Paula's Paws on the Heart Kennel

Earthdog Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Sales 1
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
35 Locked Dogs
Wire Fox Terriers
Premium Kennel
4 Dogs
2 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Earthdog Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Phoenix GSM
Premium Kennel
9 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
Redbone Coonhounds
Elite Kennel
4 Dogs
0 Pups
9 Locked Dogs
Chesapeake BB
Elite Kennel
3 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
St Bernards BB
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
13 Pups
26 Locked Dogs
Mastiff BB
Elite Kennel
18 Dogs
8 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
14 Dogs
2 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
Phoenix possibilities breeding
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
18 Locked Dogs
Sales 3
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
22 Locked Dogs
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Brussels Griffon BB
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
5 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnRO PJS1 * Linen White 5* 21HH 1.110 chacha intchaBichon Frise915
LockedJASc PJS1 Ann Boleyn 6HH GEGE lla spdMastiff1528
LockedJAD Bathsheba 5* 8HH 2xcha 1.172 BBChesapeake Bay Retriever1221
LockedJPnFr Camellia 4* Lla 15HH 3xcha 1.185Chesapeake Bay Retriever615
LockedJPnFr Caroline EEGE Lla 11HH agicha spdcha 1.110Chesapeake Bay Retriever615
LockedAPnSc PJS1 Catherine Howard EEGG 4HH Lla Spd stmMastiff1324
LockedIPnD Cato 5* 9HH 2xcha 1.037Chesapeake Bay Retriever613
LockedJAD PJS1 Charity 5* 10HH 3xcha 1.103Chesapeake Bay Retriever1019
LockedJAD Christobel GGGG Lla 4HH stmstm chacha keepChesapeake Bay Retriever1225
LockedIPnD Cilla GEGG Lla 9HH 3xcha 1.103Chesapeake Bay Retriever615
LockedAD Claire EGEG Lla 6HH keepChesapeake Bay Retriever1536
LockedIPnFT Clara 4* Lla 14HH 3xcha 1.038Chesapeake Bay Retriever615
LockedJPnFT Connie 4* Lla 14HH 3xch 1.038Chesapeake Bay Retriever615
LockedPnFT PJS1 Cordelia EEGE lala 12HH 3xcha 1.185Chesapeake Bay Retriever1016
LockedJPnFT Crocus 4* Lla 14HH 2xcha 1.037Chesapeake Bay Retriever615
LockedCCS PJS1 Emerald Str Silver Lining 6* 1.320 strspd agistrSamoyed3750
LockedMD PJS1 Emerald West Indies EEGE lala 13HH 3xcha 1.172Chesapeake Bay Retriever2028
LockedIPnT PJS1 Emma Stone EGGG 13HH Lla 1.150. READY TO LEVELRedbone Coonhound916
LockedAPnA PJS1 Emma Watson EGGG Lla 9HH 1.165Redbone Coonhound1321
LockedJAFT Fiona EGGG Lla 9 2xcha 1.093 BBChesapeake Bay Retriever1322
LockedAFT PJS1 Hawaii 5* 12HH intcha stmcha 1.175Chesapeake Bay Retriever1422
LockedJAFT PJS1 Honolulu 5* 12HH stmcha strcha 1.188Chesapeake Bay Retriever1422
LockedPnSh Jennifer Hudson GGEE 11HH Lla 1.133 3xagi yikesRedbone Coonhound1019
LockedPnFr PJS1 Katherine Hepburn GEEE 11HH lala 1.183Redbone Coonhound1018
LockedJPnH Knickerbocker Glory 5* 10HH 1.185 intstr stmstrKuvasz713
LockedIPnH Fael Lamplight EGEE lala 9HH 1.070 strstr intintKuvasz1019
LockedPnP PJS1 Light of Day 4* Lla 11HH 1.038 4xstrKuvasz1019
LockedAP Llanddona EEGG Lla 7HH spdstm agiagiChesapeake Bay Retriever2444
LockedJAFT Madeira EEGE Lla 13 2xcha 1.170Chesapeake Bay Retriever1422
LockedAFl FPBB Marie Antoinette GGGE Lla 2HHMastiff2044
LockedFor StudAFr PJS1 Marlon 4* Lla 14HH agicha spdcha 1.037Chesapeake Bay Retriever2133
LockedIPnD Maxine EEEG lla 7HH intstr spdcha BB 1.110Chesapeake Bay Retriever615
LockedIPnP MO SRMK Richard the Lionheart GGGG 7HH Ll 1.005Mastiff2855
LockedFor Public SaleMP PJS1 Sapphire Cinderella 5* 16HH 1.588 4xagi READY TO LEVEL + FAB DOGGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2936
LockedGCSh Winter Solstice GGGG lala 1.323 strcha intstr READY TO LEVELRedbone Coonhound4977
Order By:


