Lemon's Kennel

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
25 Locked Dogs
Large Critter Pasture
15 Critters
Eurasier Empire
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
48 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMS AddaxSiberian Husky2249
LockedJPnH AlpacaGreat Pyrenees545
LockedANFr BlobfishSaluki313
LockedExH CanaryShetland Sheepdog4191
LockedChFr SforD CatBorder Collie3998
LockedExFl CowBorder Collie3173
LockedExH CoyoteSaarloos Wolfdog3172
LockedExA ~~ CrowLabrador Retriever32113
LockedExP BAYK ErmineAlaskan Malamute33108
LockedAW FallowGolden Retriever1134
LockedANP FerretLagotto Romagnolo421
LockedPnHT FoxAinu Dog1236
LockedJAD Golden EagleSaarloos Wolfdog1235
LockedANP GuppyGreat Pyrenees313
LockedNA KomodoAustralian Shepherd415
LockedMSh MeerkatNorwegian Elkhound3080
LockedPnFr PXL MoleNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1132
LockedANFl OnyxBorder Collie357
LockedExT FPBB OrcaTibetan Mastiff34105
LockedExH Lvl's Polar bearTibetan Mastiff36109
LockedExFl RabbitAlaskan Husky35108
LockedExS Red PandaWest Siberian Laika2977
LockedExHT SheepLagotto Romagnolo33109
LockedExFr §UMO Snowy OwlNorwegian Elkhound3283
LockedAA WoodpeckerShiba Inu1953


  • Pepper the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny Pepper the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • Marshmallow the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny Marshmallow the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • Slushy the Arctic Fox Slushy the Arctic Fox
  • Nilou the Emperor Penguin Nilou the Emperor Penguin
  • Cocoa the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Cocoa the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Chip the Nubian Goat Chip the Nubian Goat
    sing Complete
  • Knot the Blackbird Knot the Blackbird
  • Naomi the Scary Black Cat Naomi the Scary Black Cat
  • Sorbet the Talking Parrot Sorbet the Talking Parrot
  • Cheeto the Yellow Fluffy Duckling Cheeto the Yellow Fluffy Duckling
  • Blueberry the Blue Baby Dragon Blueberry the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Tootsie Roll the Chocolate Hamster Tootsie Roll the Chocolate Hamster
  • Butterscotch the Electric Phoenix Chick Butterscotch the Electric Phoenix Chick
  • Florentine the Icy Phoenix Chick Florentine the Icy Phoenix Chick
  • Chili the Phoenix Chick Chili the Phoenix Chick
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedANFr AlpacaEurasier417
LockedMP BatEurasier2769
LockedExO Black BearEurasier2977
LockedAFl Black FoxEurasier2561
LockedAD BlackbirdEurasier1541
LockedJPnD AO BongoEurasier2342
LockedJPnP CamelEurasier620
LockedAP CapybaraEurasier1644
LockedASh CaracalEurasier2356
LockedMRO CardinalEurasier2663
LockedMP ChartreuxEurasier2975
LockedAT ChickadeeEurasier2258
LockedIPnO ChiruEurasier721
LockedAD CourserEurasier1945
LockedJASh CurlewEurasier1231
LockedIPnRO FinchEurasier721
LockedAPnFr GoldfinchEurasier1128
LockedJPnSh HippoEurasier212
LockedIPnFl HorseEurasier721
LockedJPnP HummingbirdEurasier721
LockedMA IbisEurasier2562
LockedJAD JuncoEurasier1028
LockedASh KangarooEurasier2562
LockedNHu LeopardEurasier415
LockedPnFr LionEurasier1026
LockedJPnO LlamaEurasier620
LockedAD LoryEurasier1434
LockedAO MagpieEurasier1333
LockedPnSh MambaEurasier1026
LockedMT MouseEurasier2981
LockedAFl OrioleEurasier1947
LockedASh OwlEurasier1640
LockedAFr PloverEurasier1948
LockedMO RaccoonEurasier2456
LockedAD RavenEurasier1844
LockedPnSh RobinEurasier1025
LockedJAT Sand CatEurasier1434
LockedIPnHu SeahorseEurasier721
LockedAD ShrikeEurasier1539
LockedAPnFr SnakeEurasier1129
LockedJAD SparrowEurasier1331
LockedChFr SquirrelEurasier41106
LockedPnD StarlingEurasier926
LockedExRO Sun BearEurasier3190
LockedNHu TetraEurasier417
LockedAFl TowheeEurasier1742
LockedJAFr ViperEurasier1232
LockedJASh WaxwingEurasier1537

Game Time

07:44am on Mar 3

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