
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
12 Locked Dogs
Italian Greyhound
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
10 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
26 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
24 Locked Dogs
Greenland Dog
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
11 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
46 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
22 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
English Springer Spaniel
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
21 Locked Dogs
Earthdog Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Field Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Large Critter Pasture
16 Critters
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCSc 4Paws Angel of MercyBelgian Laekenois5765
LockedNCSc Bridget RooBelgian Laekenois4766
LockedWCSc 4Paws Co-CoBelgian Malinois5865
LockedExSc 4Paws Done Me Wrong All RightBelgian Malinois3133
LockedAPnSc 4Paws Follow Me HomeBelgian Laekenois1218
LockedExSc 4Paws Lady WriterBelgian Laekenois3035
LockedWCSc 4Paws Les BoysBelgian Laekenois5765
LockedWCSc 4Paws Poppa JoeBelgian Malinois6065
LockedAPnSc 4Paws Portobello BelleBelgian Laekenois1318
LockedWCSc 4Paws Setting Me UpBelgian Laekenois80108
LockedUCSc 4Paws Tom Tom TurnaroundBelgian Malinois87101
LockedUCSc 4Paws You're Not Wrong for Loving MeBelgian Malinois89101
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedICR 4Paws FaustinoItalian Greyhound91103
LockedUCR 4Paws GastoneItalian Greyhound90101
LockedWCR 4Paws LandoItalian Greyhound7177
LockedWCR 4Paws LuceItalian Greyhound7277
LockedAPnR 4Paws MichelangeloItalian Greyhound1218
LockedAPnR 4Paws MorenaItalian Greyhound1218
LockedNR 4Paws NadiaItalian Greyhound16
LockedNR 4Paws NicolaItalian Greyhound16
Locked4Paws OrianaItalian Greyhound16
LockedNR 4Paws OrsoItalian Greyhound16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedUCH 4Paws DonnenShetland Sheepdog91105
LockedICO 4Paws EnzoShetland Sheepdog90102
LockedICA 4Paws IggyShetland Sheepdog94104
LockedICA 4Paws IsakShetland Sheepdog91101
LockedUCA 4Paws LiljaShetland Sheepdog8697
LockedUCH 4Paws LloydShetland Sheepdog90101
LockedNCA 4Paws MidasShetland Sheepdog4855
LockedWCA 4Paws MinglaShetland Sheepdog6370
LockedNCA 4Paws NeaShetland Sheepdog4855
LockedUCH 4Paws NoxShetland Sheepdog90101
LockedGCA 4Paws OktaviaShetland Sheepdog4249
LockedGCA 4Paws OperaShetland Sheepdog4149
LockedChH 4Paws PiaShetland Sheepdog4149
LockedUCH 4Paws ProffenShetland Sheepdog91101
LockedChA 4Paws QueenShetland Sheepdog3641
LockedExA 4Paws RadkaShetland Sheepdog3441
LockedUCH 4Paws RiffShetland Sheepdog90101
LockedExA 4Paws ShaniShetland Sheepdog3237
LockedUCH 4Paws SilasShetland Sheepdog91101
LockedExA 4Paws SmokieShetland Sheepdog3137
LockedExA 4Paws TiriShetland Sheepdog3237
LockedNH 4Paws UnikaShetland Sheepdog111
LockedNA 4Paws ViperShetland Sheepdog110
LockedNA 4Paws WiccaShetland Sheepdog110
LockedNA 4Paws X-traShetland Sheepdog110
LockedUCA 4Paws XerxesShetland Sheepdog91101
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedICE 4Paws AfanenWest Highland White Terrier8296
LockedUCE 4Paws AneirinWest Highland White Terrier79101
LockedICE 4Paws AneirinWest Highland White Terrier8496
LockedICE 4Paws BedwyrWest Highland White Terrier88101
LockedICE 4Paws BlodwenWest Highland White Terrier7788
LockedICE 4Paws BriallenWest Highland White Terrier7488
LockedUCHu 4Paws BrynmorWest Highland White Terrier79102