AA OTK´s Fancy 4* Lla 16HH 1.062 agiint intspdWire Fox Terrier2644
ChO OTK´s Kettukarkki 6* 1.050 4xspdWire Fox Terrier3562
ExFl OTK´s Matisse 6* 1.073 4xspdWire Fox Terrier3760
GCHu IPnM Sorceress 5* 9HH 1.208 chaspd chaspdWire Fox Terrier4471
Order By:

Young Dogs

NE 5* 15HH 1.185 4xspd EarthWire Fox Terrier19
NRO Puppy 10 23-3 issue over apt spdWire Fox Terrier19
Order By:


MT PJS1 Camille 5* 20HH 3xstm 1.482Redbone Coonhound3237
MT PJS1 Frankenstein 5* 23HH 4x stms 1.482 (2)Redbone Coonhound3237
PnT PJS1 Sunrise II 6* 1.417 4xstm 267+26Redbone Coonhound1015
JPnT PJS1 Sunset 6* 1.417 4xstm 261+34Redbone Coonhound915
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnFr PJS1 Butter & Bread 5* 16HH 1.135Redbone Coonhound916
LockedJPnFr PJS1 Butter Churn 5* 17-2Redbone Coonhound614
LockedIPnT PJS1 Butter Pat 5* 18-3Redbone Coonhound1016
LockedJPnT Butterbean 5* 15-3Redbone Coonhound916
LockedJPnT PJS1 Buttercup 5* 16-2-2Redbone Coonhound714
LockedJPnT Butterfly 5* 17-3Redbone Coonhound916
LockedIPnD PJS1 Buttermilk 5* 15-2Redbone Coonhound614
LockedPnFl Buttery 5* 17-3Redbone Coonhound1016
LockedWCT PJS1 Sunrise 5* 23HH 1.270 intstm stmintRedbone Coonhound70111
Order By:


PnFT PJS1 * Jamaica Inn 5* 22HH 4xchaChesapeake Bay Retriever1017
PnFT PJS1 * Sylvia Plath 5* 22HH 1.135 4xchaChesapeake Bay Retriever1017
IPnFT PJS1 */Daphne Du Maurier 4* Lla 23HH 1.058 4xcha LEVEL UPChesapeake Bay Retriever1017
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedANFT PJS1 Anne of Green Gables 5* 19HH 3xstm 1.105Chesapeake Bay Retriever513
LockedFor StudANFT PJS1 Baker GGGG 12HH 3xchaChesapeake Bay Retriever613
LockedIPnD PJS1 BB Dock diving Dee 5* 17-3 EEEEChesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedIPnD PJS1 BB Dock Diving Donna 5* 20-4Chesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedIPnFr PJS1 BB Frisbee Fae 5* 17-4 LlaChesapeake Bay Retriever915
LockedIPnFr PJS1 BB Frisbee Fiona 5* 20-3Chesapeake Bay Retriever815
LockedPnFr PJS1 BB Frisbee Freya 5* 13-3Chesapeake Bay Retriever815
LockedIPnFr PJS1 BB Frisbee Frieda 18-4Chesapeake Bay Retriever815
LockedJPnFT PJS1 BB Jane Doe EEGE 16HH Lala 1.110 chacha spdchaChesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedIPnM PJS1 BB Musical Mandy WA 5* 19-3 EEEEChesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedJPnFT PJS1 BB Sally 17-3 Lla hhChesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedJPnFT PJS1 Christina Rossetti 5* 21HH 1.135 3xchaChesapeake Bay Retriever613
LockedJPnM PJS1 Echo 5* 20HH 1.118 4xcha WAChesapeake Bay Retriever513
LockedANFT PJS1 Echo II 4* Lla 19-4Chesapeake Bay Retriever613
LockedANFT PJS1 Elizabeth Gaskell 5* 20-4 LlaChesapeake Bay Retriever513
LockedJPnFT PJS1 Enid Blyton 5* 18-4Chesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedJPnFT PJS1 George Eliot 5* 18HH 4xchaChesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedANFT PJS1 Heidi 5* 21-3Chesapeake Bay Retriever613
LockedJPnFT PJS1 Iris Murdoch 5* 21HH 4xchaChesapeake Bay Retriever513
LockedJPnFT PJS1 Jacqueline Wilson 5* 17-4 hhChesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedJPnFT PJS1 Jane Austen 5* 21HH 4xchaChesapeake Bay Retriever513
LockedJPnFT PJS1 Jennifer Saunders 20-2Chesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedANFT PJS1 Jilly Cooper 4* 21HH 1.113 4 LlaChesapeake Bay Retriever513
LockedJPnFT PJS1 Joanna Harris 20-4 hh GChesapeake Bay Retriever613
LockedFor StudANFT PJS1 John Milton 5* 22HH 1.118 agicha strchaChesapeake Bay Retriever513
LockedJPnFT PJS1 Julie Walter’s 5* 18HH 4xchaChesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedANFT PJS1 Margaret Atwood 5* 21-3Chesapeake Bay Retriever513
LockedANFT PJS1 Pauline Quirke 4* Lla 21-4Chesapeake Bay Retriever613
LockedJPnFT PJS1 Pippa Longstocking 5* 19-4Chesapeake Bay Retriever714
LockedFor StudANFT PJS1 Tailor 5* 16-3Chesapeake Bay Retriever613
Order By:

