Lord of the Rings

Pack of the Storms
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
9 Locked Dogs
The Land of the Free
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
19 Locked Dogs
Death is for the Weak
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
12 Locked Dogs
In Darkness Rise
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
50 Locked Dogs
The Ring of Fire
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
28 Locked Dogs
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Sledding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
The End Is The Beginning
Small Critter Pasture
5 Critters
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAT SRms DarkstormBorder Collie2451
LockedMA *Lotr DesertstormBorder Collie2559
LockedAH *Lotr FroststormBorder Collie1937
LockedAH *Lotr HailstormBorder Collie2041
LockedAH »PFU« SeastormBorder Collie1942
LockedAT *Lotr SilverstormBorder Collie1834
LockedAH *Lotr SnowstormBorder Collie2038
LockedAH *Lotr SwirlstormBorder Collie2448
LockedAT *Lotr WinterstormBorder Collie2355
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnS *Lotr Across the Blood WaterGreenland Dog513
LockedMS *Lotr AzaraxisGreenland Dog2651
LockedNS *Lotr Cannon in D MinorGreenland Dog18
LockedFor StudMS *Lotr ChestnutGreenland Dog2551
LockedFor StudAS *Lotr El DoradoGreenland Dog1426
LockedFor StudAS *Lotr FlashbackGreenland Dog1731
LockedIPnS *Lotr FonnarillickingGreenland Dog715
LockedAS *Lotr For the WinGreenland Dog1937
LockedFor StudJAFl *Lotr Infinite LegendsGreenland Dog1426
LockedAS *Lotr InvincibleGreenland Dog1632
LockedFor StudAS *Lotr Kingdom SkiesGreenland Dog1935
LockedPnS *Lotr None Shall LiveGreenland Dog1020
LockedExS *Lotr SilverstarGreenland Dog3063
LockedChS *Lotr SilverwingGreenland Dog3266
LockedFor StudAS *Lotr Star SkyGreenland Dog1732
LockedPnS *Lotr Strength of a Thousand MenGreenland Dog815
LockedPnS *Lotr Stronger Faster BraverGreenland Dog1020
LockedMS *Lotr UnderscoreGreenland Dog2449
LockedAS *Lotr WinterspellGreenland Dog1940
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNT SFz Ashes to fire (24HH)German Shepherd Dog16
LockedNO SFz Coal (24HH)German Shepherd Dog16
LockedShiro LondonGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedSOL Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog16
LockedBRKLT Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog16
LockedSOL Puppy 8German Shepherd Dog16
LockedJPnS *Lotr StarwatcherGreenland Dog511
LockedExS SPPKS StormGreenland Dog3378
LockedIPnS *Lotr To GloryGreenland Dog917
LockedJPnS *Lotr TurnfearGreenland Dog613
LockedAS *Lotr UmberGreenland Dog1429
LockedIPnS *Lotr VictoryGreenland Dog815
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNS *Lotr ArchangelGreenland Dog19
LockedJPnS *Lotr AtlasGreenland Dog410
LockedIPnH *Lotr AziraBorder Collie916
LockedNS *Lotr BastionGreenland Dog18
LockedNR *Lotr BlackfireSilken Windhound17
LockedMS *Lotr BlackfireGreenland Dog2446
LockedJAS *Lotr BlackheartGreenland Dog1224
LockedPnR GHK9s BlackstarSilken Windhound1019
LockedJPnH *Lotr BobtailBorder Collie613
LockedNH *Lotr ByrriahBorder Collie19
LockedNH *Lotr CrystBorder Collie16
LockedNS *Lotr Dark AgesGreenland Dog16
