The Canine Colour Cornucopia

Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
100 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
97 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
93 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
100 Locked Dogs
Movie magic
Large Critter Pasture
20 Critters
Central Asian Shepherd + Other
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
96 Locked Dogs
Central Asian Shepherds
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
100 Locked Dogs
Rally-O 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Central Asian Shepherds
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
100 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNFr 1Basenji316
LockedNFT 12Clumber Spaniel521
LockedANSh 13Clumber Spaniel521
LockedNHT 14Clumber Spaniel621
LockedJPnFT 15HH lala EEEE intx2Lagotto Romagnolo521
LockedNSh 16Clumber Spaniel321
LockedNP 16HH lala EEEE stmx2Lagotto Romagnolo521
LockedNSh 17Clumber Spaniel521
LockedNHT 18Clumber Spaniel321
Locked18Belgian Tervuren114
Locked18Belgian Tervuren114
Locked19Belgian Tervuren114
LockedANFr 19HH 1hh lala EGEE chax2Lagotto Romagnolo521
LockedNSh 2Clumber Spaniel521
Locked2Belgian Tervuren114
LockedNHT 3Clumber Spaniel321
LockedExP StFr 5 HH 15 Hh 4 hh GGGG 21 Fawn DakotaNorfolk Terrier3575
LockedNHT 6Clumber Spaniel521
LockedExFT StFr 7 HH 12 Hh 5 hh FGGE 21 MaxLabrador Retriever3572
LockedExA 4GOD Adam's-needle-1.000xGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3976
LockedIPnS AH AlaskaAlaskan Malamute8114
LockedPnFl AH KeithAlaskan Malamute12102
LockedNO AlfieClumber Spaniel521
LockedExM IBLM AliChinese Shar-Pei3679
LockedNFT AshClumber Spaniel521
LockedNFl AsheAustralian Cattle Dog519
LockedNH AsterAustralian Cattle Dog619
LockedNH BlazenAustralian Cattle Dog619
LockedNH BleuAustralian Cattle Dog519
LockedNSh BlissyClumber Spaniel521
LockedJAFr CharlesLagotto Romagnolo1430
LockedExA KiSh Coupons for New WorldKerry Blue Terrier3774
LockedPnFT Dance With Me My LadyGerman Wirehaired Pointer1025
LockedNFl FawkesAustralian Cattle Dog619
LockedNHT FilbertClumber Spaniel521
LockedANA FisherAustralian Cattle Dog619
LockedJPnFT FlashClumber Spaniel421
LockedIPnFT Follow me like a ShadowGerman Wirehaired Pointer1025
LockedNSh FuzzyClumber Spaniel521
LockedExHT GHK9s Golden Heart's Bette (Chocolate) (GGEG) (1.005x, 7HH, 1stm)Field Spaniel3669
LockedPnS HL DakotaAlaskan Malamute10114
LockedANA HollyAustralian Cattle Dog619
LockedMA HomerCarolina Dog3570
LockedIPnA JackRough Collie10111
LockedNHT JetClumber Spaniel321
LockedIPnO LakotaCentral Asian Shepherd9112
LockedNHT lala 13:1German Wirehaired Pointer113
LockedIPnA LeviDalmatian10112
LockedJAFr LuluLagotto Romagnolo1329
LockedNP MissyAustralian Cattle Dog619
LockedExFl NewtonScottish Deerhound3574
LockedExT IBLM NukmeraGerman Wirehaired Pointer3684
LockedJAFr PebblesLagotto Romagnolo1429
LockedIPnP PepperCentral Asian Shepherd10112
LockedJPnA PetraDalmatian10112
LockedNFT Puppy 2German Wirehaired Pointer113
LockedAPnFr QueenieLagotto Romagnolo1330
LockedNRO ReddClumber Spaniel421
LockedJPnA RubyRough Collie9111
LockedJPnFT RustyClumber Spaniel321
LockedExFr ~BR~ SaleShiba Inu35101
LockedIPnA SamBorder Collie940