Young Dogs

NW PJS1 Puppy 2 11-2Saint Bernard110
NW PJS1 Puppy 2 11-2 Spd waterSaint Bernard17
NW PJS1 Puppy 2 13-3spdSaint Bernard17
NP PJS1 Puppy 2 14-3spd WA breed for waterSaint Bernard17
NP PJS1 Puppy 2 15-2str 1spd lla str pullingSaint Bernard17
NW PJS1 Puppy 3 11-2agi Spd waterSaint Bernard17
NW PJS1 Puppy 3 12-2 Spd waterSaint Bernard17
NW PJS1 Puppy 3 13-2spdSaint Bernard17
NW PJS1 Puppy 3 14-2spd lla waterSaint Bernard17
NP PJS1 Puppy 4 11-2 spd WASaint Bernard17
NW PJS1 Puppy 4 12-2-2Saint Bernard110
NW PJS1 Puppy 4 13-2Saint Bernard110
NW NFl PJS1 Puppy 8 11-3Saint Bernard110
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedANFl Amazonia GGEE lala 3HH agicha spdstm Flyball READY TO LEVELSaint Bernard918
LockedAW FPBB Annie GEGG Water StrSaint Bernard720
LockedJPnFl PJS1 Aretha Franklin 6* 1.630 4xstm 631Saint Bernard914
LockedIPnO Boadicea GGGG Ll 3HHSaint Bernard921
LockedJPnFl FPBB Brandy GEGG Lla intspd stmstm flyballSaint Bernard921
LockedPnD Braveheart GEGG ll spdstr intstrSaint Bernard921
LockedIPnFl PJS1 Carly Simon 6* 1.630 4xstm 276+29Saint Bernard914
LockedIPnFl PJS1 Cher 5* 23HH 1.627 4xstm 276+27Saint Bernard914
LockedIPnFl PJS1 Diana Ross 6* 1.638 4xstm 599Saint Bernard914
LockedJPnFl PJS1 Dionne Warwick 6* 1.638 4xstm 279+34Saint Bernard814
LockedIPnFl PJS1 Ella Fitzgerald 5* 23HH 1.618 4xstm 604Saint Bernard814
LockedIPnFl PJS1 Gladys Knight 6* 1.627 4xstm 605Saint Bernard914
LockedAW FPBB Honey GGGG water PullingSaint Bernard620
LockedPnO Joan of Arc FGEE LLSaint Bernard921
LockedPnFl PJS1 Lionel Richie 6* 1.627 4xstm 615Saint Bernard1317
LockedJPnFl PJS1 Luther Vandross 6* 1.630 4xstm 605Saint Bernard814
LockedIPnFl PJS1 Martha Reeves 6* 1.627 4xstm 270+32Saint Bernard914
LockedJPnFl PJS1 Marvin Gaye 6* 1.627 4xstm 620Saint Bernard814
LockedIPnFl PJS1 Petula Clark 5* 23HH 1.627 4xstm 601Saint Bernard914
LockedJPnFl PJS1 Roberta Flack 5* 23HH 1.635 4xstm 603Saint Bernard914
LockedAW FPBB Sadie GGGG WaterSaint Bernard620
LockedJPnFl PJS1 Sandi Shaw 6* 1.630 4xstm 284+26Saint Bernard914
LockedIPnFl PJS1 Smokey Robinson 6* 1.635 4xstm 608Saint Bernard914
LockedIPnFl PJS1 Stevie Wonder 6* 1.618 4xstm 281+30Saint Bernard914
LockedPnP FPBB Wisp EGGG Lla PullingSaint Bernard921
