The Dog Home

My doggies
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
Aussie Shepherds
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
35 Locked Dogs
Beware of the bunnies
Critter Town
28 Critters
Border Collies
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
38 Locked Dogs
Breeding project
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
19 Locked Dogs
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Central Asian Shepherds
Basic Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
10 Locked Dogs
German Shepherds
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
16 Locked Dogs
Definitely not dogs
Medium Critter Pasture
10 Critters
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Fire Event Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Campfire Site
Follow the path between the trees to find a cozy campfire site in the middle of a small clearing, complete with benches to rest on and while you enjoy the dancing flames.
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChO -I=> AshleyLabrador Retriever3780
LockedJPnT ~TDH~ AuroraPuli822
LockedAH ~TDH~ BanditAustralian Cattle Dog2055
LockedAT ~TDH~ CaptainRedbone Coonhound2462
LockedAD {JJ} CocoGreenland Dog2360
LockedExD ~TDH~ CocoLabrador Retriever3296
LockedFor StudNCD ~TDH~ GhostAfghan Hound4591
LockedExHT HHk's GoldieLabrador Retriever40114
LockedExP GryffindorEnglish Shepherd3676
LockedPnT JackMiniature Australian Shepherd1230
LockedAT GWG KellyKelpie2033
LockedChFl ~TDH~ KingSwedish Vallhund47103
LockedND ~TDH~ LeonLagotto Romagnolo517
LockedChFT ~TDH~ LuckyLabrador Retriever40103
LockedMD ~TDH~ MajesticDoberman Pinscher2544
LockedUCE Briar MajorYorkshire Terrier60108
LockedJAW ~TDH~ MaverickLabrador Retriever1036
LockedAHu RuffB MoosePetit Basset Griffon Vendeen2380
LockedAPnFT C§A's MushroomWest Siberian Laika1523
LockedIPnH Poof OddballMaremma Sheepdog1021
LockedAA {JJ} PatchCatahoula Leopard Dog1845
LockedJAFr ReeceBeauceron1744
LockedJAM RoxieJamthund1440
LockedAPnA RustyKelpie1541
LockedMFT ~TDH~ RustyPetit Basset Griffon Vendeen3063
LockedAH ShaggyOld English Sheepdog2150
LockedMA SSF's SpotCatahoula Leopard Dog3388
LockedPnH ~TDH~ SybilBorder Collie1126
LockedAM Briar TaichungTaiwan Dog2459
LockedAPnH LK-15 VídalínCatahoula Leopard Dog1334
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedGCH ~TDH~ AjaxAustralian Shepherd4593
LockedMA ~TDH~ AlphaAustralian Shepherd3476
LockedExH ~TDH~ AresAustralian Shepherd3970
LockedMFl LK-15 BearAustralian Shepherd3170
LockedChO ~TDH~ BluestarAustralian Shepherd3778
LockedExD ~TDH~ BlueyAustralian Shepherd3357
LockedPnA ~TDH~ BounceAustralian Shepherd1021
LockedChFr ~TDH~ BoxerAustralian Shepherd4077
LockedChHu ~TDH~ ChanceAustralian Shepherd4281
LockedChH ~TDH~ CocaAustralian Shepherd4688
LockedChO ~TDH~ DaffodilAustralian Shepherd4281
LockedChA ~TDH~ DeanAustralian Shepherd4494
LockedGCA LK-15 DotAustralian Shepherd4697
LockedChHu ~TDH~ DreamAustralian Shepherd3973
LockedMFl ~TDH~ EchoAustralian Shepherd3155
LockedJAM ~TDH~ GraystormAustralian Shepherd1429
LockedGCA LK-15 HerderAustralian Shepherd45101
LockedGCFr LK-15 HrokiAustralian Shepherd4499
LockedExFr ~TDH~ IsabellaAustralian Shepherd3771
LockedMFl ~TDH~ JewelAustralian Shepherd3564
LockedChT ~TDH~ JynAustralian Shepherd4384
LockedExFr ~TDH~ KingAustralian Shepherd3669
LockedChT LK-15 LieutenantAustralian Shepherd43102
LockedChT NHu ~TDH~ LindtAustralian Shepherd4389
LockedMFr LK-15 LupinAustralian Shepherd2979
LockedExM ~TDH~ MaltAustralian Shepherd3970
LockedExT ~TDH~ MidnightAustralian Shepherd3873
LockedChSh ~TDH~ MonarchAustralian Shepherd41107
LockedExA ~TDH~ MoonriverAustralian Shepherd3567
LockedChA ~TDH~ OmegaAustralian Shepherd4181
LockedMO ~TDH~ OpalAustralian Shepherd2744
LockedMM ~TDH~ RiverAustralian Shepherd2966
LockedChFl ~TDH~ SamsonAustralian Shepherd4590
LockedChA WOLF| StripeyAustralian Shepherd46102
LockedMA ~TDH~ SunbeamAustralian Shepherd3263