LockedICE 4Paws CerridwynWest Highland White Terrier7486
LockedUCE 4Paws DylisWest Highland White Terrier6476
LockedUCE 4Paws ElunedWest Highland White Terrier6776
LockedICE 4Paws ErcwlffWest Highland White Terrier86102
LockedUCE 4Paws FfraidWest Highland White Terrier6574
LockedICE 4Paws FfransisWest Highland White Terrier86101
LockedUCE 4Paws FolantWest Highland White Terrier80101
LockedUCE 4Paws GeraintWest Highland White Terrier82103
LockedICE 4Paws GlyndwrWest Highland White Terrier89105
LockedWCE 4Paws GwenfrewiWest Highland White Terrier5971
LockedUCE 4Paws IslwynWest Highland White Terrier80101
LockedUCE 4Paws NeifionWest Highland White Terrier81101
LockedICE 4Paws OwainWest Highland White Terrier88101
LockedICE 4Paws ParryWest Highland White Terrier89101
LockedICE 4Paws PryceWest Highland White Terrier87101
LockedUCE 4Paws SawylWest Highland White Terrier86101
LockedICE 4Paws TwmWest Highland White Terrier88101
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnS 4Paws AakeeqGreenland Dog1219
LockedPnS 4Paws AappalittuatsiaqGreenland Dog1119
LockedICS 4Paws BiisaiyowaqGreenland Dog82103
LockedAPnS 4Paws BîpiâtGreenland Dog1119
LockedPnS 4Paws BoasGreenland Dog1219
LockedUCS PTale BulletGreenland Dog62105
LockedWCS CaribouGreenland Dog6487
LockedNS 4Paws DâmaGreenland Dog17
LockedNS 4Paws DúkarseGreenland Dog17
LockedICS 4Paws IssorartuyokGreenland Dog85102
LockedICS 4Paws KayuqtuqGreenland Dog88102
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedASh 4Paws Alma IIIEnglish Setter2031
LockedAFT 4Paws Bia IIIEnglish Setter1828
LockedJAFT 4Paws Claire IIIEnglish Setter1525
LockedJAFT 4Paws Clapton IIIEnglish Setter1525
LockedJAFT 4Paws Dira IIIEnglish Setter1424
LockedJAFT 4Paws Dottie IIIEnglish Setter1324
LockedJAFT 4Paws Elita IIEnglish Setter1324
LockedJAFT 4Paws Erro IIEnglish Setter1424
LockedJAO 4Paws Fiora IIEnglish Setter1524
LockedAPnFT 4Paws Ginny IIIEnglish Setter1322
LockedAPnO 4Paws Hydra IIIEnglish Setter1322
LockedPnA 4Paws Irma IIIEnglish Setter1120
LockedGCFT 4Paws Jackson II*English Setter3658
LockedPnFT 4Paws Jimbo IIIEnglish Setter1020
LockedAPnFT 4Paws Kasia IIIEnglish Setter1020
LockedAPnFT 4Paws Kitty IIIEnglish Setter1020
LockedPnFT 4Paws Lata IIIEnglish Setter1019
LockedWCFT 4Paws Lord IIEnglish Setter5582
LockedWCFT 4Paws Matrix IIEnglish Setter5481
LockedGCRO 4Paws Mick IEnglish Setter3554
LockedPnSh 4Paws Mille IIIEnglish Setter1119
LockedJPnFT 4Paws Narnia IIIEnglish Setter616
LockedJPnP 4Paws Nemo IIIEnglish Setter716
LockedWCFT 4Paws Nestor IIEnglish Setter5481
LockedNRO 4Paws Oktavia IIIEnglish Setter113
LockedNW 4Paws Paxa IIIEnglish Setter113
LockedNO 4Paws Piamia IIIEnglish Setter113
LockedNFT 4Paws Qia IVEnglish Setter113
LockedNFT 4Paws Qompis IVEnglish Setter113
LockedExFT 4Paws Radka IIIEnglish Setter2845
LockedCCP 4Paws Ramses I*English Setter5180
LockedNA 4Paws Rikke IIEnglish Setter112
LockedExFT 4Paws Sassy IIEnglish Setter2743
LockedExRO 4Paws Sheena IIEnglish Setter2943
LockedNFT 4Paws Sika IIEnglish Setter112
LockedNO 4Paws Solo IIEnglish Setter112
LockedWCFT 4Paws Tellus IIEnglish Setter5278
LockedMD 4Paws Thera IIIEnglish Setter2134
LockedNFT 4Paws Topsi IIIEnglish Setter112
LockedMFT 4Paws Une IIIEnglish Setter2234
LockedMFT 4Paws Veida IIIEnglish Setter2534
LockedMFT 4Paws Vela IIIEnglish Setter2434
LockedMFT 4Paws Wax IIIEnglish Setter2233
LockedMFT 4Paws Xerin IIIEnglish Setter2133
LockedAO 4Paws Yda IIIEnglish Setter2032
LockedASh 4Paws Zinga IIIEnglish Setter1931