LockedJPnFl FPBB Xena GGGG Lla spdstm spdstr flyball READY TO LEVELSaint Bernard918
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAFr PJS1 Amenet EEEE 16HH Ll 1.138 stmspd agispdPharaoh Hound2031
LockedJPnRO Ds2CR Ashley EEEG mixedMastiff931
LockedJAFT PJS1 Barbados EEEE lla 10HH 3xcha 1.175Chesapeake Bay Retriever1320
LockedFor StudJAFT PJS1 Bermuda 5* 11HH 2xcha 1.170Chesapeake Bay Retriever1321
LockedAPnP PJS1 Candlelight 4* Lla 13HH 1.038 spdstr strstrKuvasz1119
LockedPnFl PJS1 Catherine Parr EEGG 3HH Lla spdMastiff1325
LockedJAD PJS1 Corsica EEEE Lla 13HH strcha agicha 1.098Chesapeake Bay Retriever1121
LockedJPnSc Ds2CR Danielle EEEG 3xstm SchutzMastiff931
LockedCCA PJS1 Determined Deirdre 6* 1.618 4xint 5:3 SCENTAffenpinscher5966
LockedAPnSc PJS1 Emily Brontë EGEE 9HH lala 1.268 spd issueMastiff1220
LockedPnO PJS1 Firelight 4* lla 11HH 1.045 3xstrKuvasz1119
LockedJPnO PJS1 Garnet Lla 19-3Kuvasz714
LockedASc PJS1 Henry VI 4* 1.197Mastiff1827
LockedExT E.K's Ice Cream Sundae GGGG 2HH lala intstr spdstmKuvasz3970
LockedFor Public SaleJASh PJS1 Int Orange Drizzle Cake EGGG lala 10 3xint 1. 005 2/3German Pinscher1626
LockedMO Karaoke EEEG 9/2 lla chaint agicha 1.187Kuvasz2539
LockedAH BCHDN Karma 4* Lla 5HH/19Hh agiagi stmstm 1.245Kuvasz2437
LockedPnP PJS1 Lighthouse 4*Lla 1.038 15HH 4xstr NA READY TO LEVELKuvasz918
LockedJPnSc Ds2CR Mallory EEGE Schutz agispd stmstrMastiff931
LockedJPnA Ds2CR MeatballMastiff931
LockedANO PJS1 Opal 20-3Kuvasz614
LockedPnP Peach Melba EGEE lala 7HH 1.185 strstr stmstr NAKuvasz915
LockedJPnO PJS1 Puppy 3 20-4Kuvasz713
LockedJPnO PJS1 Puppy 3 5* 19Kuvasz713
LockedJPnO PJS1 Quartz 5* 17-3Kuvasz614
LockedCCA PJS1 Quiet Queenie 6* 1.627 4xint 283+24 Agility 3:2Affenpinscher6472
LockedJPnO PJS1 Ruby 5* 17-3Kuvasz714
LockedANP PJS1 Shade 5* 10HH 1.040 4xstrKuvasz514
LockedCCS PJS1 Snow Angel 6* 1.627 4xspd 288+25Samoyed5463
LockedCCA PJS1 Wonderful Wanda 6* 1.603 4xint 554Affenpinscher6068
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJPnM BelleBrussels Griffon616
LockedNSh Betty GGGG Lla 2xint 2/3Brussels Griffon716
LockedJPnHu Billie GGEG LL mixed Scent + AgilityBrussels Griffon616
LockedNA PJS1 Bridget GFGG lala 2xagiBrussels Griffon716
LockedNSh Briony EEEG lala spdstm agistm 2/3Brussels Griffon716