LockedPnFl SandyBorder Collie940
LockedIPnSh SapphireBull Terrier10106
LockedChHu CREWE ShiftBrussels Griffon3891
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedSilver with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesJamthund114
LockedNHT SnowfallClumber Spaniel321
LockedChM 4GOD Specklinia-1000xGreater Swiss Mountain Dog4082
LockedJPnA StellaBorder Collie840
LockedANA SummetAustralian Cattle Dog719
LockedIPnO TechBull Terrier9106
LockedNSh YellowClumber Spaniel521
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNSh 1Clumber Spaniel216
LockedNHT 11Clumber Spaniel216
LockedNT 6HH | spd boost | GGEEJamthund18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedaDogue de Bordeaux18
LockedNA AceRough Collie111
LockedNT AkilsNeapolitan Mastiff230
LockedExD AvaSloughi3370
LockedNRO BearShih Tzu234
LockedAPnHu BellaBeagle1283
LockedNE BellaWire Fox Terrier317
LockedNSh Birch BarkBichon Frise18
LockedExHT ~FTK~ Black||7HH||lalaThai Ridgeback Dog3672
LockedNA BrandyBorder Collie530
LockedNH BuddyBorder Collie530
LockedNHu candyPomeranian110
LockedAPnM -:X:- CaseyAkita Inu1329
LockedNT ChampBorder Collie430
LockedNFl ChanceBorder Collie530
LockedNH TCCC CharlieAidi314
LockedND Chin ChinCurly Coated Retriever111
LockedNP Chin ChinCurly Coated Retriever111
LockedNHu ChloeBichon Frise333
LockedPnSh RofS CHOCOLATE [EEEE 24HH 4CHA lala 1.490x]Miniature Dachshund1119
LockedNO CocoRussell Terrier213
LockedNSh Creamy Cream Pie 5 HH 2 hhAlaskan Klee Kai413
LockedNE CrumpetWest Highland White Terrier113
LockedJPnP KREE DaleIrish Terrier897
LockedJPnA SIE DogAmerican Bulldog858
LockedNA Don’t askCatahoula Leopard Dog516
LockedJPnD EddieNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever789
LockedJPnHT EllaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever890
LockedNO EllieNorwich Terrier313
LockedJPnHu FelixPapillon624
LockedANFT FloofyNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever644
LockedMFl FOR SALEBorder Collie3379
LockedChHu LHCK FourAmerican Bully4083
LockedJPnW GlindaPortuguese Water Dog415
LockedNFl HeidiBorder Collie530
LockedNM JaneBernese Mountain Dog514
LockedNP JerryNewfoundland212
LockedNH KatieBorder Collie330
LockedANSh GPAC! kayTaiwan Dog686
LockedASc YAKOV lala GGGG SELLShikoku2356
LockedNSc LexiHovawart624
LockedNP LionheartAnatolian Shepherd18
LockedNSh LOKIPomeranian110
LockedNRO LucienPomeranian214
LockedNT LuckyBorder Collie330
LockedPnFr LucyGreyhound1098
LockedNE LukeMiniature Bull Terrier524
LockedNP MadelineGreat Pyrenees18
LockedNA MickBorder Collie330
LockedNT TCCC MiloBasset Hound314
LockedNA MiloPomeranian214
LockedNH MiloBorder Collie330
LockedJPnH TVH MishkaBearded Collie818
LockedPnHu MollyPorcelaine1182
LockedIPnH NellieRough Collie1020
LockedJAO Never regret anything that made you smileBichon Frise1439
LockedExM RhrN No LuckBichon Frise3968
LockedJPnD REEFL OxenStaffordshire Bull Terrier217
LockedAH PuffRough Collie2234
LockedND Puppy 2Standard Poodle111
LockedNS WMK* Puppy 2Chinook18
LockedNSh Puppy 3Japanese Chin110
LockedANFr RaincloudScottish Deerhound596
LockedNSh RoccoPomeranian214
LockedNA RockyBorder Collie330
LockedExSc Roman Empire's Elysium Unconquered Heart PrimusAmerican Bully3583
