Talisa's Colorful Doggie Kennel

Critter Town
12 Critters
.::Critter Friends::.
Critter Town
27 Critters
Campfire Site
Follow the path between the trees to find a cozy campfire site in the middle of a small clearing, complete with benches to rest on and while you enjoy the dancing flames.
Small Pond
The surface of this pond reflects the grandeur of the lofty sky, though beneath the illusion of stillness teams an underwater world.
Large Critter Pasture
8 Critters
.::Cool Pool::.
Swimming Pool
5 Critters
Splashes of color parade along the path of this small, but cheerful garden.
.::Doggy Castle::.
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
51 Locked Dogs
Pumpkin Patch
Have you ever seen bigger pumpkins than these? What a healthy pumpkin patch!
These rolling hills are littered with fluffy wuffy bunny warrens! Hopefully their population won't get too much more out of control.
T. Doggies ¤
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
25 Locked Dogs
. • ¤
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
* .::Big Pupz::. *
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
25 Locked Dogs
*. ¤
Basic Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Wolf and Dog play *
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
23 Locked Dogs


  • C. J. the Confident Black Wolf C. J. the Confident Black Wolf
  • G.W. the Gentle White Wolf G.W. the Gentle White Wolf
  • Timmy the Timid Gray Wolf Timmy the Timid Gray Wolf
  • Rocky the Howling Gray Wolf Rocky the Howling Gray Wolf
  • Lil' Howler the Bold Wolf Pup Lil' Howler the Bold Wolf Pup
  • Playful the Happy Golden Wolf Playful the Happy Golden Wolf
  • C. Reddy the Clever Red Wolf C. Reddy the Clever Red Wolf
  • Snowball Foxy the Arctic Fox Snowball Foxy the Arctic Fox
  • Remy the Red Fox Remy the Red Fox
  • Skyler the Silver Fox Skyler the Silver Fox
  • Oakley the Cross Fox Oakley the Cross Fox
  • Dakota the Domestic Fox Dakota the Domestic Fox


  • Happy Lamby the Little Lamb Happy Lamby the Little Lamb
  • Bonny the Little Black Lamb Bonny the Little Black Lamb
  • Sweetness the Jersey Calf Sweetness the Jersey Calf
  • Happiness the Holstein Calf Happiness the Holstein Calf
  • Frolicness the Angus Calf Frolicness the Angus Calf
  • Tweety t tweet the Sparrow Tweety t tweet the Sparrow
  • Cheerful Tweettr the Canary Cheerful Tweettr the Canary
  • Tweeto the Blackbird Tweeto the Blackbird
  • Rex the Rhode Island Red Rooster Rex the Rhode Island Red Rooster
  • Max the Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster Max the Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster
  • Dott the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Dott the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Lacey the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Lacey the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Ruby the Rhode Island Red Hen Ruby the Rhode Island Red Hen
  • Sapphire the Australorp Hen Sapphire the Australorp Hen
  • Hoppy Lop the French Lop Bunny Hoppy Lop the French Lop Bunny
  • Wuffy the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny Wuffy the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny
  • Tuffy the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny Tuffy the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny
  • Zuffy the A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny Zuffy the A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny
  • Muffy the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny Muffy the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • Bunn Bunn the Grey Bunny Bunn Bunn the Grey Bunny
  • Squeaky squeak the Chocolate Hamster Squeaky squeak the Chocolate Hamster
  • Squeako the Black Banded Hamster Squeako the Black Banded Hamster
  • Hamo the Golden Hamster Hamo the Golden Hamster
  • Spotty Ham the Silver Hamster Spotty Ham the Silver Hamster
  • C. Mini the Cinnamon Hamster C. Mini the Cinnamon Hamster
  • Blacky squeak the Black Hamster Blacky squeak the Black Hamster
  • Squeaky t ham the Champagne Hamster Squeaky t ham the Champagne Hamster


