Northern Blues

Main PropertyWoodland Hills
Papillon Female
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
45 Locked Dogs
Papillon Male
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
15 Locked Dogs
West Siberian Laika F
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
26 Locked Dogs
West Siberian Laika M
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
English Shepherd F
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
14 Locked Dogs
English Shepherd M
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
3 Locked Dogs
Veterans <3
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
10 Locked Dogs
Icelandic Sheepdog F
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
Icelandic Sheepdog M
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
4 Locked Dogs
Border Collie F
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
20 Locked Dogs
Border Collie M
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
6 Locked Dogs
Silken Windhound F
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
26 Locked Dogs
Silken Windhound M
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
5 Locked Dogs
Eurasier Female
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
15 Locked Dogs
Eurasier Male
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
6 Locked Dogs
Critter Town
22 Critters
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCM IPnA C&DK; Black Goddess [24\0 4E Lla INTX2]Papillon5197
LockedASh BonBonBonPapillon1745
LockedPnA Broileri-SatayPapillon1129
LockedAPnSh Chocolate DreamPapillon1229
LockedJASh DisconightPapillon1645
LockedAPnO Dream Carrot CakePapillon1229
LockedAPnRO Dream Honey CakePapillon1229
LockedASh EmmyleePapillon1745
LockedASh FiiaPapillon1745
LockedJAT InocenciaPapillon1844
LockedASh Kartanon TilliPapillon1744
LockedCCM Ihi's Keep Believing 1.545Papillon5880
LockedARO Kortti KorttelissaPapillon1644
LockedPnFr Lady LiliaPapillon1129
LockedASh Loimaa-LoviisaPapillon1844
LockedJPnSh JAHu QnRn Madame ButterflyPapillon1638
LockedMSh Mary PosaPapillon3147
LockedJASh Midnight SkyPapillon1645
LockedASh morning dearPapillon1844
LockedASh Noitien NemesisPapillon1844
LockedAPnSh Northern Blues Black PippinPapillon1242
LockedASh Northern Blues Can You Be TruePapillon1887
LockedASh Northern Blues Charlotte's Dream GirlPapillon2081
LockedARO Northern Blues Little HeartbeatPapillon2181
LockedAHu Northern Blues Me Like YouPapillon2082
LockedASh NB'S Northern Blues Miss WorldPapillon25102
LockedASh NB'S Northern Blues Red StarPapillon22104
LockedASh Northern Blues Royal Baby BluePapillon2084
LockedNSh Northern Blues Special SkyPapillon18
LockedASh NB'S Northern Blues Strong HeartPapillon25101
LockedASh Northern Blues Superstar of the NightPapillon2187
LockedASh Northern Blues The Little Joy of LifePapillon2082
LockedASh NB'S Northern Blues Wake Me UpPapillon2294
LockedASh NB'S Ollakko Kesäyön HallaPapillon2294
LockedAPnHu Omg, What is ThisPapillon1129
LockedPnSh Pippin Love LogicPapillon1143
LockedASh NB'S Rakastettava RiiviöPapillon2394
LockedAPnO Really CutePapillon1129
LockedAPnHu Soft HugsPapillon1129
LockedJPnO APnSh Sweet VanillaPapillon1232
LockedAPnRO This is CutePapillon1229
LockedJPnHu UnitonttuPapillon115
LockedNSh Vanilla TouchPapillon116
LockedJAO NB'S Warm HugsPapillon1229
LockedAM ÄhäkuttiPapillon1844
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnM BellaWest Siberian Laika1038
LockedIPnHu ChloeWest Siberian Laika938
LockedJPnM Fireball Foxy FantasyWest Siberian Laika741
LockedAFr Fireball Vom WallacehausWest Siberian Laika1691
LockedJPnFr Giant GingerWest Siberian Laika727
LockedIPnHu LadyWest Siberian Laika1038
LockedIPnO Laran LilliWest Siberian Laika643
LockedPnM LexiWest Siberian Laika1138
LockedIPnFr LilyWest Siberian Laika1038
LockedIPnO LumoojaWest Siberian Laika643
LockedIPnSc MollyWest Siberian Laika938
LockedJPnP Olga OrvokkiWest Siberian Laika743
LockedJPnP Optima OliviaWest Siberian Laika727
LockedIPnT PennyWest Siberian Laika1038
LockedJPnFr Pinkie PromisesWest Siberian Laika742
LockedJPnM Puppia Peek-A-PooWest Siberian Laika741
LockedANFr ^•^ Razzle Dazzle SilverstreamWest Siberian Laika519
LockedIPnFr Sadepäivän KastehelmiWest Siberian Laika842
LockedJPnM Sadepäivän PoutahetkiWest Siberian Laika742
LockedIPnM SparkyWest Siberian Laika1038
LockedChHu Superior's I Am Melinoe GEEE 10HHWest Siberian Laika3898
LockedPnFr Tessan LempiWest Siberian Laika843
LockedIPnFr Werraton WeronaWest Siberian Laika843
LockedIPnA WispWest Siberian Laika1038
LockedIPnFr Zaran ZinniaWest Siberian Laika841
LockedIPnSh ZoeyWest Siberian Laika1038
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAFr MB26 BullWest Siberian Laika16103
LockedIPnM FaaraoWest Siberian Laika926
LockedJPnM HH666 Mango JrWest Siberian Laika894
LockedJPnT Optima ObelixWest Siberian Laika627
LockedIPnFr Pennin PyöryläWest Siberian Laika843
LockedIPnP Sniiki Vei Lilyn rahatWest Siberian Laika742
LockedPnFr TaistoWest Siberian Laika1026
LockedIPnFr Zaran ZazuWest Siberian Laika841
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnA Best Of My LifeEnglish Shepherd1437
LockedMO NiSa DangerEnglish Shepherd3475
LockedPnH Eiffel TowerEnglish Shepherd1239
LockedJPnO Full Moon DesirééEnglish Shepherd642
LockedAPnH NB'S Golden FireEnglish Shepherd1343
