Roan’s Run Board and Train

Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
20 Locked Dogs
Obedience 1 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNS NP ActiveAeroChinook16
LockedIPnP RB&T Bitch Who Fight Bear In Woods 3HhGreenland Dog618
LockedNHu Catching Fire 16:1Alaskan Klee Kai110
LockedNFr Celebrity ImpersonationXoloitzcuintle113
LockedND RKR Cookies and CreamXoloitzcuintle414
LockedJPnA Dark Lightning 16:0 spdLapponian Herder617
LockedIPnFl Goddess of Storms 19:0Border Collie617
LockedJPnT I Don’t Know WhyChinook618
Lockedintagi stmstm 19:0Brussels Griffon16
LockedJPnSh James WoodsAlaskan Klee Kai414
LockedJPnH ¤W¤ Lapis LazuliAustralian Koolie516
LockedNFl Poor Unfortunate SoulChinook112
LockedAPnS EZLK Red SteeleAlaskan Malamute620
LockedJPnA XIN Silver PothosAustralian Koolie517
LockedIPnFl TXBM Silver Surfer 14:1Alaskan Klee Kai817
LockedVampire’s Kiss 11:0 lalaBelgian Malinois16
LockedWhite Out Blizzard 13HHSaluki16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnO OTK´s Always Rolls SixesBrussels Griffon1228
LockedAFl SRRnl Ariel (24HH)Border Collie1728
LockedAHu RB&T Babybel (like the Cheese)Bichon Frise1634
LockedFor StudAM RB&T Best Be NimbleBrussels Griffon1936
LockedPnHT Dakota ButtonsEnglish Springer Spaniel1167
LockedMO RB&T Devine and ConquerGreenland Dog3053
LockedJARO RB&T GhostAlaskan Klee Kai1232
LockedAPnFl RB&T Goddess of Time 8:0Border Collie1229
LockedPnSh RB&T He’s a Keeper!Alaskan Klee Kai1123
LockedIPnT It Starts With OneChinook1026
LockedAPnRO MillieAlaskan Klee Kai1230
LockedMFr Mister BrightsideLabrador Retriever3148
LockedAPnT OTK´s Nameless and ShamelessLapponian Herder1329
LockedFor StudJASh TGRZ Promise in a Puppy 13HH:2hhMaltese1429
LockedAPnSc RB&T Red Dawn 8:2Belgian Malinois1246
LockedJAH OTK´s Rogue Bullet 19:1Border Collie1430
LockedAPnSh RB&T RubyAlaskan Klee Kai1232
LockedAFl LLHJ RuegerSiberian Husky1639
LockedFor Public SalePnFr Shining with Stardust 3:7Saluki1024
LockedAPnSc RB&T Tougher than a Doggie DominatrixDoberman Pinscher1429

Game Time

06:49pm on Mar 27

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