  • Sweet Art the Sweet Paint Pony Sweet Art the Sweet Paint Pony
  • Dasha the Dashing Winter Pony Dasha the Dashing Winter Pony
  • C.C. the Bold Spotted Pony C.C. the Bold Spotted Pony
  • Dancy the Feisty Black Pony Dancy the Feisty Black Pony
  • Huey the Little Brown Pony Huey the Little Brown Pony
  • Petey Pony the Proud Pony Petey Pony the Proud Pony
  • Silvery the Shy Silver Pony Silvery the Shy Silver Pony
  • Zee the Lazy Red Pony Zee the Lazy Red Pony


  • Snowy Cool the Polar Bear Snowy Cool the Polar Bear
  • Splasho the Friendly Dolphin Splasho the Friendly Dolphin
  • Zippidy the Emperor Penguin Zippidy the Emperor Penguin
  • Quack Peep the Patchy Fluffy Duckling Quack Peep the Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Lil' Quacky the Yellow Fluffy Duckling Lil' Quacky the Yellow Fluffy Duckling
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCA AgateSilky Terrier6985
LockedExFl TCDK AlyssaAzawakh Hound3766
LockedWCA An SilkySilky Terrier7186
LockedAT TCDK BarkaBoerboel2035
LockedAT TCDK Barky BarkBoerboel1935
LockedAM TCDK Bibi BeagleBeagle2128
LockedWCFl FPPK Blue Pinscher [ * ]Miniature Pinscher6895
LockedWCA CarrickSilky Terrier7188
LockedExM TCDK Color ChowChow-chow3851
LockedWCA Color TomSilky Terrier7186
LockedNCFl APnR DhaniAfghan Hound5366
LockedAFr CCR DiamondAfghan Hound5678
LockedCCT Didi ZDachshund6680
LockedNCT Excellent PawsBearded Collie5878
LockedWCO Furry EmmaBearded Collie6075
LockedChSc NCRO GeraldGreater Swiss Mountain Dog5396
LockedWCO GuinnessTibetan Spaniel7995
LockedWCA JewellSilky Terrier7186
LockedJAR CCFl JohnnyAfghan Hound6178
LockedAR NCFl Led ZeppelinAfghan Hound6078
LockedGCSh NCHu TCDK Lilly DoggaHavanese5198
LockedNCRO NCM Drcys Martha M.Maltese5599
LockedCCFl ~*N*~ Molly CSaint Bernard5799
LockedAHu TCDK Neddy BeagleBeagle2128
LockedNCO GCFl TCDK Pina PupCanadian Eskimo Dog5596
LockedARO CCR CCRO Power PawsAfghan Hound5978
LockedGCA GCT TCDK Pup BigSaint Bernard5494
LockedNCRO GCFl TCDK Pup DogNewfoundland5596
LockedExHu TCDK Puppy WooChinese Shar-Pei3551
LockedAR CCFl Puzzle PupAfghan Hound6078
LockedMSh RhinoChart Polski3655
LockedAH TCDK Rough DogTibetan Mastiff2228
LockedAHT TCDK Sama DogoDogo Argentino2328
LockedMT MSh TCDK Snowy DoggyAmerican Eskimo Dog3466
LockedWCO Soldier [ * ]Pekingese7894
LockedCCT Spike DDachshund6680
LockedExR TCDK Sweetty PupAzawakh Hound3866
LockedMSh TaigaEnglish Cocker Spaniel3555
LockedWCO Terrier BoyYorkshire Terrier7185
LockedAM TCDK TizStaffordshire Bull Terrier2328
LockedAH TCDK Tough K9Tibetan Mastiff2328
LockedExR TCDK TreaSloughi3966
LockedGCSc TCDK Tucke 40Dutch Shepherd5396
LockedCCT VanillaDachshund6780
LockedExM TCDK WooffaBoxer3451
LockedARO TCDK Zeb ZedStaffordshire Bull Terrier2228
LockedAA TCDK Zeddy K9Kelpie2228
LockedExM ExO ZinkyBorzoi4086
LockedAFl TCDK Zippy ZipKelpie2228
LockedExA ChO Zola CBorzoi4187
LockedNCR KoWW Zoom WhippetWhippet6178
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChA Anny DalmatianDalmatian4189
LockedChA CaseyDalmatian4187