LockedJPnT Halloum CheeseEnglish Shepherd829
LockedIPnT I lost the gameEnglish Shepherd833
LockedAH KonaEnglish Shepherd2676
LockedJPnA Northern Blues Glory Fields Of LionkingEnglish Shepherd843
LockedJAH Ochlodes sylvanusEnglish Shepherd1643
LockedIPnH Shark or DolphineEnglish Shepherd927
LockedAPnO SnowstromEnglish Shepherd1243
LockedPnFl NB'S Yasminee YoleenEnglish Shepherd1455
LockedAPnH NB'S Yosemite YardEnglish Shepherd1455
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAFl Bluish SkyEnglish Shepherd1637
LockedAPnH Electric DangerEnglish Shepherd1227
LockedJAH PARIS Kinder 19 HHEnglish Shepherd1753
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAR Golden TiaraSilken Windhound19115
LockedMT FlyR Ice LeopardBorder Collie32115
LockedJASh LIP LIP I Love YouEurasier17116
LockedMH FlyR Luna IIBorder Collie30116
LockedAFl Northern Blues Sneaky HamsterSilken Windhound22117
LockedAR Northern Blues Wonderful EveningSilken Windhound21117
LockedAPnSh Offical RedEurasier15106
LockedFor StudIPnT JASc LkSD PineWest Siberian Laika15115
LockedAR dahl Valley's Silken Windhound lvl 29Silken Windhound32112
LockedJARO Wonderful BlackieEurasier14106
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnM AzaleaIcelandic Sheepdog1141
LockedAPnH BelargoniaIcelandic Sheepdog1241
LockedJPnH Casino Of NinjaIcelandic Sheepdog927
LockedAA 3Cs EEEE 24HH Mountain FoxIcelandic Sheepdog1944
LockedJAA 3Cs EEEE 24HH ReesaIcelandic Sheepdog1743
LockedPnA ElämänlankaIcelandic Sheepdog1141
LockedPnH Four wind hatIcelandic Sheepdog1139
LockedIPnHu Great Shine DallasIcelandic Sheepdog841
LockedIPnH Snow DarlingIcelandic Sheepdog927
LockedIPnH Snow PrincessIcelandic Sheepdog1027
LockedPnFl NB'S Ten Little MonkeysIcelandic Sheepdog1139
LockedIPnA Top TenIcelandic Sheepdog1139
LockedPnFl Twenty Four SevenIcelandic Sheepdog1239
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnH TPKO Daisy RunIcelandic Sheepdog1234
LockedJAH 3Cs EEEE 24HH PlumIcelandic Sheepdog1844
LockedJPnH Great Future KingIcelandic Sheepdog841
LockedIPnA Nature Of NinjaIcelandic Sheepdog927
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExT ~KRK~ 11HH EEEE lalaBorder Collie3596
LockedNH HermovaurioBorder Collie19
LockedNFr Hot CocoaBorder Collie19
LockedMH JLM KarmaBorder Collie3265
LockedIPnA Karma KillerBorder Collie936
LockedNFl Little Fluffy BunnyBorder Collie19
LockedIPnFl Look Like a SuperstarBorder Collie920
LockedIPnFl Look Like MoviestarBorder Collie1020
LockedPnA Northern Blues Game OnBorder Collie936
LockedIPnFr Northern Blues Space and StarsBorder Collie920
LockedIPnT AFSK Puppy 2Border Collie920
LockedIPnA ATSWK Puppy 6Border Collie1020
LockedAPnH WsRa Red Sea-**EEEEBorder Collie1459
LockedJPnP Sunset BambiBorder Collie721
LockedJAFl OTK´s Surun Pyyhit SilmistäniBorder Collie1533
LockedGCH LUKA Venus Kennel's - Just To See You SmileBorder Collie4895
LockedAPnT ~KRK~ WinterBorder Collie1332
LockedIPnFr RVK's Yoga YankeeBorder Collie725
LockedMH JLM ZendayaBorder Collie3073
LockedNH ÄlynväläysBorder Collie19
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnP E.K's ArveniaBorder Collie1133
LockedNT Black JamesBorder Collie19
LockedNT Donald DuckBorder Collie19
LockedWCH James [24]Border Collie67117
LockedNT Little Life SaverBorder Collie19
LockedIPnFl Northern Blues My Sweetie BoyBorder Collie1020
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAP Dyyligäs-DuuriSilken Windhound1537
LockedJAFr Edistynyt-ElonoraSilken Windhound1437
LockedAFr End Of NightSilken Windhound1980
LockedJAP eternal sunshine of the spotless mindSilken Windhound1437
LockedIPnR Follow MeSilken Windhound920
LockedPnFr Golden UnitySilken Windhound920
LockedJPnFl Imperium UnitySilken Windhound734
LockedJPnT Impossible GirlSilken Windhound734
LockedJAM Joy Of JubileeSilken Windhound1438
LockedJAR JuustonaksuSilken Windhound1538
LockedAR Keskitalven TulikettuSilken Windhound1980
LockedAFl Northern Blues Super Moon of the Next LifeSilken Windhound2175
LockedAR Northern Blues Exciting StorySilken Windhound2296
LockedAA Northern Blues Fallen FairySilken Windhound1980
LockedAFl Northern Blues Fiery Red DancerSilken Windhound1880
LockedAR Northern Blues Ghost GameSilken Windhound2299
LockedARO Northern Blues Honey HollowSilken Windhound2299
LockedAR Northern Blues IrinaSilken Windhound2094
LockedAP NB'S Northern Blues Sneaky NokkisSilken Windhound2490
LockedAFr Northern Blues Waiting For WinterSilken Windhound2180
LockedAFl Northern Blues Whistle like a birdSilken Windhound2075
LockedIPnFl Sweet CoffeeSilken Windhound1020
LockedJAR NB'S Uni-UntuvaSilken Windhound1537
LockedExT UnDu United Dutch HistorySilken Windhound3957
LockedPnFl Universal GlorySilken Windhound920
LockedAFr Uudenlumen UnikkoSilken Windhound2080
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAFr eternal love of dreamSilken Windhound1337
LockedPnR Hot SummerSilken Windhound820
LockedJAR OTK´s HurricaneSilken Windhound1648
LockedAFl NB'S Nappi (EEEE)Silken Windhound21102
LockedMR UnDu United Dutch Starchaser 24HHSilken Windhound3047
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMRO SPITZ Dark DroneEurasier2837
LockedCCHu Qanon E 1.000X M $50KEurasier56107
LockedJASh Prinssi AssiEurasier1440
LockedIPnRO Ruutu JätkäEurasier937
LockedIPnRO Twenny NightEurasier719
LockedJAT Wow What a WictoryEurasier1640