APnM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x NA PJS1 Bridget GFGG lala 2xagi
(Brussels Griffon)
APnM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x NSh Betty GGGG Lla 2xint 2/3
(Brussels Griffon)
APnM PJS1 Honeycomb Icecream 6* 1.165 4xcha 155+26 x NSh Briony EEEG lala spdstm agistm 2/3
(Brussels Griffon)
ChFl PJS1 Spd Winston 6* 1.307 spdspd spdcha x AW FPBB Annie GEGG Water Str
(Saint Bernard)
ChFl PJS1 Spd Winston 6* 1.307 spdspd spdcha x AW FPBB Honey GGGG water Pulling
(Saint Bernard)
ChFl PJS1 Spd Winston 6* 1.307 spdspd spdcha x AW FPBB Sadie GGGG Water
(Saint Bernard)
LockedFOR SALE UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x ICO PJS1 * Emerald Petula Clark 6* 1.595 4xagi
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedFOR SALE UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x WCA PJS1 * Darcey Bussell 5* 23HH 1.557 4xagi
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedFOR SALE UCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x WCM PJS1 Emerald Vera Lynn 6* 1.577 4xagi
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 */Daphne Du Maurier 4* Lla 23HH 1.058 4xcha
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Anne of Green Gables 5* 19HH 3xstm 1.105
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Christina Rossetti 5* 21HH 1.135 3xcha
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Echo II 4* Lla 19-4
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Elizabeth Gaskell 5* 20-4 Lla
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 George Eliot 5* 18HH 4xcha
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Heidi 5* 21-3
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Jacqueline Wilson 5* 17-4 hh
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Jennifer Saunders 20-2
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Jilly Cooper 4* 21HH 1.113 4 Lla
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Joanna Harris 20-4 hh G
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Julie Walter’s 5* 18HH 4xcha
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Margaret Atwood 5* 21-3
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x ANFT PJS1 Pauline Quirke 4* Lla 21-4
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x GCM HFDS Monday 5* 1.015 3xcha
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x JPnFT PJS1 Enid Blyton 5* 18-4
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x JPnFT PJS1 Pippa Longstocking 5* 19-4
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x JPnM PJS1 Echo 5* 20HH 1.118 4xcha WA
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x NFT PJS1 Iris Murdoch 5* 21HH 4xcha
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
GCFr PJS1 Samson Agonistes 5* 23HH 4xcha 1.232 + FT x NFT PJS1 Jane Austen 5* 21HH 4xcha
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
LockedICE PJS1 * Ross Poldark 6* 1.785 4xspd 641 6:0 x ICE PJS1 * Galadriel II 6* 1.797 4xspd 639 BOB 6:2
(Miniature Schnauzer)
LockedICE PJS1 * Ross Poldark 6* 1.785 4xspd 641 6:0 x ICE PJS1 * Mary Poppins 6* 1.785 4xspd 636 BOB 5:0
(Miniature Schnauzer)
LockedICE PJS1 * Ross Poldark 6* 1.785 4xspd 641 7:0 x ICE PJS1 * Galadriel II 6* 1.797 4xspd 639 BOB 7:2
(Miniature Schnauzer)
LockedICE PJS1 * Ross Poldark 6* 1.785 4xspd 641 7:0 x ICE PJS1 * Mary Poppins 6* 1.785 4xspd 636 BOB 5:0
(Miniature Schnauzer)
ICRO PJS1 * Daley Thomson 6* 1.732 4xstr 603 9:1 BOB x ICRO PJS1 * Emily Brontë 6* 1.730 4xstr 279+28 BOB 7:0 BOB
(Bracco Italiano)
ICRO PJS1 * Daley Thomson 6* 1.732 4xstr 603 9:1 BOB x UCRO PJS1 * Harper Lee 6* 1.727 4xstr 607. BOB
(Bracco Italiano)
MFl OTK´s Matisse 6* 1.073 4xspd x AA OTK´s Fancy 4* Lla 16HH 1.062 agiint intspd
(Wire Fox Terrier)
MT PJS1 Frankenstein 5* 23HH 4x stms 1.482 (2) x JPnD PJS1 Buttermilk 5* 15-2
(Redbone Coonhound)
MT PJS1 Frankenstein 5* 23HH 4x stms 1.482 (2) x JPnFr PJS1 Butter Churn 5* 17-2
(Redbone Coonhound)
