisi Redd uuCarpathian Shepherd1124
LockedPuppy 1Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 1Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 10Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 2Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 2Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 2Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 2Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 3Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 3Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedJAH Puppy 5Carpathian Shepherd1530
LockedPuppy 7Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedJAH Puppy 8Carpathian Shepherd1530
LockedPuppy 8Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 8Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 9Carpathian Shepherd16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnO * 24 Bb sisi uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd1128
Locked24 BB sisi uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd121
LockedJPnH 24 Kb Ee Bb Ay sisp ReddCarpathian Shepherd715
LockedAPnO BB Ay sisp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1128
LockedPnO EE Bb Ay Ssi uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1227
LockedPnO EE BB Ay Ssi uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd1128
LockedJAO Ee Bb sisp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1235
LockedEE Bb spsp uuCarpathian Shepherd119
LockedAPnH EmE Bb asa Ssi uuCarpathian Shepherd1236
LockedPnO EmE Bb Ay Ssp uuCarpathian Shepherd1131
LockedPnO EmE Bb sisi uuCarpathian Shepherd1128
LockedANO EmE Bb sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd116
LockedEmE Bb Ssi Red uuCarpathian Shepherd116
LockedKb Ay SS uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd115
LockedKB BB asa sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd120
LockedKb Bb spsp Red uuCarpathian Shepherd111
LockedKb EE Bb Ay sisi uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd120
LockedKb EE Bb Ay Ssp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd111
LockedKb EE Bb sisp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd115
LockedIPnH Kb EE Bb spsp Red uuCarpathian Shepherd1227
LockedKb Ee Bb spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd116
LockedKb EE Bb spsp uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedKb Ee BB SS uuCarpathian Shepherd119
LockedKB EE BB Ssi Redd uuCarpathian Shepherd119
LockedPnO KB EE Bb Ssi uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd1228
LockedKb EmE Bb asa spsp uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd119
LockedKb EmE Bb sisi Fawn uuCarpathian Shepherd127
LockedKb EmE Bb sisi Red uuCarpathian Shepherd113
LockedKb EmE Bb sisi Redd uuCarpathian Shepherd118
LockedKb EmE Bb sisi UuCarpathian Shepherd119
LockedKB EmE Bb sisi uu CreamCarpathian Shepherd115
LockedPnO Kb EmE Bb sisi uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd1128
LockedKb EmE Bb spsp Redd uuCarpathian Shepherd115
LockedKb EmE Bb spsp uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd115
LockedIPnH Kb EmE Bb spsp uu RedCarpathian Shepherd1227
LockedKb EmE Bb SS uu FawnCarpathian Shepherd115
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked* Ee bb spsp Silver uuCarpathian Shepherd123
LockedJAH * kb EE bb asa spsp uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd1335
Locked22 LlRussell Terrier19
Locked22 LlaRussell Terrier19
Locked23 lalaRussell Terrier19
Locked23 lalaRussell Terrier19
Locked24 EE bb asa sisp uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd126
Locked24 kb EmE Bb spsp uu lala SilverCarpathian Shepherd117
LockedBreed 24 EE bb sisi uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd129
LockedIPnT ee spsp uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd1024
LockedAPnO EmE bb Ay sisi uu lalaCarpathian Shepherd1227
LockedKb bb asa sisi uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd125
LockedPnO Kb bb AyAy Ssp uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd1124
LockedPnO Kb EmE bb asa sisi uu SilverCarpathian Shepherd1126
LockedKB EmE bb sisi Silver uuCarpathian Shepherd117
LockedVIN Puppy 1Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 10Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 10Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedJPnH Puppy 11Carpathian Shepherd715
LockedPuppy 2Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedJAH Puppy 3Carpathian Shepherd1530
LockedCCH VIN Puppy 3Carpathian Shepherd5498
LockedPuppy 4Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 7Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedPuppy 8Carpathian Shepherd16
LockedVIN Puppy 8Carpathian Shepherd16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked19 at sp C lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked19 lalaRussell Terrier127
Locked19 LlaRussell Terrier134
Locked19 LlaRussell Terrier133
Locked19 Lla *Russell Terrier142
Locked20Russell Terrier146
Locked20Russell Terrier142
Locked20Russell Terrier138
Locked20Russell Terrier138
Locked20Russell Terrier114
Locked20Russell Terrier114
Locked20Russell Terrier114
Locked20 *Russell Terrier127
Locked20 at lalaRussell Terrier142
Locked20 at lalaRussell Terrier127
Locked20 atat sp C LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier134
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier133