  • Pisku the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny Pisku the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • Snow Foxy the Arctic Fox Snow Foxy the Arctic Fox
  • KANA the Australorp Hen KANA the Australorp Hen
  • Piku the Black Hamster Piku the Black Hamster
  • Nemesis the Blackbird Nemesis the Blackbird
  • Kitty the Calico Persian Kitty the Calico Persian
  • Birdye the Canary Birdye the Canary
  • Blondie the Canary Blondie the Canary
  • Harry the Champagne Hamster Harry the Champagne Hamster
  • Coco the Chocolate Hamster Coco the Chocolate Hamster
  • Cola the Chocolate Hamster Cola the Chocolate Hamster
  • Magic the Copper Pegasus Magic the Copper Pegasus
  • Domi the Domestic Fox Domi the Domestic Fox
  • NoggiS the Gold Gryphon NoggiS the Gold Gryphon
  • LOHIkääRME the Green Baby Dragon LOHIkääRME the Green Baby Dragon
  • Lambi the Little Lamb Lambi the Little Lamb
  • Siska the Orange Persian Siska the Orange Persian
  • Patchy Fluffy Duckling Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Rico the Red Fox Rico the Red Fox
  • Sienna the Silver Unicorn Sienna the Silver Unicorn
  • Salvia the Sparrow Salvia the Sparrow
  • Bambi the Timid Fawn Bambi the Timid Fawn
    pet Complete

Game Time

06:52am on Mar 13

Welcome Guest

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