LockedJPnFT RoseNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever778
LockedNT RosieBorder Collie430
LockedNA RoxieBorder Collie330
LockedNRO RuaSaluki19
LockedNA SadieBorder Collie330
LockedAM SamanthaJamthund2041
LockedANHu GPAC! SarahBasenji685
LockedJPnFr Alpin SlyFinnish Lapphund680
LockedJPnFr sAg3 target runSloughi1031
LockedJPnSc ExHT •EnK TBRG Gen2 FM1 [9/4 Lla stm str]Tosa Inu3871
LockedAPnFr To live will be an awfully big adventureBichon Frise1336
LockedPnE VelvetIrish Terrier634
LockedJPnP VioletNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever787
LockedJPnH StoHO [1.000] llaBelgian Malinois818
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNH *666* 24HH Wrecked SunshineBorder Collie319
LockedExSc FurT 3 HH 13 Hh 8 hh GFFG 11 ShadowAppenzeller Mountain Dog3473
LockedANRO TCCC ABC {2HH 2hh} (1) Snow like a falling skyBichon Frise516
LockedANRO TCCC ABC {3HH 3hh Lla} (1) Dove wings like an angelBichon Frise516
LockedJPnO TCCC ABC {3HH 5hh} (1) Curling windstorm in the cloudsBichon Frise616
LockedJPnRO TCCC ABC {4HH 3hh lla} (1) Blessing from an angelBichon Frise616
LockedJPnHu TCCC ABC {4HH 4hh} (1) Crashing thunderBichon Frise516
LockedJPnHu TCCC ABC {5HH 1hh} (1) Winter has comeBichon Frise516
LockedANT TCCC ABC {5HH 3hh lla} (1) Queen of the castleBichon Frise516
LockedJPnSh TCCC ABC {5HH 4hh} (1) Fizz crackle popBichon Frise616
LockedANHu TCCC ABC {6HH 2hh LL} (1) Dance like nobody’s watchingBichon Frise516
LockedANRO TCCC ABC {6HH 3hh lala} (1) Beauty is what’s in the soulBichon Frise516
LockedNW Alice A92Saint Bernard418
LockedPnT PEPR AlpineCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1129
LockedNHu AmberBeagle314
LockedANA AngelBorder Collie530
LockedANA AnnieBorder Collie530
LockedNO AsterCarpathian Shepherd18
LockedNA BaileyBorder Collie330
LockedNH BarklyBorder Collie316
LockedNFl BentleyBorder Collie330
LockedPnHu BernadetteBeagle1281
LockedPnT BlazeBeagle1281
LockedPnT PCKC BlueyBriard1237
LockedJPnA BonzoCzechoslovakian Wolfdog874
LockedNM BoomerCarolina Dog341
LockedAPnA BossyBoston Terrier1432
LockedNR BumbleIrish Wolfhound421
LockedIPnT BuntyBeagle1181
LockedAPnFT xSMx CasperChesapeake Bay Retriever1293
LockedAA Cassius {3:6}American Bulldog2166
LockedJPnT RWTS ChaseBeagle758
LockedNSc CloeBriard624
LockedANSh CocoChihuahua624
LockedNH Darkspell Silver BulletBorder Collie18
LockedNSh DriftFrench Bulldog315
LockedNH WNFK EEEEBorder Collie112
LockedANFl Elizabeth A9Saint Bernard620
LockedJPnP Emily A3Saint Bernard826
LockedNHu EmmaDachshund218
LockedNH Fox *You have to be Odd to be number 1*Border Collie313
LockedNT GeraldDachshund318
LockedMSh GinnyBoston Terrier3065
LockedPnFl GraceBeagle1180
LockedNH GravyBorder Collie313
LockedNHu GrumbleBeagle314
LockedJPnP Helena A4Saint Bernard725
LockedJPnT HollyBeagle8102
LockedIPnSh TCCC JackieAmerican Pit Bull Terrier923
LockedJPnP Julia A5Saint Bernard724
LockedANP Katy A7Saint Bernard622
LockedNM kk ee BB DD slsl awaw SS mm rr tt Ccch gg lla agistm intstm 3HH 6hhAkita110
LockedNM kk ee BB DD slsl awaw Ssp mm rr tt cchcw gg Uu LlAkita19
LockedNM Kk Eme BB DD slsl AyAy sisw mm rr tt Cce gg uu llaAkita19
LockedNM LadyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier18
