The Multiverse

Random Doggos
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
28 Locked Dogs
Tracking 2 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
These rolling hills are littered with fluffy wuffy bunny warrens! Hopefully their population won't get too much more out of control.
Temmies and Doggos
Medium Critter Pasture
10 Critters
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Locked Dogs

LockedBaislyBearded Collie18
LockedJPnA BearBearded Collie756
LockedJAT BitzVizsla15101
LockedPnFl BlipRedbone Coonhound1329
LockedJAH CassieBorder Collie1744
LockedJAHu ChanceCavalier King Charles Spaniel14109
LockedJPnH TMv ChaserBorder Collie919
LockedAPnT ChimeBeagle1432
LockedAT ChuRedbone Coonhound1979
LockedFor StudJPnSh |CCK| FergieCavalier King Charles Spaniel9101
LockedANT FlakeCavalier King Charles Spaniel615
LockedJAT FloopBeagle1644
LockedAT JouRedbone Coonhound1954
LockedJPnHu LeapRedbone Coonhound717
LockedANFl LeotineBearded Collie762
LockedANA MaebryBearded Collie662
LockedJAHu PacerRedbone Coonhound1641
LockedAPnH PepBorder Collie1532
LockedNH Puppy 3Bearded Collie550
LockedANSh Rescue BlueEnglish Toy Spaniel615
LockedNSc Rescue ChanceGerman Shepherd Dog516
LockedANSh Rescue GreenEnglish Toy Spaniel615
LockedANSh Rescue RedEnglish Toy Spaniel615
LockedNA RiordanBearded Collie154
LockedNH RoverBorder Collie114
LockedAHu SnowdinCavalier King Charles Spaniel1875
LockedPnRO TMv SplotchCavalier King Charles Spaniel1129
LockedIPnT TMv StrideRedbone Coonhound1026


  • SkyCollie the Blackbird SkyCollie the Blackbird
  • Nightmare the Brown Snake Nightmare the Brown Snake
  • Michael the Silver Hamster Michael the Silver Hamster
  • Herd the Sparrow Herd the Sparrow
  • Champagne Hamster Champagne Hamster
  • Fiver the French Lop Bunny Fiver the French Lop Bunny
    pet Complete
  • Fuzzy the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny Fuzzy the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • Melon the Friendly Spider Melon the Friendly Spider
  • Ollie the Arctic Fox Ollie the Arctic Fox
  • Lloyd the Green Baby Dragon Lloyd the Green Baby Dragon

Game Time

12:40am on Mar 25

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