LockedFor StudJAS *Lotr DarkflameGreenland Dog1325
LockedJPnS *Lotr DarkshadowGreenland Dog613
LockedIPnFl GHK9s DominoSilken Windhound1119
LockedAS *Lotr DominoGreenland Dog1631
LockedNH *Lotr DragonstoneBorder Collie16
LockedNH *Lotr FenrynBorder Collie16
LockedJPnH *Lotr FiresightBorder Collie714
LockedJPnR *Lotr FirestormSilken Windhound714
LockedJAS *Lotr FlameheartGreenland Dog1222
LockedMS *Lotr FreewingGreenland Dog2752
LockedNS *Lotr Heart of CourageGreenland Dog16
LockedMS *Lotr HonarillionGreenland Dog2343
LockedMS *Lotr HonorayGreenland Dog2350
LockedNS *Lotr IcarusGreenland Dog16
LockedJAS *Lotr InfernoGreenland Dog1425
LockedNH *Lotr JagBorder Collie16
LockedNS *Lotr Last of the LightGreenland Dog16
LockedPnH *Lotr LegendBorder Collie1018
LockedJAS *Lotr LightningGreenland Dog1221
LockedJAS *Lotr ParoGreenland Dog1225
LockedAPnH *Lotr PepperBorder Collie1325
LockedMS *Lotr PerryGreenland Dog2347
LockedNS *Lotr PintoGreenland Dog17
LockedJAR TOPT QuicksilverSilken Windhound1528
LockedIPnS *Lotr RagenyxGreenland Dog713
LockedNS *Lotr Release MeGreenland Dog16
LockedJAS *Lotr SilvereyeGreenland Dog1328
LockedIPnS *Lotr SilverpointGreenland Dog817
LockedAS *Lotr SilversnowGreenland Dog2140
LockedAS *Lotr SilvertailGreenland Dog1735
LockedANR TOPT SkipperSilken Windhound511
LockedANS *Lotr SkyworldGreenland Dog410
LockedNH *Lotr SpeckleBorder Collie18
LockedJAS *Lotr StarsongGreenland Dog1325
LockedJPnS *Lotr StormwolfGreenland Dog512
LockedIPnR MMP SwiftSilken Windhound916
LockedNH *Lotr The OracleBorder Collie19
LockedNH *Lotr WhirlwindBorder Collie19
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnP BAARK AceBasenji1023
LockedPnA RedCK AurigaAustralian Shepherd1034
LockedANHT *Lotr CloudWelsh Springer Spaniel718
LockedIPnT EchoV CucumberJapanese Chin1020
LockedIPnA DarkeningFinnish Lapphund1020
LockedANO *Lotr ÉomerWest Siberian Laika617
LockedPnO JPnP EchLK FirebirdGreat Dane1017
LockedIPnO BAARK ForesightDalmatian1023
LockedIPnHT RaW's HagsfiendKooikerhondje816
LockedIPnH JewelsMaremma Sheepdog1021
LockedPnR KimberPharaoh Hound1129
LockedIPnHT RaW's MoonwolfKooikerhondje816
LockedIPnO WnT R NikitaAlaskan Malamute1064
LockedJPnA *Lotr PeterBeagle714
LockedPnSh JPnRO EchLK RigelPapillon1017
LockedIPnHT RaW's ShiftingfoxKooikerhondje816
LockedANRO *Lotr SilverdustNorwegian Elkhound719
LockedJPnR BBaSK SkyBorzoi717
LockedIPnH SkyblueMudi1025
LockedNHT *Lotr SnakekillerKooikerhondje16
LockedPnFl SnowPuli1024
LockedPnS SpadeKarelian Bear Dog1027
LockedJPnFr SputnickNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1022
LockedIPnT StonebackBluetick Coonhound1022
LockedANFT SwayBrittany615
LockedIPnHT RaW's VyrrwolfKooikerhondje816
LockedJPnRO TEARS WillowCavalier King Charles Spaniel1040
LockedIPnA XoloManchester Terrier1119


  • Shadow the Black Bunny Shadow the Black Bunny
  • Stormy the Black Hamster Stormy the Black Hamster
  • Saphira the Blue Baby Dragon Saphira the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Stormwatch the Confident Black Wolf Stormwatch the Confident Black Wolf
    admire Complete
  • Frosty the White Persian Frosty the White Persian

Game Time

07:08pm on Feb 23

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