LockedChFr ¤REVI CharlieBorder Collie4388
LockedGCSh ChristopherBichon Frise4493
LockedMA DottsDalmatian3170
LockedCCA EdXoloitzcuintle6287
LockedChSh ElisaBichon Frise4399
LockedExA Friend DoggyDalmatian4287
LockedChSh HenriettaBichon Frise4299
LockedChSh Isa FifiBichon Frise4299
LockedChA Jiji DDalmatian4189
LockedChA Lady VivBorder Collie4383
LockedExA MangoDalmatian4077
LockedExSh Midnight BarkDalmatian3975
LockedMA MistyDalmatian2856
LockedChA Mr TickleBorder Collie4286
LockedChH NylaOld English Sheepdog4493
LockedGCO Sweet Dalmatian •Dalmatian4385
LockedExA TabletDalmatian3979
LockedExA TigerDalmatian3982
LockedExA TimmoDalmatian4079
LockedChH TM's TommoOld English Sheepdog4599
LockedExA Top ThornDalmatian4280
LockedChA TrustBorder Collie4381
LockedChA TrustyBorder Collie4283
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMM SNEK * Angel *Great Dane3056
LockedMHu SNEK * Sunbeam *Great Dane3156
LockedCCFr TCDK Belle Kai KenKai Ken5397
LockedMO MT Big Buddy DGreat Dane3359
LockedMO MSh Big HappyGreat Dane3059
LockedMA BoboAkita Inu3190
LockedChHu ChFl TCDK Buddy BenBernese Mountain Dog4693
LockedExFl GeminiGerman Shepherd Dog3670
LockedExA GigglesGerman Shepherd Dog3769
LockedUCM TCDK Great Pup [ * ]Great Dane91100
LockedWCS TCDK Gus GusAlaskan Malamute5498
LockedExA Irish CloverBorder Collie3763
LockedGCP GCT TCDK JillaFinnish Spitz5788
LockedExFr MFl TCDK Lily DeeAlaskan Malamute3876
LockedExA MelodyDalmatian3769
LockedNCM TCDK Milo 35West Siberian Laika5498
LockedCCO TCDK NiloNorwegian Elkhound53111
LockedExH NinaOld English Sheepdog4088
LockedJAM TCDK Peaceful DogDogo Argentino1822
LockedChT PollyPortuguese Water Dog4082
LockedMFr ExP TCDK Rocky JAlaskan Malamute3878
LockedNCSh TCDK Rosie 67Eurasier5699
LockedMFr Ruby PuppyWest Siberian Laika2846
LockedGCSh GCHT TXBM SamyFinnish Spitz5493
LockedMA TangoDalmatian3671
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMT BentleyCzechoslovakian Wolfdog3157
LockedMT TCDK ClearaPortuguese Water Dog3059
LockedMA TCDK Color T SketchPortuguese Water Dog3157
LockedChE Hoppy HoppRussell Terrier3154
LockedJAO JAH TCDK Hot WolfCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1834
LockedMRO REF Jumpy DogFinnish Lapphund3366
LockedJAE Jumpy Jump •Welsh Terrier1019
LockedAO VQS Jumpy Ze •Welsh Terrier1929
LockedMM MHu Kazza *Akita3455
LockedWCT DUSK* LeapsMiniature Dachshund60101
LockedMSh MT TCDK Little DoggyLhasa Apso3662
LockedMA LudoAffenpinscher3156
LockedMFr AFl TCDK Mak SpottoGerman Shorthaired Pointer3060
LockedMHu MM TCDK Pomma WPomeranian3058
LockedAA TCDK Ruby WCzechoslovakian Wolfdog2849
LockedNA TCDK Splash WolfCzechoslovakian Wolfdog715
LockedMHu AFl TCDK Super C. *American Cocker Spaniel3151
LockedAH AFl TCDK Wilo TCzechoslovakian Wolfdog2448
LockedMO MSh TCDK Wittle PupLhasa Apso3562
LockedMA TCDK Wubo *Puli3044
LockedMM MFr TCDK Wudy WAffenpinscher3262
LockedCCT DUSK* Zizi DashMiniature Dachshund58101
LockedAA AHu TCDK ZuffoChinese Crested2340

Game Time

03:54pm on Mar 14

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