  • Harry Potter and the EEGEW Harry Potter and the <b><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>E</font><font color=#FF01B4>G</font><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>W</font></b>
  • Hannah the Angus Calf Hannah the Angus Calf
  • Aragog the Friendly Spider Aragog the Friendly Spider
  • White Fang the Howling Gray Wolf White Fang the Howling Gray Wolf
  • Haerin the Orange Persian Haerin the Orange Persian
    feed Complete
  • Amethyst the Iridescent Dragon Amethyst the Iridescent Dragon
  • Mushu the Molten Chinese Dragon Mushu the Molten Chinese Dragon
  • Tsunami the Variegated Sea Dragon Tsunami the Variegated Sea Dragon
  • Magic the Zebra Unicorn Magic the Zebra Unicorn
  • Magma the Fiery Egg Magma the Fiery Egg
  • Lux the Gold Gryphon Lux the Gold Gryphon
  • Winter the Icy Phoenix Chick Winter the Icy Phoenix Chick
  • Crimson the Ruby Hippogriff Crimson the Ruby Hippogriff
  • Moonlight the Silver Unicorn Moonlight the Silver Unicorn
  • Flappy the Evil Rooster Flappy the <font color=red>Evil Rooster</font>
  • Mary the Little Lamb Mary the Little Lamb
  • Sooty the Little Black Lamb Sooty the Little Black Lamb
  • Daphinie the Calico Persian Daphinie the Calico Persian
  • Jax the Copper Pegasus Jax the Copper Pegasus
  • Spirit the Bold Spotted Pony Spirit the Bold Spotted Pony
  • Jumpy the French Lop Bunny Jumpy the French Lop Bunny
  • Tiffany the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny Tiffany the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • Fluffles the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny Fluffles the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • Quaker the Yellow Fluffy Duckling Quaker the Yellow Fluffy Duckling
  • Foxy the Rhode Island Red Hen Foxy the Rhode Island Red Hen
  • Blackie the Australorp Hen Blackie the Australorp Hen
  • Moonlight the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Moonlight the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Goldie the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Goldie the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExD ~TDH~ ApolloBorder Collie3458
LockedMT ~TDH~ ArrowBorder Collie2662
LockedChFl LK-15 BengalBorder Collie4497
LockedGCFl ~TDH~ BenjiBorder Collie5094
LockedJPnM ~TDH~ BiscuitBorder Collie615
LockedGCFr ~TDH~ BlizzardBorder Collie4694
LockedGCT ~TDH~ BondiBorder Collie48110
LockedNCFr ~TDH~ CalypsoBorder Collie49104
LockedGCFr ~TDH~ CamoBorder Collie4592
LockedChT OK500 CassieBorder Collie45106
LockedNFl ~TDH~ CharlieBorder Collie213
LockedIPnFl ~TDH~ ChaseBorder Collie1028
LockedExD ~TDH~ ChestnutBorder Collie3157
LockedMT ~TDH~ CobaltBorder Collie2554
LockedMH ~TDH~ EmberBorder Collie3482
LockedAH ~TDH~ FrostbiteBorder Collie2144
LockedExT ~TDH~ GlacierBorder Collie3871
LockedFor StudChT ~TDH~ Grayson IIBorder Collie40101
LockedGCA ~TDH~ HailstormBorder Collie46103
LockedGCM ~TDH~ HawkBorder Collie41110
LockedIPnFl ~TDH~ HermesBorder Collie824
LockedChH ~TDH~ HunterBorder Collie4587
LockedMT ~TDH~ IcicleBorder Collie2964
LockedExH ~TDH~ InfernoBorder Collie3978
LockedExSh ~TDH~ JinxBorder Collie3774
LockedChA ~TDH~ JulyBorder Collie44111
LockedJAHu ~TDH~ KobeBorder Collie1429
LockedGCHu ~TDH~ KoiBorder Collie4492
LockedChFl ~TDH~ PearlBorder Collie4382
LockedJAO ~TDH~ PhoenixBorder Collie1327
LockedExD ~TDH~ RavenBorder Collie3083
LockedChT ~TDH~ RexBorder Collie4083
LockedNCFl ~TDH~ RocketBorder Collie5198
LockedMT ~TDH~ RufusBorder Collie3174
LockedMO ~TDH~ ShiroBorder Collie3064
LockedMFr ~TDH~ SmolderBorder Collie2753
LockedGCP ~TDH~ StormBorder Collie46111
LockedJAH ~TDH~ WhiteoutBorder Collie1435
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCT QUEST AvalonGerman Shepherd Dog83100
LockedGCA AMI BayouAustralian Shepherd51102
LockedCCSc PiiB CometGerman Shepherd Dog56102
LockedWCHu RhrN Dani (Can be bred)Dachshund6291
LockedWCT DuncanPetit Basset Griffon Vendeen82102
LockedWCH HHD Fondue (Can be bred)Border Collie6299
LockedWCR Lupum GeorgeBorzoi65102
LockedCCT xBK Leo (Can be bred)Doberman Pinscher60104
LockedWCH HHD Maggie (Can be bred)Border Collie63100
LockedWCFl IBLM MarcoBorzoi74103
LockedWCR KREE Marigold (Can be bred)Afghan Hound72102
LockedNCSc AMI MatchaDoberman Pinscher50104
LockedWCSc ~DHM~ Mich (Can be bred)German Shepherd Dog75102
LockedNCH GEEK™ Ringtail (Can be bred)Border Collie6190
LockedGCT Qanon Rowley (Can be bred)Central Asian Shepherd52108
LockedNCSh 4GOD Shadow (Can be bred)Labrador Retriever52101
LockedCCR KREE SukiBasenji61108
LockedWCT DARKE Tex (Can be bred)German Shepherd Dog7699
LockedWCFl NCP ~TDH~ Troy (Can be bred)Australian Shepherd70109
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMRO BernardCentral Asian Shepherd2548
LockedChSh MFK7 BerthaCentral Asian Shepherd44107
LockedAO Ds2CR BleuzCentral Asian Shepherd18107
LockedMH ChampCentral Asian Shepherd3063
LockedNCH Roman HopeCentral Asian Shepherd5899
LockedMH MansonCentral Asian Shepherd3169
LockedMFl ~TDH~ MarcoCentral Asian Shepherd3169
LockedExO ~TDH~ PaintCentral Asian Shepherd36101
LockedPnFl EPPB RodneyCentral Asian Shepherd1227
LockedMRO SPNR UmberCentral Asian Shepherd3153
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedASh LK-15 AxelGerman Shepherd Dog1735
LockedJPnP ~TDH~ ClayGerman Shepherd Dog916
LockedGCSc ~TDH~ CosmosGerman Shepherd Dog45106
LockedMFl ~TDH~ EchoGerman Shepherd Dog3072
LockedMSh {SSK} FlashGerman Shepherd Dog3471
LockedWCW VoW HanGerman Shepherd Dog40103
LockedMT ~TDH~ HeraGerman Shepherd Dog3272
LockedExO ~TDH~ HerculesGerman Shepherd Dog3675
LockedGCT ~TDH~ KyloGerman Shepherd Dog4795
LockedExSh ~TDH~ LumosGerman Shepherd Dog3774
LockedGCSc ~TDH~ LupaGerman Shepherd Dog49103
LockedMT Bunie NellieGerman Shepherd Dog3177
LockedMSh ZEZ StardustGerman Shepherd Dog3470
LockedExSc *SD* SteelGerman Shepherd Dog43107
LockedExA ~TDH~ ThunderGerman Shepherd Dog3661
LockedExSc TitaniumGerman Shepherd Dog4083