LockedNHu Lavender BulletBeagle18
LockedJPnFl o>w LeynBorder Collie632
LockedJPnP Lola A6Saint Bernard723
LockedJPnA LuckyDalmatian998
LockedAPnS MaluAlaskan Husky1180
LockedND MaxLabrador Retriever114
LockedIPnP Max ASaint Bernard1028
LockedANHu MaximusBeagle667
LockedNR MaximusAfghan Hound318
LockedANSh MillieChihuahua518
LockedNM MollyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier18
LockedJPnT TCCC NoahAustralian Shepherd819
LockedNHu NorkaChihuahua213
LockedANT Olivia *Livi*Australian Shepherd517
LockedJPnFr Pepper “Trickster”Afghan Hound826
LockedNHT PerdyDalmatian315
LockedNH FEFE PerfectBorder Collie18
LockedNP PetalLabrador Retriever417
LockedAHu PRSS PippaFrench Bulldog2786
LockedJPnM PixieBasenji624
LockedNHT PongoDalmatian415
LockedANFl Poppy A91Saint Bernard619
LockedNT QueenieBeagle18
LockedNRO RoccoCarolina Dog317
LockedNRO RockyPomeranian114
LockedGCO Roman Empire's Elysium Duke of Wrath PrimusAmerican Bully3681
LockedNHu RomeoPomeranian114
LockedNH Rose- “On petal Wings”Border Collie313
LockedNFl JLM SammyAustralian Shepherd19
LockedJPnT SkyBeagle9103
LockedJPnP Sky A8Saint Bernard721
LockedNFl Tabby A93Saint Bernard317
LockedJPnO TammyAnatolian Shepherd724
LockedNH TigerstripesCarpathian Shepherd18
LockedJPnH TillyAnatolian Shepherd724
LockedNFr TuckerLabrador Retriever214
LockedJPnFl TundraBorder Collie6114
LockedNO ZigzagCarpathian Shepherd18
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked1Great Pyrenees114
Locked10Great Pyrenees114
LockedNO ARES 101 ShepherdsGerman Shepherd Dog318
Locked12Great Pyrenees114
Locked13Great Pyrenees114
Locked13Great Pyrenees114
Locked14Great Pyrenees114
Locked14Great Pyrenees114
Locked14Great Pyrenees114
Locked15Great Pyrenees114
Locked15Great Pyrenees114
Locked15Great Pyrenees114
Locked16Great Pyrenees114
Locked16Great Pyrenees114
Locked16Great Pyrenees114
Locked17Great Pyrenees114
Locked17Great Pyrenees114
LockedNCSh StFr 17 HH 7 Hh EEEE 41 JalkTibetan Spaniel5178
Locked18Great Pyrenees114
Locked18Great Pyrenees114
Locked19Great Pyrenees114
Locked19Great Pyrenees114
Locked19Great Pyrenees114
Locked2Great Pyrenees114
Locked2Great Pyrenees114
Locked2Great Pyrenees114
Locked2Great Pyrenees114
Locked20Great Pyrenees114
Locked20Great Pyrenees114
Locked3Great Pyrenees114
Locked3Great Pyrenees114
Locked3Great Pyrenees114
Locked3Great Pyrenees114
Locked4Great Pyrenees114
Locked4Great Pyrenees114
Locked4Great Pyrenees114
LockedJPnO 4E CaucCaucasian Ovtcharka538
Locked5Great Pyrenees114
Locked5Great Pyrenees114
Locked5Great Pyrenees114
Locked5Great Pyrenees114
Locked6Great Pyrenees114
Locked7Great Pyrenees114
Locked7Great Pyrenees114
Locked7Great Pyrenees114
Locked8Great Pyrenees114
Locked8Great Pyrenees114
Locked9Great Pyrenees114
Locked9Great Pyrenees114
Locked9Great Pyrenees114
LockedNFT AmberGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedNS NP Amber {Lla 7:5}Canadian Eskimo Dog112
LockedExH ANAS ArtemisAustralian Cattle Dog3580
LockedMSh KIRA Atlas allergyChihuahua2682
LockedNHT BellaGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedNHu Bolder {2:4}American Bulldog417
LockedNSc BoltGerman Shepherd Dog116
LockedIPnSc TCCC BraxenGerman Shepherd Dog947