MT PJS1 Frankenstein 5* 23HH 4x stms 1.482 (2) x JPnT PJS1 Buttercup 5* 16-2-2
(Redbone Coonhound)
NCM PJS1 Swiss Roll 6* 1.117 chax4 x JPnHu Billie GGEG LL mixed Scent + Agility
(Brussels Griffon)
NCM PJS1 Swiss Roll 6* 1.117 chax4 x JPnM Belle
(Brussels Griffon)
LockedUCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x UCA PJS1 * Freema Agyeman 6* 1.638 4xagi 611 11:3
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedUCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x UCA PJS1 * Karen Gillan 6* 1.667 4xagi 627 8 2
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedUCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x WCA PJS1 * Alex Kingston 6* 1.635 4xagi 615 10:3
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedUCA PJS1 * Tom Baker 6* 1.673 4xagi 623 17:5 x WCA PJS1 * Billie Piper 6* 1.647 4xagi 632 8 1
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Autumn Darter Dragonfly 8:0 6* 1.568 4xstm 574
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Butterfly Dragonfly 6* 4xstm 571 12:4
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Rivercruiser Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 575 17:2
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Rivercruiser Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 575 17:2
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x UCFT PJS1 Spiketail Dragonfly 6* 1.560 4xstm 580 8:2
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x WCFT PJS1 Autumn Darter Dragonfly 8:0 6* 1.568 4xstm 574
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x WCFT PJS1 Meadowhawks Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 589 8:3
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedUCFT PJS1 Emperor Dragonfly 6* 1.572 4xstm 581 10:4 x WCFT PJS1 Spiketail Dragonfly 6* 1.560 4xstm 580 8:2
(Bracco Italiano)
UCO PJS1 Scrappy 6* 1.665 4xstr x ICE PJS1 Chameleon 6* 1.502 4xstr
(Cairn Terrier)
UCSc KoWW [24] lala 1.560 x CCSc ~CRK~ Str Catherine of Aragon 5* 19HH 1.287 strstr spdstr 6:1
UCSc KoWW [24] lala 1.560 x WCSc PJS1 Str Amelia Erhart 5* 20HH 3xstr 1.493 5:0
UCSc KoWW [24] lala 1.560 x WCSc PJS1 The Red Queen 5* 21HH 1.545 stmstr spdstr
UCSc KoWW [24] lala 1.560 x WCSc PJS1 The White Queen 5* 20HH 1.545 spdstr spdstr
WCFr HaaKe Chesapeakelahdennoutaja B3 20HH lala 4cha M x IPnFr PJS1 BB Frisbee Fae 5* 17-4 Lla
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
WCFr HaaKe Chesapeakelahdennoutaja B3 20HH lala 4cha M x IPnFr PJS1 BB Frisbee Frieda 18-4
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
WCFr HaaKe Chesapeakelahdennoutaja B3 20HH lala 4cha M x JPnFr PJS1 BB Frisbee Fiona 5* 20-3
(Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
LockedWCFT PJS1 Skimmers Dragonfly 6* 1.565 4xstm 590 4:2 x WCFT PJS1 Stm Grass Green 6* 1.553 4xstm
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedWCFT PJS1 Skimmers Dragonfly 6* 1.565 4xstm 590 4:2 x WCFT PJS1 Wandering Glider Dragonfly 6* 1.568 4xstm 583 12:6
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedWCFT PJS1 Sydney Hawk Dragonfly 6* 1.568 4xstm 10:4 579 x WCFT PJS1 Butterfly Dragonfly 6* 4xstm 571 12:3
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedWCFT PJS1 Sydney Hawk Dragonfly 6* 1.568 4xstm 10:4 579 x WCFT PJS1 Petal Tail Dragonfly 6* 1.568 4xstm 584 6:3
(Bracco Italiano)
LockedWCH PJS1 Shreveport 6* 1.568 4xagi 4:1 x WCH PJS1 Baton Rouge 6* 1.623 4xagi 2:0
(Catahoula Leopard Dog)
LockedWCH PJS1 Shreveport 6* 1.568 4xagi 4:1 x WCH PJS1 Belle Chasse 6* 1.610 4xagi 5:2
(Catahoula Leopard Dog)
LockedWCH PJS1 Shreveport 6* 1.568 4xagi 4:1 x WCH PJS1 New Iberia 6* 1.572 4xagi 3:2
(Catahoula Leopard Dog)
WCSc STRMY Pistachio 23-0 lala strx3 x WCSc PJS1 Str Charlotte Brontë 4* 15 Lla 1.472 spdstr stmstr
WCSc STRMY Pistachio 23-0 lala strx3 x WCSc PJS1 Str Marjorie Blackman 5* 16HH 3xstr 1.472

Game Time

09:41am on Jan 18

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