  • Crystal the Blue Baby Dragon Crystal the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Flame the Red Baby Dragon Flame the Red Baby Dragon
  • Mars the Chocolate Hamster Mars the Chocolate Hamster
  • Emerald the Green Baby Dragon Emerald the Green Baby Dragon
  • Amethyst the Purple Baby Dragon Amethyst the Purple Baby Dragon
  • Twitter the Sparrow Twitter the Sparrow
  • FireStar the Mean Orange Tabby Cat FireStar the Mean Orange Tabby Cat
  • Jay the Blackbird Jay the Blackbird
  • Bambi the Timid Fawn Bambi the Timid Fawn
  • Salazar the Brown Snake Salazar the Brown Snake
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedGCA JAT I.nk BushfireAustralian Shepherd55106
LockedChH ~TDH~ CliffAppenzeller Mountain Dog47118
LockedGCS ~TDH~ DamianoGreenland Dog41102
LockedGCP ~TDH~ FlameBorder Collie42112
LockedChFl ~TDH~ FrostyBorder Collie41112
LockedGCO ~TDH~ GemBorder Collie42106
LockedExHu THF's GumtreeAustralian Cattle Dog40102
LockedChO ~TDH~ LokiBorder Collie39112
LockedGCD ~TDH~ LynxBorder Collie38112
LockedChM tm° MajorGreat Dane49106
LockedExT IPnHT ~TDH~ PadmaCatahoula Leopard Dog41108
LockedIPnP ExFl ~TDH~ ParvartiCatahoula Leopard Dog39108
LockedGCS JPnP ShiP SandyChinook41110
LockedExSh MiMi ScruffyPug43102
LockedExO ~TDH~ SummitAppenzeller Mountain Dog40104
LockedChO ~TDH~ TrenchAustralian Shepherd40108
LockedChSh MiMi TugPug45102

Game Time

06:46am on Feb 16

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