LockedSDKK9 CinderGerman Shorthaired Pointer18
LockedIPnW TCCC Clear WatersGerman Shepherd Dog521
LockedNHT CocoGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedIPnSc TCCC ConfidentGerman Shepherd Dog947
LockedANT TCCC Cresent MoonGerman Shepherd Dog621
LockedNT EddieDachshund19
LockedNRO ElleGerman Shorthaired Pointer517
LockedNSh Ember {7:6}Chihuahua112
LockedFEMALE PUPPYGerman Shorthaired Pointer18
LockedExSc [*SB] FlashGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3680
LockedNHT HaileyGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedJPnH Herd 1Border Collie1041
LockedNSh HollyGerman Shorthaired Pointer113
LockedNH HollyCzechoslovakian Wolfdog316
LockedIPnFT JennyGerman Shorthaired Pointer822
LockedJetGerman Shepherd Dog116
LockedNHT LillyGerman Shorthaired Pointer110
LockedNHT LivyGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedNHT LucyGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedNSh MahoganyGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedNSh MaybellGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedNT TCCC MikaGerman Shepherd Dog418
LockedANSc Moony~Wormtail~Padfoot~ProngsGerman Shepherd Dog268
LockedJPnS New Line *Gracie* {lla 3:2}Canadian Eskimo Dog316
LockedNA Peachy Pie {7:6}Chihuahua112
LockedNHT PheobieGerman Shorthaired Pointer111
LockedPuppy 4German Shorthaired Pointer110
LockedPuppy 5German Shorthaired Pointer18
LockedDiABL RerunGerman Shorthaired Pointer18
LockedExP Roman Empire's Elysium Mack-Truck PrimusAmerican Bully3484
LockedGCO Roman Empire's Elysium Ocean Depths PrimusAmerican Bully3688
LockedJPnRO RomeoFrench Bulldog7117
LockedNRO BLKMB RubyChihuahua422
LockedNT SandyBorder Collie312
LockedIPnSh SentimentallyDalmatian1142
LockedANH SokuBorder Collie6116
LockedNS Speckled Sky {6:2}Canadian Eskimo Dog317
LockedANRO BLKMB SusieChihuahua422
LockedNT Alpin TommyBorder Collie19
LockedIPnT Track 2Caucasian Ovtcharka738
LockedPnSc NSh WTWKs Wailin' Spirit {Lla 4:4}Belgian Sheepdog1226
LockedNM WispDalmatian213


  • Aurora the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny Aurora the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • Cinderella the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny Cinderella the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • Gothel the Blackbird Gothel the Blackbird
  • Simba the Champagne Hamster Simba the Champagne Hamster
  • Norbert the Fiery Egg Norbert the Fiery Egg
  • Belle the French Lop Bunny Belle the French Lop Bunny
  • Mulan the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Mulan the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Mushu the Green Baby Dragon Mushu the Green Baby Dragon
  • Saphira the Iridescent Dragon Saphira the Iridescent Dragon
  • Minnie the Little Black Lamb Minnie the Little Black Lamb
  • Elsa the Mean Siamese Cat Elsa the Mean Siamese Cat
  • Anna the Nubian Goat Anna the Nubian Goat
  • Hercules the Ruby Hippogriff Hercules the Ruby Hippogriff
  • Astrid the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Astrid the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Bambi the Timid Fawn Bambi the Timid Fawn
  • Raya the Variegated Sea Dragon Raya the Variegated Sea Dragon
    Telling a story to...