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier131
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier130
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier120
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier120
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier120
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier120
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier127
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier125
Locked20 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked20 lala *Russell Terrier130
Locked20 lala *Russell Terrier130
Locked20 lala *Russell Terrier130
Locked20 lala *Russell Terrier127
Locked20 lala atRussell Terrier125
Locked20 LlaRussell Terrier120
Locked20 LlaRussell Terrier120
Locked20 LlaRussell Terrier127
Locked20 LlaRussell Terrier125
Locked20 LlaRussell Terrier125
Locked20 Lla *Russell Terrier134
Locked20 Lla CRussell Terrier114
Locked21Russell Terrier146
Locked21Russell Terrier120
Locked21Russell Terrier120
Locked21Russell Terrier120
Locked21Russell Terrier125
Locked21Russell Terrier115
Locked21Russell Terrier114
Locked21Russell Terrier114
Locked21Russell Terrier114
Locked21Russell Terrier114
Locked21Russell Terrier114
Locked21Russell Terrier114
Locked21 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier130
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier130
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier120
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier120
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier125
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier121
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier121
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked21 lalaRussell Terrier114
Locked21 LlaRussell Terrier147
Locked21 LlaRussell Terrier135
Locked21 LlaRussell Terrier134
Locked21 LlaRussell Terrier127
Locked21 LlaRussell Terrier125
Locked21 LlaRussell Terrier115
Locked21 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked22Russell Terrier115
Locked22Russell Terrier115
Locked22Russell Terrier115
Locked22Russell Terrier114
Locked22 at C LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked22 lalaRussell Terrier120
Locked22 lalaRussell Terrier120
Locked22 lalaRussell Terrier120
Locked22 lalaRussell Terrier125
Locked22 lalaRussell Terrier121
Locked22 lalaRussell Terrier121
Locked22 lala *Russell Terrier133
Locked22 LlaRussell Terrier125
Locked22 LlaRussell Terrier114
Locked23HH llaRussell Terrier135
Locked24Russell Terrier115
Locked24 at lalaRussell Terrier114
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked22 kb bb dd Ssp ce lalaDachshund16
LockedVIN 23 lalaDachshund16
LockedAT 24 Bb spsw Tt cece LlaDachshund2343
LockedMT 24 EE bb dd sisw C uu lalaDachshund2650
LockedNT 24 EE Bb Dd Ssi Mm Tt Cce lalaDachshund16
LockedNT 24 EE bb sisw Mm TT cece lalaDachshund16
LockedNT 24 Kb EE bb Dd Ssw Mm Tt Cce lalaDachshund16
LockedVIN 24 lalaDachshund16
LockedVIN 24 lalaDachshund16
LockedVIN 24 lalaDachshund16
LockedANT BER.K Aadila 24HH EEEE lalaDachshund112
LockedJPnE BER.K Adimu 24HH EEEE lalaDachshund112
LockedExT VIN Baargaiin [24HH Lla EEEE]Dachshund3575
LockedAT VIN Caledonia [24HH Lla]Dachshund2141
LockedAT VIN Callen [24HH lala]Dachshund2377
LockedME TØPs Callie [24HH Lla EEEE]Dachshund2450
LockedAT VIN Cargen [24 sisi Kb Lla]Dachshund1959
LockedMT VIN Cho Oyu [24HH Lla 4SPD spsw]Dachshund2643
LockedAT Expedition [24 EE Bb Ssw Tt ce Lla]Dachshund1832
LockedMT VIN Fancy Pattern [24HH LL EEEE]Dachshund2757
LockedAFT VIN Flawless Moonlight [24 Ssw lala]Dachshund1736
LockedAT VIN Floral Occasion [24HH Lla]Dachshund2135
LockedAT Indenture [24HH Kb EE bb Dd sw TT Lla]Dachshund1734
LockedAT VIN Instrumental Fins [24 spsw Lla]Dachshund1936
LockedAT VIN Lesson in Leather [24HH lala]Dachshund2448
LockedFor Public SaleAT VIN Logical Astronomy [24HH Lla]Dachshund2244
LockedAT VIN Lone Wolves [24HH Lla]Dachshund2439
LockedJPnE BER.K Milagros 24HH EEEE lalaDachshund112
LockedMT Neverwake [24HH EE bb Dd Ay sisw C lala]Dachshund2549
LockedAT VIN Phula Arrangement [24HH Lla 4SPD swsw]Dachshund2337
LockedMT VIN Pollen [24HH Lla]Dachshund2646
LockedNT Puppy 3Dachshund16
LockedJPnA BER.K Siddhi 24HH EEEE lalaDachshund112
LockedAT Sonic Boom[24 Ee Bb Dd Ssw Tt Lla]Dachshund2546
LockedExT VIN Sparks of Show [24HH LL EEEE]Dachshund3260
LockedMT VIN Spiritual Feel [24HH lala]Dachshund2548
LockedPnT Ice° Striking Moonlight [24HH lala EEEE]Dachshund1337
LockedAT VIN The Original [24 EE bb dd sisw uu Lla]Dachshund1830
LockedMT VIN Vanilla Wings [24HH lala EEEE]Dachshund3062
LockedAT VIN Whistling Valley [24HH Lla]Dachshund2239


Locked10/3 lla x 17/3 LL
(Central Asian Shepherd)
Locked11/3 x 13
(Central Asian Shepherd)
Locked12/1 Ll x 15/2 LL
(Central Asian Shepherd)
Locked13/2 x 13
(Central Asian Shepherd)
Locked14/1 Lla x 11/1
(Central Asian Shepherd)
Locked14/1 x 13/2
(Central Asian Shepherd)
Locked14/2 x 15/2
(Central Asian Shepherd)
Locked21 lala x 18
(Russell Terrier)
Locked22 Lla x 18
(Russell Terrier)
Locked22 Lla x 19 at sp lala
(Russell Terrier)
Locked22 Lla x 19 Lla at
(Russell Terrier)
Locked22 x 19 at sp lala
(Russell Terrier)
Locked22 x 20
(Russell Terrier)
Locked23 lala x 19 lala
(Russell Terrier)

Game Time

03:54pm on Mar 28

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