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedGCH 4Paws AlvörIcelandic Sheepdog4762
LockedWCH Ds2CR DrangurIcelandic Sheepdog71101
LockedGCH DraumrúnIcelandic Sheepdog4558
LockedGCH 4Paws ElísIcelandic Sheepdog4457
LockedGCA 4Paws FinnbogaIcelandic Sheepdog4255
LockedWCA GassiIcelandic Sheepdog61101
LockedNH 4Paws GísliIcelandic Sheepdog111
LockedWCH Mea's MishyIcelandic Sheepdog60102
LockedWCH 4Paws MorgunsólIcelandic Sheepdog6186
LockedWCH 4Paws NóttIcelandic Sheepdog6284
LockedWCA 4Paws ÓsklínIcelandic Sheepdog6080
LockedWCH 4Paws PáleyIcelandic Sheepdog5774
LockedCCH 4Paws RandalínIcelandic Sheepdog5373
LockedWCH 4Paws SkjaldmeyIcelandic Sheepdog5773
LockedWCH 4Paws TeklaIcelandic Sheepdog5672
LockedCCH 4Paws ÚlfheiðurIcelandic Sheepdog5472
LockedCCFl 4Paws VillimeyIcelandic Sheepdog5471
LockedCCH 4Paws ÝmirIcelandic Sheepdog5368
LockedCCH 4Paws YndaIcelandic Sheepdog5368
LockedNCA 4Paws ÖrnIcelandic Sheepdog5067
LockedCCH 4Paws ÖspIcelandic Sheepdog5267
LockedGCH 4Paws ÞráIcelandic Sheepdog4762
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedICFT 4Paws CalvinPointer92101
LockedUCFT 4Paws ElliotPointer88101
LockedICFT 4Paws EricPointer90107
LockedUCFT 4Paws EsmaePointer7890
LockedWCFT 4Paws FortunePointer6671
LockedCCFT 4Paws GillianPointer5461
LockedMFT 4Paws HoneyPointer2732
LockedMFT 4Paws IvyPointer2632
LockedAFT 4Paws JeriPointer1520
LockedUCFT 4Paws LowellPointer89102
LockedUCFT 4Paws PrestonPointer89101
LockedUCFT 4Paws UptonPointer92102
LockedUCFT YorkPointer89102
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCW 4Paws Baby We`ve Got A DateEnglish Springer Spaniel3344
LockedNW 4Paws Catch a FireEnglish Springer Spaniel112
LockedWCW 4Paws Get Up, Stand UpEnglish Springer Spaniel3346
LockedAW 4Paws Is This LoveEnglish Springer Spaniel1023
LockedChW 4Paws Keep on MovingEnglish Springer Spaniel2233
LockedNW 4Paws Lively Up YourselfEnglish Springer Spaniel111
LockedAW 4Paws Misty MorningEnglish Springer Spaniel1023
LockedExW 4Paws Natural MysticEnglish Springer Spaniel2332
LockedChFT 4Paws No Woman, No CryEnglish Springer Spaniel3644
LockedNW 4Paws One FoundationEnglish Springer Spaniel111
LockedAW 4Paws One LoveEnglish Springer Spaniel1624
LockedNW 4Paws Rebel MusicEnglish Springer Spaniel111
LockedICW 4Paws Rude BoyEnglish Springer Spaniel81102
LockedJAFT 4Paws Satisfy My SoulEnglish Springer Spaniel1323
LockedAW 4Paws So Much Things to SayEnglish Springer Spaniel1624
LockedICW 4Paws Soul RebelEnglish Springer Spaniel84102
LockedWCW 4Paws Stir It UpEnglish Springer Spaniel3446
LockedChW 4Paws Sun Is ShiningEnglish Springer Spaniel2232
LockedAPnFT 4Paws Three Little BirdsEnglish Springer Spaniel1323
LockedJARO NFS ToffeeEnglish Springer Spaniel1526
LockedICW 4Paws What's New Pussycat?English Springer Spaniel82101


  • Black Banded Hamster Black Banded Hamster
  • Black Hamster Black Hamster
  • Blackbird Blackbird
  • Calico Persian Calico Persian
  • Canary Canary
  • Champagne Hamster Champagne Hamster
  • Chocolate Hamster Chocolate Hamster
  • Cinnamon Hamster Cinnamon Hamster
  • Mean Black and White Cat Mean Black and White Cat
  • Mean Brown Tabby Cat Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Mean Orange Tabby Cat Mean Orange Tabby Cat
  • Mean Siamese Cat Mean Siamese Cat
  • Mean Tortoiseshell Cat Mean Tortoiseshell Cat
  • Orange Persian Orange Persian
  • Silver Hamster Silver Hamster
  • Sparrow Sparrow

Game Time

03:08am on Feb 15

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