  • Jafar the Brown Snake Jafar the Brown Snake
  • Scar the Chocolate Hamster Scar the Chocolate Hamster
  • Malifecent the Purple Baby Dragon Malifecent the Purple Baby Dragon
  • Mordu the Wolpertinger Mordu the Wolpertinger
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked1Belgian Tervuren114
Locked10Belgian Tervuren114
Locked10Belgian Tervuren114
Locked11Belgian Tervuren114
Locked11Belgian Tervuren114
Locked12Belgian Tervuren114
Locked12Belgian Tervuren114
Locked13Belgian Tervuren114
Locked14Belgian Tervuren114
Locked15Belgian Tervuren114
Locked15Belgian Tervuren114
Locked16Belgian Tervuren114
Locked19Belgian Tervuren114
Locked2Belgian Tervuren114
Locked2Belgian Tervuren114
Locked2Belgian Tervuren114
Locked20Belgian Tervuren114
Locked20Belgian Tervuren114
Locked3Belgian Tervuren114
Locked3Belgian Tervuren114
Locked3Belgian Tervuren114
Locked3Belgian Tervuren114
Locked3Belgian Tervuren114
Locked3Belgian Tervuren114
Locked3Belgian Tervuren114
Locked4Belgian Tervuren114
Locked4Belgian Tervuren114
Locked4Belgian Tervuren114
Locked4Belgian Tervuren114
Locked4Belgian Tervuren114
Locked5Belgian Tervuren114
Locked5Belgian Tervuren114
Locked5Belgian Tervuren114
Locked5Belgian Tervuren114
Locked5Belgian Tervuren114
Locked5Belgian Tervuren114
Locked5Belgian Tervuren114
Locked5Belgian Tervuren114
Locked5Belgian Tervuren114
Locked6Belgian Tervuren114
Locked6Belgian Tervuren114
Locked6Belgian Tervuren114
Locked6Belgian Tervuren114
Locked6Belgian Tervuren114
Locked6Belgian Tervuren114
Locked6Belgian Tervuren114
Locked6Belgian Tervuren114
Locked7Belgian Tervuren114
Locked7Belgian Tervuren114
Locked7Belgian Tervuren114
Locked7Belgian Tervuren114
Locked7Belgian Tervuren114
Locked8Belgian Tervuren114
Locked8Belgian Tervuren114
Locked8Belgian Tervuren114
Locked8Belgian Tervuren114
Locked8Belgian Tervuren114
Locked8Belgian Tervuren114
Locked8Belgian Tervuren114
Locked9Belgian Tervuren114
Locked9Belgian Tervuren114
Locked9Belgian Tervuren114
Locked9Belgian Tervuren114
Locked9Belgian Tervuren114
LockedNH NO ^0^ Black and White (Piebald)Central Asian Shepherd317
LockedNH Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedJPnO Brindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd317
LockedNH Brindle Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black GrizzleCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedJPnT Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd417
LockedJPnP Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd317
LockedJPnT Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd417
LockedJPnS DixieSiberian Husky7109
LockedNP Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedIPnFr LuluCentral Asian Shepherd1033
LockedPuppy 1Golden Retriever16
LockedNH Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedJPnA Silver and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd417
LockedJPnO Silver and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd417
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedBlackCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlackCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlackCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlackCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNM BlackCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedNH Black and White (Extreme Piebald) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd318
LockedBlack and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedJPnH Black and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd417
LockedBlack and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish) with Tan Points and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedANH Black and White (Irish) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd317
LockedJPnFl Black and White (Irish) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd417
LockedNO Black and White (Irish) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedANH Black and White (Irish) with Ticking and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd317
LockedBlack and White (Piebald)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Piebald) with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Piebald) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Piebald) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Piebald) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNH Brindle Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd318
LockedBrindle Black and White (Piebald) with Tan Points, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Black with Red Points and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedJPnP Brindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd317
LockedBrindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNA Brindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedBrindle Cream with Black GrizzleCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedJPnT Brindle Cream with Black Sable and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd517
LockedBrindle Cream with Steel Blue SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedJPnO Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd721
LockedBrindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNP Brindle Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd318
LockedBrindle Fawn and White (Piebald) with Steel Blue SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNA Brindle Fawn with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd318
LockedJPnFl Brindle Red and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd318
LockedBrindle Red and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Steel Blue and White (Extreme Piebald) with Tan Points, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNO ChocolateCentral Asian Shepherd318
LockedCreamCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCreamCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedNH Cream and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd318
LockedJPnO Cream and White (Irish) with Black GrizzleCentral Asian Shepherd317
LockedCream and White (Irish) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Irish) with Black Sable and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNH Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedCream and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Irish) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNSh Cream and White (Irish) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedCream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedJPnA Fawn and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd318
