The Thirteenth Kennel

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
48 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
24 Locked Dogs
Smelling of new grass and spring, a warm breeze dances along this rolling stretch of meadow.
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnS AedanAlaskan Malamute927
LockedNSh AislynnWest Siberian Laika16
LockedJAS AlexzanderAlaskan Husky1127
LockedAPnS AvaSiberian Husky927
LockedNS AzaelSiberian Husky16
LockedJAS T13K AzazulSiberian Husky1033
LockedPnS CianSiberian Husky927
LockedNS CielSiberian Husky16
LockedNS DaiAlaskan Husky16
LockedAPnS DainaWest Siberian Laika1027
LockedPnS DavinCanadian Eskimo Dog826
LockedPnSh DeidreShikoku926
LockedNSh EliseShikoku19
LockedNSh ElliotWest Siberian Laika19
LockedNS EmilieSiberian Husky19
LockedNS EonAlaskan Husky16
LockedJAS FaeAlaskan Malamute1027
LockedNSh GaelShikoku16
LockedNS HeloiseAlaskan Malamute19
LockedAPnSh KalebShikoku1026
LockedJAS KasadieCanadian Eskimo Dog1026
LockedAPnS KeevaAlaskan Husky927
LockedPnSh KianWest Siberian Laika1027
LockedNS KianaAlaskan Malamute16
LockedNS KillyanAlaskan Husky19
LockedPnS KyraAlaskan Malamute927
LockedJAS LiamWest Siberian Laika1027
LockedAPnSh LundaeShikoku1026
LockedNSh MelineShikoku19
LockedNS MyriamAlaskan Husky19
LockedPnS NemonCanadian Eskimo Dog926
LockedAPnS NiallAlaskan Husky927
LockedNS NinaSiberian Husky19
LockedNS RaphaelCanadian Eskimo Dog19
LockedJAS RazaelSiberian Husky1033
LockedNS RemiWest Siberian Laika19
LockedAPnSh RhionaWest Siberian Laika1027
LockedNSh RiddleShikoku16
LockedNS RobinAlaskan Malamute19
LockedNS RomaneCanadian Eskimo Dog19
LockedPnSh TessaShikoku926
LockedNS UnaiCanadian Eskimo Dog16
LockedNSh ViolaWest Siberian Laika16
LockedJAS XaedieAlaskan Husky1027
LockedJAS XaviorAlaskan Malamute1027
LockedJAS ZachariaCanadian Eskimo Dog1026
LockedNS ZellCanadian Eskimo Dog16
LockedNS ZiraAlaskan Malamute16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnS AdeAkita922
LockedPnSh AilisAinu Dog823
LockedPnS AkiraGreenland Dog723
LockedPnSh AneerAinu Dog823
LockedPnS BayneAkita723
LockedPnS CeraJamthund723
LockedIPnS DamanJamthund723
LockedIPnSh DayneAmerican White Shepherd823
LockedPnSh DivessaAmerican White Shepherd823
LockedPnSh EyolphAinu Dog922
LockedPnSh FaoiltiamaAinu Dog922
LockedPnS FynGreenland Dog823
LockedPnSh IsisAkita823
LockedAPnS IvailaGreenland Dog922
LockedPnSh KaterinaAmerican Eskimo Dog823
LockedIPnSh KeenanAmerican Eskimo Dog823
LockedPnS LailaAkita822
LockedPnSh LovellaAmerican Eskimo Dog922
LockedPnS LyulfGreenland Dog822
LockedPnS MakoJamthund822
LockedPnSh NeshobaJamthund922
LockedAPnSh NitaAmerican White Shepherd922
LockedPnSh RalphAmerican White Shepherd922
LockedPnSh RudiAmerican Eskimo Dog922


LockedIPnS Bayne x IPnSh Isis
LockedIPnS Daman x IPnS Cera
LockedIPnS Fyn x IPnS Akira
(Greenland Dog)
LockedIPnSh Aneer x IPnSh Ailis
(Ainu Dog)
LockedIPnSh Dayne x IPnSh Divessa
(American White Shepherd)
LockedIPnSh Eyolph x PnSh Faoiltiama
(Ainu Dog)
LockedIPnSh Keenan x IPnSh Katerina
(American Eskimo Dog)
LockedIPnSh Ralph x PnSh Nita
(American White Shepherd)
LockedPnS Ade x PnS Laila
LockedPnS Lyulf x PnS Ivaila
(Greenland Dog)
LockedPnS Mako x PnSh Neshoba
LockedPnSh Rudi x IPnSh Lovella
(American Eskimo Dog)

Game Time

10:34am on Jan 12

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