LockedNP Fawn and White (Irish) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd318
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNP Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedJPnP Fawn and White (Irish) with Steel Blue Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd317
LockedJPnFl Fawn and White (Piebald)Central Asian Shepherd418
LockedFawn and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNH Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedNH Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedFawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Black Grizzle and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedJPnA Fawn with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd417
LockedNP Fawn with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedJPnO Fawn with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd417
LockedJPnM Fawn with Steel Blue SableCentral Asian Shepherd417
LockedFawn with Steel Blue Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Steel Blue Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRedCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed and White (Irish) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNSh Red and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedRed and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed with Black Grizzle and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNP Red with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd218
LockedRed with Black Sable and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNO Roaned Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd318
LockedRoaned Brindle Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRoaned Brindle Silver and White (Piebald) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNP Roaned Cream and White (Piebald)Central Asian Shepherd218
LockedRoaned Fawn and White (Irish) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRoaned Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedSilverCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedSilverCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedSilver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedNP Silver with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd318
LockedSilver with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedSteel BlueCentral Asian Shepherd114
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedBlackCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlackCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlackCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Extreme Piebald) with Tan Points and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish) with Cream Points, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish) with Ticking and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Irish) with Ticking and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Piebald)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Piebald)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Piebald) with Cream Points and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack and White (Piebald) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBlack with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Black and White (Irish) with Tan Points and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Black and White (Irish) with Tan Points, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Black with Cream PointsCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream with Black GrizzleCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Cream with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Fawn and White (Piebald) with Steel Blue SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Fawn with Black Grizzle and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Fawn with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Fawn with Faded Blue Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Fawn with Steel Blue Grizzle and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Red and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Red and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Red with Black Grizzle and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Red with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Red with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedBrindle Silver with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black GrizzleCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Irish) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream and White (Piebald) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedCream with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawnCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawnCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawnCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Black Grizzle, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Black SableCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Steel Blue Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedFawn with Steel Blue Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRedCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRedCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRedCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, and TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed and White (Irish) with Black Sable, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Ticking, and Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed with Black GrizzleCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRed with Light UndersidesCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedRoaned Fawn and White (Irish)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedRoaned Fawn and White (Piebald)Central Asian Shepherd114
LockedRoaned Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable and MaskCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedSilver with Black GrizzleCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedSteel BlueCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedSteel Blue and White (Piebald) with TickingCentral Asian Shepherd114

Game Time

06:23pm on Mar 9

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